Read the text and translate it in the written form

What we sense we interpret, and this psychological process is called "perception". By perception we mean the process by which we become aware of and interpret or identify the sensations we receive. There are a lot of factors that influence our perceptions. Inheritance seems to be one fac­tor. Depth perception, for example, is a response that is found in very young children, and also in new-born animals. Learning is another influ­ence. Perception depends on what you are used to, what you expect, and the context of your experience.

Our learning experiences also help us to understand the differences in the sensations we receive.

Inheritance and experience are not the only factors which affect our understanding of the stimuli from our senses. All the different cues about the stimulus will determine the way we interpret it. The surrounding cues and features of the environment, derivable from all our different senses,collectively, contribute to the total process of perception. They may aid or distort our knowledge of the world.

The top one with the arrow ends seems to be shorter, but if you measure them you will find them to be exactly the same in length. This illustrates that the total context of an object we are observing may change our per­ception of it. The relation between the stimulus-in-the-context and the viewer causes the perception to be incorrect. This sort of phenomenon is sometimes called a visual illusion. The movement of the pictures of the cinema, where the still pictures are successively exposed to the eye to give the effect of movement, is also, in an obvious sense, illusory.

Perception is influenced by the condition or state of the person at the time. We tend to perceive things as we need or want to be rather than as they are. Standing on the street corner and waiting for someone we know, we find that we may make a number of errors of recognition. We think a person is our friend, and he is a complete stranger. The tendency to inter­pret things or people in a way that satisfies our motives or needs is typical of the manner in which our mental processes operate in perception. The reverse can also happen. We may not notice someone we are very familiar with, simply because we are not expecting to meet them.

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is perception?
  2. What factors may influence perception?
  3. What docs perception depend on?
  4. Do our learning experiences help us to interpret our sensations?
  5. How may the features of environment influence the total process of perception?
  6. What causes perception to be incorrect?
  7. The field of visual perception has been most fully investigated, hasn't it?

Fill in the banks using the words from the text.

1. By ... we mean the process by which we ... ... of and interpret or identify the sensations we receive.

2. There are a lot of factors that ... our perceptions.

3. Depth ... , for example, is a response that is found in very young children, and also in new-born animals.

4. Perception ... on what you are used to, what you expect, and the ... of your ... .

5. Our learning experiences also help us to understand the ... in the sensations we receive.

6. ... and ... are not the only factors which affect our understanding of the stimuli from our senses.

7. All the different cues about the stimulus will ... the ... we interpret it.

Insert proper word.

1. The surrounding cues and features of the environment, derivable from all our different senses,collectively, contribute to the total _____ of perception.

a) process b) method c) way

2. They may aid or distort our _____ of the world.

a) Understanding b) perception c) knowledge

3. This _____that the total context of an object we are observing may change our per­ception of it.

a) Illustrates b) prows c) shows

4. The relation between the stimulus-in-the-context and the viewer causes the perception to be _____.

a) wrong b) mistaken c) incorrect

5. This sort of phenomenon is sometimes called a visual _____.

a) illusion b) imagination c) fantasy

6. The movement of the pictures of the cinema, where the still pictures are successively _____ to the eye to give the effect of movement, is also, in an obvious sense, illusory.

a) presented b) demonstrated c) exposed

7. We think a person is our friend, and he is a complete ____.

a) stranger b) a mate c) eriend

Choose the right variants.

1. The dentist told me _____ more careful when I brush my teeth.

A) will be
B) being
C) to be
D) be

2. You can’t _____ your car outside the hospital.

A) parks
B) to park
C) park
D) parking

3. My family is trying _____ where to go on holiday.

A) decided
B) decide
C) to decide
D) deciding

4. I’d like _____ somewhere different for a change.

A) went
B) to go
C) go
D) going

5.They refuse _____ out on trips if it’s too hot.

A) to going
B) to go
C) going
D) go

6. The man_____ at the table is our teacher.

A) to sit

B) having sat

C) sitting

D) having been sat

7. The houses _____ in our town are not very high.

A) being built

B) having been built

C) building

D) to build

8.____ home I met an old friend.

A) to go

B) going

C) having gone

D) went

9. _____ work I went home.

A) finishing

B) finished

C) Having finished

D) to finish

10. The boy _____ in the yard is my brother.

A) played

B) having played

C) playing

D) to play

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