Talk about things in your classroom. Use this/that/these/those.


- This is my favourite pen.

- These chairs are nice.

- That bag is big.

- Those windows are dirty.

Match the adjectives with their opposites.

difficult clean expensive hot young big exciting dirty cheap boring small cold old easy

Make up sentences with the adjectives from ex. 17.

Example: My life is exciting.

This exercise is easy.

My father’s car is expensive.

Study the adjectives we use to describe people.

Appearance (внешность)   good –looking/pretty/attractive – привлекательный well-groomed – ухоженный nice – милый, приятный tall – высокий short – низкий, короткий medium (height) – средний (рост) slender/slim – стройный well-built – хорошо сложенный stout – полный blond/fair (hair) – светлый dark – темный red – рыжий grey – серый, седой blue – голубой green – зеленый hazel – карий long - длинный Character (характер)   sociable/friendly/easy-going – общительный calm – спокойный generous – щедрый hard-working – трудолюбивый shy/modest – скромный cheerful – веселый kind – добрый witty – остроумный optimistic/ pessimistic – ambitious – честолюбивый moody – раздражительный lazy – ленивый arrogant – высокомерный strict – строгий serious - серьезный

Read and translate the sentences with these adjectives.

1) My father is a tall and well-built man.

2) Mu sister is slender and pretty.

3) My sister’s hair is long and thick.

4) His mother is a well-groomed woman of 44.

5) My eyes are blue and my hair is dark.

6) By character my grandmother is calm and generous.

7) Hard-working people are often ambitious.

8) Her boyfriend is friendly and witty.

9) My uncle is a stout man of medium height.

10) My niece is an attractive girl with hazel eyes and fair hair.

Make up sentences with these words.

1) Cheerful/ children/ are/ easy-going/ and/ her.

2) Mother/ medium height/ a/ good-looking/ of/ my/ is/ woman.

3) Generous/ are/ parents/ but/ our/ strict.

4) Kind/ usually/ sociable/ and/ people/ are/ optimistic.

5) Shy/by character/ cousin/ is/ very/ calm/ my/ and.

6) Pretty/ is/ arrogant/ daughter/ lazy/ but/ her.

Describe your relative’s character and appearance. Use the adjectives from ex. 19.

Answer the questions.

1) What is your character?

2) What colour is your hair?

3) What colour are your eyes?

4) Are you short or tall?

5) Is your father well-built?

6) Is your mother of medium height?

7) Are your parents hard-working people?

8) Are you an optimistic person?

Read and translate the text about Andrey’s family.

My family

My name is Andrey. My surname is Volkov. I am 18 and I am a student of Polotsk State University. I am tall and slender. I’ve got short dark hair and green eyes. By character I am a sociable and optimistic person. I am not married. I live with my parents.

Our family is not large. My father’s name is Alexander Ivanovich. He is 50. He is an engineer. My father is a tall and well-built man with hazel eyes and short fair hair. By character he is calm, serious and hard-working. My mother’s name is Anna Petrovna. She is 47. She is a school teacher. My mother is a good-looking woman of medium height. She’s got long dark hair and a charming smile. My mother is very kind, friendly, generous and clever. I haven’t got a brother, but I’ve got a wonderful sister. Her name is Olga. She is 25. She is a slim lady with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. Olga is married to Anton. He is an ambitious man with a great sense of humour. They are both doctors. They’ve got a daughter. My niece’s name is Alina. She is 2 years old. She is very nice and funny. I also have grandparents. They are retired and live in the country. We are a happy family.

Look at the sentences from the text.

I’ve got short dark hair and green eyes.

She’s got a charming smile.

They’ve got a daughter.

I haven’t got a brother, but I’ve got a wonderful sister.

Do you understand them?

Can you fill in the gaps?

Example: I’ve got three cousins.

He’s/She’s ___ hazel eyes.

We’ve/They’ve ___ a son and a daughter.

I haven’t ____ any children.

He/She hasn’t ____ a car.

We/They haven’t ____ a dog.

Study the rule.

Have gotчасто используется в разговорном английском языке для выражения:


I’ve got a new car.


They have got two children.

Have может использоваться вместо have gotс такими же значениями. Но будьте внимательны! Отрицательная и вопросительная формы have и have got образуются по-разному.

Study the forms of have got.

Positive form I / you / we / they’ve got (= have got) he / she / it’s got (= has got) a new telephone number.   a television.
Negative form I / you / we / theyhaven’t got (= have not got) he / she / ithasn’t got (= has not got) a cassette player.   a mobile phone.
Question form HaveI / you / we / theygot Hashe / she / it got an English-Portuguese dictionary? a CD player?
Short answers Yes, I / you / we / they have. Yes, he / she / it has. No, I / you / we / they haven’t No, he / she / it hasn’t.

27. Complete the gaps with the correct form of have got.

1. I think her parents are rich – they _____ four cars.

2. Sorry, I _____ a pen with me.

3. We _____ a dog. His name’s Alfie.

4. Annie’s from a very big family. She _____ six brothers.

5. ____ you ____ a computer?

6. ____ she ____ a big house?

7. He ______ a bike, but he _____ a car.

8. How many brothers and sisters ____ you ____?

9. Who _______ blue eyes?

10. Sorry, I _____ a mobile. It’s at home.

28. Work with your group-mate. Ask and answer questions about you and your family members. Use have got in the correct form.

Example: Have you got a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Has your brother got his own family?

Who has got dark hair in your family?

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