We use a/an for jobs. Write a or an where necessary.

1. My mother is ___engineer.

2. Are you ___ student?

3. My sister is ___dentist.

4. Her boyfriend is ___ doctor.

5. Sandra Bullock is ___ American actress.

6. Picasso was ___famous painter.

7. His parents are ___ teachers.

8. My brother is ___ good driver.

Answer the questions about your family.

1. What is your mother?

2. What is your father?

3. What is your brother/sister?

4. What are you?

Pay attention that we often use –er, –or to form jobs. –ess is often used for women.

Example: to act – actor, actress

to teach – teacher

to paint - painter

Use the verbs to form the nouns. Translate them.

to work

to operate

to drive

to play
to build

to farm

to sing

to write

Make up your own sentences with the nouns from ex. 29.

Example:Dina Rubina is my favourite writer.

Victoria Azarenka is a talented tennis player.

Study the rule.

Когда мы впервые упоминаем о каком-либо предмете или явлении, используется неопределенный артикль а, an. Определенный артикль the употребляется, когда собеседнику ясно, о каком предмете идет речь.

Артикль the также употребляется:

1. Когда речь идет об уникальных объектах: the sun, the moon, the world.

2. С названиями морей, рек, океанов, каналов, музеев, театров, гостиниц, газет: the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the (River) Thames, the British Museum, the Ritz, The Times.

3. C названиями стран, если есть слова «republic/states/kingdom» или они даны во множественном числе: the Republic of Belarus, the United Kingdom, the USA, the Netherlands.

Артикль отсутствует:

1. С именами собственными: Anna, Jack Smith.

2. С названиями континентов, городов, стран, улиц, аэропортов, университетов, журналов: Africa, London, France, Coronation Street, Munich Airport, Oxford University, Cosmopolitan.

Но: the Hague (город Гаага).

3. В ряде сочетаний: at home, at/to work, in/to bed, at/to school, by bus/car/plane/train, on foot.

(В действительности существует гораздо больше сочетаний с артиклями и без, которые вы выучите со временем).

30. Use a/an or the where necessary.

1. This is ___book. ___book is interesting.

2. We have ___ cat and ____ dog. ___ cat is old, but ___ dog is just a puppy.

3. Where is ___ park? It’s close to ___Dvina River.

4. David is ___ doctor in ___ hospital.

5. ___ teachers are very good here.

6. ___ sun is hot today. ___ sky is absolutely clear.

7. ___ Oslo is ___ capital of Norway.

8. ___ Belarus is ___ beautiful country in ___ Europe.

9. Where are ___ children? At ___ school.

10. She is from ___ Great Britain. He is from ___ USA.

11. ___ dentist is at ___ work.

12. Open ___ door, please!

13. ___ Hague is situated in ___ Netherlands.

14. I study at ___ Polotsk State University.

15. Make yourself at ___ home!

16. I go to___ work by ____ bus.

17. ___ Times is his favourite newspaper.

18. I am always ____ bed by midnight.

Practice in communication

Read and memorize how we say hello and goodbye in English.

How do you do? (formal)

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Hi! (informal)


How are you?

How are things?

How are you feeling?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Very well. Thank you.

I’m OK, thanks.


Not bad.

Not too good, I’m afraid.


I must be going.


See you later/soon/this evening/tomorrow.

Have a nice day.

Take care. (to a friend or relative)

Read the conversations. Practise them with other students.

a. - Hello, Jane. How are you today?

- Hello, Steve. I’m fine, thanks. And you?

- I’m OK, thanks.

b. - Professor Brown, this is Dr Ross.

- How do you do?

- How do you do?

c. - Good morning, Mr. Jones! Nice to see you again.

- Good morning, Mr. Parker! How are you?

- Very well. Thank you. And you?

d. - I must be going. Goodbye, Anna!

- Goodbye, Mark! See you tomorrow.

Respond to the following.

1) Hello, Alex! How are things?

2) Good afternoon, Mr. Brown? How are you?

3) Good morning! I’m your new manager. My name’s Mary Green.

4) How’s your family?

5) How are your parents?

6) Goodbye, Olga!

Write the conversations in the correct order.

1) Goodbye, Bianca. Have a nice day.

Yes, at seven in the cinema.

Thanks, Marcus. See you this evening!

Goodbye, Marcus.





2) Not bad, thanks. And you?

Very well/ How are the children?

Hi, Flora! It’s me, Leo. How are you?

They’re fine.

Hello, 270899.





Practise the conversations with other students. Practise again, using your names.



Study the words.

aunt [a:nt] тетя
cousin ['kΛzn] двоюродный брат/сестра
daughter ['dɔ:tə] дочь
granddaughter ['grændɔ:tə] внучка
grandfather ['grænfa:ðə] дедушка
grandmother ['grænmΛðə] бабушка
grandson ['grænsΛn] внук
husband ['hΛzbənd] муж
nephew ['nevju:] племянник
niece [ni:s] племянница
relative ['relətıv] родственник
son [sΛn] сын
uncle [Λŋkl] дядя
wife [waıf] жена
answer ['a:nsə] отвечать
ask [a:sk] спрашивать
be retired [bi: rı'taıəd] быть на пенсии
close [kləυz] закрывать
give [gıv] давать
have [hæv] иметь
open ['əυpən] открывать
read [ri:d] читать
speak [spi:k] говорить
take [teık] брать
tell [tel] говорить
look [lυk] смотреть
translate [trænz'leıt] переводить
write [raıt] писать
big [bıg] большой
boring ['bɔ:rıŋ] скучный
cheap [t∫i:p] дешевый
clean [kli:n] чистый
difficult ['dıfıkəlt] сложный
dirty ['d3:tı] грязный
easy ['ı:zı] простой
exciting [ık'saıtıŋ] увлекательный
expensive [ık'spensıve] дорогой
favourite ['feıvərıt] любимый
small [smɔ:l] маленький
that [ðæt] тот
these [ði:s] эти
those [ðəυz] те
whose [hu:z] чей

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