Taking the photograph of a rhino
(A true story told by the man who took the photograph)
1. One day, while Clark [klɑ:k] and I with a Masai1 conductor were walking pastsome very high grass,the conductor stopped and pointed.We looked where he was pointing and we saw amongthe high grass a great grey body. It was the back of a great rhinolying in the grass. The conductor closedhis eyes to show me that the rhino was sleeping.
We walked very quietly until we were only thirty yards from the animal. Then we could see that it was a hugerhino, weighing at least2 two tons.He was sleeping quietly. We could see his grey skin rising and falling with his breath,and his little pig'seyes were closed. His big flatnose, with its sharp cruel horn,was nearest to us. Each breath blew on the grass near his nose. The warm African sunlight was shining on his huge grey body.
Very quietly I got my camera readyto take the photograph. The conductor stood near me on my left side and Clark stood on my right side, with his gun in his hands. We did not killthe animals which we photographed, unlessour lives were in danger, and Clark always fired his gun in the air when I took my pictures to make the animals turnaway from me.
Everything was ready. I stood with my camera right in front of the rhino and I was so closethat I could see his nose moving with his breath. I even saw a fly walkacross his head. We waitedfor several minutes but the animal continuedto sleep; and as I wanted to photograph him when he was moving, I took a deep breath3 and shouted "Hey!"
In a momenthe was up. Although he was so huge, he moved very rapidly. For a moment he stood looking at us. What did he see? A rhino has very weak sightand he cannot see anything clearlywhich is more than fifteen or twenty yards away. We were nearly thirty yards away from him, so he could not see us well, but he saw something. For a few moments he stood there. Then he put his head down4 and rushedat us.
2. My camera was pointed at him, and as I looked through the little glass I could see the great rhino rushing towards me. As he got nearer he seemed to get bigger. When he was fifteen yards away he looked as big as a railway train.With my camera near my eye I waited to get my picture. The ground under my feet shookwith the great weight of the шshing rhino. His little red eyes were cruel and angry.
When the rhino was near enough5 I pressed the button of my camera and took my picture. The huge animal was almost touching me.
At that moment, Clark fired his gun in orderto make the animal turn away from me. But the animal paidno attentionat all6 and came straight on. I jumped to one side, quicker than Ihad ever jumped before. As Idid so,Iknew Iwas safe, but the rhino was almost on top of the Masai conductor. There was a cloud of dustand I saw the man's body throwninto the air. The rhino rushed on and away from us. We did not see him again.
Clark and Iran to the place where the Masai was lying on the ground. We were sure that he was either dead or dying. No man can be thrown up into the air by a rhino's horn and live. But justas we reached him, the conductor jumped up laughing.No, he was neither dead nor dying. The rhino's horn had not touched him, for7 that jump into the air had been his own.
When a rhino is rushing towards an enemy, he holds his head so that he can see. When he is close, he puts his head down so that the sharp point of his horn is in front. Therefore,just for a moment he cannot see in front of him, and in that moment the Masai jumped to one side. The rhino rushes on and usually does not stop until he is out of sight. This is how our conductor had saved himself.
1Masai— мacaи, африканская народность
2at least— по меньшей мере
3I took a deep breath- я глубоко вздохнул
4put...down- нагнул
5 near enough— достаточно близко
6paid no attention at ail— не обратил никакого внимания. Сочетание at allусиливает отрицание, как русское вовсе.Например:
I see you are busy. — Not at all.Я вижу, вы заняты. — Нет, ничуть (вовсе нет).
7for— здесь значит так как, ибо
Новые слова
among[ə'mʌŋ] prep среди, между
angry['æŋɡrɪ] а сердитый, злой
attention[ə'tenʃn] п внимание; pay attention toобращать внимание на
breath[breθ] п дыхание;
breathe[bri:ð] v дышать
button['bʌtn] n кнопка, пуговица
clearly['klɪəlɪ] adv ясно
close[kləʊz] v зaкpывaть(cя); [kləʊs] а закрытый; близкий; тесный; be close(to)быть очень близко (от, к)
continue[kən'tɪnju:] v продолжать
dead[ded] а мертвый
dust[dʌst] n пыль; прах; порошок
enemy['enɪmɪ] n враг
few[fju:] а немногие, мало; а fewнесколько
fire['faɪə] v стрелять
flat[flæt] а плоский; n квартира
fly[flaɪ] n муха
grass[ɡrɑ:s] n трава
grey[ɡreɪ] а серый
horn[hɔ:n] n рог
huge[hju:ʤ] а огромный, громадный
just[ʤʌst] adv точно, именно, только (что)
kill[kɪl] v убивать
laugh[lɑ:f] v смеяться
lie[laɪ], lay[leɪ], lain[leɪn] v лежать; Part. I lying['laɪɪŋ] лежащий
minute['mɪnɪt] n минута
moment['məʊmənt] n момент
order['ɔ:də] n порядок, приказ; in order toдля того чтобы
past[pɑ:st] prep мимо
pay[peɪ], paid[peɪd], paidv платить
photograph['fəʊtəɡrɑ:f] n фотоснимок; v фотографировать
pig[pɪɡ] n свинья
point[pɔɪnt] v указывать; направлять на (at);n точка, пункт
ready['redɪ] а готовый; get readyпpигoтoвить(cя)
rhino['raɪnəʊ] = rhinoceros[raɪ'nɒsərəs] n носорог
rush[rʌʃ] v мчаться, бросаться, нестись
shake[ʃeɪk], shook[fʊk], shaken['ʃeɪkn] v тpяcти(cь)
sharp[ʃɑ:p] а острый
shout[ʃaʊt] v кричать
sight[saɪt] n зрение; вид, зрелище; be out of sightскрыться из виду
straight[streɪt] а прямой; adv прямо
sure[ʃʊə] а верный, надежный, уверенный; I am sureя уверен
therefore['ðeəfɔ:] adv поэтому, следовательно
throw[θrəʊ], threw[θru:], thrown[θrəʊn] v бросать
ton[tʌn] n тонна
train[treɪn] n поезд
turn[tɜ:n] v вpaщaть(cя); вep-тeть(cя); turn awayсвернуть, oтвepнyть(cя)
unless[ʌn'les] сj если ... не
wait[weɪt] v ждать
Анализ слов
В этом уроке большинство слов относится к основному словарному фонду английского языка, т.е. они являются чрезвычайно распространенными. Количество международных слов невелико: вы их сами легко найдете.
Ряд слов связан с уже известными вам словами: flyмуха и flyлетать; continueпродолжать и Continuous— название группы времен; fireстрелять и fireогонь; pastмимо и pastпрошедший; to passпроходить; shakeтрястись и shockудар, сотрясение; deadмертвый и dieумирать.
Buttonпуговица имеет тот же корень, что бутон.Глагол to turnвращаться сравните с глаголом to returnвозвращаться (урок 18), а также со словом турникет.
Dustпыль, порошок вошло в русский язык в узком значении дуст.Прилагательное flatплоский породило существительное flatквартира,так как flats,где все комнаты расположены в одной плоскости, противопоставляются домикам в два этажа, распространенным в Англии.
Союз unlessпереводится сочетанием если ...нe,a иногда если только не.В тексте вы видите: We did not kill the animals which we photographed, unless our lives were in danger. Мы не убивали животных, которых мы фотографировали, если только наша жизнь не была в опасности.Заметьте, что в английском предложении глагол стоит в утвердительной форме, так как отрицание заключено в самом союзе unless:unless our lives were... если только наша жизнь не была .... Несколько примеров с союзом unless:
I shall be unable to answer this Яне смогу ответить на этот
question, unless you help me. вопрос, если вы мне не поможете.
The picture will not be Снимок не будет хорошим,
good, unlessyou sit still. если вы не будете сидеть смирно.
1.В следующих предложениях найдите инфинитив или причастие в функции дополнения и переведите предложения:
Не made us laugh.
We saw him kill the pig.
We heard Clark fire the gun.
They could feel the ground shake.
We do not remember the teacher asking us this question.
He wants us to sit on the grass.
Although we could not hear him speak we saw him pointing to the sky.
We saw a huge black cloud coming from the north-east.
We thought the animal to be sleeping quietly, but we soon saw his huge head turn.
2.Переведите письменно на русский язык,а потом обратно на английский:
Give me either a newspaper or a book.
We shall speak either English or French.
Either you or your friend will translate the story into Russian.
I remember neither his name nor his face.
I saw neither of the pictures.
He has neither close friends nor enemies.
I am neither angry nor afraid.
3.Напишите во всех лицах предложения I did it myself и I threw myself on the ground.
4.Вставьте подходящее по смыслу возвратное(усилительное)местоимение:
She ... paid for this dress.
I bought a coat for ... and some things for my children; they are too small to buy things for ... .
They escaped in order to save ... .
The story... is good, but not the translation.
Children, you must do it ... .
Take the gun from the child, he may kill ... . "
Do you need me?" he asked pointing to ... .
5.Распределите на девять пар синонимов:
between, huge, close, straight, before, great, among, near, photographs, though, dead, directly, in front (of), rapidly, pictures, lifeless, quickly, although
6.Распределите на 10 пар антонимов:
rise, save, thin, left, huge, slow, kill, fall, stop, right, noise, thick, small, continue, rapid, quiet, bottom, wide, top, narrow
7.Повторите в уроке 2 раздел о множественном числе существительных и напишите во множественном числе следующие существительные,проверив попутно,помните ли вы их значения:
horn, train, noise, object, oil, throat, bean, way, boy, fly, enemy, body, sky, party, class, cross, fish, glass, lens, mass, press, process, science, pig
8.Из новых слов урока выберите подходящие по смыслу слова,расставьте их вместо пропусков и переведите текст:
The rhino ... among the ... when the photographers saw him.
He had a ... nose; his body was ..., his horn was ...; his eyes were ... and ... .
His ... was very weak, he could not see his ... well.
In ... to take his picture the photographers had to come close to him.
They were in ... therefore one of them always ... in the air, but he never ... the animal.
One cannot take pictures of such animals ... one has a great deal of courage.
1.Выпишите из текста все глаголы восприятия(видеть, слышатьи т.д.)с инфинитивами и причастиями и переведите предложения,в которых они встречаются.
2.Переведите на английский язык:
Мы должны сделать это сами.
Я этого не понимаю сам.
Она сама сказала мне об этой ошибке.
Я не мог ни видеть, ни слышать их.
Я не пригласил ни Елену, ни ее отца.
Я хочу говорить или с (to) вами, или с вашим учителем.
Ни Кларк, ни его друг не убили носорога.
Я видел, как он нажал кнопку.
Я слышал, как вы закричали.
Вы готовы?
Сколько вы заплатили за картину?
Не сердитесь, вы среди друзей.
Я видел, как поезд повернул на юг.
Я слышал, как дети смеются.
Я ясно видел, как он бросил ружье.
3.Напишите на русском языке краткую аннотацию рассказа Taking the Photograph of a Rhino.
4.Переведите английские слова:
continue, attention, clearly, ready, sight, dead, to close, close, dust, huge, among, enemy, horn, pig, turn, straight, a fly, grass, breath, few, lie, sharp, unless, just, own, rush, train, button, point, sure, therefore, jump, shake, grey, pay, throw, kill, wait, flat, angry
5.Назовите английские слова,имеющие значение:
мертвый, закрывать(ся), платить, квартира (плоский), враг, острый, вращать(ся), лежать, готовый, серый, сердитый, бросать, мало, смеяться, ждать, уверенный, прямой, поезд
Перечитайте вслух и переведите устно тексты уроков 13-18,вспоминая забытые слова.Повторите образование и значение Continuous Tenses в уроке 15 и Perfect Tenses в уроке 16.Пользуйтесь сводной таблицей в приложении № 2.
Robots today and tomorrow
Nowadays, wealthy people have maids (служанки) and nannies (няни) to help them with their household tasks1. But futurists (футурологи) say it is only a matter of time before the work is passed on to machines: robotic2 servants who generally follow directions and never ask for a raise (повышение зарплаты).
So far, consumer robots are mostly limited to vacuum cleaners (пылесосы), lawn mowers (газонокосилки) and рet (домашние) dogs and cats. But electronics companies have also created several multiskilled, multitask prototypes that will yield important products tomorrow.
Some of the first products to offer robotic household help to the mass market (рынок) were self-propelling (самоходные) vacuum cleaners. They appeared nearly l0 years ago and performed pretty much as expected for beginners — banging into (натыкаясь на) walls and table legs, missing corners3 and falling down stairs (ступеньки).
But the model has improved in recent years. The Trilobite (трилобит) from Electrolux4 is named after the prehistoric insect it resembles (напоминает) but it relies (основан) on computer technology and ultrasound (ультразвук) to deterɪnine the size and shape of a room, avoid obstacles (препятствия), return to its docking station, recharge its batteries (перезаряжать батарейки) and resume where it left off5. Its price is £ 999.
Considerably cheaper is America's Roomba, developed by Massachusetts newcomer iRobot with help from the artificial intelligence (искусственный интеллект) division of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Roomba models range in price from $149.99 to $269.99.
Cooking is another task now being tackled6 by specialised computers. The TMIO — Tonight's Menu Intelligent Ovens (пeчкa) — is a combination refrigerator and cooker with separate, well-insulated compartments7 (камеры) that can heat and cool independently of each other. Anyone going out to work in the morning can leave his or her dinner in a compartment that keeps it cold during the day but changes into a cooker at a preset (заранее установленное) time so dinner is ready at the end of the day. When plans change, the device can be contacted and the settings (настройка) changed by phone8.
Other worthy (ценные) home robots include the iBot Mobility System, an advanced wheelchair (кресло для инвалидов) that climbs stairs, raises the user to eye — (or counter - or mirror-) level and navigates (передвигаться) uneven terrain (неровная местность). A blind couple are currently testing a talking washing machine9 developed by engineering students at Michigan State University.
Of course, most of these early examples are just highly advanced machines, but fully fledged (полноценные) household robots — the kind that walk and talk like people — may not be far off10. Honda's Asimo is 4ft tall and humanlike in physique (cлo-
жены как люди) and can turn sideways, walk forwards and backwards, negotiate corners (заходить в утлы) and climb up and down stairs. Meanwhile, Fujitsu's smaller bug-eyed Maron-1, already available commercially11, can take pictures, be operated remotely by mobile phone and remember a home's layout. Sony also has an improved model of its pet dog, Aibo12, which understands dozens of voice commands and can engage in two-way communication with mobile phones13 and other computing devices. The company also makes the humanoid Qrio, which walks, sings and dances. These are manufactured in Sony's entertainment division14, but could eventually be modified to take on household tasks.
1 to help them with their household tasks— которые помогают им в хозяйственных делах по дому. Здесь инфинитив употреблен в функции определения.
2 robotic— прилагательное, образованное от robotс помощью суффикса -ic(ср. photographic, alcoholic). Robotic servantsзначит слуги-роботы.
3 to miss corners—зд.обходить углы (при уборке помещения)
4 Electrolux— известная шведская компания, производящая холодильники, пылесосы, стиральные машины и другое электротехническое оборудование. Это о ее изделиях наша реклама говорит «сделано с умом».
5 and resume where it left off— снова продолжать работу там, где она прервалась
6 another task now being tackled— другая задача, над разрешением которой бьются
7 is a combination refrigerator and cooker with separate,well-insulated compartments— комбинированный холодильник и плита, с отдельными, хорошо изолированными друг от друга камерами
8 When plans change,the device can be contacted and the settings changed by phone.— Если планы меняются, можно при помощи телефона связаться с устройством и изменить программу.
9a talking washing machine— говорящая стиральная машина (для слепых пользователей)
10may not be far off—зд.уже не за горами
11 Fujitsu's smaller bug-eyed Maron-1, already available commercially—меньшего размера робот Марон-1 фирмы Фуджитсу с глазами навыкате, уже имеющийся в продаже
12 an improved model of its pet dog,Aibo—усовершенствованная модель робота-собачки Aйбo
13 can engage in two-way communication with mobile phones—способна вести двусторонний диалог с мобильными телефонами
14 Sony's entertainment division—зд.отделение развлекательных роботов фирмы Сони
Fire is the test of gold; adversity (несчастье, беда) of strong men.
Seneca (Rome, 1st century)
Man is the only (зд.единственный) animal that laughs and weeps (плачет); for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be.
William Hazlitt (England, 1778-1830)