II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции герундия в предложении.

1. Studying natural phenomenon without making observations is useless.

2. In changing water into ice its composition is not changed.

3. I am fond of reading books.

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастия.

1. The data required were analyzed in the laboratory.

2. If confirmed, the data will be used in the experiment.

3. Having finished my translation I gave it to the teacher.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


Aluminium is the most common metal on Earth. It occurs naturally in many different kinds of rocks. But most of the aluminium we use is extracted from an ore called bauxite, which is formed over, long periods by the weathering of rocks containing aluminium silicates (aluminium, silicon and oxygen).

In 1886 two chemists independently discovered how to extract aluminium using electricity. Their discovery reduced the price of aluminium to a fraction of the price of silver in four years. The two chemists were Charles Martin Hall (1863 - 1914), a student at Oberlin College in the USA, and P.L.T. Heroult (1863 - 1914), a young chemist working in France. By coincidence, they were not only the same age when they made their discovery, but also died within eight months of each other.

Before this, the metal was much more expensive than silver and gold. The Emperor of France, Napoleon III, for example, used aluminium plates to impress the most important guests. Today we use aluminium foil to wrap food because it is so cheap.

Aluminium is also durable, light and a good conductor of electricity. It is used to protect metals against corroding because when the surface of aluminium reacts with oxygen in the air, a thick coating of aluminium oxide forms that seals a metal from the air. It isalso used to make parts for planes, cars, and lorries, to make electric cables.

Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания.

1. it occurs naturally 2. over long periods 3. by coincidence 4. to seal a metal from the air 5. aluminium foil a) по случайному стечению обстоятельств (случайно) b) алюминиевая фольга c) встречаться в природе d) защищать металл от доступа воздуха e) в течение долгого времени

Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. similar a) simple b) same c) different d) complete
2. common a) usual b) extraordinary c) proper d) natural
3. expensive a) costly b) essential c) special d) cheap
4. durable a) malleable b) valuable c) unreliable d) possible
5. reduce a) decrease b) remove c) remake d) increase

Вставьте пропущенное слово.

1. Aluminium is the most ____ metal.

2. Aluminium is _____ from an ore.

3. The discovery of two chemists in 1886 ________ the price of aluminium.

4. Today aluminium foil is ________.

5. Aluminium is durable, _____ and conducts electricity.

Отметьте данные утверждения как T (True) и F (False).

1. An ore called bauxite was formed by the weathering of rocks that contained aluminium silicates.

2. Charles Martin Hall discovered how to extract aluminium using silver.

3. Two chemists who made the discovery were of the same age.

4. Napoleon III used aluminium plates to wrap food.

5.A thick coating of aluminium oxide is formed when the surface of aluminium reacts with oxygen in the air.

5) Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Where does aluminium occur naturally?

2. Was aluminium always a cheap metal?

3. What reduced the price of aluminuim?

4. What are the properties of aluminium?

5. Is aluminium widely used and where?

Вариант II

I. Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутой глагольной формы.

1. The students discussing this problem will take part in the scientific conference.

a) обсуждают b) обсуждающие c) обсуждали

2. Discussing the agenda of the conference they made some corrections.

a) обсуждая b) обсуждающий c) обсуждение

3. I am translating an article now.

a) переводя b) переводящий c) перевожу

4. The temperature increasing, the motion of the molecules of a substance speeds up.

a) возрастающая b) возрастает c) возрастание

5. (Думающие) machines will appear in future.

a) are thinking b) be thinking c) thinking

6. (Учась) at the University she was a very good students.

a) is studying b) studying c) being studied

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции герундия в предложении.

1. Learning English is not an easy thing.

2. Russian scientists played an important part in solving the problem of atmospheric electricity.

3. By using this method he made many mistakes.

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