The constitution and the bill of rights

The former colonies, now the United States of America, first operated under an agreement called the Articles of Confederation (1781). It was soon clear that this loose agreement among the states was not working well. The central, federal government was too weak, with too few powers for defense, trade, and taxation. In 1787, therefore, delegates from the states met in Philadelphia. They wanted to revise the Articles, but they did much more than that. They wrote a completely new document, the Constitution, which after much argument, debate, and compromise was finished in the same year and officially adopted by the thirteen states by 1790.

The Constitution, the oldest still in force in the world, sets the basic form of government: three separate branches, each one having powers (checks and balances) over the others. It specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states. The Constitution has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the supreme law of the land. All governments and governmental groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines. The ultimate power under the Constitution is not given to the President (the executive branch), or to the Supreme Court (the judicial branch). Nor does it rest, as in many other countries, with a political group or party. It belongs to We the People, in fact and in spirit.

In this way, Americans first took for themselves the liberties and rights that elsewhere were the privileges of an elite few. Americans would manage their own laws. And, of course, they would make their own mistakes.

They stated in the first Constitutional Amendments, known together as the Bill of Rights, what they considered to be the fundamental rights of any American. Among these rights is the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the government to correct wrongs. Other rights guarded the citizens against unreasonable searches, arrest, and seizures of property, and established a system of justice guaranteeing orderly legal procedures. This included the right of trial by jury, that is, being judged by one’s fellow citizens.

The great pride Americans have in their Constitution, their almost religious aspect for it comes from the knowledge that these ideas, freedoms, and rights were not given to them by a small ruling class. Rather, they are seen as the natural unalienable rights of every American, which had been fought for and won. They cannot be taken away by any government, court, official, or law.

The federal and state governments formed under the Constitution, therefore, were designed to serve the people and to carry out their majority wishes (and not the other way around). One thing they did not want their government to do is to rule them. Americans expect their government to serve them and tend to think of politicians and governmental officials as their servants. This attitude remains very strong among Americans today.

Over the past two centuries, the Constitution has also had considerable influence outside the United States. Several other nations have based their own forms of government on it. It is interesting to note that Lafayette, a hero of the American Revolution, drafted the French declaration of rights when returned to France. And the United Nations Charter also has clear echoes of what once was considered a revolutionary document.

2. Translate into English.

В России вряд и можно говорить о наличии гражданского общества. Главный принцип гражданского общества – то, что законы исполняются не потому, что люди боятся наказания, а потому что они сознательно эти законы не просто знают, но и сознательно их исполняют, понимая, что это ведет к общему благу. В нашей стране пока, к сожалению, этого нет. Зато есть такое грустное явление, как правовой нигилизм и низкий уровень правовой грамотности, или правовой культуры. Очень мало кто в России из граждан читал Конституцию и относится к Конституции собственной страны серьезно. Но еще меньшее количество граждан читало Всеобщую декларацию прав человека. Может быть, об этом документе слышали, потому что название документа везде звучит, но содержание документа мало кому известно.




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Романова С.П., Королева А.Л. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский / С.П. Романова – 2-е изд. – M.: КДУ, 2006.*

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Сивергина О.В. От азов к совершенству. Курс английского языка: Учеб. – М.: Высш. шк., 1992.

Сидоренко Г.И., Клыс И.А. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. – 3-е изд. – Мн.: Лексис, 2005.*

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Byrne, D. & Holden S. Going Places. – Longman, 1981.

French, F.G. Self-Help Exercises for Practice in English. London: Oxford University Press, 1964. – Book I.

Fuchs, M., Bonner, M. Grammar Express for Self-Study and Classroom Use. – Longman, Inc., 2001.*

Harris, Michael Mower, David Sikorzynska, Anna Larionova, Irina Melchina, Oksana Sokolova, Irina New Opportunities. Preintermediate. – Pearson, 2006.*

Ockenden M.S. Situational Dialogues. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973.

Percill J.J. Advanced English Drills. – London: Tutor – Tape Co., Ltd, 1972. – Parts 1 & 2.

Seidl Jennifer. Idioms in Practice. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Webster D. Keep Listening (With tape). – Longman, 1981.

Методические разработки преподавателей кафедры.


Адрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С., Никифоров А.С. Англо-русский юридический словарь – М.: Рус.яз., 1993.

Горская М.В. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь географических названий, 2-е изд. – М.: Рус. яз., 1994.

Квеселевич Д.И. Русско-английский фразеологический словарь. – М.: Рус. Яз., 2001.

Квеселевич Д.И. Русско-английский словарь ненормативной лексики. – М.: Русские словари, АСТ, Астрель, 2002.

Кунини А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. – М.: Рус. яз., 1984.

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Огольцев В.М. Словарь устойчивых сравнений русского языка. – М.: Русские словари, АСТ, Астрель, 2001.

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Benson, M., Benson, E., Ilson, R. Combinatory Dictionary of English, The – M.: Рус. яз., 1990.

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Spears, R.A. American Idioms Dictionary. – М.: Рус. Яз., 1991.

Spears, R.A. Dictionary of American Slang. – М.: Рус. Яз., 1991.

Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. – NY: Gramercy Books, 1996.

Периодическая литература

Статьи из англоязычных газет, журналов, научных и научно-популярных изданий по юриспруденции, а также материалы юридических Интернет-сайтов и сайтов известных англоязычных информационных агентств.


Curry, D. More Dialogs for Everyday Use. Short Situational Dialogs foe EFL. Intermediate/Advanced Level.– Materials Development and Review Branch, English Language Programs Division, United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1994.

Graham, C. Small Talks. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Going Places. London: London University Press, 1995.

Keep Listening. London: London University Press, 1997.


Beresford, B.Evelyn. – United Artists, 2002.

Cukor, G. My Fair Lady. – 1964.

Darabont, F. The Shawshank Redemption. – 1994.

De Palma, B. The Bonfire of Vanities, 1990.

Howitt, P. Laws of Attraction. – New Line Cinema, 2004.

Leone, S.Once upon a Time in America. – Warner Bros, 1984.

Mendes, S.The Road to Perdition. – DreamWorks, 2002.

Miller, N.London Uncovered.

Mingella, A.Breaking and Entering. – Miramax Films, Mirage Enterprises, 2006.

Noyce, P. Patriot Games. – Paramount Pictures, 1992.

Parker, A. Midnight Express. – Columbia Pictures, 1978.

Rokeach, John New York City.

Spielberg, S. The Terminal. – DreamWorks.



Контроль знаний, умений и навыков осуществляется в виде текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации студентов.

Текущий контроль предназначен для проверки и качества усвоения студентами учебного материала и совершенствования методики проведения плановых занятий. Он проводится на итоговом занятии каждой темы курса. Текущий контроль на практических занятиях может осуществляться в различных формах:

1) письменная работа, контрольная работа (контрольное упражнение, письменное сообщение, письменный перевод, диктанты, краткие изложения и др.);

2) тестирование;

3) устный опрос (индивидуальный или групповой, в форме вопрос-ответ или в форме собеседования);

4) ответы по заданию (сообщение, доклад, проведение презентации, реферат, перевод);

5) учебная дискуссия;

6) компьютерный контроль.

Итоговый контроль проводится в конце каждого семестра и состоит из письменной итоговой работы и устного зачета, а по окончании курса – письменной итоговой работы и экзамена.


и вопросы для построения монологического высказывания



1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you come from?

4. Where do you live?

5. How long have you been living (staying) in Nizhny Novgorod?

6. How many are you in the family?

7. What does your father (mother, husband, wife) do?

8. Do you have hobbies?

9. Do you go in for sports?

10. Where did you go to school?

11. What were your favorite subjects at school?

12. Why did you make up your mind to enter the academy?

13. What department are you with?

14. What is your major?

15. Do you enjoy studying in the academy?

Native Place

1. What is your hometown?

2. Is your hometown a nice place?

3.When was it founded?

4.What is it famous for?

5.What places of interest are there in it?

6. What is the weather like in your hometown?

7. Is it expensive there?

8. What kind of place do you live in (for example, a house, an apartment)?

9. How big is it?

10. What is the neighborhood like?

11. Is it close to public transportation?

12. What do you like about it?

13. Is there anything you dislike about it?

Studying in the Academy

1. Do you think that rote-learning is sufficient for most subjects?

2. Do you often use mnemonics?

3. Do you think that the best idea in learning is bury yourself in your books until you know the subject inside out?

4. Do you think that leadership and learning are indispensable to each other?

5. Do you agree that self-development is the best motivation in learning?

6. Does decent education make people socially mobile?

7. Do you think that people should always get jobs according to their qualifications?

8. Do you think that Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Russian Academy of Justice meets the requirements of the labor market?

9. Describe the staff required mostly in the information-based society?

10. Do you believe that it is easy to launch a successful career right off graduation?

Future Profession

1. What kind of work are you going to get?

2. Is it going to be a monotonous or glamorous work?

3. Are the hours going to be irregular and antisocial, or are you going just to be stuck behind a desk?

4. Is the stress level going to be high?

5. Are you afraid of getting a dead-end job?

6. Are you going to be freelance?

7. Would you like being self-employed?

8. Are you ready to take on responsibility that other people’s lives may depend on you?

9. What are lawyers responsible for?


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