Контрольная работа для 2 семестра

1. Write questions using clues below and the comparative forms of the adjectives then answer using the superlative form.

a) Which is colder (cold), Ottawa or Vancouver?

b) Which is more modern (modern), Brasilia or Rio?

c) Which is ... (big), France or Spain?

d) Which is ... (cheap), Tokyo or Los Angeles?

e) Which is ... (exciting), Madrid or Lisbon?

f) Which is ... (dangerous), mountain climbing or windsurfing?

g) Which is ... (interesting), Hong Kong or Taipei?

h) Which is ... (old), Budapest or Warsaw?

i) Which is ... (hot) in summer, Egypt or Jordan?

2. Use the comparative forms of the given adjectives to complete the statements.

good better the best

bad worse the worst

a) The weather was terrible in Thailand! But we enjoyed Hong Kong because the weather was much ... there.

b) It was a horrible flight across the Pacific. In fact, it was the ... flight I’ve ever had!

c) The Park Hotel is a ... place to stay. It’s not expensive, and the location is excellent.

d) July is a ... month to travel in Europe than September. All the hotels are full, and the trains are very crowded.

e) Hawaii has the ... beaches in the world. They are wonderful.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs or their equivalents (you have to choose one of the variants (a, b, c,, or d):

1. I will ... to drive my car in two weeks provided I pass the exam.

a) have, b) can, c) be able to, d) may

2. The policeman told the lady she ... worry.

a) couldn’t, b) mustn’t, c) needn’t, d) needn’t to

3. ... you show me the way to Minin Square please?

a) would, b) could, c) may, d) must

4. ... I use your pen please? Mine doesn’t work.

a) must, b) may, c) would, d) can

5. As you ... remember I was always interested in Criminal Law.

a) may, b) have to, c) must, d) can

6. You ... go as far as Surikov Street on foot from the Academy.

a) can, b) may, c) should, d) would

7. The ministers ... resign if they cannot accept a cabinet decision.

a) have to, b) may, c)would, d) need to

4. Translate the sentences. Use gerund.

1. Мне было трудно сосредоточиться все утро (have difficulty in). 2. Прекратите болтать! 3. Надеюсь, что Вы ответите на мое письмо скоро (look forward to). 4. Она начала плакать. 5. Я хотел почитать что-нибудь, но в комнате не было книг (feel like). 6. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы моего подчиненного откомандировали в Москву.

5. Translate the text. Variant I.

OCTOBER 4, 1979, is a day of fond memory for FBI agents in Los Angeles. It’s the last day that the city did not have a bank robbery. Last year there were 1,844 bank robberies in the city and its suburbs, an average of about seven every business day, and a quarter of all the bank robberies committed in the United States. The total haul was around four million dollars. There are several reasons why Los Angeles heads the bank-robbery league – way ahead of San Francisco, second with 546, and New York, third with 443. The place has an awful lot of banks – 3300 – and many stay open until 5 or 6 in the evening and at weekends.

The FBI is particularly keen to find the “Yankee Bandit,” who may have earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records with 65 bank holdups. Before making his getaway, he always doffs his Yankee baseball cap, with a smile in the direction of the cameras. For a while, the FBI thought he had retired with his haul of 155,000 dollars. He was not seen over the Christmas holidays. But when the first working day of the new year started off with 14 robberies, there he was, smiling for the cameras, Yankee cap in one hand, the cash in the other.

6. Give possible reasons for the circumstances in which the police might do the following (based on your own experience).

1. Carry out spot checks on trucks.

2. Charge someone with drink-driving.

3. Tap someone’s telephone.

4. Use their powers of stop and search.

5. Carry out a surveillance operation on someone’s house.

6. Set up a roadblock.

7. Ask you to make a statement.

7.Complete the text with the words given.

theft evidence sentence court interrogate pleaded arrest charge magistrate fingerprints oath detained   found investigate fine witnesses cell

A policeman was sent to ... the disappearance of some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he found that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera and some cash. When the policeman tried to ... the boy, he became violent and the policeman had to ... him. At the police station the boy could not give a satisfactory explanation for his actions and the police decided to ... him with the ... of the camera and cash. They took his ..., locked him in a ... , and ... him overnight. The next morning he appeared in ... before the ... . He took an ... and ... not guilty. Two ..., the owner of the property and a member of the hotel staff, gave ... . After both sides of the case had been heard the boy was ... guilty. He had to pay a ... of £50 and he was given a ... of three months in prison suspended for two years.

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