XX. Arrange a talk on the following topics

1. Difficulties awaiting young teachers.

2. Reasons for children's being unmanageable.

3. How to direct a child's energy into the right channels.

4. Ideal upbringing.

XXI. Translate these sentences:

1. Я огляделась вокруг и увидела, что в поселке (village) не осталось ни одного деревянного дома. 2. Старый доктор остался тем же добрым, искренним человеком, каким (that) мы знали его с детства. 3. Остается по крайней мере месяц до нашего отъезда, но мы уже с нетерпением ждем отпуска и строим разные планы на лето. 4. Дай мне знать, если ты решишь остаться у своей тети на остальную часть каникул, я тогда присоединюсь к тебе. 5. Остается одно: попросить эту старушку присмотреть за детьми. 6. Послушай, я подмету пол и помою посуду, а ты сделаешь все остальное, ладно? — Хорошо. 7. Несколько человек остались на волейбольной площадке, а остальные игроки пошли в бассейн поплавать. 8. Вы ищете ваше пальто? Оно осталось в саду. Разрешите, я его принесу (fetch it).

XXII. Try your hand at teaching.

1. The situation gives below could cause difficulties for the teacher. Describe how you would handle the situation in the teacher's position. Decide amongst your group which is the most practical solution;

Bill, a fourth former, was always telling the class about his dog Timber, the tricks he could perform, what a wonderful watch-dog he was and how Timber would protect Bill. Each week he would come to school and tell about the wonders of Timber.

As it turned out, Bill did not own a dog and none of his relatives or close friends had such a dog.

Learn to use alternative ways of controlling the class, using polite requests rather than direct commands.


a) The following forms express annoyance and irritation.

— Do try to work on your own.

— Just speak up a little!

b) You can make your commands sound more polite by using either a low rising tone or words, phrases and structures like "please; I'm afraid; I think; perhaps; don't you think; I (don't) want you to...; I (don't) expect you to...; would you like; would you, please; ..., will you; ..., could you; what if...; let's/let's not."


1. Practise giving instructions to pupils in a polite manner, use the phrases below:

go on to the next exercise, carry on (proceed) reading, repeat what you said, copy this off the board, work in twos (threes), share the textbook, try the next item, practise the irregular verbs, listen carefully to what I say, etc.

2. Take it in turns to play the part of the teacher beginning and finishing the lesson. Make sure that you don't sound too straightforward. (See "Classroom English", Sections II and III.)


1. Listen to the text "Anne Meets Her Class", mark the stresses and tunes, repeat the text following the model.

Respond as shown in the models, check your replies.

Combine the sentences into one conditional sentence.

4. Write a spelling-translation test:

a) Translate the given phrases into English.

b) Check them with the key.

5. Answer the questions using the phrases "to like the idea/dislike the idea".

Translate the given sentences into English. Check your sentences with the key.

7.Listen to the Jokes connected with school life. Get ready to retell them in indirect speech.



School! Lessons, games, clubs, homework. A bell rings. You go to a classroom. A bell rings. You have lunch. A bell rings. You go home.

But one day you go to school for the last time. What to do after that? You realize that the time to choose one job out of the hundreds has come. It's going to be a hard choice and nobody can make it for you.

Before you can choose, you ask yourself quite a lot of questions. What do you know you are good at? What do you enjoy doing? Perhaps you enjoy working with your hands. Or you may prefer using your head — your brains. Are you interested in machines? Or do you like meeting people? It's difficult to know all the answers to these questions until you have left school and actually begun work.

Many young people consider teaching as a career. It's not surprising: after your parents your teacher may be the most important person in your life. With all the teachers you meet, you think there isn't anything you don't know about the work. That's where you are wrong, since only those who are in it can appreciate it. Have you ever asked yourself why most teachers are so devoted to their work and privately think, though they may not like to admit it openly, that they serve humanity doing the most vital job of all? Those of us who spend our days in schools know how rewarding the job is. At the same time it is not easy and a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent, as teaching is a constant stream of decisions.

Children in your classroom aren't just boys and girls. Every one is a unique individual who has never been before and will never again exist. If you like people, you will love teaching. To be a good teacher you must be genuinely interested in what you are doing.

The most important things in the world are awareness and learning — wanting to know every day of your life more and more and more. Because every time you learn something new you become something new. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher catalyzes in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty.

John Steinbeck, writing about his school days said, "I've come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since its medium is the human mind and the human spirit." What an incredible responsibility to be the guardians of the human spirit and the human mind! I think, that is the reason why humanity has the deepest respect for teachers.

I would never stop teaching and I'm sure that you, having chosen it for your career, feel the same way. If you don't feel that way then, please, for all our sakes, get out! The human mind and the human spirit are too wondrous to destroy. But if you are prepared to accept the responsibility, I wish you all the luck in the world.

A Teacher

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