II. Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени (Present Simple).


I. Местоимения.

1. Личные местоимения.

Число Лицо Именительный падеж Объектный падеж
Единственное     Множественное     I (я) you (ты) he (он) she (она) it (оно) we (мы) you (вы) they (они)   me (мне) you (тебе) him (ему) her (ей) it (ему) неодуш. us (нам) you (вам) them (им)

Упр.1.Выберите правильное местоимение.

1. Kate and (I, me) work together. 2. (We, us) spend our holidays with (they, them).3. My sister and (I, me) are good friends. 4. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day. 5. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis. 6. Will you give (she, her) and (I, me) some help? 7. (It, he) is my dog. 8. (They, them) asked (he, him) about his parents.

Упр.2. Замените подчёркнутые слова личными местоимениями.

1. Sally and Games are at home. 2. The room is large and clean. 3. Peggy and I watched the film on TV. 4. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text. 5. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 6. My friend wrote a letter to his sister. 7. Jane took 3 books from the library. 8. His cousins live in Moscow. 9. Our grandmother and grandfather will come tomorrow. 10. Mary works in a shop.

Притяжательные местоимения.

Число Лицо Основная форма (перед существительными) Абсолютная форма (без существительных)
Единственное     Множественное     my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

Упр. 3. Измените предложения по образцу.

Model: This is her book. - This book is hers.

1. This is my house. 2. These are their dogs. 3. This is his car. 4. These are her sons. 5. This is our office. 6. These are your rooms. 7. This is my garden. 8. These are her flowers. 9. This is his cup. 10. These are their children.

Упр. 4. Выберите правильные притяжательные местоимения.

1. Is this (your/yours) book? 2. It is (their/theirs) door, not (our/ours). 3. They are new students and I don’t know (their/theirs) names.4. (My/mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers)is nicer. 5. It isn’t (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new. 6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs). 7. Are these pencils (her/hers)? 8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?

Упр.5. Употребите правильную форму личного или притяжательного местоимения.

1. (Моя) aunt Susan is (моей) mother’s sister. 2. Tell (им) about it. 3. (Наши) relatives are coming to see (нас) tomorrow. 4. Is this (твоя) dog? There is something wrong with (её) ear. 5. He gave (мне) (свою) photography, in which I couldn’t recognize (его). 6. We were surprised to see (их) on the platform, they also came to meet (нас). 7. The girls are here, (они) came early. 8. The Browns have moved to a new flat. (Они) gave (мне) (свой) new address, so I can visit (их). 9. I invite (тебя) to a party at (моём) place. (Я) hope (ты) will bring (своего) husband with (собой). 10. I am happy that (моя) cat found (своего) kitten.

Возвратные местоимения.

Личные местоимения Возвратные местоимения
I you he she it   we you they myself yourself himself herself itself   ourselves yourselves themselves

Упр. 6. Употребите нужное возвратное местоимение.

1. I will ask him … .2. He wants to do it … . 3. She washed … . 4. You will answer the letter … . 5. I looked at … in the mirror. 6. We will tell her … . 7. They have done the task … . 8. She doesn’t like to speak about … . 9. The story … is good, but not the translation. 10. Children, do it … .

III. Имя существительное.

1. Множественное число существительных.

Образование множественного числа существительных
a cat – cats a boy – boys a dog - dogs a story - stories a car – cars a chair – chairs a tomato - tomatoes a hero - heroes a bus – buses a box – boxes a leaf - leaves a dish – dishes a wolf - wolves a bench – benches  
Но: a piano – pianos a photo – photos   a roof – roofs a safe – safes a handkerchief - handkerchiefs  

Упр. 11. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределённый артикль нужно опустить).

A pen, a class, a city, a road, a day, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a dress, a potato, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wife, a country, a lion, a park, a play, a shelf, a dictionary, a roof, a key, a photo, a sandwich, a window.

Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных: a man – men a woman – women a child – children a foot – feet a tooth – teeth a mouse – mice a goose – geese an ox – oxen
Запомните также: an Englishman – Englishmen a Frenchman – Frenchmen Но: a German – Germans
Запомните три существительных, имеющих во множественном числе ту же форму, что и в единственном: a sheep – sheep a deer – deer a swine - swine

Упр. 12. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределённый артикль во множественном числе опускается, а определённый артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the woman, an eye, a thief, a fox, the city, a boy, a goose, the fish, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, an Englishman, a theatre, the German, the tornado, a tragedy, a shop.

Запомните: this is – these are that is – those are there is – there are it is – they are

Упр. 13. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that factory, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this deer, this game, this lady, that window, this man, that match, that child, this knife, this book, this family, that pie, this tooth, that teacher, this hobby, that mouse.

Упр. 14. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. This is a girl. 7. This is a baby. 8. That is a plate. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. Is that a train? 16. That is not a king. 17. That is not a queen. 18. This isn’t a mouse. 19. This isn’t a goose. 20. There is a cup on the table. 21. There is a house in the street. 22. There is a tree in the garden. There is a child in the yard. 23. It is a dog. 24. It isn’t a boy. 25. It is not a bad egg. 26. It is a good city.

IV. Артикль

Неопределённый A, an Определённый The Нулевой -
Употребляется только перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе в значении «один, один из…, какой-то». Употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном и множественном числе и перед неисчисляемыми существительными в значении «этот, тот, тот самый». Употребляется перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, перед неисчисляемыми существительными, перед именами собственными.

Упр.19. Объясните употребление артиклей в следующих предложениях.

1. I want to buy a toy for the baby. 2. You can see a magazine and a newspaper on the table. 3. His brother is a student. 4. The girl is from Canada. 5. Give me a cup of tea and a sandwich, please. 6. They are good teachers. 7. His friends work in England. 8. We have a grandfather and two grandmothers. 9. Pass me the sugar, please. 10. The question is very difficult for me.

Упр. 20. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. Kate is … student. She is … good student. Her friends are … students too. 2. This is … red cup and that is … yellow cup. Give me … cups, please. 3. Please, take … pen and write! Now put … pen on the table and listen to me. 4. I have … brother. He is … doctor. Our parents … teachers. 5. There are … books on the shelf. …books are interesting. 6. We usually have … coffee for breakfast. But today we have … tea, because … coffee is too hot for us. 7. What’s that? – It’s … pencil. … pencil is long. 8. This is … street. I can see many … cars and … buses in … street.

V. Типы предложений

Побудительные предложения.

Утвердительные предложения (просьба, приказание)

Open the door! Sit down, please!

Отрицательные предложения (запрет)

Don't open the door!

Don't sit down, please!

Упр. 28. Прочтите, переведите и выполните действия.

1. Take the book. 2. Open it. 3. Give me the book, please. 4. Bring her the book. 5. Look at the book. 6. Open these books and don't close them, please.

Упр. 29. Измените предложения так, чтобы они стали отрицательными.

1. Open the windows. 2. Read the text. 3. Take your bag. 4. Look at Mary. 5. Listen to your friend. 6. Close the door. 7. Stand up. 8. Take a chair. 9. Sit down. 10. See this film. 11. Take a taxi. 12. Forget about it.

Упр. 30. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Открой книгу и читай текст. 2. Возьми ручку и пиши. 3. Не смотрите на доску. 4. Слушайте Мэри, пожалуйста. 5. Не закрывай окно. 6. Возьмите стул, пожалуйста, и садитесь. 7. Прочтите текст дома, не читайте его сейчас. 8. Не говорите по-русски, пожалуйста, говорите по-английски. 9. Закройте книгу и принесите её мне. 10. Не смотри этот фильм, иди спать.

Упр. 31. Составьте пять побудительных предложений.

X. Предлоги

Значение предлогов Предлоги Примеры
1. Предлоги места in (в) at (в, у, возле)   on (на) above (над) under (под) in front of (перед) behind (за, позади) between (между) near (около, рядом с) The book is in the bag. I study at the University. I am sittingat the table. The book is on the desk. The lamp is above the table. The cat is under the table. The garden is in front of the house. The sport ground is behind our school. The table is between two chairs. She is standing near the window.
2. Предлоги направления to (к) from (из) into (в, внутрь) out of (из) through (через, сквозь) Come to me. I come from Russia. Put the book into the bag. Take the book out of the bag. He came in through the door.
3. Предлоги времени in (в – с названием года, месяца; через) at (в – с названием часа) on (в – с названием дня недели, с датой) by (к) from … till …(с … до) for (в течение) during (во время чего-либо) after (после) before (перед) in April, in 2000, in an hour, in two days at 5 o'clock, at midnight on Monday, on the 10th of February by 8 o'clock tomorrow from 5 till 6 o'clock for an hour during the lesson after work before the lesson
4. Предлоги, выражающие падежные отношения of (родительный) to (дательный) with (творительный, обозначает орудие, чем произведено действие) by (творительный, обозначает деятеля, кто совершил действие) the leg of the table Explain it to me. He wrote his letter with a pencil.   This letter was written by my brother.

Упр. 70. Заполните пропуски предлогами, подходящими по смыслу.

1. ...Sunday we often swim ... the river. 2. Last week he went ... Moscow. 3. I see many books ... the table and ... the bookcase. 4. I don't like to sit ... the window. 5. Pushkin street is ... Lenin street and Sadovaya street. 6. He will come back ...three days. 7. London is the capital ... Great Britain. 8. America was discovered ... Columbus. 9. He took some books ... the table and put them ... the bag. 10. ... the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas. 11. He bought a book ... English poems and gave it ... his sister. 12. I began writing my composition ... 7 o'clock and finished only ...the evening.

Упр. 71. Переведите на английский язык.

1. На столе, над телевизором, под диваном, перед домом, за школой, рядом с окном, между стульями, в комнате; в 7 часов, в сентябре, через 2 дня, с 8 до 9 часов, в субботу, к лету, перед следующим годом, после зимы. 2. Подойдите к столу. Возьмите со стола ручку и карандаш. Положите их в сумку. Достаньте из сумки книгу, положите её на стол. Сядьте за стол и откройте книгу. 3. В прошлом месяце моя тётя не ходила на работу. Она вставала в 10 часов. Она часто ходила в театр и в кино. Но сейчас она опять встаёт рано, потому что она опять ходит на работу. Она работает в нашем университете. Учебный год в университете — с сентября по май. В январе и июне студенты сдают экзамены. Тётя ходит в университет в понедельник, среду и пятницу. Во вторник и четверг она всегда работает в библиотеке. В субботу она обычно ездит в деревню.


Text 1. About Myself

My name is Svetlana Petrova. I am twenty. I was born in Petushki. I come from the workers' family. At the age of seven I went to school. While at school I was interested in Mathematics and it became my favourite subject. I studied English at school.

After leaving school I tried to enter the Pedagogical University. I wanted to become a teacher and to teach Mathematics at school. But I couldn't pass the entrance examinations well. It was too difficult for me. So I began working at a shop. When I had spare time I prepared for my entrance examinations.

Now I'm a student of the faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I combine work and studies. I study by correspondence and continue my work at the shop. It is difficult and I am very busy every day.

Answer the following questions:

I. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What family do you come from? 4. What was your favourite subject at school? 5. Was it difficult for you to study English at school? 6. What did you do after leaving school? 7. What profession did you decide to choose? 8. Why could not you enter the University after leaving school? 9. What faculty do you study at? 10. Are you a full-time student?

Text 2. Our Family

My family is not large. We are four: my father, my mother, my elder sister and I. My parents are of the same age. My mother works in an office and my father is a driver. He works at a plant. As for my sister, she is 27. She is a dressmaker. People say, she is a very good dressmaker.

I have a grandfather and a grandmother. They do not live with us. It's a pity they are rather old. My grandfather is 79 and my grandmother is only one year his juniour. I love them and often go to see them.

I have an aunt and an uncle. They are farmers. They live in the village. They have two children, my cousins. The boy-cousin Nick is a pupil. He goes to school and studies in the ninth form. My girl-cousin Jane is only six. She goes to the kindergarten.

As for me, I am a student of the extra-mural department. Last year I left school and tried to enter the Pedagogical University. It's a pity, I failed in Mathematics. Now I am a part-time student and combine work and studies.

Answer the following questions.

1. How many are you in your family? 2. How old are your parents? 3. Where do you work? 4. Where do your parents work? 5. Are you married? 6. Have you got sisters and brothers? 7. Do you live with your grandparents? 8. Your cousins are students, aren't they? 9. Why do you combine work and studies? 10. Is it difficult to do it?

Text 4. My Studies

I am a student of the extra-mural department. I study at the faculty of Primary Education. I don't go to the University every day. I'm on session twice a year: in winter and in summer. In winter our session lasts only two weeks, but in summer we spend at the University more than a month. We usually have four periods every day. At the end of our studies we pass different tests and examinations. It's also possible to come to the University on Saturday and have different consultations or pass some tests. We learn many subjects: Russian, Mathematics, Literature, Psychology, History and so on.

I like Literature most of all. We must read a lot of books in this subject. But our studies of Literature at the University help me in my work. I'm a teacher of the second form. So I have lessons of reading with the children every day. Our lectures of Literature at the University help me to conduct them in an interesting way.

As a whole it isn't easy to study at the University. But I'll do my best to study well and to graduate from it in some years.

Answer the following questions:

1. What faculty do you study at? 2. How many times a year do you have your session? 3. How much time does it last? 4. Can you come to the Universities on Saturdays? 5. What subjects do you study at the University? 6. What subjects are useful and interesting to you? 7. Would you like to change anything in your education? 8. When will you graduate from the University?

Text 5. Vladimir

Vladimir is an ancient town. It is more than one thousand years old. Our town stands on the bank of the river Klyasma and is very beautiful. There are a lot of sights there, e.g. the Golden Gate. It was built in 1164 and in ancient time it was a military fortress. In the 13th century the citizens of Vladimir tried to defend the town from this fortress. Now there is a good museum in the Golden Gate. Here we can see an interesting diorama which shows the battle between Tatar Mongols and Vladimir citizens. There are also examples of foreign and Russian weapons from different periods and the portrait gallery of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from Vladimir.

On the Sobornaya Square you can see two beautiful cathedrals of our town: the Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. Demetrius. The Assumption Cathedral is a church where services are held. And it is also a museum. There are a lot of frescoes in it. They are made by Andrey Rublev and Daniil Cherny. The cathedral of St. Demetrius was built as a family church of Prince Vsevolod III. Its walls are decorated by stone carvings of lions and leopards. The lion was a symbol of the prince's power.

Vladimir is famous for its cultural traditions. There are two theatres and a concert hall in our town. You can also see two State Universities and a lot of libraries there.

Answer the following questions:

1. How old is Vladimir? 2. Where does it stand? 3. Where is the Golden Gate situated? 4. What was it in ancient time? 5. What can we see in the Golden Gate now? 6. Do you know any other places of interest in Vladimir? 7. Have you ever visited the Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. Demetrius? 8. What is your native place? 9. Can you say some sentences about your native town (settlement)?

Text 6. Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island country. The British Isles include two islands: Great Britain and Ireland and about five thousand small islands. The country consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country is washed by the English Channel, the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The main rivers are the Severn, the Thames and the Trent. The climate of Great Britain is wet. The sea keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cooler in summer. So in England it is never too hot or too cold.

Great Britain is a monarchy, but it is a constitutional monarchy. The power of the queen is limited by the Parliament. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has the majority in the House of Commons.

The capital of the United Kingdom is London. It is a large and beautiful city. There are a lot of wonderful sights there, e.g. the Tower of London. In ancient times it was a citadel, a prison, an armoury. Nowadays the Tower is a museum. Here we can see the national collection of armour, the Crown Jewels and Royal Regalia. The Tower is still guarded by Yeomen Warders, the famous beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteenth century uniform. The Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. It is a famous monument to the ingenuity of the man. The bridge weighs about 1000 tons, but it can be raised in some minutes to let the ships go in and out of the Pool of London.

Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of country is the United Kingdom? 2. What seas wash the country? 3. Why is the climate wet in Great Britain? 4. What are the main rivers of the country? 5. Who is the head of the United Kingdom? 6. How many chambers has the Parliament? 7. What was the Tower of London in ancient times? 8. What can we see in the museum nowadays?

Text 7. Sherlock Holmes

Many years ago a young doctor began to write stories about a man, who was a detective. Readers liked his stories because they were very interesting and the doctor decided to become a writer. The doctor was Conan Doyle and he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective meets his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 В Baker Street in London. Many discussions take place about where 221 В was. There is no house there now. But a large company has its office near the place. This company answers 20 or so letters which still come every week to Sherlock Holmes, 221 В Baker Street. Many people ask if Mr. Holmes can help them in some problem. The company answers saying that "Mr. Holmes is no longer working as a detective."

There is a pub in London called Sherlock Holmes. One of the rooms in the pub is Sherlock Holmes' room. It has many things the room in Conan Doyle's stories had: Holmes' hat, some letters written to Sherlock Holmes, chairs and tables like these described in the stories. Besides there are some pictures of Holmes and Conan Doyle, of actors who played Holmes and Watson in films, television and radio.

In 1961 lovers of Sherlock Holmes formed the Sherlock Holmes Society. They meet three or four times a year to talk about Sherlock Holmes. The members of the Society know stories of Sherlock Holmes very well and they discuss these stories at their meetings.

Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of stories did a young doctor begin to write? 2. Why did the doctor decide to become a writer? 3. When did Conan Doyle write his first story about Sherlock Holmes? 4. Where did Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson live? 5. What can we see in the pub in London? 6. What did lovers of Sherlock Holmes form in 1961? 7. What do they do at their meetings?

Text 8. Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of Charles L. Dodgson, the man who wrote a famous book for children "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

Charles L. Dodgson was born in England in 1832. He got his early education at a public school. Then he became a student at Oxford. Charles studied Mathematics and later taught this subject in the same college. Charles Dodgson had no family, but he loved children very much. He often visited his friend Mr. Liddell who had a large family. There were three little girls in the family. One of them, Alice, was four years old. Dodgson liked Alice very much and he often told her interesting stories, which he made up himself.

Charles told Alice Liddell about the adventures of a little girl, and she liked the stories very much. When Alice Liddell was about ten years old, she asked Charles to write down the stories for her and he did so. He called the heroine of his book also Alice. One day a friend of the Liddells, a writer, came to see the family. He saw the hand-written book made by Charles Dodgson and began to read it with great interest. He read the book to the end and said that it was good and that all children in England must read it. Charles decided to publish the book but he didn't want to do it under his own name. So he took the pen-name of Lewis Carroll.

The book came out in 1865 and all the people who read it liked it very much. Later the book was published in the United States, in France and in Ger-many. The first Russian translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" came out in 1923. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is still a favourite children's book.

Say if these statements are true or false:

1) Charles Dodgson was the real name of Lewis Carroll.

2) He wrote the famous book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'.

3) L. Carroll was born in England.

4) He taught History at Oxford.

5) His friend Mr. Liddell had a large family.

6) Alice Liddell liked the stories by Carroll very much.

7) When Alice was ten Lewis Carroll published these stories.

8) The first Russian translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" came out at the beginning of the 20th century.

Text 9. Richard III

King Richard III is known as a cruel king. But now some people think that Richard III wasn't cruel. What do we know about him? He lived at the time of the "Wars of the Roses". It was the time in English history when the Houses of York and Lancaster were fighting for the throne. Richard's father was the Duke of York, his emblem was a white rose. The Duke of Lancaster's emblem was a red rose.

Richard's elder brother Edward became a king in 1461 and Richard fought with him against his enemies. When in 1488 Edward died, his eldest son had to be-come a king, but before it happened the twenty-year old prince was taken with his younger to prison and nobody saw them again. Richard became the King of Eng-land. People say, he had murdered his young nephews.

Shakespeare's play "Richard III" and many historical books show Richard as a cruel king, but he lived in cruel times and many kings did the same things. People are angry that Richard murdered his nephews. But was it Richard who did it? Nobody knows.

Richard III was the king only for two years. In 1485 Henry Tudor invaded England from France and Richard, at the head of his army, was killed. Henry Tudor became the King as Henry VII. He married the sister of Richard's nephews and that was the end of the Wars of the Roses. Henry VII was the King of England for twenty four years.

Answer the following questions:

1. Richard III is known as a cruel king, isn't he? 2. What do some people think about him? 3. When did Richard become a King? 4. Who did he murder? 5. What play tells us about Richard? 6. How many years was he the King? 7. Who invaded England in 1485? 8. How did Henry VII put an end to the War of Roses?

Text 10. Stradford-on-Avon

Stratford-on-Avon, where Shakespeare was born, is now one of the most popular tourist centres. But it was not so many years ago.

In the 18th century only a few relics of Shakespeare were left: his tomb, New Place (a large house, which Shakespeare built, when he became famous), the mulberry tree, that he had planted, and his birthplace. People from London and other places came to see these relics. Most of them came to New Place where they wanted to see the famous mulberry tree in the garden.

The owner of New Place wasn't much interested in Shakespeare. He didn't like the fact that so many visitors came to his house asking to see the mulberry tree. So, in 1756 he cut down the tree and his life became quiet. But it didn't last long. The people who came to Stratford-on-Avon to see Shakespeare's tree at first were surprised, then they got so angry that the owner of New Place had to leave Stratford.

After Stratford lost one of the famous relics of Shakespeare the city fathers decided to do something to attract people there. They asked the greatest actor of the time David Garrick to organize a festival in Stratford. Garrick planned to do it in the first week of September 1769. He wanted festival to be the greatest outdoor festival in England.

At six o'clock in the morning on Wednesday in September 6, 1769, the festival was opened. Many people came to Stratford. The first day was successful and Garrick was happy. On the second day it rained hard. On the third day alt people left Stratford.

Garrick returned to London very sad. But his festival was the beginning of a tradition. Stratford is now famous for its great Shakespeare festivals. Every year a lot of people come to Stratford for the festival season which lasts from April to September.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where was Shakespeare born? 2. What relics of Shakespeare were left in the 18th century? 3. Why did the owner of the New Place cut down the mulberry tree? 4. Why did the fathers of Stratford decide to organize Shakespeare's festival? 5. When was the first festival opened? 6. Who organized it? 7. Was the festival successful? 8. How long does the festival season last in Stratford now?

Text 12. Walter Scott

Walter Scott is a creator of the historical novel in English literature. He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland. He loved his native land deeply and was greatly interested in its past. In his youth he made a good collection of old Scottish ballads.

Walter Scott first became known as a poet- But in 1814 his first novel "Waverley" appeared. During the next few years Scott published many novels, such as “Guy Mannering", "Rob Roy", 'Ivanhoe" and he became one of the most famous novelists of his days.

Most of his life Walter Scott spent at the farm at Abbotsford. He got up at five, dressed and went to see his horses. At six he sat down at his writing table and wrote till nine or ten, when he had breakfast. Then he went on writing for two hours more and after it went on riding or fishing, spending the rest of the day with his family or visiting friends.

In his novels Scott describes the historical past of the country. Sometimes he idealizes the old times and his historical facts are not always exact, but his great love for Scotland helped him to understand the history of his people. His description of the life, customs and habits of his people are very realistic, as he studied them deeply. Through his stories people all over the world began to know and love Scotland.

Scott showed that the past and the present were connected. That is why his novels are read nowadays with great interest.

Answer the following questions:

1. When was Walter Scott born? 2. What did he collect in his youth? 3. What novels by Walter Scott do you know? 4. Where did he spend most of his life? 5. What does he describe in his novels? 6. His great love for Scotland helped Walter Scott to understand its history, didn't it? 7. Why do people read his novels with great interest?

Text 13. Abraham Lincoln

The life story of the sixteenth president of the United States is famous, because it is the typical story of American success. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin: to a poor family. But when he grew up he became the President of the United States. He attended school only about a year. With the help of his stepmother he himself learned how to read and write.

Abraham Lincoln is well-known and loved by Americans for his honesty, intelligence and humanity. Lincoln was elected president in 1860. At that time the question of slavery was very important. About six weeks after his inauguration the American Civil War began. In 1863 Lincoln published Emancipation Proclamation which gave political freedom to three million blacks living in the South. Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor, during a theatre performance at Ford's Theatre in Washington.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Abraham Lincoln so famous in the United States? 2. Where was he born? 3. Did he go to school? 4. What was the most important question in his time? 5. When did Lincoln publish the Emancipation Proclamation? 6. Why was this Proclamation important? 7. Who killed Lincoln?

Text 14. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston. He was a son of a candle-maker. His family was very poor. But he worked hard and became a printer, writer, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He believed that only in a democratic country like America a poor boy could become a famous and powerful man.

In his autobiography he said that all men must work hard and be honest. Every morning he asked himself: "What good shall I do this day?" And every night he asked himself: "What good have I done today?"

Benjamin Franklin was always interested in scientific experiments. He invented the Franklin stove, which produced more heat with less fuel. In 1752 he performed an experiment with a kite and proved the theory that lightening is a form of electricity.

Benjamin Franklin also realized that he was American, not an Englishman, and helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. In 1776 the U.S. declared independence. After it Franklin lived in France. He was the U.S. Ambassador10 in France during the American Revolution.

Say if these statements are true or false:

1. B. Franklin was born in the family of a candle-maker.

2. He worked hard and became a sailor.

3. B. Franklin invented the Franklin stove and performed experiments with a kite.

4. B. Franklin helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

5. B. Franklin spent many years in Spain.

Text 15. Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was one of America's reforming leaders. She worked hard to improve housing, education, health and the status of minority groups. As the wife of the 32nd President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, she was the country's most active first lady. She traveled all over the world, gave lectures and met the world leaders. She wrote many newspaper and magazine articles and made many radio and television appearances. She advised her husband, wrote many articles, gave lectures all over the world and worked with all levels of government to improve housing, education and health in the United States.

After her husband's death she became a delegate to the United Nations. There she helped to write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For years Eleanor Roosevelt was called the most admired woman in the world.

Answer the following questions:

I. Why is Eleanor Roosevelt famous? 2. What did she try to improve? 3. She was the country's active first lady, wasn't she? 4. Did she travel much? 5. What did she do during her trips? 6. What organization was she the delegate to? 7. What did she help to write? 8. How did people call Eleanor Roosevelt?

Text 16. Jack London

Jack London's life is the life of hard work. He began working at the age of eight. By the time he was twenty two he had lived more than most people do in fifty years. He had worked on ships and in factories, he had traveled across the ocean as a sailor, he had tramped16 from San Francisco to New York with an army of unemployed and back through Canada to Vancouver. He had studied the great masters of literature, had read the works of great scientists and philosophers.

In 1896 gold was discovered in Alaska; and together with thousand of other men London went to the new territory. He brought no gold back with him, but he brought wonderful stories which he wrote on his return. They are based on the life he lived and on what he saw and heard in the frozen North. The collections of stories "Children of the Frost", “The Son of the Wolf”, "The White Silence" show us man's struggle with Nature.

Jack London is not pessimistic in his stories. A man may lose his own life in the struggle with nature, but life goes on. In his great works "The Iron Heels" and ''Martin Eden" London treats the problems of the individual and society.

Answer the following questions:

1. At what age did Jack London begin to work? 2. Where did he work? 3. What did he study? 4. Why did he go to Alaska in 1896? 5. What books about the North did he write? 6. Were his books pessimistic? 7. What did he show in his great works? 8. Have you read any books by Jack London?

Text 17. The British Museum

There are many museums in London. One of the most famous is the British museum. Built in the middle of the nineteenth century it is situated in Bloomsbury, a district in central London. It is an immense, light-grey building, like a Greek temple.

It is difficult to answer the question "what is the British Museum?' However we'll try. In the first place it is a great library, one of the largest in the world, with something 6 or 7 million books. By law a copy of every book, pamphlet, periodical including maps and music published in Britain, must be kept at the British Museum. Newspapers are kept in a separate building in another part of London. Many famous people of the past worked there. Among them were Charles Dickens, Karl Marks, and V.I. Lenin.

Secondly, the British Museum is a great scientific institution, generally known as Natural History Museum.

Lastly, the British Museum has a wonderful art gallery. It has unique collections of sculpture, ceramics and drawings of many people.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most famous museum in London? 2. When was it built? 3. What does it look like? 4. How many books has the library there? 5. Where can we find periodicals? 6. Who worked in the museum? 7. What can you say about its art gallery?

Text 18. Robert Burns

Robert Burns was the greatest poet of the 18th century. He is famous all over Scotland.

R. Burns was born in a picturesque village of Alloway. His father was a poor

farmer, but it was from his father that Robert received his learning and his love for books. His mother had a beautiful voice and taught him old Scottish songs and ballads, which he later turned into his best poems.

At the age of 13 Robert began to work on the farm together with his father. Robert was a handsome young man, but he often suffered from illness because of hard work and bad food.

After his father's death the young poet had to support his large family. His farming was a failure and he thought of leaving for Jamaica, in 1786 a few friends of Robert helped him to publish his first volume of poems. His book was a success and Robert Burns went to Edinburgh. He came into contact with some literary circles. He traveled through Northern England and Scotland collecting bal-lads and folk tales. His countrymen loved their poet for his patriotism.

Robert Burns died at the age of 37 at Dumfries, where he had served as a tax collector for the last six years of his life. Upon his death he was declared the national poet of Scotland and his birthday on January 25 is always celebrated as a national holiday.

Robert Burns is one of the most popular song writers of English Literature. The whole world sings his songs "Auld Lang Syne", "A Red, Red Rose", "My Heart's in the Highlands". His lovely poems are translated into many languages.

Here are some facts about R. Burns. Only one of them is wrong. Which one?

1. R. Burns is famous all over Scotland.

2. He was born in a poor family.

3. He leant a lot of old Scottish songs and ballads from his mother.

4. R. Burns was a good farmer and could help his large family.

5. R. Burns traveled much and collected ballads and folk tales.

6. January 25, R. Burns' birthday, is a national holiday in Scotland.

7. His poems are translated into many languages.


I. Местоимения.

1. Личные местоимения.

Число Лицо Именительный падеж Объектный падеж
Единственное     Множественное     I (я) you (ты) he (он) she (она) it (оно) we (мы) you (вы) they (они)   me (мне) you (тебе) him (ему) her (ей) it (ему) неодуш. us (нам) you (вам) them (им)

Упр.1.Выберите правильное местоимение.

1. Kate and (I, me) work together. 2. (We, us) spend our holidays with (they, them).3. My sister and (I, me) are good friends. 4. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day. 5. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis. 6. Will you give (she, her) and (I, me) some help? 7. (It, he) is my dog. 8. (They, them) asked (he, him) about his parents.

Упр.2. Замените подчёркнутые слова личными местоимениями.

1. Sally and Games are at home. 2. The room is large and clean. 3. Peggy and I watched the film on TV. 4. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text. 5. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 6. My friend wrote a letter to his sister. 7. Jane took 3 books from the library. 8. His cousins live in Moscow. 9. Our grandmother and grandfather will come tomorrow. 10. Mary works in a shop.

Притяжательные местоимения.

Число Лицо Основная форма (перед существительными) Абсолютная форма (без существительных)
Единственное     Множественное     my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

Упр. 3. Измените предложения по образцу.

Model: This is her book. - This book is hers.

1. This is my house. 2. These are their dogs. 3. This is his car. 4. These are her sons. 5. This is our office. 6. These are your rooms. 7. This is my garden. 8. These are her flowers. 9. This is his cup. 10. These are their children.

Упр. 4. Выберите правильные притяжательные местоимения.

1. Is this (your/yours) book? 2. It is (their/theirs) door, not (our/ours). 3. They are new students and I don’t know (their/theirs) names.4. (My/mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers)is nicer. 5. It isn’t (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new. 6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs). 7. Are these pencils (her/hers)? 8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?

Упр.5. Употребите правильную форму личного или притяжательного местоимения.

1. (Моя) aunt Susan is (моей) mother’s sister. 2. Tell (им) about it. 3. (Наши) relatives are coming to see (нас) tomorrow. 4. Is this (твоя) dog? There is something wrong with (её) ear. 5. He gave (мне) (свою) photography, in which I couldn’t recognize (его). 6. We were surprised to see (их) on the platform, they also came to meet (нас). 7. The girls are here, (они) came early. 8. The Browns have moved to a new flat. (Они) gave (мне) (свой) new address, so I can visit (их). 9. I invite (тебя) to a party at (моём) place. (Я) hope (ты) will bring (своего) husband with (собой). 10. I am happy that (моя) cat found (своего) kitten.

Возвратные местоимения.

Личные местоимения Возвратные местоимения
I you he she it   we you they myself yourself himself herself itself   ourselves yourselves themselves

Упр. 6. Употребите нужное возвратное местоимение.

1. I will ask him … .2. He wants to do it … . 3. She washed … . 4. You will answer the letter … . 5. I looked at … in the mirror. 6. We will tell her … . 7. They have done the task … . 8. She doesn’t like to speak about … . 9. The story … is good, but not the translation. 10. Children, do it … .

II. Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени (Present Simple).

Число Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
Единственное     Множественное I am He is She is It is   We are You are They are Am I? Is he? Is she? Is it?   Are we? Are you? Are they? I am not He is not (he isn’t) She is not (she isn’t) It is not (it isn’t)   We are not (we aren’t) You are not (you aren’t) They are not (they aren’t)

Упр. 8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to be.

1. You … welcome. 2. The metro station … far from my house. 3. Mary and Nelly … friends. 4. It … 5 o’clock now. 5. How … you? 6. How old … Mary? 7. What country … she from? 8. How far … it from here? 9. They … glad to see her.10. It … not of her to say so. 11. -… you at home now? – No, I … not at home. I … at work. 12. - … your brother a doctor? – No, he … . He … a student.

Упр. 9. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1. Her name is Lucy. 2. Ted is nine. 3. Her face is round. 4. It is a good film. 5. I am happy. 6. We are at the University. 7. They are clever. 8. His cat is black. 9. She is from Russia. 10. It is time to go to bed. 11. You are a first-year student. 12. It is cold today. 13. We are glad to see them. 14. I am busy today.

Упр. 10. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Анне восемнадцать лет. Она студентка. 2. Его брат ученик. Он в школе. 3. Мамы нет дома. Она на работе. 4. - Вы врач? - Нет, я учитель. 5. Её сестра не секретарь. Она учитель. 6. - Этот фильм интересный? – Нет, он неинтересный. 7. – Ваши дети школьники? – Да, они школьники. 8. - Катя дома? – Да, но она занята. 9. Это картины. Они на стене. Картины очень красивые. 10. Моя бабушка пенсионерка. Она не на работе. Она дома.

III. Имя существительное.

1. Множественное число существительных.

Образование множественного числа существительных
a cat – cats a boy – boys a dog - dogs a story - stories a car – cars a chair – chairs a tomato - tomatoes a hero - heroes a bus – buses a box – boxes a leaf - leaves a dish – dishes a wolf - wolves a bench – benches  
Но: a piano – pianos a photo – photos   a roof – roofs a safe – safes a handkerchief - handkerchiefs  

Упр. 11. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределённый артикль нужно опустить).

A pen, a class, a city, a road, a day, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a dress, a potato, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wife, a country, a lion, a park, a play, a shelf, a dictionary, a roof, a key, a photo, a sandwich, a window.

Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных: a man – men a woman – women a child – children a foot – feet a tooth – teeth a mouse – mice a goose – geese an ox – oxen
Запомните также: an Englishman – Englishmen a Frenchman – Frenchmen Но: a German – Germans
Запомните три существительных, имеющих во множественном числе ту же форму, что и в единственном: a sheep – sheep a deer – deer a swine - swine

Упр. 12. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределённый артикль во множественном числе опускается, а определённый артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the woman, an eye, a thief, a fox, the city, a boy, a goose, the fish, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, an Englishman, a theatre, the German, the tornado, a tragedy, a shop.

Запомните: this is – these are that is – those are there is – there are it is – they are

Упр. 13. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that factory, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this deer, this game, this lady, that window, this man, that match, that child, this knife, this book, this family, that pie, this tooth, that teacher, this hobby, that mouse.

Упр. 14. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a spider. 2. That is a snail. 3. This is a space film. 4. That is a cartoon. 5. This is a star. 6. This is a girl. 7. This is a baby. 8. That is a plate. 9. That is a flower. 10. That is a bookshelf. 11. Is this a sofa? 12. Is this a bookcase? 13. Is this a man? 14. Is that a ball? 15. Is that a train? 16. That is not a king. 17. That is not a queen. 18. This isn’t a mouse. 19. This isn’t a goose. 20. There is a cup on the table. 21. There is a house in the street. 22. There is a tree in the garden. There is a child in the yard. 23. It is a dog. 24. It isn’t a boy. 25. It is not a bad egg. 26. It is a good city.

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