K) Join the sentences according to the model.

A. Model: The girl can take care of herself. She's big enough. The girl's big enough to take care of herself.

1. You can put the book in your pocket. It's small enough. 2. The wind could have knocked you over. It was strong enough. 3. You mustn't let the girl carry that heavy bag. She isn't strong enough. 4. They said he wouldn't be able to do the job properly and gave it to another man. They said he wasn't experienced enough. 5. He can give us all the details. He is willing enough. 6. The joke made us all laugh till we were weak. It was funny enough. 7. She never believed a word of his story. She wasn't foolish enough. 8. You can read the book. Even with your knowledge of the language it's easy enough. •

B. Model: I don't know. I don't care either. I don't know, nor do I care.

1. The little girl's expression didn't change. She didn't move her eyes from my face either. 2. She didn't noticeit.You didn't notice it either. 3. He said he didn't care and wasn't interested in the subject any longer. 4. He didn't come in the morning. As a matter of fact he never showed up at all that day. 5. She didn't speak to me. She didn't look at me either.

8. (K) Rewrite the following using had better.

1. I think it would be advisable for you to apologize be­fore it's too late. 2. You oughtn't to sit up so late every night. It's bad for the health. 3. You must hurry if you want to get to the station in time to catch the six o'clock train. 4. It would be a good thing to wait until the rain stops. To get wet would be the last thing anybody wants. 5. You mustn't eat so much. You're overweight as it is. 6. The doctor said that it would be a good thing for me to take more exercise. 7. What do you think I ought to do in a case like this?

9. Note the effect of through on the meaning of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.

1. Have you looked through today's papers? 2. He was looking through his notes ticking off the points he would be mentioning in his report. 3. He finally got through his exam, didn't he? 4. I never got through to him that day. Every time I picked up the phone the line was busy. 5. She said she was through with him. She hated to hear the sound of his name. 6. He wondered if he'd ever be able to get through with the job. 7. She thumbed through the book on the chance that she might find the letter she had hidden some­where between the pages. 8. His plans fell through. 9. It was a scheme as yet to be put through. 10. He's getting the best of medical-care and there's no reason why he shouldn't pull through.

Give the meaning of the italicized phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

1. I could see that they were all very nervous, eyeing me up and down distrustfully. 2. You-'ll get used to things by . and by. 3. He has been working here of f and on for some time. 4. He walked to and fro about the garden, evidently unable to make up his mind.

K) Say when a person will

grind (grit, clench) his teeth; knit his brows; wring his hands; purse his lips; clench his fists; shake his head; screw up his face (eyes); shrug his shoulders.

12. Study the phrases with thing and head. Use them In sentences of your own.

A. 1. The girl was an unusually attractive little thing. 2. That was a nasty thing to say! 3. You'd better start packing your things at once. 4. Things seemed to be getting worse with every passing minute. 5. If he wants to have things his own way, let him. 6. What with one thing and another, she didn't have a minute to spare. 7. A good rest will be just the thing for you. 8. I 'll call him up first thing in the morning. 9. I all but missed the train. It was a near thing. 10. Mini-skirts were quite the thing a few years ago, but now they have gone out of fashion. 11. She said she didn't feel quite the thing that morning and would rather stay at home. 12. For one thing I am busy, for another I'd like to keep out of it al­together.

B. 1. Two heads are better than one. 2. You may count on him to keep his head in a moment of danger. 3. It was all so sudden. No wonder they lost their heads. 4. The young man will go far. He's got a good head on his shoulders. 5. I expect­ed her to nod agreement, but she shook her head. 6. We were unable to make head or tail of the story. It was so confusing. 7. His success must have gone to his head. He behaved very strangely, to say the least. 8. Who put that funny idea into your head? 9. Just give her a chance, and she'll talk your head off.

13. (K) Translate the following into English using to, the verb being understood.

1. Странно, что он не пришел. Я знаю, что он собирался прийти. 2. Ты говоришь, что он не пишет. Но, насколько я знаю, он и не собирался писать никому. 3. Мы предложили ему принять участие в нашем' лыжном походе. Он согла­сился пойти с нами. 4.— Он даже не поблагодарил вас за заботу? —Собственно, я и не ожидал, что он это сделает. 5.— Разрешите помочь вам? — Я буду очень рад это сде­лать, если вы мне разрешите. 6. Она еще не получила отве­та на свое письмо, но надеется его получить в ближайшем будущем. 7. Можно мне пойти с вами в кино? Мне бы очень хотелось пойти. 8. Он не возражал помочь им, ему даже хотелось это сделать. 9. Извините, если я вас обидел. У ме­ня и в мыслях не было обидеть вас. 10. Он сказал, что при­дет на вокзал проводить вас. Практически, он обещал прийти.

14. Render the following in English. Use the words and phrases giv­en below.


К многим томам клинических исследований больных,, перенесших операцию пересадки сердца, добавилось не­сколько страничек, написанных человеком, далеким от ме­дицины, вдовой доктора Филиппа Блайберга. Того, кто в течение 595 дней был символом веры энтузиастов пересадки.

— Все это время мой муж вел мучительную двойную жизнь,— рассказывает Эйлин Блайберг.— Он сознательно обманывал мир. Это была его месть за страдание.

На людях Блайберг выглядел бодрым, плавал, играл в регби, пил с журналистами, посещал ночные клубы. Но, говорит вдова Блайберга, каждый такой рекламный жест стоил ему невыносимого напряжения и многих последую­щих недель агонии в постели. После знаменитого матча в регби в мае 1968 года он пролежал в больнице почти четыре месяца. Блайберг был вынужден поглощать огромное коли­чество лекарств: от 32 до 100 таблеток ежедневно. Эти лекарства не могли не разрушать его организм. Миссис Блайберг вспоминает, что во время вскрытия врачи были поражены тем, что ее муж вообще мог самостоятельно передвигаться — до такой степени были разрушены мышеч­ные и костные ткани.

Мой муж охотно раздавал платные интервью и стара­тельно улыбался в объектив фоторепортеров, потому что предчувствовал близкую смерть и хотел, пока не поздно, обеспечить свою семью.

Филипп Блайберг успел написать книгу о своем воз­рождении к жизни. Он'"писал о себе, как об абсолютно здоровом человеке, возвращенном ко всем радостям бытия. Он стал легендарным при жизни и делал все, чтобы эта легенда казалась правдой. Легенда о Блайберге была од­ной из самых радостных сказокXX века.

the legend that lasted 595 days; clinical research;

to undergo a transplantation of the heart; far from med­icine; Dr Philip Blaiberg; to be a symbol for; to lead a double life full of suffering; deliberately; to be one's re­venge for suffering; to the world; to look healthy, cheer­ful; a publicity stunt; to mean suffering; a rugby match; to take enormous doses of medicine; couldn't

but destroy; an autopsy; muscular and bone tissue; to give paid interviews; to smile into the camera's eye;

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