Exercise 10. Translate into English. Mind the Sequence of Tenses.

1. Он сказал мне, что знает три языка. 2. Мой товарищ позвонил мне и сказал, что он болен и не сможет прийти на занятия. 3. Он обещал своей маленькой дочке, что привезет ей новую куклу. 4. Он увидел, что все уже танцуют. 5. Он сказал вам, когда он вернется с работы? 6. Я уверен, что вы вскоре будете здоровы. 7. Она не видела, кто стоит за дверью. 8. Я понял, почему он не пришел. 9. Он сказал, что я должен это сделать сразу. 10. Я видел, что она идет по другой стороне улицы. 11. Он понял, что сделал ошибку. 12. Она была уверена, что все сейчас смотрят на ее красное платье. 13. Сейчас он жалел, что плохо учил английский в школе. 14. Я удивлялась, что он не понимает таких простых вещей. 15. Я надеялся, что наша команда победит. 16. Он забыл, что уже читал эту книгу.


Exercise 1. Explain the difference between the meaning of the italicized forms in the following sets of sentences and translate them.

1. a)When I came back to Moscow, my friend went to Kiev. b) When I came back to Moscow, my friend had gone to Kiev. 2. a) Ann had spoken to the teacher when Mary came to show him her work. b) Ann was speaking to the teacher when Mary came to discuss the work she had done. 3. a) When our visitors arrived, my wife was making tea. b) When our visitors arrived, my wife made tea. c) When our visitors arrived, my wife had already made the tea. 4. a) When she got home her parents were having dinner. b) When she got home her parents had already dined and were watching TV. c) When she got home she had dinner and watched TV for two hours instead of doing her home- work. 5. a) The floor was covered with balls of wool: Mrs Brown was knitting something. b) The floor was covered with balls of wool, obviously Mrs Brown had been knitting something. 6. a) The meeting had begun before we got to the place. b) As soon as we got to the place, the meeting began. 7. a) The mother had cooked the lunch and was waiting for the children to come home from school. b) She cooked lunch and sat down at the window to watch the children coming back from school. c) She had been sitting at the window for quite a while before the children came. 8. a) When my friend rang me up, I was doing my homework. b) I had already done my homework when my friend rang me up. 9. Next month our English teacher will have been working at the Institute for twenty-five years. b) I am sure that twenty years from now she will still be working here, as active as ever. 10. a) No sooner had the professor begun to speak than he was interrupted by the arrival of a group of students. They had been detained at the cloakroom. b) The professor had not yet begun to speak when another group of students entered the hall.

Exercise 2. Replace the time indicators by those given in brackets. Change the form of the verb accordingly and make the other necessary changes.

1. He (tell) me about it a minute ago (just, tomorrow). 2. She often (cook) her own breakfast (yesterday, every morning, already). 3. She (be) here at six o’clock (since six o’clock, never, tomorrow). 4. We (live) in the country now (before the war, never). 5. Every month she (buy) a lot of new books (last month, lately). 6. He (tell) me about it every time he sees me (two days ago, this week, at this time tomorrow). 7. I (see) my friend every day (many years ago, just, next Sunday). 8. I (not to see) him last week (since last week, lately, after classes today). 9. My boyfriend (go) to the country every week (last night, this evening). 10. She (borrow) new books from the library regularly (last week, today). 11. He (tell) you about it during the class (ever, often)? 12. They (leave) Moscow already (at night, next month). 13. It (rain) yesterday (now, all day long yesterday, at his time yesterday, tomorrow, when we left home). 14. John regularly (write) letters to his parents (seldom, the day before yesterday, tonight, when we called on him last night, at present, never). 15. Philip (stay) with his friends during the vacations (when he was in Moscow, whenever he comes to Moscow, for the time being, still). 16. Mrs Stuart (go) shopping today (on Saturday, after her children returned from school, while her children had classes, often). 17. She (be) excited all day yesterday (always, all day, at the moment). 18. The family (watch) TV when I came home (the whole evening, from 7 till 10, after dinner, every night, still). 19. Professor Clark (deliver) a lecture on Greek sculpture at the same time next week (at the same time last week, last Monday, next Friday, already, when we entered the lecture hall, at this very moment, from 9 till 11 a.m., when the term is over). 20. We (not to play) tennis since last Sunday (last Monday, next Sunday, at this time tomorrow, when you arrived).

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