Прочитайте письмо и вставьте нужное местоимение.

Hi Sarah,

I’ve got something interesting 0 (interesting) to tell you but you mustn’t tell

…………………… 1 (else) because it’s a secret. Clare has split up with Michael and she’s seeing ………………2 (new). His name’s Toby and she says he’s a builder, but she hasn’t told me ……………………3(else) about him. That’s a surprise isn’t it? She didn’t say ………………4 to me about problems with Michael before this happened and ………………5 (else) was expecting it to happen - we were all very surprised.

Well, apart from that,........................ 6 (else) is normal and………………7 (unusual) has happened since I last wrote to you. I haven’t been………………8 (exciting) and I haven’t done …………………9 (different) from the usual routine. …………………10 is quite boring in my life. I hope......................................... 11 (good) happens soon.

Love to..................... 12 in your family.


5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Is there some/any butter in the fridge?

2. There isn't any/no bread in the bag.

3. There are some/any cucumbers on the table.

4. There are any/no potatoes in the box.

5. There is/are some cheese on the shelf.

Вставьте some/any/no.

1. There is ______ milk in the cup, but it is very cold.

2. There is ______ bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.

3. Are there ______ oranges in the bag?

4. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.

5. There are______ flowers in the vase. They are red.

6. There are ______ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.

7. There is ______ coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.

8. Is there ______ cheese in the fridge?

9. There isn’t ______ juice in the glass.

10. There are ______ grapes on the plate. They are green.

11. They've got ______ buns in this shop.

12. I'd like ________ potatoes, please.

13. Have you got ______ ice-cream?

14. There aren't ___________ boys in the team!

15. There are ___________ video shops in the town!

16. This is a terrible party. There isn't ________ good music!

17. I've got ___________ posters of Ricky Martin.

18. Have you got ___________ posters of Britney Spears?

19. 'Sit down, please.' 'But there aren't ___________ chairs!'

20. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ______.

21. I can see______ tomatoes in the bag. Let's make______ salad.

22. There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.


1. Дополните предложения словами: сucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, carrots.

There is some fresh ________ on the wooden table.

There aren't any ___________ in the big bag, but there are some ________ there.

There are no green ________ on the table, but there are some tasty red _________ there.

Прочитайте диалоги и вставьте нужное местоимение (some, any, no, every) или их производные.

SUE: I’m hungry.

DAD: Would you like (1) something to eat?

SUE: Yes, please.

FRED: I’m bored. I’ve got (2)_____________

MUM: Go and play tennis.

FRED: All my friends are on holiday so I haven’t got (3) _________ with

KEN: Let’s have lunch in this restaurant.

MEG: It looks very busy. Is there (4)___________?

KEN: Yes, there are two seats over there.

LIZ: We’re going to Rome in September.

TIM: Wonderful.

Liz: Yes, but we’ve got a problem. We haven’t got (5)_________ yet.

TIM: Have you tried The Plaza Hotel? They usually have free rooms.

PAM: I’m going to a really important party at the weekend and I need (6)________

CAROL: You can borrow my new black dress if you want.

TANYA: Jerry, go and talk to Annie. She’s in the kitchen.

JERRY: I haven’t got (7)______________

TANYA: Of course you have! You always have lots to say. Go and talk about food or sport.

Дополните диалог нужной информацией. Переведите его на русский язык.

ANNE You look worried. What's the problem?

TIM I've lost something 0.

ANNE What?

TIM My notebook. I've looked.................. 1 for it but I can't find it

ANNE Perhaps you left it................ 3 at college. Is it in your locker, for example?

TIM No, there's............. 4 in my locker, it's completely empty.

ANNE Well, maybe …………….5 took it by accident.

TIM No, I've asked …………….6 in my class but ………………7 has got it.

ANNE Well, there must be ……………..8 you can do. Have you checked in all your pockets?

TIM Of course I have. Oh, just a minute, there’s …………..9 in this pocket. I don’t usually keep ……………10 in there. Ah, guess what it is!

Переведите следующее письмо на английский язык.

Дорогой Фил!

Я здесь уже два месяца и мне не нравится это место. Я не встретил здесь ничего интересного. А также здесь слишком тихо вечером. Все магазины, рестораны закрываются рано и улицы пустынны. Некуда пойти и нет ничего интересного по телевизору.

Вчера мне кто-то сказал о спортивном клубе, где-то недалеко от моего дома. Поэтому я решил попробовать. Он находится всего лишь в 10 минутах от моего дома. Там есть силовые тренажеры (weight-training), теннис, плавательный бассейн и люди очень дружелюбные. Никто не говорит тебе что делать. Ты выбираешь сам. Как-то вечером со мной поздоровалась девушка и спросила: «Чем вы занимаетесь сегодня вечером?», а затем она добавила: «Вы бы не хотели выйти куда-нибудь в кафе?» И я согласился. Мы здорово провели время, и я подумал, что город становится лучше.

Всего наилучшего.


V. Прилагательное

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