Text 1. The Middle Ages. Their Classification

And General Characteristics.

Read the text and do the tasks that follow.

After the fall of Rome, Western and Central Europe suffered a decline in trade, town life and learning. Law and order vanished as the loss of strong government left the region in chaos. Europe entered 500 years of decline. This period is known to historians as the Early Middle Ages.

Feudal relations evolved within the slave-owning formation just as slave owning relations had evolved within the primitive-communal system. The colonatus was a sign of approaching crisis in the slave mode of production.

However, the elements of the new, feudal mode of production had no perspective for free development, since their growth was impeded by the prevailing slave-owning relations.

The period during which feudal relations were formed was the primary period in the development of feudalism and is known as the Middle Ages.

In Europe this period began approximately in the 5th century and lasted until the beginning of the 11th century; in Asia it began in the 3rd century (China), in the 4th-5th centuries (India), in the 7th century (Arabia) and lasted until the end of the 8th century in China and until the 11-12th centuries in most other countries.

The second period in the history of the Middle Ages is synonymous with the epoch of feudal development. This was a period of secondary division of agriculture and town crafts, a period during which the towns emerged as centres of crafts and trade. In Europe this took place between the 11th and 15th centuries; in Asia and North Africa between the 9th-11th centuries and the 15th century.

The third and last period is called the late Middle Ages. During this period feudal relations deteriorated and capitalist relations appeared. In Europe this period lasted from the 15th century to the middle of the 17th century.

As a result of the expansionist policy of the European colonialists, feudal relations continued to exist in Asia and Africa for a very long period of time.

Word Check

Ex. 1. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.

1) to vanish a) to develop naturally and usually gradually
2) the Middle Ages b) to make or become worse in quality or condition
3) to evolve c) almost correctly or exactly but not competely so
4) to impede d) to appear, become known
5) prevailing e) the period in European history from about AD 1100 to 1400 (or in a wider sense, AD 600-1500)
6) to deteriorate f) most usual or widespread
7) craft g) to fade away gradually; to go out of existence
8) approximately h) to hinder or obstruct the progress or movement of smth., smb.
9) to emerge i) occupation especially one in which skill in the use of the hands is needed

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences use the words and expressions from the text.

1. After the fall of Rome, Western and Central Europe suffered a … in trade, town life and learning.

2. Law and order … as the loss of strong government left the region in chaos.

3. Feudal relations … within the slave-owning formation.

4. The growth of the feudal mode of production … by the prevailing slave-owning relations.

5. This period during which feudal relations were formed is known as …

6. The second period in the history of the Middle Ages is the period during which the towns …

7. The third and the last period is called …

8. In Europe the period of the Middle Ages began … in the 5th century.

9. During the third period of the Middle Ages feudal relations … and capitalist relations appeared.


Words for reference: approximately, evolved, decline, the Middle Ages, emerged as centres of crafts and trade, was impeded, the Late Middle ages, vanished, deteriorated.

Ex. 3. Fill in the following prepositions: with, of, by, against, over, in, from … to, for, of

1. After the fall of Rome, Western and Central Europe suffered a decline … trade, town life and learning.

2. Europe entered 500 years … decline.

3. However, the elements of the new, feudal mode … production had no perspective … free development.

4. The development of the feudal relations was seriously impeded … the prevailing slave-owning relations.

5. Virtue will prevail … evil.

6. The invaders prevailed … the native population.

7. The second period in the history of the Middle Ages is synonymous … the epoch of feudal development.

8. This period approximately lasted … the 11th century … the 15th century.


Ex. 1. Complete the sentences, use the information from the text.

1. Feudal relations evolved within …

2. The colonatus was a sign of …

3. The Early Middle Ages approximately lasted …

4. The period of the Early Middle Ages was characterised by …

5. The second period in the history of the Middle Ages is synonymous with the epoch of feudal development and is known as a period …

6. The third and the last period is called the late Middle Ages and during this period …

Ex. 2. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the wrong statements and add some facts you know if the statements are correct.

1. The Early Middle Ages are characterised by prospering town life and learning.

2. The elements of the new feudal mode of production had all the perspective for free development as their growth was enhanced by the prevailing slave-owning relations.

3. The period during which feudal relations were formed was the primary period in the development of feudalism and is known as the Middle Ages.

4. The second period of the Middle Ages was a period during which the towns emerged as centres of crafts and trade.

5. In Europe this period took place between the 5th and 7th centuries.

6. The Late Middle Ages are characterised as an age of turbulence and complexity, but also as an age of vitality, ambition, and, above all, fascination.

7. As a result of the expansionist policy of the European colonialists in Asia and Africa slave trade expanded and the three centuries of slave trade had a long-lasting impact on Africa.

8. As a result of this policy, feudal relations continued to exist in Asia and Africa for a very long period of time.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What did Western and Central Europe suffer from after the fall of Rome?

2. What period in the history of Europe is known to historians as the Early Middle Ages?

3. What relations began to evolve within the slave-owning formation?

4. Why had the elements of the new, feudal mode of production no perspective for free development?

5. What important changes took place during the second period in the history of the Middle Ages?

6. What is the last period of the Middle Ages characterised by?

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