Read the words and memorize them.

Beneath (prep) [bi ni:Ө ]- под, ниже, внизу

Bough (n) [bau] - ветвь, сук

Care (n) [kεə] - забота

In broad daylight [in brə:d deilait] - средь бела дня

Stream (n) [ stri:m] - река, поток, ручей

To enrich (v) [in rit∫] - обогащать, украшать

To stare (v) [stεə] - пристально смотреть

Read the poem and try to explain the meaning of it.

What Is This Life?

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows;

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass;

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night;

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance;

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life is this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.


Looking at the issue

· What does the author want to portray?

· How can you explain the meaning of the poem?

· What advice does the author want to give us?

· How can you explain the meaning of the word «Life»? What is life for you?

· Do you agree with W.H. Davies?


It is known that people’s life is the most important thing in the world. Many people don’t even notice how it «runs». We are always in a hurry. What for? Coming to our «sunset» we understand that we know nothing about life… We should say «stop» to ourselves and begin to live! Just appreciate every minute, feelings of other people, health …

What is important for you? What moral values do you appreciate?

Here are some moral values. Read and analyze them.

Career - an occupation with opportunities for promotion;

Confidence - a feeling or certainty or boldness; being sure that you can do something;

Education - process of training people’s minds and abilities so that they acquire knowledge and develop skills.

Family - parents and their children, sometimes including grandchildren and other relations;

Freedom - being free, independence;

Friendship -the feeling that exists between friends;

Health - the condition of a person’s body or mind;

Love - great liking or affection;

Peace - time when there is no war, violence or disorder;

Wealth - a lot of money or property, riches.

Wisdom - being wise.

Range these values according to their importance for you:

1. ………….

2. …………

3. …………

11. ………….

We need a little to be happy. Read the verse and try to follow the given advice in your daily life.

Creation (n) [kri:  ei∫(ə)n] создание, творение

Creative (adj) [kri:  eitiv] творческий

Rationally (adv) [ ræ∫ən (ə) li] разумно, целесообразно, рационально

To aspire (v) [əs paiə] стремиться

To create (v) [kri: eit] творить, создавать

To glorify (v) [ glə:rifai] прославлять

To meditate (v) [ mediteit] размышлять

To nurture (v) [ nə:t∫ə] воспитывать

To praise (v) [ preiz] восхвалять

To pursue (v) [pə sju:] преследовать, гнаться

To reach ones potential [ri:t∫ pə ten∫(ə)l] достичь предела своих возможностей, полностью раскрыть себя

To value (v) ценить

To X-ray (v) [ eksrei] исследовать, тщательно проверять

To yearn (v) [jə:n] стремиться

Zestfully (adv) [ zestf (ə) li] живо, с охотой, с жаром

Looking at the issue

Are you happy?

What is happiness?

What makes people happy?

Read the words and memorize them. - What is happiness for you?

Read the words and memorize them. - Read the words and memorize them. - HAPPINESS

Read the words and memorize them. -

The ABC of Happiness

Aspire to reach your potential

Believe in yourself

Create a good life

Dream about what you might become

Exercise frequently

Glorify the creative spirit

Humour yourself and others

Imagine great things

Joyfully live each day

Kindly help others

Love one another

Meditate daily

Nurture the environment

Organize for harmonious action

Praise performance well done

Regulate your behaviour

Smile often

Think rationally

Understand yourself

Value life

Work for the common good

X-ray and carefully examine problems

Yearn to improve

Zestfully pursue happiness.


Most of us would like to be happy, if only we knew how. What makes people happy? Can we realise how happy we are? A famous philosopher says that we are happy when we don’t notice this feeling. Do you agree with this statement? We have many problems in our life. The most serious of them are problems concerning family. There are so many families without children… Parents must make their choice…

Read and learn the following words:

Abortion (n) [ə bə:∫ (ə) n] аборт

Brain (n) [brein] мозг

Fetus (n) [ fi:təs] плод, зародыш, эмбрион

Handicapped (mentally, [ hændikæpt]

physically) с физическими, умственными недостатками; умственно неполноценный

Health insurance [ helӨ in ∫uər(ə)ns медицинская страховка

Husband (n) [ h^zbənd] муж

Pregnancy (n) беременность

To be pregnant [ pregnənt] быть беременной

To marry (v) [ mæri] жениться, выходить замуж

To be married [ mærid] быть замужем, женатым

To give birth (to) [ bə:Ө] родить ребенка

To develop (v) [di veləp] развивать(ся)

Wife (n) [waif] жена

I. Give words or phrases (from the glossary) for the following definitions:

1. The organ inside the top of the head that controls the body; the mind, intelligence.

2. The woman to whom a man is married.

3. Physically or mentally disabled.

4. Unite a man and woman legally for the purpose of living together.

5. An agreement to compensate someone for damage or injury in return for a payment.

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