С) Use these phrases in the dialogues of your own.


X. Read and translate the following dialogues. Use the phrases of your own instead of the underlined ones.

— Here is one of those take-away places. Let's go in.

— It's worth trying, I think. I am tired.

—What about grilled chicken? It's very popular here, they say.

— I'd like to taste it. Oh, it looks so attractive.

— Yes, but the chicken is pretty hot, you know.

— O.K. I'll try that.

— What would you like to take, sir?

Grilled chicken one.

— Anything else, sir?

—Two slices of bread, French salad one and coke one.

— And for me Hot dog with ketchup two, a glass of orange juice and a portion of ice-cream with lemon.

— Here you are.

— Many thanks.

Feeling Unwell

XI. Read and translate the following dialogues. Make up a list of useful phrases concerning the matter.


— Doctor, I feel shivery and I've got a pain in my stomach.

— Where does it pain you?

— Here, doctor.

— How long have you had it?

— It came on yesterday.

— What have you been eating of late?

— Well, I think, doctor, I've overeaten fruits and vegetables these days.

— Have you had diarrheas?

— Yes, doctor.

— I see. I'll give you a prescription and you'll buy these capsules at a chemist's shop.

— What's the medicine?

— French Intetrix. You should take the medicine every four hours and in a day or two you'll feel better.


— Good morning, doctor.

— Good morning, sir. What is wrong with you?

— I am running a temperature, and I feel sick. I have a sore throat. I am sneezing. I am afraid, doctor, I have flu.

— Since when have you been feeling like this?

— It all started yesterday.

— Let me examine your throat.

— A...

— Strip to the waist, please. Let me feel your pulse. Then I must sound your heart and test your blood pressure (BP).

— Doctor, what is it?

— Don't worry. You simply have a slight ailment. Take this prescription to the chemist's and buy these tablets. You need wash them down three times a day. Keep to bed for some three days, try to eat fresh fruits and have a rest.

— Thank you, doctor.


At a Chemist's Shop

— Good morning, sir.

— Good morning. The doctor has given me this prescription. Have you got this medicine?

— Yes, we have. Here is your medicine. It's written here how to take it, sir (madam).

— Thank you. And can you give me something for a headache?

— Certainly, sir. This medicine is good for a headache.

Buying a Souvenir

a) Read the dialogue.

At a Department Store

Betty: Let's do all our shopping here at the Kaufman department store. Then we can have lunch and go to the movies in the afternoon.

Mrs Black: That's a good idea. I want to buy some gloves and a purse at this counter. There's the clerk. Are you busy? Can you help us?

Shop Assistant: Certainly. What can I show you?

Mrs Black: I want a pair of brown gloves, size 6. What's the price of this pair?

Shop Assistant: They are 3.50. They wear very well.

Mrs Black: I'lltake one pair. Can you show me a brown purse to match the gloves?

Shop Assistant: Here's a nice one. It's the latest style.

Mrs. Black: How much does it cost?

Shop Assistant: It's ten dollars.

Betty: Do you want a larger purse? I like that one, mother. Why don't you buy it?

Mrs Black: All right, Betty. Please, wrap the purse and gloves together.

Shop Assistant: I'll write a check for them.

Betty: Let's take this elevator to the fourth floor. I want to look at a suit.

Shop Assistant: Good morning. May I help you?

Betty: Yes, I'm looking for a grey suit, size 12.

Shop Assistant: We have several your size. Do you want to try on one of these? The quality is excellent.

Betty: Yes. Oh, I like this one. How much is it?

Shop Assistant: It's 75 dollars.

Betty: That's too expensive. Do you have a cheaper


Shop Assistant: Yes, this grey flannel is cheaper than that cotton one. It's on sale today for 45 dollars. Do you want to try it on?

Betty: It fits perfectly. I'll take it.

b) Answer these questions:

1. What does Mrs Black want to buy at the Department Store? 2. Is the shop assistant very helpful? 3. What is Betty looking for?4. Do they have a good choice of suits at the department store? 5. What size does Betty wear? 6. How much did the suit Betty bought cost?

c) Find the appropriate English phrases for the following:

Хорошая идея. Вам помочь? Я ищу серый костюм, размер 12. Они хорошо носятся. Вы не можете показать мне коричневый костюм, который бы подходил по цвету к перчаткам? Это последняя мода. Вы можете нас обслужить? Сколько стоит эта пара перчаток? Ты не хочешь кошелек побольше? Почему бы тебе не купить его? Вы не хотите примерить один из этих костюмов? Качество отличное. У вас есть костюм подешевле? Костюм сегодня в продаже за 47 долларов. Костюм сидит на мне хорошо.

d) You want to buy a souvenir for your friend. Make up a dialogue of your own.


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