Future simple and continuous

1. Ask and answer the questions:

Model:– Will you dance tango? – Yes, I will. – No, I won’t.

have a cup of coffee / you talk to Ted on the phone /she study at university /they /next year speak in English well /we / in two years go to the cinema with me /you play football /Nick / tomorrow

Open the brackets:

1. Where you (go) after classes? – I (go) home.

2. What you (do) the whole evening? – I (read).

3. (not phone) me early in the morning, I (sleep) till 10 o’clock.

4. (not come) to my sister on Sunday, she (play) the piano all day long.

5. What you (do) from 6 to 8 tomorrow evening? – I (think) I (watch) TV film.

6. Why you (not go) with me to the theatre tonight? – I (do) my homework the whole evening.

2. Make up sentences in the Simple or Continuos (present/ past /future) tense:

It (rain)     in autumn. Take the umbrella. yesterday. all day long yesterday. tomorrow. the whole morning tomorrow.
…you (do) homework in English   every day? still? last week? from 6 to 8 yesterday evening? for the next class? all day long tomorrow?
  He (not play) football   on week-days. right now. when he was a child. when you called. next Sunday. all day long next Sunday.

3. Translate the sentences:

1. Вчера я навестил моего друга Алекса.

2. Я всегда навещаю друзей, если они болеют.

3. Когда я приехал к нему, он был в постели, он смотрел ТВ фильм.

4. Когда я болею, я тоже обычно смотрю спортивные каналы (channels).

5. С кем ты разговариваешь по телефону? – с Алексом.

6. Что он делает? – Смотрит футбол.

7. Как думаешь, что Алекс будет делать, когда я навещу его завтра?

8. Я думаю, когда ты приедешь, он будет смотреть футбол.

9. Ты поедешь к Алексу со мной?

10. Нет. Я не поеду, потому что не хочу ждать, пока футбол закончится.


4. Speak about future:

1. When he (come)?

2. When he (come), I (tell) you.

3. As soon as mother (cook) dinner, we (eat).

4. They (not start dinner, until he (arrive) home.

5. At the moment she (eat) supper, but after she (finish) she (go) to bed.

6. …you (think) he (come) next week?

7. When I (see) her again? When you (see) her again, you (not recognize) her.

8. If I (need) help, I (ask) you.

5. What If…?

Model: If I don’t go out very much, I’ll do more work.

If I…

do more work, I’ll …

spend more time on studies

pass all my exams

get a diploma of a lawyer

find a job in a legal office

become a highly qualified lawyer

have a good salary

save a lot of money

What will you do, if you save a lot of money?



1. Study the active vocabulary from the text:

law – закон, право

rights – права

decide – решать, decision (n)

responsible – ответственный, responsibility (n)

employ – нанимать на работу,(un)employment – занятость / безработица,

employer – наниматель, employee – работник, unemployed – безработный

occupy – occupation = profession – род занятий, профессия

job = employment, position – работа, рабочее место

require – требовать, requirement (n)

knowledge – знания

experience – опыт

skill = competence and technique – умение и мастерство

suit = be good for – подходить для ч-то, suitable (adj), suitability (n)

satisfy – удовлетворять, (dis)satisfaction (n)

pay – платить, payment – оплата = salary – оклад (за год) = wages – зарплата (за неделю)

chance = opportunity = possibility / possibilities – шанс, возможность / перспективы

characteristics = traits [`treits] = features [`fi:ʧəs] – характеристики, свойства, черты.

2. Learn the difference between “possibility and opportunity”:

opportunity – удобный случай, благоприятная возможность I had no opportunity to thank him, as he was busy.
possibility(used with of or that) – шанс, возможность, вероятность He has no possibility of his coming. У него нет возможности приехать.

3. Now choose possibility or opportunity to complete the sentences:

1. I think I’ll have no … of seeing him, because I’ll be busy.

2. There is a … that I will see him, because his Boss gives him

the … to come to our city on business.

4. Match A and B parts:

1. occupation 2. profession 3. employment opportunities 4. suitability for a profession 5. job prospects 6. job satisfaction 7. social importance 8. calling for a. профессия b. широкая сфера занятости c. перспективы карьерного роста d. социальная значимость e. удовлетворение от работы f. профессиональное соответствие g. возможности в трудоустройстве h. призвание

5. Match words (1-5) with their defenitions (a-e):

1. be patriots a. to stay calm facing difficulties
2. be patient b. to respect different nations, races and religions
3. be tolerant c. to serve your country and its people
4. possibility d. a good chance given to you by smb / smth
5. opportunity e. you personally have or don’t have chance to do

6. Find the synonyms:

1. important 2. opportunities 3. take into consideration a. pay attention to b. significant c. possibilities


Read and translate the text, pay special attention to the active vocabulary:

After finishing school millions of young people face a very responsible and difficult problem – choosing a future occupation. There are more than 2,000 professions in the world. To choose the right one is not a simple thing. Many factors should be taken into consideration.

As for me,job satisfaction is the key factor. You will never be disappointed in your job, if you love it.

Employment opportunities can give better chances to find a job.

Job prospects can open the way for career growth.

Social importance of legal professionsis very significant in the law-governed statethat we are creating in our country.

To my mind,payment also is very important. I want to be sure that my profession will give enough money for the level of life my family would like to have.

No doubt,suitability for a profession is of special importance. The requirementsto specialists in the sphere of law include:

· professional competence:knowledge, skills and experience;

· high individual characteristics andtraits of character:(they must be highly educated, have analytic mind and good memory; be honest, sociable, tactful, patient and tolerant; have a lot of enthusiasm to serve the country and its people).

The duty of specialists in legal professionsis to protect the rights of citizens, organizations and the state. A judge and a lawyer must not only to punish people for different crimes, but to help them to find the right road in their life.

So, to become a good specialist in the legal professionis a great art, which requires a real calling for it.


1. Agree or disagree:

1. To become a good specialist in the legal professionis a great art.

2. To be useful for the society is our duty.

3. Job satisfaction is not so significant if the salary is big.

4. Professional knowledge is more important than individual characteristics.

5. The appearance of beautiful people opens the way for growth in any career.

6. Extraverts and optimists professionally are more successful than introverts and pessimists.

2. Answer the questions:

1. Was it easy for you to choose your future occupation?

2. Who helped you to make your choice?

3. Is it your family tradition to work in the sphere of law?

4. Are legal professions prestigious and popular in Belarus?

5. What are the requirements to specialists in the sphere of law?

6. What is professional competence?

7. Are features of the appearance significant for a lawyer to be professionally successful?

8. Do you have a real calling for the future profession you have chosen?

3. Complete the sentences:

1. After finishing school millions of young people face…

2. In choosing a future occupation job satisfaction is the key factor, because…

3. Employment opportunities may give better chances to…

4. Job prospects open the way for…

5. Social importance of future profession is important, because…

6. Suitability for a legal profession requires such personal characteristics as…

7. Traits of character suitable for a legal profession include…

8. The duty of specialists in legal professionsis…

9. Speaking about payment for my professional work, I can say that…


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