Инфинитив после объекта действия.

Между следующими глаголами и инфинитивом может стоять существительное (или местоимение), являющееся объектом действия, обозначенного глаголом.


I want to give her some money.
/Я хочу дать ей денег./

I want you to give her some money.
/Я хочу, чтобы ты дал ей денег.

Вот эти глаголы:

would like
would prefer
warn (not)
teach (how)

С глаголами make, let используется «голый» инфинитив, то есть без частицы to.

Please let me stay here.
/Пожалуйста, позволь мне остаться здесь./

5.3. Самостоятельная работа по теме:

1. Изучите необходимый вокабуляр:

Provisional agenda Предварительная повестка
Approved Принятая повестка
To proceed to the agenda Перейти к повестке дня
To remove/cross out/ a point Снять вопрос с повестки
from the agenda дня
To appear/to be on the agenda Стоять на повестке дня
The item on the agenda Пункт повестки
Time-table Расписание
To confirm the agenda by a show of hands Утвердить повестку голосованием
Any other business, other business, miscellanea, mis­cellaneous Разное
Now let's go over to the agenda Давайте перейдем к повестке дня
Minutes Протокол собрания, заседания

2.Переведите предложения:

1.Would someone be so kind as to take/keep the minutes.

2. This point should be especially emphasized in the minutes.

3. This point will not be included in the minutes.

Annual Ежегодный
Final Заключительный
Information Информационный
Abstracts/summary Резюме докладов
Summary Краткий
Review Обзорный
Contributions Труды, сообщения
Main/background activity Отчетный
Section Секционный
Poster presentation Постерный
Lead / keynote paper Основной
Collection of lectures and theses Сборник  

WHAT are you going to do?

.. .to present/submit a paper ?

.. .to hear a report?

.. .to prepare/draw up/ a report?

.. .to find a publisher for your paper or book?

Итоговый контроль знаний


1.Закончите предложения, используя правильную форму инфинитива:

1. She has grown taller. She seems to have grown taller.

2. He is getting used to his new job. He appears …………… .

3. Kate makes friends easily. She tends ……………………. .

4. He has finished the report. He claims …………………… .

5. It is raining over there. It seems ……………………… .

6. He is on a diet. He appears …………………… .

7. They have sailed round the world. They claim ……………... .

8. He is feeling better. She seems ……………………. .

2. Заполните пропуски правильной формой инфинитива:

1. A: What would you like to do (do) tonight?

B: Let’s ………. (go) to an Italian restaurant.

2. A: What’s Liz doing?

B: She seems ………. (look) for something in her bag.

3. A: Alan has been offered a new job!

B: No, he hasn’t. He just pretended ………. (offer) a new job.

4. A: Colin claims ………. (meet) lots of famous people.

B: I know, but I don’t believe him.

5. A: Look at those two men outside. What are they doing?

B: They appear ………. (empty) the rubbish bins.

6. A: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

B: Not really. I would prefer ………. (go) to the theatre.

7. A: Tara seems ………. (work) hard all morning.

B: Yes, she hasn’t even stopped for a cup of coffee.

8. A: Why is Tom at work so early this morning?

B: He wants ………. (finish) early so that he can go to the concert tonight.

6. Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия:

1. Ознакомьтесь с текстом в приложении № 1.

2. Расставьте части резюме по порядку:

- principle conclusions

- basic methodology

- main results

- purpose or specific objectives


Перефразируйте следующие предложения, как показано в примерах:

A. 1. I don’t think Ann should watch the late film.

I don’t want Ann to watch the late film.

2. She is going to tidy her clothes away. Her mother asked her to do it.

He mother wants ………. .

3. Why don’t you come to my party?

I would like ………. .

4. I don’t think my secretary should attend the meeting.

I don’t want ………. .

5. Gary mustn’t make so much noise.

I don’t want ………. .

B. 1. He shouldn’t play his music so loud. It’s too late.

It’s too late for him to play music so loud.

2. Barry must go to the bank today.

It’s necessary ………. .

3. They must finish their homework. It’s important.

It’s important ………. .

4. No one has taken my order yet. I’m still waiting.

I’m still waiting ………. .

5. John should learn a foreign language. That would be a good idea.

It would be a good idea ………. .

C.1.He is very short. He can’t be a basketball player.

He is too short to be a basketball player.

2. She has saved enough money. She can go on holiday.

She has saved enough money to go on holiday.

3. This tea is very hot. I can’t drink it.

This tea ………. .

4. Paul is very rich. He can buy a yacht.

Paul is ………. .

5. Mary is mature. She can make her own decisions.

Mary is ………. .

6. It’s hot outside. You can’t wear a coat.

It’s ………. .

7. Ron has a lot of patience. He can look after the children.

Ron has ………. .

Ситуационные задачи по теме:

Разыграйте роль председателя. Представьте спикеров. Используйте следующие высказвания:

Jane Schaller, M.D.A pediatric rheumatologist consulted on most continents, Chair of Pediatrics at Tufts University Medical School in Boston

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