Употребление Past Simple Tense

Past Simple служит для выражения действия, произошедшего в прошлом. Это время употребляется в повествовании, т. е. при изложении событий, имевших место в прошлом, а также в разговоре о прошедших событиях. Past Simple переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем глагола как совершенного, так и несовершенного вида, в зависимости от смысла предложения.

Past Simple употребляется:

1. Для выражения обычного, регулярного прошедшего действия:

2. Для выражения прошедшего действия, совершившегося в истекшем отрезке времени.

а) время совершения действия может быть выражено обозначителями времени yesterday (вчера), last week (на прошлой неделе), an hour ago (час тому назад), the other day (на днях), on Monday (в понедельник), in 1917 в 1917 году, during the war (во время войны) и т. п.:

б) время совершения действия может быть выражено также придаточным предложением:

в) время совершения действия может быть не указано в предложении, а может только подразумеваться:

3. Для выражения простого факта в прошлом.

4. Для выражения последовательности прошедших действий:

- Ознакомительное чтение: текст “Cinema, Theatre, Museums” (смотри приложение № 1).

5.4. Итоговый контроль знаний:

1. What city is the biggest in Siberia?

2. What lions can show in your town?

3. Are there any interesting places in your own city?

4. What famous persons do you know from your town?

5. Is there a Medical University in your town?


1. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple:

clean die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want

1 I cleaned.. my teeth three times yesterday.

2 It was hot in the room, so I.......... the window,

3 The concert................ at 7.30 and................ at 11.) o'clock.

4 When I was a child, I............. to be a doctor.

5 The accident................ last Sunday afternoon.

6 It's a nice day today but yesterday it .. , ...... allday.

7 We………....... our holiday last year. We........... at a very nice place.

8 Ann's grandfather............. when he was 90 years old.

2. Write the past simple of these verbs.

1 get …… 4 pay.............. 7 go 10 know........

2 see ..... 5 visit............. 8 think.......... 11 put.............

3 play .. 6 buy............. 9 copy ........ 12 speak..........

Ситуационные задачи по теме:

1. Subject task (Cитуационная задача 1).
Вам нужно спросить дорогу. Прочитайте и запомните выражения:

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ...... ?
-could you tell me the way to ..... , please ?
-will you show me the way to...... , please ?
-would you show me the way to ... , please ?
-how can / do I get to .... ?
-where's the nearest... ?

2. Subject task(Cитуационная задача 2). Составьте пять коротких диалогов, используя слова и полезные выражения из колонок А и В.
post – office go straight on / ahead
stadium turn right at the corner
concert hall turn left at the crossroad
art gallery turn the corner and go along
supermarket cross the street and take the bus
exhibition walk up to the traffic lights
town hall take the first turn to the left
local market take the right fork in the road

3. Subject task(Cитуационная задача 3). Получить нужную информацию, задать вежливо вопрос можно по-разному.

You don’t know a caller’s name. (give)
Couldyou give me your name , please?

You aren’t sure of the name of the caller’s company. (repeat)
Wouldyou repeat your company’s name, please?

You want to know where the caller is ringing from (tell)
Canyou tell where you’re ringing from, please?

А теперь задайте вопросы, используясould, wouldиcanподобным образом.
1. You aren’t sure who the caller wants to speak to (tell)
2. You want to know the caller’s telephone number. (give)
3. You didn’t hear the caller’s address clearly. (repeat)
4. You aren’t sure about your order’s delivery date. (confirm)

6. Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия:

1. Закончите предложения, выбрав нужный глагол в правильной форме:

cost drive fly make meet sell speak swim tell think wake up win

1. I have made some coffee. Would you like some?

2. Have you.. John about your new job?

3. We played basketball on Sunday. We didn't play very well but we …

4. I know Gary but I've never……….his wife.

5. We were... by loud music in the middle of the flight.

6. Stephanie jumped into the river and …………. to the other side.

7. 'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, I ………... it was very good.'

8. Many different languages are ……………in the Philippines.

9. Our holiday . a lot of money because we stayed in an expensive hotel.

10. Have you ever ……….. a very fast car?

11. All the tickets for the concert were ……………. very quickly.

12. A bird in through the open window while we were having our dinner.


1. Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week ..)

1 Jim always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went to work by car.

2 Rachel often loses her keys. She................................................... last week.

3 Kate meets her friends every evening. She …………yesterday evening.

4 1 usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I..............................

5 We usually go to the cinema on. Sundays, Last Sunday we …………

6 1 eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ................................................... ....

7 Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he .....................

8 Our friends come to see us every Friday. They . last Friday.

2.Put the verb in the correct form - positive, negative or question.

1 We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We _____it. (enjoy)

2 Tim ________some new clothes yesterday — two shirts, a jacket and a pullover, (buy)

3 '._____________yesterday?' 'No, it was a nice day' (ram)

4 The party wasn't very good, so we ___________long, (stay)

5 ft was very warm in the room, so I ____________a window, (open)

6 'Did you go to the bank this morning?' 'No, I __________time: (have)

7 'I cut my hand this morning." 'How _____________that?' (do)

Приложение № 1.


My parents and I like to spend the weekends together. We go for a walk in the forest or park, attend Concert Halls or go to the cinema, or to some theatre. Several years ago, we used to go to the cinema quite frequently, but now we have a big new TV set and a video, so we enjoy films mainly at home. Still, from time to time, we go to the nearest cinema hall, for it is nice and cosy. We prefer the mid rows. Lately we saw a wonderful French musical. We enjoyed it very much. I like film versions of novels, musicals, comedies and epic films. My mother prefers tragedies and serials, reflecting life in various countries. Father likes documentaries, popular science films and detectives. My little brother is fond of animated cartoons, as all children probably are, but my parents don't like some of the cartoons, because as they say, they are cruel and full of murders and bad deeds. My parents think that they don't influence children in a good or necessary way, developing bad taste and cruel attitude towards other people. I agree with them. Several days ago, I went to the cinema with my friends. "Bright Stars" was on. We enjoyed the film immensely and discussed it on our way home.


• Do you like to go to the cinema?

• Is your friend a great cinema-goer?

• Do you like horror films and thrillers? Musicals? Historical films?

• What film have you seen lately?


- We are going to the cinema. Would you like to join us?

- What is on?

- "Alibi" after Agatha Christie.

- Oh, I have seen it not long ago.

* * *

- Alec, come here, quickly, there is a wonderful cartoon on TV!

- Here I am. Merry Quickly! I like it so much. Thanks for calling it so much. Thanks for calling me.


You enter a theatre and get into an absolutely different world... I like theatres since childhood. Large halls, decorations, the orchestras and the performances themselves give me a very specific mood. We usually buy tickets in advance in the box-office. We prefer the pit or the dressing circle. Students and those who cannot buy expensive tickets, prefer the gallery. Gradually the lights go down, and the wonder begins. I like classical and modern plays, but most of all I like ballet. I am fond of the "Swan Lake" with the marvelous music composed by Tchaikovsky, the "Sleeping Beauty", the "Nutcracker". Year after year the house bursts into applause, when the curtains go down. Generation after generation enjoy these ever-living wonderful ballets.

There are many good theatres in any large city. The best known in Moscow is the Bolshoi Theatre. It is well known all over the world. Many new theatres and theatrical groups appeared in different cities in recent years. Maybe, some day they will be just as famous as the old theatres and their actors. Much depends on the cast, of course.

I hope that theatres will be always popular and loved.


• Which is your favourite theatre?

• Do you like operas? Ballet?

• Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre?

• The " Swan Lake" is simply marvellous, isn't it?


- Are you a great theatre­ goer?

Oh, 1 like theatres very much. Do you like ballet? I am fond
of it.

- I like adagio from the "Swan Lake" most of all.

- Do you like modern plays?

- Some of them. Much depends on the actors, of course.


Museums give us a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the art of different centuries, countries and schools. They tell us about the painters, sculptors, artists of the past, the ideals, tastes and fashions that existed in those faraway days. I attend museums quite frequently, because I like art very much. I like ancient and modern art, portraits and landscapes, still life and seascapes. One of the best known in Russia and abroad museums is the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. It was named after its founder, P.M.Tretyakov, who began to collect paintings in 1856. He wanted to show them to ordinary people, who could not travel and see the works of artists in other places. The gallery was nationalized in 1918. Many works appeared in it after that time. Some halls exhibit the works of famous Russian painters of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Here belong Repin, Ivanov, Surikov, Serov, Rublev, Levitan. A whole hall exhibits Repin's works, reflecting the history of our country— "Ivan Grozny and His Son Ivan", "Arrest of a Propagandist", the famous "Volga Boat Haulers". He drew perfect portraits of Pirogov, Tolstoi; his daughter Nadia was drawn with great warmth and tenderness. Of interest are his self-portraits. Great attention attract Rublev and his famous icon "Trinity", Ivanov, Brullov, Tropinin, Vasnetsov. It is impossible to name all the famous and talented artists of our rich in talents country, whose works are exhibited in the Gallery. The best thing to do, is to attend it, hall after hall, and to look at the wonderful works and to attend many other splendid museums of our country and city. It will give so much unforgettable knowledge and subtle feelings to the mind and soul...


• Do you frequently go to museums and art galleries?

• Who are your favourite artists?

• Which works of Russian artists do you like most of all?

• Have you ever been to Hermitage?

• Which works impressed you most of all in the Tretyakov Gallery?


- What do you know about the "Peredvizhniki"?

- It was a group of artists of the nineteenth century, who united and organized exhibitions, going from city to city, from town to town. Those were Kramskoy, Myasoyedov, Perov, Savrasov, Pryanishnikov, Savitsky and some other famous artists. Their exhibitions gained great popularity.

Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС, в том числе список тем, предлагаемых кафедрой.

1. История моего родного города.

2. Самые удивительные места в моем городе.

8. Рекомендуемая литература по теме занятия:

- основная

№ п/п Наименование, вид издания Автор (-ы), составитель (-и), редактор (-ы) Место издания, издательство, год Кол-во экземпляров
в библио-теке на кафедре
11. Английский язык для менеджеров : учеб. пособие Агабекян И.П.   Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2010 -
12. Бизнес- английский С.А.Шевелева Кнорус, -

- дополнительная

№ п/п Наименование, вид издания Автор (-ы), составитель (-и), редактор (-ы) Место издания, издательство, год Кол-во экземпляров
в библио-теке на кафедре
2. Новый англо-русский медицинский словарь Ред. В.А. Ривкин [и др.] М.: ABBY Press,  
3. Новый англо-русский, русско-английский медицинский словарь. Мокина Н. Р. М.: ABBY Press, 2010  
4. English 365 [Электронный ресурс] : учебник - 1 электр. опт. диск (CD) Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. -  
5. Деловой английский язык [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие. 1 электр. опт. диск (СD).     М. : Неотехсофт, 2006 -  
6. Lingvo 12 [Электронный ресурс] : словарь. - 1 электр. опт. диск (CD) ABBYY Software House М. : Аби Софтвер, 2008 -  

Занятие № 7

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