Тема: «Nonverbal Business English: Cultural Differences»

2. Форма организации учебного процесса: практическое занятие

Методы обучения: репродуктивный, драматизации, частично поисковый

3. Значение темы: актуальность темы обеспечивается пониманием важности владения невербальной формой английского языка для будущего специалиста как участника интеграционных процессов.

4. Цели обучения:

- общая: обучающийся должен обладать ОК-1, ОК-5, ОК-6;

- учебная: обучающийся должен уметь использовать основные правила делового общения, принятые международным сообществом; вести диалог, принимать участие в дискуссии, применять методы и средства познания для интеллектуального развития, повышения культурного уровня, профессиональной компетентности, а также уметь составлять деловые письма, отвечать на них, вести переписку по Интернету.

5. План изучения темы:

5.1. Исходный контроль знаний (вопросы)

Работа с картинками (см. приложение). Describe the pictures. What are the situations? What are the people doing? How do they look?

Основные понятия и положения темы

Тема «Nonverbal Business English: Cultural Differences»предполагает ознакомление с невербальным видом делового общения, необходимого в речевых ситуациях во время деловых встреч, поездках за границу.

Изучение данной темы ориентировано на приобщение студентов к социокультурной среде носителей языка. Данная тема имеет большую познавательную ценность, так как в процессе делового и повседневного общения важно правильно понимать и интерпретировать слова и поведение собеседника. Зачастую это бывает не так просто, так как каждый народ и каждая культура имеет свое «немое кино». Неправильная интерпретация носителями одной культуры невербального сообщения, сделанного представителем другой культуры, может привести к нежелательным конфликтам и последствиям. Тема занятия подразумевает раскрытие особенностей невербального общения людей различных культур.

5.3. Самостоятельная работа по теме:

- Выполнение тренировочных упражнений.

1. Изучающее чтение текста «Nonverbal communication».

2. Упражнения к тексту.

1) Соотнесите английские слова с правильным переводом.

2) Ответить на вопросы к тексту.

3. Ознакомительное чтение текста «Cultural Differences in Business Communication Styles»

Cultural differences in business communication styles

Recognizing cultural differences is vital in international business relations.

When it comes to conducting business on an international basis, it is important that all professionals understand cultural differences. Promoting cultural sensitivity will help to ensure that communication amongst different cultures is successful, leading to successful business transactions and partnerships. Failure to understand cultural differences can lead to interactions which might be offensive.


o Hand and arm gestures in business communication can make or break a business deal. Gestures used in the United States often have a common meaning amongst Americans but can be deemed as very offensive to individuals from other business cultures. One example of cultural differences is the use of pointing a finger to signify someone should look at something. This gesture -- especially in Asian cultures -- signifies calling a dog. As a result, this gesture is very offensive. In Asian cultures, individuals point with the entire hand, as opposed to one finger.


o In the United States, you may never have thought twice about shaking the hand of an individual during an important business meeting. However, in many other cultures, this simple act of solidarity or friendship is considered inappropriate. In many Middle Eastern cultures, the left hand is never used, except for personal hygiene. If you were in a meeting with business professionals in the Middle East, you should never use your left hand to touch another individual or to pick up objects. This is deemed unsanitary and unprofessional. Additionally, Muslim cultures frown upon touching the hand of an individual of the opposite gender.

Masculinity and Femininity

o In some business cultures, men are seen to be the more dominate force in making business decisions. As a result, men making business deals may lead to more success. In Japan, men are seen as assertive, competitive and ambitious. Men are also designated to by the accumulators of wealth. As a result, men should be making business deals. However, cultures such as that of Sweden place more emphasis on building relationships, showing a sense of compassion and improving the general overall quality of life in a business partnership. This type of culture is seen as more feminine. As a result, women may be more successful in making a business deal.

Separation of Power

o When planning a business meeting or function with certain cultures, you need to be careful about how you mingle. In cultures including Arab nations and Latin American countries, there is a distinct separation of power. Those with high levels of power in a business must be respected. Their ideas should never be questioned, and inferior employees should not mingle with these individuals on a social basis, even if a function is for business. This is the exact opposite of the United States. In America, interaction between superiors and inferior employees is perfectly acceptable. Superiors welcome ideas and can interact with their employees in a social setting.

5.4. Итоговый контроль знаний:

Скажите, верны ли следующие высказывания?:

1. Recognizing cultural differences is not important in international business relations.

2. Failure to understand cultural differences can lead to interactions which might be funny.

3. The use of pointing a finger in Asian cultures signifies calling a dog.

4. In many cultures shaking the hand of an individual during an important business meeting is normal.

5. In many Middle Eastern cultures, the right hand is never used, except for personal hygiene.

6. In some business cultures, men are seen to be the more dominate force in making business decisions, men making business deals may lead to more success.

7. In America, interaction between superiors and inferior employees is unacceptable.


Соотнесите английские слова с правильным переводом:

facial expression


tone of voice

to interpret

to interfere

to contradict







выражение лица,


тон голоса


Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is meant under “nonverbal communication”?

2.What are the three main elements of non-verbal communication?

3.Is it important to understand nonverbal messages? Is it helpful for business?

4.How can we see hidden emotions of a person? Can they contradict verbal statements?

5.What are the other forms of body language (apart from facial expressions)?

6.Are the sounds important during business communication?

Ситуационная задача по теме:

Imagine you are a famous psychologist who developed a new scheme “How to affect people and be successful”. You are giving an interview on TV. Explain the secrets of your project. What is necessary for being successful in business? How should a businessman behave with his partners?

7. Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия:

Сравните и обсудите 2 ситуации:

Situation 1. Helen Stewart is a Personnel Director. Tim Carey is looking for a job.

H.S. : Good morning, Mr. Carey. How are you?

T.C.: Not so great.

H.S. : What’s wrong?

T.C.: Oh, lots of little problems.

Situation 2. Richard Ginns is a Personnel Director. Jane Chapman is looking for a job.

R.G.: Hello, Ms. Chapman. How are you this morning?

J. Ch.: Never been better, thank you. How are you, Mr. Ginns?

R.G.: Very well, thank you.

Questions for discussion:

1. Who is more positive – Mr. Carey or Mrs. Chapman?

2. Who would you like to work with - Mr. Carey or Mrs. Chapman?

3. Do you ever have little problems? Do you talk about them? With whom? When?

4. Rewrite situation 1 so that Mr. Carey would make a good impression.

Ситуационные задачи по теме:

- Подготовить устное сообщение на английском языке по теме «Cultural differences in business communication».

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ к занятию № 5


Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication—such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and tone of voice—is an important component of personal business interactions. Nonverbal communication can help a small business owner to get a message across, or to successfully interpret a message received from another person. On the other hand, nonverbal communication can also send signals that interfere with the effective presentation or reception of messages. "Sometimes non-verbal messages contradict the verbal; often they express true feelings more accurately than the spoken or written language," Herta A. Murphy and Herbert W. Hildebrandt noted in their book Effective Business Communications. In fact, studies have shown that between 60 and 90 percent of a message's effect may come from nonverbal clues. Therefore, it is important for small business owners and managers to be aware of the nonverbal messages they send and to develop the skill of reading the nonverbal messages contained in the behavior of others. There are three main elements of nonverbal communication: appearance, body language, and sounds.

APPEARANCE. In oral forms of communication, the appearance of both the speaker and the surroundings are vital to the successful conveyance of a message. "Whether you are speaking to one person face to face or to a group in a meeting, personal appearance and the appearance of the surroundings convey nonverbal stimuli that affect attitudes—even emotions—toward the spoken words," according to Murphy and Hildebrandt. For example, a speaker's clothing, hairstyle, use of cosmetics, neatness, and stature may cause a listener to form impressions about her occupation, socioeconomic level, competence, etc. Similarly, such details of the surroundings as room size, furnishings, decorations, lighting, and windows can affect a listener's attitudes toward the speaker and the message being presented. The importance of nonverbal clues in surroundings can be seen in the desire of business managers to have a corner office with a view rather than a cubicle in a crowded work area.

BODY LANGUAGE. Body language, and particularly facial expressions, can provide important information that may not be contained in the verbal portion of the communication. Facial expressions are especially helpful as they may show hidden emotions that contradict verbal statements. For example, an employee may deny having knowledge of a problem, but also have a fearful expression and glance around guiltily. Other forms of body language that may provide communication clues include posture and gestures. For example, a manager who puts his feet up on the desk may convey an impression of status and confidence, while an employee who leans forward to listen may convey interest. Gestures can add emphasis and improve understanding when used sparingly, but the continual use of gestures can distract listeners and convey nervousness.

SOUNDS. Finally, the tone, rate, and volume of a speaker's voice can convey different meanings, as can sounds like laughing, throat clearing, or humming. It is also important to note that perfume or other odors contribute to a listener's impressions, as does physical contact between the speaker and the listener. Silence, or the lack of sound, is a form of nonverbal communication as well. Silence can communicate a lack of understanding or even hard feelings in a face-to-face discussion.

7. Рекомендации следовательской работе обучающихся:

- Конференция на тему «Особенности невербального общения в различных странах». Прослушивание докладов

8. Рекомендуемая литература по теме занятия:

- основная

№ п/п Наименование, вид издания Автор (-ы), составитель (-и), редактор (-ы) Место издания, издательство, год Кол-во экземпляров
в библио-теке на кафедре
9. Английский язык для менеджеров : учеб. пособие Агабекян И.П.   Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2010 -
10. Бизнес- английский С.А.Шевелева Кнорус, -

- дополнительная

№ п/п Наименование, вид издания Автор (-ы), составитель (-и), редактор (-ы) Место издания, издательство, год Кол-во экземпляров
в библио-теке на кафедре
2. Новый англо-русский медицинский словарь Ред. В.А. Ривкин [и др.] М.: ABBY Press,  
3. Новый англо-русский, русско-английский медицинский словарь. Мокина Н. Р. М.: ABBY Press, 2010  
4. English 365 [Электронный ресурс] : учебник - 1 электр. опт. диск (CD) Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. -  
5. Деловой английский язык [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие. 1 электр. опт. диск (СD).     М. : Неотехсофт, 2006 -  
6. Lingvo 12 [Электронный ресурс] : словарь. - 1 электр. опт. диск (CD) ABBYY Software House М. : Аби Софтвер, 2008 -  

Занятие № 6

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