Понятие безличного предложения.


Translate into Russian.

It’s impossible …

It’s a pity …

It’s surprising …

It’s very strange …

It’s natural …

It’s suspicious …

It’s not true …

It’s no importance …

Ask questions.

1. It’s time to work again.

2. It’s a good time for swimming in this region.

3. It’s really pleasant morning today.

4. It’s expensive to buy vegetables at this market.

5. It’s a walking distance to Pushkin Street.

6. It’s getting dark at 5.

7. It’s necessary to do that right now.

8. It’s really some good news.

Make the sentences negative.

1. It was a good holiday.

2. It was a very cold day yesterday.

3. It is necessary to send it urgently.

4. It is a convenient train.

5. It was difficult to recognize him at once.

6. It was interesting to read this article.

7. It is exciting to climb in the mountains.

8. It was an important experiment.

Complete the sentences.

Example: It is useless to … - It is useless to learn rules without examples.

1. It’s difficult for him to…

2. It’s not interesting to…

3. It’s important to…

4. It’s wonderful to…

5. It’s not serious to…

6. It’s impossible to…

7. It’s exciting to…

8. It’s not easy for me to…

Self-study practice

Write these sentences in interrogative and negative forms. Put them into Past and Future Indefinite.

1. It’s dark at 6.

2. It’s impolite to trouble him.

3. It’s late to call him.

4. It’s necessary to pull up the weeds

5. It’s difficult to sign the contract

6. It’s dangerous to stay here.

7. It’s a great mistake to act in that way.

8. It’s good to come in time.

Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.

Причастие и причастные обороты. Герундий.


Form Participle 1.

To meet, to tell, to find, to send, to give, to take, to read, to look, to go, to open, to close, to put, to copy out, to sit, to do, to come.

Translate into Russian.

A closed door, written work, one of the questions discussed a well-known writer, a well-dressed woman, a well-done translation, a badly-made dress.

Translate into Russian paying attention to participles.

1. Finished with his breakfast, he remained for some time at the table, looking through the newspapers.

2. Before solving the problem, they had to consult the expert.

3. The leaves touched by the morning sun began to come out.

4. The flowers standing in the vase were brought by the pupils.

5. Writing a letter I heard a knock at the door.

6. I like pictures painted by this artist.

7. When asked about it, she couldn’t give a definite answer.

8. Engineers working at big plants in our country are trained at our institute.

Change sentences. Follow the example.

Example: It is easy to please him. – He is easy to please.

1. It is very important to look at the scene.

2. It was easy to answer the question.

3. It is difficult to recognize him.

4. It is impossible to read his handwriting.

5. It must be interesting to talk to her.

Make up sentences. Translate into Russian.

He was not the man to buy.

There was nothing to raise his hand.

The river is dangerous to rely on.

He was the last to lose.

Who was the first to pay for the purchase.

There are the shoes to speak of.

Here is the money to bathe in.

There is no time to arrive.

Use the gerund.

1. Do you mind if I shut the window?

2. The doctor insisted that I should stay in bed.

3. Will you object if I smoke here?

4. There is no chance that they will call on us today.

5. Would you mind if my son comes to your concert?

6. There is no doubt that he will forget about the lecture.

7. There is a probability that he will be appointed a chief manager this year.

Complete the following using the gerund. Translate into Russian.

1. She is not interested in … .

2. He is fond of … .

3. We both enjoy … .

4. He is tired of … .

5. We all need more practice in … .

6. Do you mind …?

7. They are both very fond of … .

8. He hasn’t had any experience in … .

9. She left suddenly without … .

Translate into Russian.

1. You should think before speaking.

2. After finding the new word in the dictionary, I wrote it down and went on reading.

3. He spent much time on the copying of his literature lectures.

4. What do you mean by saying that?

5. The students found the reading of English newspapers rather difficult at first.

6. Instead of going home after school, the girls went for a walk.

7. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard.

8. We sat by the river-side listening to the running of the water.

9. The cleaning of the room was done by the girls.

10. Working in the garden is very good for the health of people.

11. Going home from the theatre, they were discussing the play they had seen.

Translate into Russian.

1. His dream was to enter the University.

2. There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.

3. I invited her to dine with us.

4. I am anxious to continue my work.

5. The boys got up at 6 o’clock not to miss the train.

6. Everything was done to save him.

7. To decide is to act.

8. It is the only thing to do.

9. Who can lend me a pencil?

10. I have to leave for Moscow next Friday.

10. Insert to where necessary

1. We should allow them … come next week.

2. Most people suppose him … be innocent.

3. Did anyone hear John … leave the house?

4. They made me … do it.

5. He ordered the car … come at 5 p.m.

6. We all thought the plan … be wise.

7. These events caused him … leave the country.

8. We can’t … allow them … behave so badly.

9. At last they got him … write a letter to his parents.

10. Don’t let him … drive so fast.

11. What makes you … think so?

12. I felt my heart … jump.

13. If one can’t … have what one loves, one must … love what one has.

14. This job will enable him … have a home of his own.

15. I’d love you not … ask me such questions.

16. Don’t let it … trouble you.

17. She sat there trying … pretend she didn’t want … dance and was quite pleased … sit there and … watch the fun.

18. Let’s … go and … see the place. You’ll be sorry later … miss it.

19. She seemed … recognize me.

20. At that time I happened … work at my first novel.

21. He is not likely … forget it.

22. He is believed … be taught by his father.

23. The way she looks at me makes me … feel quite nervous.

24. Who let you … miss lectures?

25. He is sure … leave the key under the door-mat.

Self-study practice

Translate into Russian.

1. You must get up early to be in time for the lesson.

2. We sometimes stay at our institute to discuss the news.

3. One must study hard to know English well.

4. To improve pronunciation one must read aloud.

5. To learn how to use this method you must solve many problems.

6. He worked hard to complete his experiment in time.

7. It will take you much time to perform this work.

8. To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words.

Translate into Russian.

1. The storm prevented the ship from reaching the port in time.

2. Be careful in crossing the street.

3. I dislike borrowing books from the library.

4. He enjoyed having meals in the restaurant.

5. There was no chance of seeing the man again.

Use the gerund.

1. You must be joking (make) me a proposal like that.

2. After that disgusting scene, he avoided (see) his family.

3. The parents couldn’t help (smile) at their child’s earnestness.

4. I think you made a mistake (come) here.

5. She thought it was silly to go on (waste) the best years of her life looking after the elderly people.

6. Why do you avoid (see) me?

7. We insist on (send) him there at once.

8. He showed no sign of (know) them.

9. He had the habit of (joke) at the wrong moment.

10. He hated (remind) people of their duties.

11. The matter is not worth (speak of).

12. In (discuss) the problem they touched upon interesting items.

Translate into Russian.

1. Remembering that time was like going back to his childhood and re-living those happy days.

2. Looking back upon that time, he realized how happy he had been then.

3. Tom lived there like a paying guest, attracting very little attention of the others.

4. Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceful breathing that all danger was over.

5. I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, began waiting for my father to come.

6. With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him.

7. She praised herself for having come.

8. Having stopped crying, the child quieted down to hard thinking.

9. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight.

Translate into Russian.

1. Jesse was happy to have reached Kansas City at last.

2. It was lovely to be skating on such a wonderful morning.

3. Ernest was happy to have won the competition.

4. I expected to have come at 3 p.m.

5. It was very wise of you to support this plan.

6. The advertisement was to be answered by letter.

7. To tell you the truth it’s not so different from what I saw.

8. Strange to say, he has never been to the Bolshoi.

9. That you mustn’t do.

10. In your own interest to say nothing of me.

11. Britt refused to come.

12. I want you to help me.

13. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

14. I consider him to be wrong.

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