Упражнение 9. Попросите собеседника, говорящего нечетко, повторить сказанное.

Образец: Betsy Davidson is arriving on the 27th of July. — (when?)

When, did you say, she's arriving?

1. Fred Morrison has sent an invitation to Nick. — (who?)

2. Frank and Sue are waiting for us at MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) — (where?)

Museum of Modern Art — Музей современного искусства.

3. Philip is Sue's cousin. — (whose?)

4. Will you show me that red dress? — (which?)

5. It is a quarter to 5 already. — (what?)

Упражнение 10. Представьте, что вам по телефону звонит иностранец, которого вы не очень хорошо слышите. Переспро-сите:

His name, where he comes from, where he is, how long he is going to stay in your city, what hotel he's staying at, when he is going to see you, etc.

Упражнение 11. Вы сидите на скамейке перед вокзалом в незнакомом городе. Люди все время задают вам вопросы. Признай-те свою неосведомленность, используя формулы речевого этике-та.

Where is the nearest telephone?

How do I get to the center of the town?

What bus do I take to the Intourist hotel?

Where is the nearest food store?

What is the population of the town?

Do they have any museums? (Worth seeing)

Could you direct me to the post office?

Could you tell me where the "lost and found" is?

When is the next train to Moscow?


Home away from home

On the way from the airport Peter explained to me that I wasn't going to stay at a hotel. He said (that) the company had rented a comfortable apartment for me. I asked him how much the rent was. He said (that) it was a lot cheaper than paying hotel bills, but I shouldn't worry about that. Why not? Because the company would pay my rent and utility bills, so I wouldn't be a real tenant. I wouldn't even have to see my landlord. If there was any problem I was to contact the building superintendent.

We came to a tall building. Peter paid our fare. «This will be your American home», he told me. Peter opened the door with a key and showed me into apartment 8c. He showed me where everything was. He said I could have something to eat and opened the refrigerator. It was full. I was not really hungry. But it was a hot day and I was thirsty. We made some sandwiches and opened a couple of bottles of beer.

I wasn't feeling very well. Peter told me I looked tired. I said I was feeling tired. He said (that) I'd have jet lag for a few days. He wished me good night and left. I was alone in my new American apartment.

My apartment

I woke up very early the next morning. I took a shower, made myself some sandwiches and a big cup of strong coffee and felt much better. I looked out (of) the window. My apartment was on the eighth floor. The street below was rather quiet.

The apartment itself was not large but very comfortable. There was a living room with a sofa, a comfortable armchair and a big color TV. There was a bedroom with a king-size bed and another, portable, TV. There was a kitchenette with some pots and pans and a lot of electric gadgets like toasters and mixers and even an electric can-opener.

The telephone rang. It was Richard. He said he would take me to the office and asked me to come down in ten minutes.


Peter has brought Victor to his American home.

— That tall building is your home.

— Here, I'll pay the fare.

— Oh, no. I'll pay. You're our guest.

— Thanks. I like this apartment complex.

— Come in, please. Here's the elevator. Your apartment is 8c.

— Is it on the eighth floor?

— Right. Are you very hungry?

— No, I'm not. But I would like something to drink.

— The fridge is full. And there's a kitchenette in the apartment.

— That's really great. I'm sure I'll use it.

— There's a hall and living room here.

— It's not large but it's comfortable. This sofa looks comfortable. Is there a telephone here?

— There certainly is.

— Oh, yes. The TV is so big. But I'm afraid I won't have much time to watch it.

— And that's your bedroom.

— This bed is king size. And that's another, portable TV.

— Now let's open a bottle of beer and make some sandwiches.

— That's a good idea. I'm a little bit tired, you know.

— That's jet lag. Everybody has it for a few days.

— Peter, this kitchen is full of electric gadgets — a mixer, a toaster and what not!..

— Take it easy. I’ll show you later how to work those things.

— Thanks Peter. Next time, maybe.


A. Is there anything worth watching on the other channel?

В. I think it's a western.

A. Do you mind if we switch over?

В. Well, I rather wanted to see the football match.


— Do you happen to know what's on after the NEWS?

— I've got a feeling it's a documentary.

— Does anybody mind if I watch it?

— Don't you want to see part two of the serial?


— Do you remember what comes on next?

— I believe there's a variety show on.

— We mustn't miss that.

— Let me look in the ‘Radio Times’ first.


— What's on BBC 2 at o’clock?

— As far as I can remember there's a quiz program.

— Would you mind if watched it?

— No, I've been looking forwards to it all evening.


— You're late again.   — You've taken my pen. — I don't like what you said about my article. — You haven't brought me the papers, have you? — Excuse me, are you getting off here? — I'm sorry I'm late. — I'm awfully sorry. I forgot about the appointment. — I took your pen instead of mine. I'm sorry. — You didn’t come yesterday. I was waiting tor you. — You didn't call to tell me you that couldn't come. — I understand that you did not want to see me or talk to me. — I'm sorry to hear that. — You are standing on my foot. — It's all right. — I'm really sorry. I lose the way (заблудился) — Sorry. I thought it was mine. — I didn't mean to be. Please don't take offense (не обижайтесь). — Please, forgive me. Politely forgot.   — No, I'm not. I'll let you pass. — It's all right. — It's okay.   — Never mind. It doesn't matter.   — I'm sorry.   — Please forgive me.   — I did not mean to off you.   — I was just depressed. — Oh, am I? I'm sorry. — Please, forgive me. I didn't realize it.


— Why didn't you tell me you preferred to stay in the hotel? — You are refusing to call Mr. Morrison? — You should have sent an of­ficial letter. — You could have written to him about your visit. — How dare you speak to your mother like that! — I knew you wanted me to go to the museum. — I don't think he remembers me.   — I was going to, but then I changed my mind. — I was going to, but then I changed my mind. — I didn't dare.  


— Why didn’t Helen come to your party? — You should have invited her. She’s good company. — She’s such fun. (с ней инте­ресно)     — You shouldn't have talked to David about the plans for our joint venture. It's still a sec­ret. — It’s all right. I was kidding. — I didn't invite her. — What do you mean calling her good company? — Why didn't you tell me about it? You might have warned it. (предупредить) — You shouldn't joke like that.


— You might have told me you wanted to visit the office in the afternoon. — You should have asked the boss when he would be in. — I don't mind visiting it tomorrow instead of today. — Perhaps, I should.



Utility (мн. ч. utilities) коммунальные услуги.

Landlord — первоначально, как видно из его составляющих, это слово значило помещик. Сейчас основное его значение домовладелец, хозяин квартиры.

Fare означает плату за проезд на любом виде транспорта.

Peter opened the door witha key. Питер открыл дверь ключом.

Отношения, передаваемые в русском творительным (кем? чем?) паде­жом, в английском обычно передаются с помощью предлогов by или (если речь идет об инструменте) with.

Не showedme into the apartment. Он провел меня в квартиру. Глагол to show обычно значит показывать, но если дальше идет in (to), то он значит ввести во что-то.

To be (или to feel) hungry — хотеть есть (букв, быть (или чувство­вать себя) голодным).

To be (или to feel) thirsty хотеть пить (thirsty значит жажду-щий).

To take a shower — принять душ. Еще одно выражение с глаго­лом to take: «Принять ванну» будет «to take a bath».

King-size (букв, королевского размера) — очень модное (особен­но в рекламе) слово, означающее очень большого размера

This time — на этот раз. Все знают, что time это время. Но надо обязательно помнить второе и очень часто встречающееся значе­ние этого слова — раз.

Kitchenette — кухонька (уменьшительное от kitchen)

Прошедшее совершенное время

Не said that the company had renteda comfortable apartment for me.

Он сказал, что компания арендовала удобные апартаменты для меня.

Само название времени подсказывает, что оно употребляется для обозначения действия, закончившегося к какому-то моменту в прошлом. Образуется оно так же, как и настоящее совершенное, только вспомогательный глагол have имеет форму простого прошед­шего времени had (а не have или has как в настоящем совершенном).

Правило согласования времен

Это правило в русском языке отсутствует, но в английском соб­людается довольно строго. В самом общем виде оно звучит так: если в главном предложении употреблено какое-либо прошедшее время, то в придаточном не может быть ни настоящего, ни будущего, а только прошедшее или будущее-в-прошедшем.

Peter told me I lookedtired.

Питер сказал мне, что я выгляжуустало.

Не said I would havejet lag.

Он сказал, что я буду болеть«реактивной болезнью».

В первом примере видно, что форма прошедшего времени looked переводится на русский язык настоящим выгляжу.

Второй пример показывает, что такое будущее-в-прошедшем. Оно отличается от будущего только формой вспомогательного глагола: вместо shall будет стоять should, а вместо will — would. На русский эти формы переводятся просто будущим.

На практике правило согласования времен чаще всего приме­няется при передаче прямой речи косвенной. Действительно, когда мы передаем чьи-то слова, мы обычно начинаем так: Он сказал, что..., т. е. используем сложноподчиненное предложение (где в глав­ном употреблено прошедшее время) с придаточным дополнительным (время в котором надо согласовать со временем главного).

Можно запомнить следующие простые правила передачи прямой речи косвенной:

а) если в прямой речи было какое-либо настоящее время, в ко­свенной оно переходит в соответствующее емупрошедшее:

Peter said: "You looktired"

Peter told me I lookedtired" (простое настоящее в простое про­шедшее).

Peter said: "You are not goingto stay at a hotel".

He explained that I wasnot goingto stay at a hotel (настоящее длительное в прошедшее длительное).

Peter said: "The company has rentedan apartment for you".

He said that the company had rentedan apartment for me.

б) если было прошедшее, то оно переходит в прошедшее совер­шенное:

Peter said: "Last week they rentedan apartment for you".

He said that they had rentedan apartment for me the week before.

в) если было будущее, оно переходит в соответствующее ему будущее-в-прошедшем:

Peter said: "The company will pay your rent".

He said that the company would paymy rent.

Естественно, что при пересказе, в согласии с логикой, меняются местоимения и обстоятельства времени.

4. Модальные глаголы should и would

Эти глаголы не только являются вспомогательными для образо­вания будущего-в-прошедшем, но и модальными. Значение встре­чающегося здесь shouldn’t — не следует, не надо.

I shouldn'tworry about that.

Мне не следуетоб этом беспокоиться.

Значение модального would — желать, хотеть.

Не said he would take me to the office.

В этом предложении would можно воспринять как будущее (по-английски будущее-в-прошедшем) время, а можно и как модаль­ный глагол, и тогда перевод будет:

Он сказал, что хочетотвезти меня в контору.

Речевые формулы

I'm very sorry. I'm awfully sorry/really sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean ... Please forgive me. Pardon me ...   (It's) all right. Okay. Never mind. It doesn't matter. Извините. Ужасно сожалею. Простите. Я не хотел(а). Пожалуйста, простите. Извините.   Все в порядке. Ничего. He беспокойтесь. Ничего страшного.

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