Victor is on the plane. He's flying to New York.

— Pardon me. Who's sitting next to you?

— A man was sitting here.

— Where's he now? We are landing soon.

— I guess he went away while I was reading. I was trying to get some rest when you came up.

— I think every passenger is trying to relax on the plane.

— But not my neighbor. Oh, here he is.

—Sit down, sir. We are landing soon. Before landing each passen­ger has to fill out an I—94.

— How do you do it?

— It's easy. Please don't write with a pencil.

— Pardon?

— You mustn't use a pencil. And you must print.

— Print? What do you mean?

— You must use printed letters.

— I've never done it before, but I'll do my best. Who do I give the form to?

— Afterlanding you go to Immigration Service. They check your passport and your I—94.

— And what about my luggage?

— You get your luggage and go to the Customs desk. You go there after Immigration.

— Thanks for the information.

— Can you make any suggestions concerning the plans? — Yes, I think so.
— Richard Johnson may in­vite me to the States this summer. — That's possible.
— He would like me to visit his company, I guess. — Possibly.
— He’s interested in setting up a joint venture. — That's very likely.
— His partner may be willing to come to Leningrad. — Maybe.
— Do you think we might invite him to come in the fall? — Perhaps.
— He could come for the international conference. — It could happen.


— I want the report to be ready by Monday. — You should work on it over the weekend. — I couldn't possibly do it by Monday. — That’s impossible. I'm going to the country with my family


— Are you going to be gone long? — Possibly.
— Will you write to me? — Perhaps.
— Will you call me? — No, I won't be able to. There's no telephone there.
— Maybe you will come here for my birthday? — I might.
— Are you going to invite David to the party? — Maybe.
— And his wife? — No, my wife doesn't get along with her. (He ладит с ней).
— She may get to like her.  


— Will you be able to visit New York? — Will they come to meet you at the airport? — The weather is going to be much warmer in Washington. — They are going to discuss their future plans with you, aren't they? — Is Mr. Carter going to bring his wife with him? — Are they going to send the documents to us? — Does Mr. Carter's wife speak English? — Is your boss going to visit the States this year? — Did she take you for an American? — He is probably too busy to come to the airport? — He will probably send somebody to meet you, if he is busy. — It is not very likely that Richard has forgotten about my arrival. — Yes, I think so. There is somebody waving to you. It is probably some friend. — Yes, I think so. It's likely that he has come to meet you. — Where is Mr. Kuznetsov?   — Has he agreed to visit the factory on Monday? — Is it likely that he will sign an agreement there? — Probably. — Very likely.   — I think so.   — I expect so.   — Probably not.   — That's not likely.   — I don't think so.   — I don't expect so.   — I doubt it. — I don't think so.   — Yes, it's very likely.   — I doubt it. He may simply be late.   — Yes, it must be Frank.     — I doubt it. He is probably meeting some American friend, not me. — He is probably at the post-office. He may be sending a telegram to his wife. — I expect so.   — I doubt it. He will probably have to consult his boss.



Nationality — не только национальность, но и гражданство.

What's the matter? означает в чем дело?

JFK — сокращение от полного имени John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Smith по-английски значит кузнец.

To have a look — взглянуть.

Customs (office) — таможня. В этом значении употребляется только в форме мн. числа. В ед. числе слово custom значит чаще всего обычай.

What it looks like — как он выглядит (на что похож).

Officer может значит офицер, но также и чиновник.

He let me go — он отпустил меня (букв, позволил мне уйти). Обра­тите внимание, что глагол to let особый - после него неопределенная форма глагола употребляется без частицы to. Глагол этот непра­вильный, все три формы у него одинаковы.

Прошедшее длительное время

Это время обозначает длительное действие, происходящее в определенный момент в прошлом. В отличие от длительного настоя­щего, где время совершения действия часто не указывается (а под­разумевается, что это момент речи), этот момент может обозначаться либо просто ссылкой на конкретный час (вчера в 7 часов), либо указываться другим действием в простом прошедшем.

While we were approaching New York I saw a flight attendant...

Когда мы подлетали к Нью-Йорку, я увидел стюардессу...

Увидел здесь действие одноразовое, а подлетали — длительное.

Образуется оно так же, как и настоящее длительное, только вспомогательный глагол to be имеет формы не настоящего (am, is, are), а прошедшего (was, were) времени.

Если в предложении более одного глагола в длительном времени, то вспомогательный глагол достаточно употребить один раз: She was walking down the aisle and giving those papers... Она шла по проходу и раздавала эти бумаги...

3. Местоимения some, any, no и их производные

Эти местоимения в определенном смысле взаимозаменяемы и употребляются: some — в утвердительных, any — в вопросительных, а no —вотрицательных предложениях:

The flight attendant gave me some papers.

Did she give me any papers?

She gave no papers или She didn't give me any papers.

Из примера видно, что any может употребляться и в отрицатель­ных предложениях. Сказать по после отрицания при глаголе did нельзя — литературный язык не допускает двойного отрицания. Все сказанное относится и к производным от этих местоимений something (что-то), somebody или someone (кто-то), anything (что-либо), anybody или anyone (кто-либо), nothing (ничто), nobody или no one (никто).

Речевые формулы

Probably. Вероятно.
Very likely. Очень возможно (похоже на то).
I think so. / I expect so. Думаю, да. / Полагаю, что да.
Probably not. Вероятно, нет.
That's not very likely / probable. Это маловероятно.
I don't think so. Не думаю.
I don't expect so. Полагаю, что нет.
I doubt it. Сомневаюсь.

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