Лексическая тема: «Russian Customs».

Грамматическая тема: Система времен английского глагола. Действительный залог. Времена группы Perfect .Времена группы Perfect Continuous (Perfect Progressive).



The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga in Tatar, meant “Customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement showing that it had been paid”. Each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the State. The right was often given to powerful merchants.

The Russian Customs service, however, predates even the Mongol-Tatar yoke (1237-1480). Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of the individual princedoms.

Thus, Russia has had a Customs service in some form during the past 1000 years. Moreover, for almost all of that history, it has been much more than a force for keeping out contraband. In fact, it has been a powerful administrative body, serving mainly protectionist interests.

The first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. A special tsar’s certificate was required for trading further inside the country.

Such protectionismwent on for most of the next 300 years. Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст, пользуясь словарем.

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. When did the word tamozhnya appear?

2. What did the word tamga mean?

3. Who was given the right to collect duties?

4. How long has Russia had Customs Service?

5. What were the functions of Russian Customs?

6. When was the first Russian Customs statute handed down?

7. Where were foreigners allowed to trade according to the statute?

8. What was required for trading further inside the country?

Упражнение 3. Какие из следующих предложений соответствуют/не соответствуют содержанию текста? Обоснуйте свой ответ.

1. The current Russian word for Customs tamozhnya appeared in the 17th century.

2. The word tamga meant a Customs tax.

3. The Russian Customs Service predates the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

4. In Kievan Rus no taxes were collected at the frontiers of princedoms.

5. Collecting duties was the only function of Russian Customs.

6. The first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667.

7. The first Russian Customs statute was loyal to foreigners.

Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний:

современное слово, таможенная служба, таможенный налог, служащий (сотрудник), собирать налоги, печать, право собирать пошлину, перемещение товаров через границу, пресекать провоз контрабанды, торговать, под страхом конфискации, ограничивать ввоз товаров иностранного производства, защищать российских производителей, протекционизм.

Упражнение 5. Изложите письменно краткое содержание текста, используя ключевые слова и словосочетания.


Упражнение 1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. Mike has just found a new job at the customs.

2. The customs inspector had finished examining the passengers’ baggage by 3 o’clock.

3. I have been working at the Customs for 5 years now.

4. We will have been discussing this problem for a long time before you come.

5. Customs business has always been important and prestigious.

6. The customs officer had been looking through the passenger declaration for a minute when he noticed a mistake.

7. Import laws have become a barometer of economic and political conditions of the time.

8. The customs officers will have been clearing the cargo for 2 hours by the time they arrive.

9. We will have prepared the documents by Monday.

10. The delegation has already arrived at the airport.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. A foreigner just (to arrive) at the airport and is going through customs control now.

2. The customs officers (to confiscate) narcotics last Friday.

3. I already (to pass) through customs and passport control.

4. Russia (to have) a Customs service during the past 1000 years.

5. Derzhavin (to work out) the customs tariff in 1795.

6. The President (to sign) a new law limiting import of foreign goods recently.

7. Alexei Michailovitch Romanov (to sign) the New Trade Statute and (to establish) customs regimes.

8. The Government (to impose) customs duties yet?

9. Mendeleev (to be sure) that protectionist policy (to stimulate) industrial production.

10. Drug contraband (to grow) considerably since last year.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. Before Radischev (to become) Head of St.Petersburg customs house he (to work) for Commerce Board.

2. He (to be) the Customs Office chief for 10 years. Then he (to retire).

3. It (to be clear) that he (not to pay) the customs duties yet.

4. The customs officer (to detain) the passenger after he (to find) an icon in his traveling bag.

5. Our chief (to inform) us of new customs tariffs after he (to return) from the business trip.

6. They (to clear) the cargo before he (to phone).

7. The customs officer (to ask) the passenger when and where he (to buy) his ring.

8. The arrival hall (to be) full of people. They (to arrive) just in Moscow.

9. The passenger (to be) a French businessman who (to come) to Washington to have talks with the head of the company.

10. Only when I (to board) the plane I (to understand) that I (to leave) my handbag somewhere.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive.

1. a) My friend (to work) at the customs.

b) My friend (to work) at a very interesting project


c) My friend (to work) already at this project.

d) My friend (to work) at the customs since 2000.

2. a) I always (to fill in) a customs declaration form when I travel abroad.

b) I (to fill in) a customs declaration form now. Don’t disturb me.

c) I (not to fill in) a customs declaration form yet. Wait a minute.

d) I (to fill in) a customs declaration form for 15 minutes

now. 3. a) Customs officers often (to use) different inspectional techniques to

detect contraband.

b) The customs officers (to use) the inspectional techniques at the

moment to make sure there is no contraband in this petrol tank.

c) The customs officers just (to use) the inspectional techniques. There

are no concealments in this part of the ship.

d) The customs officers found no drugs though they (to use) all the

inspectional techniques they had at their disposal for an hour.

4. a) Our team usually (to clear) the cargo.

b) Our team is very busy at the moment. We (to clear) the cargo.

c) Our team (to clear) all the cargo today.

d) Our team (to clear) the cargo for 2 hours now.

5. a) Passengers who arrive in our country always (to pass) through

customs Control.

b) The passengers who have just arrived in Moscow (to pass) through

customs control now.

c) The passengers (to pass) through customs control and now they are

leaving the terminal.

d) The passengers (to pass) through customs control for the last 15


Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive.

1. a) I (to look through) the passengers’ declarations very attentively a few

minutes ago.

b) I (to look through) the passengers’ declarations when you found


c) I (to look through) just the passengers’ declarations before you

asked for help.

d) I (to look through) the passengers’ declarations for quite a while when

I realized that I needed a rest before it happened.

2. a) This company (to import) its products into our country in 2009.

b) This company (not to import) its products into our country from 2003

till 2005.

c) This company (not to import) its products into our country before


d) This company (to import) its products into our country for many years

3. a) We (to prepare) all the necessary documents in time.

b) We (to prepare) all the necessary documents when we got the news.

c) We (to prepare) all the necessary documents by 6.

d) We (to prepare) all the necessary documents for a week before we got

the news.

4. a) This man (to try) to bring exotic reptiles into Russia yesterday.

b) This man (to try) to bring exotic reptiles into Russia when he was

detained by Customs.

c) This man (to try) to bring exotic reptiles into Russia twice before

finally he was detained by Customs.

d) This man (to try) to bring exotic reptiles into Russia for many years

before 2009.

5. a) The students (to study) the Customs Code last term.

b) The students (to study) the Customs Code at the lesson yesterday.

c) The students (to study) the Customs Code before they began to study

the Criminal Code.

d) The students (to study) the Customs Code for the whole semester

before they had an examination.

Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive.

1. a) I (to buy) a new car in less than a year.

b) I (to buy) a new car at this time tomorrow.

c) I (to buy) a new car by April.

d) I (to buy) a new car for an hour when you come to help me.

2. a) We (to keep) these goods in the warehouse until we pay the duties.

b) We (to keep) these goods in the warehouse the whole winter.

c) We (to keep) already these goods in the warehouse by the time they

can be cleared.

d) We (to keep) these goods in the warehouse for two months by the

1st of December.

3. a) He (to translate) the Customs Convention into Russian next week.

b) He (to translate) the Customs Convention into Russian from 9 till12

on Tuesday.

c) He (to translate) the Customs Convention into Russian by 3.

d) He (to translate) the Customs Convention into Russian for 2 hours

by the time you appear.

4. a) They (to repair) our X-ray machine in two days.

b) They (to repair) our X-ray machine the whole day tomorrow.

c) They (to repair) our X-ray machine by Monday, I hope.

d) They (to repair) our X-ray machine for 3 days by Monday.

5. a) The Customs Office chief (to sign) the permits in a minute.

b) The Customs Office chief (to sign) the permits when you come in.

c) The Customs Office chief (to sign) the permits by the time you

come to take them.

d) The Customs Office chief (to sign) the permits for 10 minutes when

you come to take them.

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы заполнили таможенную декларацию?

2. До того как сотрудники таможни растаможили груз, он находился на складе больше месяца.

3. Они изменят пошлины на автомобили к концу года.

4. С самого утра начальник таможни инструктирует сотрудников.

5. Как долго вы работаете в таможне?

6. Контрабанда наркотиков в этот регион за последние 10 лет значительно возросла.

7. Я проверял документы уже два часа, но не проверил еще и половины.

8. Через 5 минут будет два часа, с тех пор как я начал объяснять вам таможенные правила, а вы так ничего и не поняли.

9. Я надеюсь, к 5 часам мы проверим все контейнеры.

10. Вы пришли в 10 часов. К этому времени он уже ушел на терминал.


certificate (n) сертификат,справка
to certify (v) сертифицировать, подтверждать
confiscation (n) ; syn. seizure, forfeiture конфискация
current (adj) современный, действующий
to defend (v) защищать
frontier (n) граница
to keep out (v) пресекать, препятствовать
to limit (v) ограничивать
limited ограниченный
a merchant (n) торговец, купец, коммерсант
syn. a trader  
an official (n) служащий, чиновник
to predate (v) предшествовать, возникать до
princedom (n) княжество
to purchase (v) покупать, приобретать
a purchase (n) покупка
to require (v) требовать
requirement (n) требование
a seal (n) печать, пломба
to seal (v) опечатывать, опломбировать
strict (adj) строгий
transportation (n) перевозка, перемещение
yoke (n) иго


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