Лексическая тема: «They Worked for the Customs»

Грамматическая тема: Система времен английского глагола. Действительный залог. Времена группы Indefinite (Simple). Времена группы Continuous (Progressive).



Customs businesshas always been considered important and prestigious.

A number of well-known people in Russia worked for the customs and contributed to its development.

Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovitch was the head of Russian state for more than 30 years (1645-1676). It was the time when the main state institutions were formed. He did a lot to developcustoms laws. He initiated customs reformsby issuing the Decree on“On levying customs duties on goodsin Moscow and other cities”.

On April 22 1667 he signed the New Trade Statute. It was based on the previous legislationand suggestions made by Russian merchants. It was the first attempt to arrange customs regimes.

The well-known Russian poet G.Derzhavin in 1794-1803 combined his literary activities with his work as President of Commerce Board which was engaged in foreign tradeand customs business.

It was the time when Russia changed its free tradepolicy into protectionist one.

G.Derzhavin was the one to work out the customs tariff of 1795 which was to come into force in 1797 but Paul I abolished it and it came into effect in 1800.

Russian writer Radischev also worked for Commerce Board and was later appointed Head of St. Petersburg customs house.

Dmitry Mendeleev (1834-1907) was a great Russian chemist, a talented scientist and a public figure. In 1891-1903 he was Head of the Commission in charge of customs tariffs. He was sure that protectionist tariffwould serve the development of the country as it not only regulated exportand importbut also stimulated industrial production. He was one to discover the laws ruling customs business.

British customs service can also boast of some people who worked for the customs.

Poet Pobert Burns (1759-1796) was an excise officer at Dumfries from 1789 until 1796. Excise officers visited local traders, calculated the amount of money due and issued vouchers stating the amount payable. It was hard work with daily rounds on foot or horseback. They worked full day or in shifts. Because of the high level of duty on spirits, control of whisky and gin production was very important.

The excise Collector made his rounds eight times a year collecting duty over a wide area. He usually set up office at an inn where tradesmen paid the duty. It was a dangerous job: collectors were often attacked and robbed.

Another literary figure Matthew Green was also both a poet and a customs officer. He never neglected his work and had a reputation as a hard-working customs officer.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст, пользуясь словарем.

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. When were the main Russian institutions formed?

2. What reform did Alexei Michailovitch Romanov initiate?

3. What was the New Trade Statute based on?

4. Where did Derzhavin work in 1794-1803?

5. What was Commerce Board engaged in?

6. How did the policy of Russia change at that time?

7. When did Customs tariff of 1795 come into effect?

8. What was Dmitry Mendeleev?

9. What made Mendeleev think that protectionist tariff would serve the development of the country?

10. What kind of work did Robert Burns do at the customs?

11. Why did excise officers visit local traders?

12. Why was control of whisky and gin production very important?

13. Where did excise collectors set up their offices?

14. Why was excise collectors’ job so dangerous?

Упражнение 3. Какие из следующих предложений соответствуют/не соответствуют содержанию текста? Обоснуйте свой ответ.

1. Russian tsar Alexei Michailovitch was the head of Russian state for more than 25 years.

2. He initiated customs reforms.

3. On April 22 he signed the New Trade Decree.

4. It was the first attempt to arrange customs regimes.

5. Radischev was appointed President of Commerce Board.

6. It was the time when Russia changed its protectionist policy into free trade one.

7. Derzhavin worked out the new customs tariff of 1795.

8. Mendeleev was one of the first to discover the laws ruling customs business.

9. Robert Burns was an excise collector.

10. Excise collectors made their rounds ten times a year.

11. Excise collectors calculated the amount of money due.

Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте слова и словосочетания, которые употребляются после следующих глаголов.

a. to initiate h) to work out

b. to levy i) to develop

c. to regulate j) to issue

d. to stimulate k) to sign

e. to discover l) to arrange

f. to be engaged in m) to combine

g. to change n) to contribute to

Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте слова и словосочетания, которые означают следующее:

a) to be constructed

b) to start

c) to collect by authority

d) to grow larger

e) to choose for a post

f) payment on exported/ imported goods

g) to find out

h) the laws made

i) trader

j) to deal with

k) tax on certain goods

l) quantity

m) document showing payment of money

n) to place smth in position

Упражнение 6. Переведите на русский язык:

a. …the development of customs laws…

b. He initiated customs reforms...

c. On levying customs duties…

d. It was based on the previous legislation…

e. …the attempt to arrange customs regimes…

f. …he combined his literary activities with…

g. … free trade policy…

h. … protectionist policy…

i. … it came into force…

j. …Paul I abolished it.

k. …issued vouchers stating the amount payable.

l. …high level of duty on spirits.

Упражнение 7. Подберите подходящее по смыслу окончание для каждого предложения.

1. He initiated customs reforms… a) to discover the laws ruling customs business.
2. It was the first attempt… b) changed its free trade policy into pro- tectionist one.
3.He was sure that protectionist Tariff… c) stimulated industrial production.
4. It was based on the previous legislation and… d) would serve the development of the country.
5. It was the time when Russia… e) by issuing the Decree.
6.Protectionist tariff not only regulated export and import but… f) suggestions made by merchants.
7.He was one of the first… g) to arrange customs regimes
8. He never neglected his work … h) and issued vouchers stating the amount payable.
9.Excise officers visited local traders i) and had a reputation as a hard- working customs officer.

Упражнение 8 . Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Кто разрабатывал этот таможенный тариф?

2. Эта комиссия занимается вопросами внешней торговли и таможенного дела.

3. Когда его назначили начальником таможни?

4. Он много сделал для развития таможенного законодательства.

5. Протекционистский тариф стимулирует развитие промышленного производства.

6. Новый торговый устав был первой попыткой установить таможенные режимы.

7. Он начал таможенные реформы с того, что издал указ «О взимании таможенной пошлины с товаров в Москве и городах…».

8. Он никогда не пренебрегал своими обязанностями.

9. Он работает посменно, не так ли?

10. Павел I отменил протекционистский тариф 1795 года.

11. Акцизный чиновник выписывал квитанции с указанием суммы, подлежащей оплате.


Упражнение 1. Вставьте предлоги.

1. G.Derzhavin was the one to work … the New Customs Tariff … 1795.

2. The tariff came … force … 1800.

3. Commerce Board was engaged … foreign trade and customs business.

4. The New Trade Statute was based … the previous legislation and suggestions made … merchants.

5. Mendeleev was Head … the Commission … charge … customs tariffs.

6. A number … well-known people … Russia worked … the customs and contributed … its development.

7. It was the time when Russia changed its free trade policy … protectionist one.

8. Some customs officers worked … shifts.

9. Control … whisky and gin production was very important … … the high level … duty … spirits.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте артикли там, где это необходимо.

1. It was … time, when … main state institutions were formed.

2. It was … first attempt to arrange … customs regimes.

3. … Russian tsar Alexei Michailovitch was … head of Russian state.

4. In 1891-1903 Mendeleev was … Head of … Commission in charge of … customs tariffs.

5. Matthew Green was also both … poet and … customs officer.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. What (to be) the main responsibilities of customs service?

2. There (to be) a lot of ports of entry in this country in a year.

3. Mendeleev (to be) one of the first to discover the laws ruling customs business.

4. Effective passenger and baggage control (to be) necessary to collect proper duties.

5. Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovitch (to be) the head of Russian state for more than 30 years.

6. Money concealed from customs control (to be) confiscated.

7. The New Trade Statute of 1667 (to be) the first attempt to arrange customs regimes.

8. He (to be) in charge of this work next year.

9. What (to be) Derzhavin?

10. This department (to be) engaged in foreign trade and customs business.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1 .When the passenger (to leave) the country he must fill in the exit


2. The customs control (to protect) the Russian market.

3. This company (to import) goods into our country.

4. A large amount of cargo (to cross) the border on train.

5. I don’t believe she (to have) undeclared currency in her pockets.

6. She (to want) to take a picture out of the country.

7. The passenger (to go) through passport and visa control.

8. The customs officer (to examine) passengers’ baggage.

9. When the passenger (to enter) the country he must declare dutiable items.

10.This country (to need) an effective customs service.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. The seminar will take place in Geneva in May.

2. The customs officer helps passengers to fill in customs declaration forms.

3. I went to the Customs office yesterday.

4. I am going through the customs now.

5. She exported a very expensive ring.

6. He will be examining the cargo at 9 o’clock tomorrow.

7. Import duties became a fact of life.

8. Many countries prohibit the export of raw materials.

9. This man was trying to bring drugs into the country when he was stopped by a customs officer.

10. Such protectionism went on for most of the next 300 years.

Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Progressive.

1. They (to go) through the customs control at the moment.

2. Our chief (to hate) it when we are late.

3. I ( not to believe) your argument.

4. Today dramatic changes in the world trade environment (to take place).

5. The customs officer (to check) the luggage now.

6. I (to listen) to the customs officer attentively but I (not to hear) anything.

7. We (to examine) freight containers every day.

8. Now they (to work out) new customs tariffs.

9. The inspector (to want) to invite an expert right now.

10. Look! The passenger (to hide) something in his pockets

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Progressive.

1. When Mendeleev (to wok out) the customs tariff, he (to come) to the conclusion that it could serve the development of the country.

2. She (to go) through the customs when she (to see) her friend.

3. The customs officer (to detain) a passenger who (to carry) a prohibited article.

4. He (to try) to find out the customs regulations on tobacco products when I (to phone) him.

5. The customs tariff (to come) into force in 1800.

6. I (to examine) this container at 2 o’clock yesterday.

7. I (to have) a meeting with Head of Domodedovo customs when you (to come) to the office.

8. My declaration (to lie) on the table but I (not to notice) it.

9. I (to fill in) a customs declaration form when I (to remember) about it.

10. I (to work) at the document from 2 till 6 last Monday.

Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple или Future Progressive.

1. Next week our department (to celebrate) its anniversary .Many foreign guests (to come) for the celebration.

2. They (to check) the documents from 5 till 6 tomorrow.

3. The inspector (to stand) aside while his assistant (to clear) the cargo.

4. Tomorrow at this time I (to fly) to Paris.

5. The Customs Office chief (to sign) the document in 20 minutes.

6. Don’t plan anything for tomorrow morning. We (to have) a meeting with the representatives of British Customs.

7. He (to meet) you in the arrival hall. You (to recognize) him because he (to wear) a badge.

8. They set up a new department which (to be engaged in) foreign trade.

9. The Government (to initiate) economic reforms next year.

10. The laboratory (to carry) the analysis the whole day on Monday.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple или Present Simple.(Обратите внимание на перевод придаточных предложений времени и условия на английский язык!).

1. If it (to rain), we (not to examine) containers.

2. If I (to have) time, I (to check) the baggage.

3. When a customs officer (to find) any prohibited articles, he (to confiscate) them.

4. The director (to sign) the document as soon as the secretary (to bring) it.

5. If you (to have) nothing to declare, you (to go) through the Green Channel.

6. Before you (to fly) to America, you (to find out) the customs regulations on pets.

7. We (not to discuss) the statute until you (to come).

8. When you (to go) through the customs, don’t forget to declare your currency.

9. After you (to collect) your baggage, you (to go) through the customs.

10. If they (to work out) a new tariff, it (to stimulate) industrial production .

Упражнение 10. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Когда таможенники проверяли контейнеры, они обнаружили контрабанду.

2. Начальник проводит сейчас совещание. Он обычно проводит совещание по понедельникам.

3. Мы проверим пассажиров сразу, как только они прибудут.

4. Инспекторы закончили работу 2 часа назад.

5. Каждой стране нужна эффективная таможенная служба.

6. Завтра в 3 часа мы будем проверять этот контейнер, если все документы будут готовы.

7. Когда я подписывал документ, я обнаружил ошибку.

8. Инспектор хочет взглянуть на вашу декларацию еще раз.

9. Если вы меня попросите, я помогу вам заполнить декларацию.

10. Досмотр начнется завтра в 12. До этого времени они будут изучать документы.


to appoint (v) назначать
to be in charge of ; syn. to be responsible for отвечать за что-либо
to collect (v) собирать
customs business таможенное дело
customs house таможня
customs regime таможенный режим
customs service таможенная служба
customs tariff таможенный тариф
duty (n) пошлина
сustoms duty таможенная пошлина
an excise (n) акциз
аn excise officer; syn. excise collector акцизный чиновник
foreign trade внешняя торговля
free trade свободная торговля
goods (pl) товары
in shifts посменно
issue (v) выписывать, выдавать, издавать
legislation (n) законодательство
to levy (v) облагать, взымать
spirits (pl) (n) алкогольные напитки
a statute (n) syn. law, act закон
to protect (v) защищать
protection (n) защита
protectionist (adj) протекционистский
to regulate (v) регулировать
to regulate export and import регулировать экспорт и импорт
a voucher (n) ваучер


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