Тема 5 . Повелительное Наклонение (The Imperative)

Форма повелительного наклонения глагола выражает побуждение к действию, приказание, просьбу, совет.

В побудительных предложениях глагол стоит на первом месте. Утвердительная форма императива совпадает с инфинитивом глагола без частицы to.

Answer the questions, please. Switch on the radio! Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопросы. Включите радио.

Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do и частицы not.

Please do not speak so loudly. Don’t go by bus, take a taxi. Пожалуйста, говорите потише. Не стоит ехать на автобусе, возьми такси.

Для выражения побуждения к действию, обращенного к 1 и 3 лицу, употребляется глагол let, соответствующее личное местоимение в объектном падеже (существительное в общем падеже) и инфинитив глагола без частицы to.

Let us (let’s) go to the country. Let me help you. Let your daughter sing at the party. Let him not do it. Давай поедем за город. Давай я тебе помогу. Пусть она споет на вечере. Пусть он этого не делает.

Упражнение 39. a) Поставьте предложения в форму повелительного наклонения:

1) Ask Melissa to switch on the light.

2) Ask Tom to introduce you to Nancy.

3) Ask Richard not to open the window.

4) Ask Bet to keep her room clean and tidy.

5) Ask George not to switch on the video recorder.

6) Ask Shannon to buy you a few souvenirs in France.

7) Ask Jill not to turn off the central heating.

8) Ask Alice to cook your favourite dish.

9) Ask Jenny to cross the street carefully.

10) Ask Helen not to speak so loudly.

b) Перефразируйте предложения с помощью глагола “Let”.

1) He would like to have some more coffee.

2) We want to move to another house.

3) Natalie wants to buy a new cabinet for her bedroom.

4) We want to visit our grandparents.

5) My brother wants to learn German.

6) Al would like to marry Kathryn.

7) We would like to introduce you to Mr. Green.

8) We want to read a few books by Irwin Shaw.

9) They want to come to our housewarming party.

10) They want to have an evening out.

Упражнение 40. Переведите на русский язык:

1) Turn left at the flower shop and the bus stop is on your right.

2) – Could you tell me where the nearest bakery is? - It’s over there across the street.

3) Take care, the traffic is always heavy at this time of day.

4) During the rush hour buses are just packed with people!

5) The big problems of city life are pollution, unemployment and crime.

6) I like to do a lot of sightseeing when I go abroad.

7) It’s a dangerous part of the city with shabby houses and narrow streets.

8) Could you give me a ride home? I don’t feel very well today.

9) Don’t lose your way! This residential area is not well planned.

10) The centre of the city is famous for its nightlife.

Упражнение 41. Дополните предложения словами из рамки:

authorities impressive to the country is famous for bustling give me a lift in the suburbs take traffic jams the hairdresser’s traffic

1) The airport is situated far from the centre, it is .…

2) I am in a hurry, I wonder if you could...?

3) The famous Koln cathedral is a high ... building, a fine example of Gothic architecture.

4) The local ... try to develop different branches of industry in the town.

5) The ... is really heavy in Moscow nowadays, people spend a lot of time waiting in ... .

6) Every morning I ... bus 70 to get to work.

7) London ... its places of interest.

8) I’d like to got to ... today. I’d like a new hairstyle.

9) Every weekend the Conrads go ... by car.

10) The windows of my bedroom overlook a ... street.

Упражнение 42. Какие слова соответствуют данным определениям?

1) a large city or the capital city of the country;

2) a shop where medicines are sold;

3) the movement of people or cars along roads and streets;

4) a building where several doctors work and a person can go to get help;

5) a mass of people/cars so close together that movement is difficult;

6) full of work and activity;

7) a place in a city that a lot of tourists visit;

8) a person with no home or job who goes from place to place;

9) a broad main road used by traffic going in both directions with several lines;

10) to make goods for sale.

Упражнение 43. Объясните слова по образцу:

A flower shop – is a place where you can buy flowers

1) the newsagent’s –

2) the baker’s –

3) supermarket –

4) a cinema –

5) disco –

6) a bar –

7) a swimming pool –

8) a library –

9) a health centre –

10) the travel agent’s –

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