V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мы думали, что вы едете с нами.

2. Она выглядит такой же молодой, как ее двадцатилетняя дочь.

3. Кто еще хочет сказать что-нибудь?

4. Они когда-то были друзьями.

5. К 11 часам гости ушли.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. A double-decker is ... .

a) a train, b) a small plane, с) a hotel room for two people, d) a bus

2. The common name for a toy bear in England is ... .

a) Michael-bear, b) Tom-bear, c) Teddy-bear, d) Jack-bear.

3. The "Dynasty" is an American ... .

a) opera, b) soap opera, c) musical, d) documentary.

4. The Crown Jewels are in ... .

a) the Tower of London, b) Buckingham Palace, c) Westmin­ster Palace, d) the British Museum.

5. St. Patrick is the patron of... .

a) Wales, b) England, c) Ireland, d) Scotland.

Ключи к тестам

Test 1


1. No, he wasn't.

2. He asked to send him back to prison because he thought that the verses were poor.


Who thought highly of his verses?


1 — went, 2 — was, 3 — retired, 4 — lived, 5 — had been, 6 — had liked, 7— took, 8 — devoted, 9— was walking, 10— saw, 11 — was pushing, 12— had seen, 13 — came, 14 — began, 15 — wanted, 16 — decided, 17 — will tell, 18— said, 19— looked, 20— are interested, 21— pointed, 22— were standing (stood), 23— is, 24— happened, 25- knew, 26— was, 27-, was standing (stood), 28 — forgot, 29 — saw, 30— was, 31 — surprised, 32 — was, 33 — were arranged, 34 — formed, 35 — was watering, 36 — looked, 37 — had disappeared, 38 — looked, 39 — was, 40 — looked, 41 — saw, 42 — fall.


1 - a, 2- d, 3-a, 4-b, 5- с, 6 - b, 7- с, 8-d, 9-b, 10-b, 11-b, 12-с, 13-b, 14- d, 15- с, 16 - а, 17-с, 18- с, 19-, с, 20- b.


1. What are you doing tonight?

2. I was (am) ten minutes late.

3. Which of you is the eldest in the family?

4. Can (may) I have some more tea?

5. We asked how long (how much time) it would take us to get to Yaroslavl by train?


1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - b, 4 - b, 5 - a.

Test 2


1. No, he wasn't.

2. He wanted to produce an impression on the public.


How much (money) did he promise to give his employees?



1— like, 2— shall tell, 3— happened, 4— was reading, 5— sclimbed, 6— entered, 7 — went, 8— was, 9— turned, 10— heard, 11— is, 12— called, 13— dropped, 14— ran, 15— could,16— heard, 17— came, 18— turned, 19— had gone, 20— was, 21— is, 22— called, 23— said, 24— smiled, 25— happens, 26— shall let, 27— know, 28 - left.


1 — have surprised, 2 — have lasted, 3 — used, 4 — consider, 5 — are .trained, 6 — take, 7 — like, 8 — spend, 9 — can, 10 — play (playing), 11 — come, 12— are considered, 13— has seen.


1 - a, 2 - a, 3 - с, 4 - b, 5 - с, 6 - а, 7 - с, 8 - с, 9 - d, 10 -с, 11- b, 12- с, 13- b, 14- с, 15- а, 16 - b, 17- а, 18- b, 19-b, 20 - а.


1. It will be difficult for me to translate this text without a dictionary.

2. Mother said that when she came she would let us go for a walk.

3. How much does this book cost?

4. Which river is longer: the Volga or the Mississippi?

5. The school is on the other side of the street.


1- d, 2-b, 3- с, 4- d, 5- а.

Test 3


1. He knew that no one was so well known as he thought.

2. He took him for Robinson Crusoe.


Why (what for) did Enrico Caruso come to the US?


1 — was, 2 — sent, 3 — were .admired, 4 — (were) talked, 5 — came, 6— was washing, 7— heard, 8 — came, 9— hurried, 10— found, 11 — had handed, 12— cried, 13— was surprised, 14— (was) shocked, 15— exclaimed, 16— knew, 17— would get, 18— was, 19— was crying, 20— came, 21 — was, 22— had happened, 23 — opened, 24 — got, 25 —cried, 26 — was bought, 27 — had known, 28 — was, 29 — had brought, 30 — did ... say, 31 — had been sold, 32 — has been sold, 33 — followed, 34 — was, 35— had made, 36— wanted, 37— was reading, 38— was, 39— exclaimed, 40 — would do.


1- b, 2- с, 3- b, 4- с, 5- а, 6- с, 7- а, 8- с, 9- с, 10-b, 11 - с, 12— d, 13- а, 14- b, 15- b, 16- b, 17- b, 18- а, 19-d, 20- d. .


1. She has finished school, hasn't she?

2. I wonder what other foreign languages he can speak.

3. My watch is five minutes fast.

4. It happened many years ago.

5. We knew that he would keep his promise if nothing happened.


1 — a, 2 — с, 3 — b, 4 — с, 5 — с.

Test 4


1. It took the echo 5 minutes to come back.

2. No, he didn't.


By whom was he once taken to the hills?


1— are, 2— getting, 3— is, 4— thought, 5— would look, 6 — dreamed, 7 — could, 8 — would cost, 9 — would make, 10 — to have, 11— set, 12— found, 13— was, 14— knocked, 15— was opened, 16— explained, 17— had come, 18— were taken, 19— was, 20— were, 21 — were, 22 — told, 23 — said, 24 — was, 25 — had, 26 — wanted, 27 — came, 28 — were, 29— were sent, 30 — had picked, 31 — told, 32 — started, 33— had worked, 34 —got, 35 — kept, 36-- working, 37— had worked, 38 — had, 39 — had picked, 40 — had done.


1 — b, 2— b, 3— b, 4— a, 5—a, 6— b, 7 — с, 8 — а, 9 — d, 10 — b, 11- с, 12- d, 13- с, 14- b, 15- d, 16- с, 17- а, 18-b, 19 — с, 20 — а.


1. What are you reading? — I am reading an interesting article in today's paper.

2. French isn't taught in our school.

3. I have phoned you several times today.

4. What institute are you going to enter?

5. When I was a little girl, I thought that bread grew in the trees.


1 - a, 2 - с, 3 - b, 4 - b, 5 - с.

Test 5


1. She married an actor.

2. He said that his daughter's husband couldn't be called an actor.


What didn't the father allow his daughter to do?


1 — had, 2 — advised, 3 — decided, 4 — to go, 5 — was, 6 — were, 7 — had, 8 — was, 9 — arrived, 10 — was met, 11 — was shown, 12 — was, 13— went, 14— slept, 15— did not wake, 16— went, 17— were, 18—, invited, 19 — had come, 20 — was, 21 — went, 22 — to prepare, 23 — had been looking, 24— were, 25 — said, 26— was, 27— had gone, 28— returned, 29 — knew, 30 — had happened, 31 — kept, 32 — hoped, 33 — would come, 34 — has been waiting, 35 — saw, 36 — stared, 37 — heard, 38 — saw, 39 — had seen, 40 — rushed.


1- d, 2- с, 3- d, 4-b, 5- a, 6-b, 7-b, 8- a, 9- с, 10-b, 11- d, 12-а, 13-с, 14-b, 15- с, 16-d, 17-с, 18 - b, 19-с, 20 - d.


1. It never snows in Africa.

2. You'll be told when you must come.

3. I was waiting for you at the entrance to the theatre.

4. You needn't (don't have to) come tomorrow.

5. The teacher said that we would discuss the play in the next class.


1- b, 2- с, 3- d, 4- b, 5- b.

Test 6


1. He was surprised that the cab driver had recognized him.

2. Conan Doyle's name on his luggage did.


Where did the driver take the writer from?


1 — was, 2— travelled, 3 — made, 4— told, 5 — went, 6 — was followed, 7 — wrote, 8 — was-saying (said), 9-— were told, 10— retold, 11 — passed, 12 — heard, 13 — was, 14— remarked, 15 — are exaggerated, 16 — were, 17— connected, 18 — is, 19 — were sitting, 20— had returned, 21— said, 22— was, 23— came, 24— is, 25— said, 26— spoken, 27— comes, 28— laughed, 29— said, 30— have told, 31— are, 32— was, 33— is, 34— says, 35— are, 36— comes, 37— am, 38— are, 39— did not believe, 40— enjoyed.


1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - b, 6 - с, 7 - а, 8- с, 9- с, 10-b, 11- с, 12-b. 13-с, 14-d. 15- с. 16- b, 17-a, 18- с. 19-b,20-c.


1. We thought you were going with us.

2. She looks as young as her 20 year-old daughter.

3. Who else wants to say something?

4. They used to be friends.

5. The guests had left by 11.


1- d, 2- с, 3- b, 4- а, 5- с.

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