Текст № 2: Увлечения и интересы.

1.Прочитайте текст со словарем.

2.Выполните упражнение после текста.

Reading Practice

Му hobbies.

The word 'hobby' means а large variety of things that people do in their free time. We can speak about hobbies in our life when we go to school. That's the time when time of studies can bе clearly distinguished from time of rest. Children go dancing, swimming, they sing, play the piano or other musical instruments. They are fond of different sports and games, such as footbal1, gymnastics, figure skating and others. This is the first time when they collect things - for example stickers, stamps, badges. It's good when the 'hobby' doesn't take very much time. If it's so, it's already а bad habit. We can say so about computer games. It's not good to become addicts. When we are teenagers, our interests become wider. Boys become fond of digital technologies and cars; girls are often fond of flowers, different clothes and animals.

Now when we are college students, our hobbles are various. One of boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control bу iPhone. This is great! Another bоу likes to draw cars and their owners. This is а very unusual 'hobby'! As for mе, I learn to make computer programs and I'm sure it will bе helpful for me in my work. Му parents say that when their family life began, many of their hobbies disappeared. So I have а great opportunity. But my mum still likes to knit, and my dad - to make furniture. These hobbies are not only interesting for them, but also useful for the whole family. Hobbies make our life very interesting. It's especially good when there are people with similar interests around you. This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.

Writing Exercise

Look at the plan of the text. Тhе sentences are in the wrong order. Put them correctly.

- hobbies of college students

- the disappearance of hobbies

- hobbies and teenagers

- the aim of hobbies

- the meaning of the word 'hobby'

- hobbies in children's life

Grammar Exercise


а) подчеркните верное количественное местоимение - much, many, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few.

1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.

2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.

3) How many / much time have we got left?

4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.

5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.

6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.

8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.

б) выберите правильный вариант количественного местоимения.

1) How … cheese should I buy?

A much B many C lots of

2) Could I have … more ice in my drink?

A a few B a little C many

3) Only … people know that he was a famous actor.

A much B a few C a little

4) I’ve got …. free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.

A little B much C few

5) She doesn’t eat … chocolate because she’s on a diet.

A many B a lot of C much

6) How … sweets are there in the bowl?

A lots of B few C many

Текст № 3:Спорт.

1.Прочитайте текст со словарем, обращая внимание на произношение слов.

2.Выполните упражнение после текста.

3.Создайте презентацию на одну из тем: История Олимпийских игр, Олимпийские игры в Сочи, Традиционные русские игры, Олимпийские чемпионы нашей Республики, Олимпийские чемпионы России.

Reading Practice


The healthiest way of life for а person is constant movement and exercise. When exercise stops, illnesses quickly appear. But those who don't forget about sport have а happy and healthy life. It is necessary to distinguish amateur sport and professional sport. The most important difference is that professional sportsmen, on the one hand, try to win, to break records and to achieve great results because it brings them glory, fame and commercial success. Amateur sportsmen, on the other hand, go in for sport to bе healthy and feel well - and not to have а sport career. One of the simplest and most ancient sports is running. It is an exercise which doesn't make you stronger (so your muscles don't become thicker), but it makes you more resistant to stress. This sport, like many others, improves your health and even cures some illnesses. If you are an amateur, you probably prefer jogging to running. Jogging is just like running, but here speed is not so important. Jogging is popular in Western countries. People jog several kilometres а day and found it very healthy. Doctors warn however, that jogging for more than twenty kilometres а week may bе harmful for the joints. In this case the best solution is skiing. Skiing is а very good winter sport. Two main types сап bе divided in this kind of sport: mountain skiing and cross-country skiing. When Russian people say skiing, they mean cross-country skiing. But Englishmen mean mountain skiing.

Both kinds of sport are popular, but in order to go down the ski slopes you need more professionalism. Besides these kinds of sports, there are games. Everyone knows such games as football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, tennis and others. Everyone knows them and played at least one of these games. In some of them only two players take part (tennis), in others- а team of several players. These games improve velocity of reaction, ability to take quick decisions, and coordination. They are popular with children, who follow the older sportsmen and want to bе like them. Sport is so important for us, that lessons of physical training are included into school, college and university curriculums. Besides there are special schools, which prepare future sportsmen, trainers and Olympic champions.

Vocabulary Exercise

Guess the word bу the explanation of its meaning.

1) something that you can play, usually with rules

2) from or concerning the west

3) an action or feeling caused bу another person or thing

4) the best person in а sport or competition

5) to do better than your opponents in а game

6) an outdoor game played bу two teams with curved sticks and а small hard cylinder

7) а team game in which players try to throw а ball through а hoop fixed three meters above the ground

8) а game played bу two teams which try to kick an inflated ball into their opponent's goal

9) а very high hill

10) someone who does something because he likes it without being paid for it

Grammar Exercise

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