Exercise 6. Translate into English.



The show is likelyto become a hit. По всей вероятности {очевидно), спектакль будет иметь большой успех (станет сенсацией).

How do you account forthe success of this play ? Как вы объясните успех этой пьесы?

As far as I knowit was a great success. Насколько я знаю, он (спектакль) имел большой успех

Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday? – Давай пойдем в кино/театр в воскресенье

Exercise 1.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

He is to agree with us.

likely to read the novel.

They are to compete in track and field


to make a tour of Siberia next year

Exercise 2.Transform these sentences according to the model.

I think he will become a famous painter.

He is likely to become a famous painter.

1. She thinks they will change their minds. 2. He believes they will take strong measures. 3. I think she will apologize to them. 4. He believes they will play a game of chess after lunch.

Exercise 3.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

do you the success of his first novel?

How does he account for Mary's absence?

did he your being late?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them:

I know the performance was a great success,

As far as he remembers she was a talented actress

everyone liked his painting

I can remember, we all agreed to join them.

Exercise 5. Transform the following sentences according to the example.

Example: Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday?

1. Let’s book the seats beforehand.

2. Let’s take opera-glasses.

3. Let’s meet outside the theatre.

4. Let’s ask the usher to show us to our seats.



1. act - действие, акт

2. audience ['o:diəns] - публика, зрители, аудитория (употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

3. audition - театр, проба, прослушивание, смотр актеров на исполнение ролей

4. booking clerk [kla:k] - кассир (театральной, ж.д. билетной или багажной кассы)

5. box- ложа

6. box-office n театральная касса

7. cast - театр, состав исполнителей (в данном спектакле); актерский состав {употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

8. circle - ярус

9. circle, pit - амфитеатр

10. company - постоянная труппа {артистов); ансамбль

11. curtain -занавес;

12. curtain-call - повторный вызов исполнителя;

13. dress-circle - бельэтаж

14. dressing-room ['dresiŋrum] -актерская уборная

15. genre - жанр, манера, стиль.

16. interpretation - интерпретация, толкование;

17. make-up - грим, косметика

18. notice ['noutis] извещение, уведомление, предупреждение

19. opening - первое представление, открытие сезона; Syn. first night

20. playwright ['pleirait] - драматург;

21. producer - режиссер - постановщик, продюсер

22. purpose - цель, намерение; for the purpose of doing smth. с целью сделать что-л.;

23. rehearsal - репетиция; dress rehearsal генеральная репетиция;

24. repertoire -репертуар

25. row [rou] -ряд;

26. scenery - декорация

27. sense of humour ['hju:mə] - чувство юмора;

28. show - зрелище, спектакль,представление

29. sidewalk ['saidwo:k] Am.- тротуар; Br. Pavement

30. spectator - зритель

31. stage - сцена; эстрада

32. stage director художественный руководитель

33. stall - театр, место в партере;

34. stalls - партер

35. understudy - театр. дублер

36. upper circle- балкон

37. wings - театр, кулисы

Verbs and verbal phrases:

1. admit [ad'mit] - признавать, допускать;.

2. afford smth.- позволять себе что-л.; to afford to do smth. быть в состоянии сделать что-л.;

3. applaud - аплодировать, рукоплескать; to applaud smb.;

4. be a (big) hit иметь (большой) успех, произвести (шумную) сенсацию;

5. be on – 1идти (о фильме, пьесе) 2. зд.быть занятым в спектакле

6. cheer - аплодировать; приветствовать или награждать одобрительными возгласами и аплодисментами;

7. convince - убеждать, уверять; to be convinced убедиться, быть убежденным

8. encourage - поощрять, поддерживать; воодушевлять;

9. fix - Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.); She fixed lunch for children.

10. get stuck - застрять, задержаться

11. go on - выходить на сцену

12. have a good (a hearty) laugh at smb., smth. - от души посмеяться над кем-л., чём-л.; laugh смеяться;

13. hesitate ['heziteit] - колебаться, сомневаться, не решаться; to hesitate to do smth. не решаться сделать что-л.,

14. hire ['haiə] - нанимать

15. imagine - воображать, представлять себе

16. include - содержать, иметь в своем составе

17. keep smb. from doing smth. (from smth.) (kept) - мешать, препятствовать кому-л. делать что-л

18. laugh at smb.- посмеяться над кем-л.;

19. offer - предлагать кому-л. что-л., сделать что-л.; suggest smth -предлагать, подавать идею;

20. pace - ходить взад и вперед

21. perform - исполнять роль

22. praise - хвалить, восхвалять, превозносить; to praise to the skies превозносить до небес;

23. produce - ставить (.пьесу, кинокартину);

24. rehearse - репетировать;

25. run (ran, run) - идти (о пьесе, фильме);

26. seat - вмещать, помещать;

27. seek (sought [so:t]) an answer to smth. - искать ответа на что-л.

28. sell out - ( обыкн. passive) распродать;

29. set up - основывать, учреждать;

30. shake (shook, shaken) - дрожать, трястись

31. survive - оставаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть, survival - выживание

32. take up - рассмотреть (вопрос и т. п.); проявить интерес к чему-л.


1. contemporary -современный

2. tremendous - громадный, огромный, потрясающий;.


Exercise 1.Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

I. He suggested that we should see the new musical. 2. As the curtain went up the audience began to applaud. 3. We did not hesitate to go and see the new comedy as we were sure it would be a hit. 4. If he offered to buy tickets for today's matinee we would certainly agree. 5. Mendoza praised the drawings Charles showed him after he returned from Paris. 6. Mrs Hornby could not keep her son from becoming a professional hockey-player. 7. If her husband had not encouraged her she would not have accepted the offer. 8. "How did you like the show?" "It's wonderful." 9. I wish you had a sense of humour. 10. The producer allowed us to attend the dress rehearsal. 11. You shouldn't hesitate to become a painter. 12. Is the date of the opening fixed? 13. She said she would think the offer over. 14. John suggested that they should fix the date for the next meeting. 15.1 don't think he can afford a holiday now.

Exercise 2.Make up sentences using these tables and translate them

a) I whether to offer John a ticket

They hesitate

whether to accept their offer.

b) I to book the seats for the first night

He offered to fix everything for the meeting

They, to help them

to stage his new play

c) He suggests that they should have a dress rehearsal next week

that they announce the talks take place next month

She suggest that she allow her son to go in for hockey

that John should fix the date of the appointment

They suggested that they have a break now.

Exercise 3.Insert the words given below.

1. If John were offered a new job, he would ... it immediately. 2. Nothing could ... Michelangelo ... becoming a sculptor. 3. It is pleasant to deal with him. He is always so.... 4. When the show was over, and the curtain ......and then ... the audience stood and .. for a long time. 5. The critics ... to the skies the second novel of the young writer. 6. You should learn these expressions ... . 7. "How long ...this comedy......?" "I suppose, for about a month." 8. "I wonder how many films they are going . . . this year?" "Quite a few, I believe." 9. The ... enjoyed the performance as the ... was really excellent. 10. Mary ... to buy tickets for the ... as she will have time today.


cast, to applaud, cheerful, to praise, to produce, to offer, to go down, up, by heart, show, to run, to accept, to keep from, audience

Exercise 4.Insert prepositions or adverbs.

a) to be

1. "Is Mr Brown ...?" "No, he is ... . He will be ... in 15 minutes." 2. "I'll be ... as soon as the meeting is..." 3. "Where is Peter? He is ... . He'll be ... tomorrow."

b) to go

1. The curtain went ... and everybody saw Shirley MacLaine. 2. The curtain went..., the performance was over. 3.You should go......sport, it is good for health. 4. He went... to say that they had a lot to do that week. 5. We suggested going ... the cinema but he said he would not be able to join us. 6. John went... doing the translation.

7. The curtain went up, then ... but the audience went ... applauding.

Exercise 5. Insert articles wherever necessary.

Notes: adult ['ad/\lt] взрослый

legend ['led¥әnd] легенда

negotiate [ni'gou∫ieit] вести переговоры

1. Sergei Obraztsov is ... founder of the State Central Puppet Theatre. ... theatre was founded in 1931. In ... fifty years of its existence ... theatre produced over sixty plays.

When ... theatre was opened it was intended for ... children. But time showed that ... adults* became interested in ... puppet theatre, too.... first show produced for ... adults in 1940 was called "Aladdin's Lamp". It became ... hit. "... Unusual Concert", another show for ... adults, has been ... tremendous success for many years now.

2. Galina Ulanova, prima ballerina of Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre Ballet, is ... most exciting theatrical personality of ... 20th century.

Her name has been ... legend** here for years and those interested in ... arts listened eagerly to ... tales of ... travellers from Moscow who had been lucky enough to see her dance at... Bolshoi Theatre. Ever since ... war our Royal Opera has been negotiating*** for ... Bolshoi Theatre Ballet to appear in London and we all hoped that Ulanova would head ... company in some of-her most famous parts.

Text 1

Exercise 1.Read and translate the text .

Names: Richard Bissel ['rit∫әd 'bizl] Ричард Биссел

Steve [sti:v] Стив

George Abbot [d¥o:d¥ 'æbat J Джордж Эбот

Carol Haney ['kærl 'heni ] Кэрол Хейни

Hal Prince [hæl prins] Хэл Принс

Shirley MacLaine ['∫ə:li mak'lein ] Шерли Маклейн

Notes: fix 1. Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.)

whenever – когда бы ни; всякий раз когда

ankle ['a;nkl] лодыжка

purse кошелек

impatient а нетерпеливый

take a deep breath глубоко вздохнуть

Text 2.

Exercise 1.Read text 2 and answer the questions given after it.


This question was extensively discussed at a seminar sponsored by the UNESCO International Institute of Theatre and attended by prominent composers, choreographers, stage directors, conductors and opera theatre managers from many countries.

Many of them spoke about the crisis which the opera in the West was experiencing. Audiences have lost interest, and theatres are unwilling to produce new operas. To see his opera staged is but a dream for a great many modern composers.

Boris Pokrovsky, chief stage director of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, maintains that mankind has so far utilized only a fraction of the great possibilities offered by operatic art. "I am firmly convinced," he said, "of its great future."

Pokrovsky and his numerous pupils prove this on the stage of the Moscow Chamber Musical Theatre, which has become a sort of experimental laboratory of opera. The nucleus of the theatre company is formed by young graduates of the State Institute of Theatrical Art in Moscow. Pokrovsky himself has become the artistic director of the new theatre (parallel with his main post at the Bolshoi).

The young company has set itself the task of developing the genre of "smaller opera", practically unknown in Russia, using new stagecraft devices capable of enriching "big opera", as well.

Everything is unusual in this theatre: a small hall seating only 220, no orchestra pit, no customary division of the company into soloists and chorus. Those taking leading roles today can be found in mass scenes tomorrow. Quite often, the orchestra is involved in the action. The theatre is based on the "singing actor" principle: in other words, an opera singer should also be a good actor.

The Chamber Musical Theatre has revived many works long since forgotten. It has staged unfamiliar operas by Mozart, Haydn, Schubert and Rossini. Several 18th century Russian operas were revived, too. But the outstanding event in the short history of the theatre was its contact with the famous composer of our time, Dmitri Shostakovich, who took an active part in the production of his opera "The Nose", which he had written in his youth after the novel of the same title by Gogol. The production was extremely original in design and execution, "prickly sarcastic", with unexpected turns and ingenious devices. For example, each performer played several roles, which was also part of Gogol's conventionality. "The Nose" was a great success at the International "Warsaw Spring" Festival in 1976. Recently the Charles Cros Academy in France awarded its Grand Prix to the recording of this opera by the Moscow company.

All of this shows that the opera in Russia is far from being in decline but looks for new original forms and ingenious devices.

Exercise 2.Answer the following questions.

1. Which question was discussed at a UNESCO International Institute of Theatre seminar?

2. Which crises is the opera in the west experiencing?

3. What is Boris Pokrovsky?

4. Who is the nucleus of the Moscow Chamber Musical Theatre formed of?

5. What is so unusual about this theatre?

6. Name the composers whose operas were staged by Chamber Musical Theatre.

7. Who did Boris Pokrovsky have contact with?

8. Did you read the novel “The Nose” by Gogol?

9. So, do you agree that the opera in Russia is in decline?

10. What does it look for?

Text 3

Exercise 1. Read and translate the dialogues

Names:Mozart ['mo:tsa:t] Моцарт

Haydn[ haidn] Гайдн

Rossini [ra'sini ] Россини

Houston ['hju:stn] г. Хьюстон

Texas ['teksәs] штат Техас

Alfred Leathers Альфред Летерс

Martin Cheveril Мартин Чиврил

Seward Сьюард

Notes: 1. the Moscow Chamber ['t∫eimbә] Musical Theatre Московский камерный музыкальный театр

2. smaller opera малая (камерная) опера

3. "Play-house Director" «Директор театра»

4. "Apothecary" «Аптекарь»

5. "Marriage Bill" «Брачный вексель»

6. the French Charles Cros Academy — академия названа

по имени известного французского поэта Шарля Кроса (1842—1888)

7. Grand Prix «Гран при» (Большая премия, Главная премия), высшая награда на фестивале, конкурсе и т. п.

8. "The Echelon" «Эшелон»

9. I've had it. С меня достаточно, (театра)

10. We might as well admit it и мы могли бы также признать это

11. Sir Henry Irving (1838—1905) сэр Генри Ирвинг, английский актер

12. Ellen Terry (1847—1928) Эллен Терри, английская актриса

13. Sir Herbert Tree (1853—1917) сэр Герберт Три, английский актер


1.Diana Andrews: I know you're an admirer of opera, Anna. Last night I heard on the radio that the Moscow Chamber Musical Theatre was starting its new theatrical season. I've never heard of this theatre. Could you tell me about it?

Anna Fyodorova: Though it existed for quite a time, most theatre-goers still call it "the new opera theatre". It was set up for the purpose of developing the genre of "smaller opera".

Diana: What operas does the theatre stage?

Anna: Both classical and modern. Its repertoire includes over 15 productions, "Play-house Director" by Mozart, "Apothecary" by Haydn and "Marriage Bill" by Rossini, to name only a few

Diana: Did the theatre produce any operas by Russian composers?

Anna: Yes, I think three or four operas were staged. The first was "The Nose" by Dmitri Shostakovich. The composer himself took an active part in its production. The opera has always been a tremendous success with the public. A few years ago the French Charles Cros Academy awarded Grand Prix to the recording of this opera by this company.

Diana:Did you happen to see it?

Anna:Yes, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Diana:I'd like to see a few operas at this theatre. Is it possible to book seats?

Anna: I'd say it's next to impossible. The theatre is small, it seats only 220 people. I suppose it's already been sold out. I'll try to help you. A friend of mine is an actor at this theatre. I'll ask him to get seats for you.

Diana: Thank you very much. It's very kind of you.

2.John Spencer: I saw Roschin's play "The Echelon" at the Sovremennik Theatre yesterday.

Michael Vetrov: How did you like it?

John:It impressed me greatly. It's a story of the World War II days, the tale of those who survived when survival seemed impossible.

Michael: I saw the play at the Art Theatre and I liked it very much, too.

John:By the way Roschin's play was staged in the USA. It was the first production by a Russian producer — Galina Volchek was invited to stage it in Houston, Texas.

John:As far as I know it was a great success.

Text 4


Exercise 1.Read the text and do the exercises.

Notes: flourish - преуспевать

Edinburgh International Festival – Международный Эдинбургский фестиваль (ежегодный музыкальный и театральный фестиваль в г.Эдинбурге в августе – сентябре . Проводится с 1947г.)

Aldeburgh – Олдборо (город в графстве Суффолк; место проведения ежегодных музыкальных фестивалей. Первый состоялся по инициативе композитора Бенджамина Бриттена в 1948г.)

Windsor –Виндзор, ( место загородной резиденции английских королей)

Cheltenham – Челтнем (город в графстве Глостершир, где проводится ежегодный фестиваль современной английской музыки)

Glyndebourne – Глайндборн (имение близ г.Льюиса в графстве Суссекс, где проводится ежегодный оперный фестиваль)

Arts Council – Совет по искусствам.

distribute – распределять, раздавать.

encourage – поддерживать, поощрять.

exert – оказывать давление, влиять.

diversity – многообразие, разнообразие.

The arts in Britain are flourishing, and present a varied and lively picture. London has become an international forum of the arts, with major exhibitions of painting and sculpture and theatre, opera and ballet companies and orchestras drawing large audiences. Throughout Britain there are festivals and centers of artistic activity — among them are the Edinburgh International Festival 2, the music festivals at Aldeburgh 3, Windsor 4 and Cheltenham 5 and opera at Glyndebourne 6.

The spread of musical interest in Britain owes much to the British Broadcasting Corporation with its daily music programme and its partial financing of the Promenade Concerts at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

There are over 900 museums and art galleries in Britain and art exhibitions are shown all over the country through the Arts Council 7, which distributes 8 government grants for music, drama, painting and sculpture. Local authorities play an important part in encouraging 9 the arts, supporting galleries, orchestras and arts centers – an example is the ambitious Midlands Art Centre for young people in Birmingham.

British artists, writers, musicians and architects exert 10 a powerful influence abroad. Notable figures include sculptors Henry Moore and Anthony Caro, painters Francis Bacon and Graham Sutherland and, among younger artists, Richard Smith, winner of a major international prize in 1967, Richard Hamilton, who painted the first "pop" picture, and Bridget Riley, internationally known artist whose work has also inspired fashion.

British music owes much to the composer Benjamin Britten, whose influence has produced a new school of British opera. In architecture the work of Sir Basil Spence (Coventry Cathedral, Sussex University) and the collective work of modern British architects in housing and town planning are outstanding.

Literature presents great diversity. Poetry has received fresh stimulus from regional movements including the Liverpool poets, who write for public performance. Among novelists of worldwide reputation are Graham Greene, Angus Wilson, William Golding, Iris Murdoch and Muriel Spark.

Exercise 2.Answer the questions.


1. What kinds of artistic activity do we mean when speaking about the arts in Britain?

2. What music festivals take place in Britain? What role does the BBC play in the development of musical interests in Britain?

3. What does the Arts Council do to encourage the arts in Britain? Can you give any examples?

4. What names of contemporary British novelists, composers and other people of arts do you know?

Exercise 3.

You came across some names of British sculptors, painters, artists in the text. Do you know any names of Britain's famous writers, poets, musicians, actors and singers?

Text 5

Exercise 1.There are 900 museums and art galleries in Britain. Do you know the number of museums in your republic (region, district, town)? Do you often go to museums? What kind of museums do you prefer?

Exercise 2.Read about one of Russian picture galleries and be ready to answer the questions.

The Treatyakov Gallery.

One of the best-known picture galleries in Russia is the State Tretyakov Gallery. It is housed in a small but very Russian-looking building in the centre of Moscow. The Gallery takes its name after its founder P.M.Tretyakov, who began to collect Russian paintings in 1856 for the purpose of bringing art close to all people.

The gallery contains halls devoted to old Russian painting, to great painters of the 18th and 19th centuries, and to modern art.

Probably the best-known among the old Russian painters is Andrei Rublyov. His “Trinity” painted about the year 1411, is remarkable because, although it is the manner of the old icon painters, it is more humanistic and reflects in a new way the life and soul of Russian people.

Tretyakov began his collection with the works of the “peredvizhniki” – the artists who belonged to the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions, so it is natural that canvases of masters such as Kramskoy, Perov and Ghe have a big place there. Well-known to lovers of art all over the world are “Morning in a Pine Wood” by Shishkin and “Ivan Tsarevich on the Grey Wolf” by Vasnetsov, “Golden Autumn” by Levitan, “Volga Baotmen” by Repin.

There are a lot of exhibits in the gallery of the Soviet period in art. For example, the gallery contains a lot of works by Ioganson, Gerasimov, Plastov and others.

The Tretyakov Gallery also organizes exhibitions in other towns and cities. Thus it continues the tradition of its founder to bring real art to people.

Exercise 3. Questions:

1. Why is the gallery named in this way?

2. Whose works can we see in the halls of the gallery?

3. What was and is the main task of the gallery?

Text 6

Exercise 1.You will hear 5 advertisements. Set up a correspondence between the advertisements 1 – 5 and the names of museums given in list A-F. Use each letter only once. There is one spare name. You will hear the texts twice.

A. Museum of the Moving Image

B. Museum of Transport

C. Health Care Museum

D. Theatre Museum

E. National Museum of History

F. National Museum of Medicine.


Text 7


Exercise 1.Look through the following short text, choose one person that is of special interest to you and tell the group about him.

1. Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) was the most outstanding portraitist of the second half of the 18th century. He was born in Devoshire in 1723. He received a good education from his father, a clergyman and master of the free grammar school. At seventeen Reynolds went to London to study painting, where he soon became a fashionable portrait-painter. In 1768 Reynolds became the first president of the Royal Academy founded at that time.

Reynolds completed a whole gallery of portraits of his famous contemporaries. He painted his models in heroic style showing them as the best people of the nation. His portraits are not free of certain idealization of characters.

Reynolds' devotion to portraiture made him one of the founders of the English school of portrait painting at that time. Some of his mythological works include real personages.

2.John Constable was the first English landscape painter to ask no lessons from the Dutch. He was born on the river Stour. The beauty of the surrounding meadows, its woods and rivers became the subject of his painting. It was his desire to give a true and full impression of nature. Constable’s landscapes are generally calm, pleasant outdoor scenes, which are full of sunlight. But the representation of nature Constable painted in a new and different way. The essence of each was that there was absolutely no idealization of the scene before him. “Hay wain” was exhibited in 1824 in Paris and had immediate and lasting effect on French art. His pure brilliant colour was a discovery to French painting. Among his other best pictures there are: “Deham Vale”, “Flaford Mill”, “White Horse”, “The Country Lane”.

3. I.I.Repin is one of the best-known Russian painters. He was one of the famous peredvizhniki. Repin liked drawing from his childhood, so his parents sent him to the Art school. In 1864 Repin entered the Academy of Arts in St.Petersburg. There he met Kramskoy, a great master and a public figure who influenced Repin greatly.

Repin’s first large canvas was “Volga boatmen”. It reflects the hard life of the Russian people. One can see poor men who are tired out by their inhuman labour as they pool a barge up the river. “Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan” is Repin’s second historical painting. Zsar Ivan is shown holding the body of this elder son – Prince Ivan whom he has just killed. The Zsar’s eyes in a pale face reflect his soul and the horror of what he has done.

Repin is famous for painting of portraits. The portrait of Musorgsky is a masterpiece of portrait painting

4.Charles Dickens was the representative of critical realism in the XIX century in English literature. His childhood was hard. At the age of 10 he went to work to the factory. The boy worked from early morning till late at night. Dickens described this period in the novel “David Copperfield”.

In 1836 he published his first book “Sketches by Boz”, a collection of short stories from London life. Then followed “Pickwick Papers” which made the author famous. His next novels were “Oliver Twist”, “Nicolas Nickleby”. In 1842 Dickens visited America and wrote “American Notes”, where he gave a realistic picture of that society.

During the following years Dickens published “Dombey and Son”, “Black House” and others. His books are translated into many languages and are in great demand.

5.Jack London is an American writer. He was born in 1876 in San-Francisco. From his early childhood he earned his living by selling newspapers. After work he ran to school. Jack London liked reading. He was fond of books about adventures and travelers. He went to the port and watched the sailors and their work. He wanted to become a sailor and when he was 17 he started to Japan. When he came back home he wrote some sea stories. He became a writer and wrote about 500 books: short stories and novels. One of the most famous is “White Fang”.

6. George Gordon Byron was born in 1788 into an old aristocratic family. He liked history and read much about Rome, Greece and Turkey. The boy was lame but he liked sports and trained every day.

At 17 he entered Cambridge University and his literary career began. When he was a student he publishes his first collection of poems “Hours of Idleness”. In a year he published his first satire “English Bards and Scotch Reviewers”. He traveled much and visited Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey. Byron described his travels in a long poem “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”.

In 1817 Byron went to Italy where he was involved into the struggle for the national independence of Italy. There he wrote his best satiric poems “Don Juan” and “Chain”.

Then he went to Greece and there he died in 1824.

7.Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in a noble family. In 1830 he entered Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg school of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and was commissioned in the Hussar regiment of the Emperial Guard.

In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin’s death. During his second exile he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not even twenty seven years old.

Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writing to be published in 1835 was his tale verse “Hadji Abrek”. Whether Lermontov chose to write poetry, prose or drama, the stamp of his genius was always found on it.

Lermontov’s poems “The Demon”, “Mtsyri” and the “Lay of the Merchant Kalashnikov” his innumerable lyrics, his novel “A Hero of Our Time” and his play “Masquerade” are masterpieces of Russian literature. Lermontov tremendously influenced in his writing by the ideas of the Decembrists. Lermontov’s poems are the protestation of faith of an independent and free man.


Exercise 1.

1. What theatrical (ballet) performances would you advise a foreign colleague to see in Moscow? 2. What is your favourite drama theatre? 3. Who is your favourite Russian (British) playwright? 4. What would you rather see: a drama or an opera? 5. Who is your favourite actor (actress, ballet-dancer, singer)?

Exercise 2.What role can museums and art galleries play in the upbringing of children? Can any child become a good person without arts' influence? What do you think about it?


1. You’ve got a letter from your pen friend Mary who writes:

“…In your previous letter you told me that you had joined your school Literature Club. I wonder what you do at your club meetings. Can I help you in any way?”

Write a letter to Mary.

In your letter

- tell her about your Literature Club

- ask 3 questions about books popular with her classmates.

2. Comment on the following statement.

a)When photography was invented some people predicted that photographs would soon replace painted portraits. However, portraits have been painted for many years after the invention of photography.

What can you say for and against a portrait made by an artist?

b) When cinema was invented some people predicted that theatre would not last very long but it still exists, attracts large audience and is not likely to disappear.

Whatcan you say for and against theatre?



The show is likelyto become a hit. По всей вероятности {очевидно), спектакль будет иметь большой успех (станет сенсацией).

How do you account forthe success of this play ? Как вы объясните успех этой пьесы?

As far as I knowit was a great success. Насколько я знаю, он (спектакль) имел большой успех

Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday? – Давай пойдем в кино/театр в воскресенье

Exercise 1.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

He is to agree with us.

likely to read the novel.

They are to compete in track and field


to make a tour of Siberia next year

Exercise 2.Transform these sentences according to the model.

I think he will become a famous painter.

He is likely to become a famous painter.

1. She thinks they will change their minds. 2. He believes they will take strong measures. 3. I think she will apologize to them. 4. He believes they will play a game of chess after lunch.

Exercise 3.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

do you the success of his first novel?

How does he account for Mary's absence?

did he your being late?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them:

I know the performance was a great success,

As far as he remembers she was a talented actress

everyone liked his painting

I can remember, we all agreed to join them.

Exercise 5. Transform the following sentences according to the example.

Example: Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday?

1. Let’s book the seats beforehand.

2. Let’s take opera-glasses.

3. Let’s meet outside the theatre.

4. Let’s ask the usher to show us to our seats.



1. act - действие, акт

2. audience ['o:diəns] - публика, зрители, аудитория (употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

3. audition - театр, проба, прослушивание, смотр актеров на исполнение ролей

4. booking clerk [kla:k] - кассир (театральной, ж.д. билетной или багажной кассы)

5. box- ложа

6. box-office n театральная касса

7. cast - театр, состав исполнителей (в данном спектакле); актерский состав {употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

8. circle - ярус

9. circle, pit - амфитеатр

10. company - постоянная труппа {артистов); ансамбль

11. curtain -занавес;

12. curtain-call - повторный вызов исполнителя;

13. dress-circle - бельэтаж

14. dressing-room ['dresiŋrum] -актерская уборная

15. genre - жанр, манера, стиль.

16. interpretation - интерпретация, толкование;

17. make-up - грим, косметика

18. notice ['noutis] извещение, уведомление, предупреждение

19. opening - первое представление, открытие сезона; Syn. first night

20. playwright ['pleirait] - драматург;

21. producer - режиссер - постановщик, продюсер

22. purpose - цель, намерение; for the purpose of doing smth. с целью сделать что-л.;

23. rehearsal - репетиция; dress rehearsal генеральная репетиция;

24. repertoire -репертуар

25. row [rou] -ряд;

26. scenery - декорация

27. sense of humour ['hju:mə] - чувство юмора;

28. show - зрелище, спектакль,представление

29. sidewalk ['saidwo:k] Am.- тротуар; Br. Pavement

30. spectator - зритель

31. stage - сцена; эстрада

32. stage director художественный руководитель

33. stall - театр, место в партере;

34. stalls - партер

35. understudy - театр. дублер

36. upper circle- балкон

37. wings - театр, кулисы

Verbs and verbal phrases:

1. admit [ad'mit] - признавать, допускать;.

2. afford smth.- позволять себе что-л.; to afford to do smth. быть в состоянии сделать что-л.;

3. applaud - аплодировать, рукоплескать; to applaud smb.;

4. be a (big) hit иметь (большой) успех, произвести (шумную) сенсацию;

5. be on – 1идти (о фильме, пьесе) 2. зд.быть занятым в спектакле

6. cheer - аплодировать; приветствовать или награждать одобрительными возгласами и аплодисментами;

7. convince - убеждать, уверять; to be convinced убедиться, быть убежденным

8. encourage - поощрять, поддерживать; воодушевлять;

9. fix - Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.); She fixed lunch for children.

10. get stuck - застрять, задержаться

11. go on - выходить на сцену

12. have a good (a hearty) laugh at smb., smth. - от души посмеяться над кем-л., чём-л.; laugh смеяться;

13. hesitate ['heziteit] - колебаться, сомневаться, не решаться; to hesitate to do smth. не решаться сделать что-л.,

14. hire ['haiə] - нанимать

15. imagine - воображать, представлять себе

16. include - содержать, иметь в своем составе

17. keep smb. from doing smth. (from smth.) (kept) - мешать, препятствовать кому-л. делать что-л

18. laugh at smb.- посмеяться над кем-л.;

19. offer - предлагать кому-л. что-л., сделать что-л.; suggest smth -предлагать, подавать идею;

20. pace - ходить взад и вперед

21. perform - исполнять роль

22. praise - хвалить, восхвалять, превозносить; to praise to the skies превозносить до небес;

23. produce - ставить (.пьесу, кинокартину);

24. rehearse - репетировать;

25. run (ran, run) - идти (о пьесе, фильме);

26. seat - вмещать, помещать;

27. seek (sought [so:t]) an answer to smth. - искать ответа на что-л.

28. sell out - ( обыкн. passive) распродать;

29. set up - основывать, учреждать;

30. shake (shook, shaken) - дрожать, трястись

31. survive - оставаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть, survival - выживание

32. take up - рассмотреть (вопрос и т. п.); проявить интерес к чему-л.


1. contemporary -современный

2. tremendous - громадный, огромный, потрясающий;.


Exercise 1.Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

I. He suggested that we should see the new musical. 2. As the curtain went up the audience began to applaud. 3. We did not hesitate to go and see the new comedy as we were sure it would be a hit. 4. If he offered to buy tickets for today's matinee we would certainly agree. 5. Mendoza praised the drawings Charles showed him after he returned from Paris. 6. Mrs Hornby could not keep her son from becoming a professional hockey-player. 7. If her husband had not encouraged her she would not have accepted the offer. 8. "How did you like the show?" "It's wonderful." 9. I wish you had a sense of humour. 10. The producer allowed us to attend the dress rehearsal. 11. You shouldn't hesitate to become a painter. 12. Is the date of the opening fixed? 13. She said she would think the offer over. 14. John suggested that they should fix the date for the next meeting. 15.1 don't think he can afford a holiday now.

Exercise 2.Make up sentences using these tables and translate them

a) I whether to offer John a ticket

They hesitate

whether to accept their offer.

b) I to book the seats for the first night

He offered to fix everything for the meeting

They, to help them

to stage his new play

c) He suggests that they should have a dress rehearsal next week

that they announce the talks take place next month

She suggest that she allow her son to go in for hockey

that John should fix the date of the appointment

They suggested that they have a break now.

Exercise 3.Insert the words given below.

1. If John were offered a new job, he would ... it immediately. 2. Nothing could ... Michelangelo ... becoming a sculptor. 3. It is pleasant to deal with him. He is always so.... 4. When the show was over, and the curtain ......and then ... the audience stood and .. for a long time. 5. The critics ... to the skies the second novel of the young writer. 6. You should learn these expressions ... . 7. "How long ...this comedy......?" "I suppose, for about a month." 8. "I wonder how many films they are going . . . this year?" "Quite a few, I believe." 9. The ... enjoyed the performance as the ... was really excellent. 10. Mary ... to buy tickets for the ... as she will have time today.


cast, to applaud, cheerful, to praise, to produce, to offer, to go down, up, by heart, show, to run, to accept, to keep from, audience

Exercise 4.Insert prepositions or adverbs.

a) to be

1. "Is Mr Brown ...?" "No, he is ... . He will be ... in 15 minutes." 2. "I'll be ... as soon as the meeting is..." 3. "Where is Peter? He is ... . He'll be ... tomorrow."

b) to go

1. The curtain went ... and everybody saw Shirley MacLaine. 2. The curtain went..., the performance was over. 3.You should go......sport, it is good for health. 4. He went... to say that they had a lot to do that week. 5. We suggested going ... the cinema but he said he would not be able to join us. 6. John went... doing the translation.

7. The curtain went up, then ... but the audience went ... applauding.

Exercise 5. Insert articles wherever necessary.

Notes: adult ['ad/\lt] взрослый

legend ['led¥әnd] легенда

negotiate [ni'gou∫ieit] вести переговоры

1. Sergei Obraztsov is ... founder of the State Central Puppet Theatre. ... theatre was founded in 1931. In ... fifty years of its existence ... theatre produced over sixty plays.

When ... theatre was opened it was intended for ... children. But time showed that ... adults* became interested in ... puppet theatre, too.... first show produced for ... adults in 1940 was called "Aladdin's Lamp". It became ... hit. "... Unusual Concert", another show for ... adults, has been ... tremendous success for many years now.

2. Galina Ulanova, prima ballerina of Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre Ballet, is ... most exciting theatrical personality of ... 20th century.

Her name has been ... legend** here for years and those interested in ... arts listened eagerly to ... tales of ... travellers from Moscow who had been lucky enough to see her dance at... Bolshoi Theatre. Ever since ... war our Royal Opera has been negotiating*** for ... Bolshoi Theatre Ballet to appear in London and we all hoped that Ulanova would head ... company in some of-her most famous parts.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Он предложил нам пойти в театр, так как новый мюзикл имел большой успех. Мы с радостью согласились. 2. Я видел Поля Робсона в роли Отелло. Это был потрясающий Отелло. Мы аплодировали ему бесконечно, и я не помню, сколько раз поднимался занавес, и вызывали актера. 3. Успех молодой актрисы в этой маленькой роли был настолько велик, что режиссер решил предложить ей главную роль в новой пьесе. 4. Труппа репетировала пьесу уже три месяца, но режиссеру все еще не нравились отдельные сцены. 5. Музыкальная комедия «Моя прекрасная леди» по пьесе. Бернарда Шоу «Пигмалион» была впервые поставлена в США. Спектакль имел большой успех. Состав исполнителей был прекрасный. Публика восхищалась музыкой, танцами и игрой актеров. 6. Вы хотите пойти на утренний спектакль? — С удовольствием. 7. Давайте посмотрим этот фильм, он идет уже неделю. 8. Зрители приветствовали актеров одобрительными возгласами и долго аплодировали им.

Text 1

Exercise 1.Read and translate the text .

Names: Richard Bissel ['rit∫әd 'bizl] Ричард Биссел

Steve [sti:v] Стив

George Abbot [d¥o:d¥ 'æbat J Джордж Эбот

Carol Haney ['kærl 'heni ] Кэрол Хейни

Hal Prince [hæl prins] Хэл Принс

Shirley MacLaine ['∫ə:li mak'lein ] Шерли Маклейн

Notes: fix 1. Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.)

whenever – когда бы ни; всякий раз когда

ankle ['a;nkl] лодыжка

purse кошелек

impatient а нетерпеливый

take a deep breath глубоко вздохнуть

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