Страдательный залог после модальных глаголов

Действительный залог Страдательный залог
I He You She He Tom They You can do should do ought to do must do has to do is to do may do might do it. It can be done should be done ought to be done must be done has to be done is to be done may be done might be done by me. by him. by you. by her. by him. by Tom. by them. by you.

Revision: Passive Voice

1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) The contract_______ at the board meeting now.

a) is discussed b) was discussed

c) is being discussed d) was being discussed

2) Wait a minute! The document________ by the secretary at the moment.

a) is typed b) has been typed

c) was typed d) is being typed

3) The papers____ by the Managing Director yet. He is on business trip.

a) weren't signed b) aren't signed

c) haven't been signed b) weren't being signed

4) She____ the Head of the Information Systems Department two months ago.

a) is appointed b) is being appointed

c) was appointed d) has been appointed

5) Recently a new generation of TV sets________ in Japan.

a) is being launched b) has been launched

c) was being launched d) had been launched

6) At present our company________ .

a) is reorganized b) is being reorganized

c) has reorganized d) has been reorganized

7) The mail_____ yet.

a) isn't received b) isn't being received

c) wasn't received d) hasn't been received

8) From Monday English classes________ in the Training Centre.

a) are held b) are being held

c) will be held d) have been held

9) We___________ to send the documents by Friday.

a) were asked b) were being asked

c) have been asked d) had been asked

10) At last a new government _______ after a long governmental crisis.

a) is formed b) is being formed

c) was formed d) has been formed

11) My car________ at the moment. Sorry, I can't give you a lift to the


a) is being serviced b) is serviced

c) has been serviced d) had been serviced

12) All the teaching material ______ after the classes start.

a) are provided b) will be provided

c) had been provided d) will have been provided

2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную пассивную форму.

1. A: What did you get for your birthday?

B: I (give) the most beautiful pair of earrings I’ve ever seen.

2. A: Where’s your bicycle?

B: It (repair) at the moment.

3. A: Did they paint their house themselves?

B: No, it (paint) before they moved in.

4. A: When can I pick up my photos?

B: They (develop) in the morning, so any time after lunch.

5. A: When will your car be ready?

B: I don’t know. It still (fix) when I went to the garage this morning.

6. A: This bread tastes wonderful.

B: Thanks, it (make) by my mother.

7. A: Did you reserve a plane ticket?

B: No, unfortunately the flight fully (book) by the time I got to the travel


8. A: How often should I feed the fish?

B: They (must/feed) once a day.

3. Поставьте глагол из скобок в правильную форму, используя либо действительный, либо страдательный залог.

1. Everyone (shock) by the terrible news yesterday.

2. Almost everyone (enjoy) the lecture last night.

3. English (teach) in the schools of almost every nation.

4. That proposal (consider) by the members right now.

5. The accident (happen) right here at 6:30 last night.

6. Smith (teach) at the University of Washington since 1948.

7. Mr. Harris (divide) the class into two sections tomorrow.

8. Wilson (borrow) the money from Brown two weeks ago.

9. Not much (say) about the matter since that time.

10. My friend (write) to me about it several times now.

11. Davis (promote) to the rank of sergeant last week.

12. That event (occur) shortly after the meeting last week.

13. All the students (bring) guests to the party tomorrow night.

14. Less than half of the cans of paint (use) up to now.

15. More classes in English (list) in the catalog next fall.

16. Everything (go) well so far. There (be) no trouble yet.

17. That movie about Napoleon's life (disappoint) me greatly.

18. The mail (deliver, always) to this office before 10 a.m.

19. Who (furnish) the food for the picnic next weekend?

20. At this time, much attention (devote) to that problem.

21. Think carefully. I'm sure you (remember) his name.

22. We (treat) very kindly by our hosts last Saturday.

23. Mr. Wilson (make) some interesting statements yesterday.

24. A new textbook (publish) by that company next year.

25. The noise from the trains (annoy) me terribly last night.

26. That old red house (build) in the year 1822.

27. The report (examine, not) by a committee of experts yet.

28. Cocktails (serve) to the guests about 10 minutes from now.

29. His sharp remarks (embarrass) everyone last night.

30. Fred (introduce) to the fellow by Mr. Brown yesterday.

31. Listen to this! I think this news (surprise) you!

32. The Ajax Shoe Company (employ) 25 new men next month.

33. Only 25 new students (admit) into the department in 1955.

4.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. The first laser was produced in 1960. 2. This Hollywood star is being interviewed now. 3. I was taught to play chess at the age of four. 4. Professor’sarticle had been published by his arrival. 5. The Olympic torch is usually passed from one runner to the next one. 6. These files will be returned tomorrow. 7. He has been waited for since 10 a. m.8. A new Xerox is being installed at the office now. 9. Two messages have just been received. 10. This document must be signed by the director. 11. When we arrived, our neighbour was being questioned by a policeman.

5.Поменяйте в предложениях действительный залог на страдательный.

Вариант 1

1. She always invites me to her birthday parties. 2. They have told him the truth. 3. Are you speaking with your brother? 4. When we returned home, we received many letters. 5. Everybody laughs at him. 6. Did you send this message five minutes ago? 7. They sell delicious ice-cream at this shop. 8. The waiter will serve you breakfast in two minutes. 9. You must speak English at the lesson. 10. We are looking for the dean.

Вариант 2

1. People speak English all over the world. 2. The teacher checked my test yesterday and didn’t find a single mistake. 3. Students always listen to this professor with great attention. 4. Are they building a new school in our district? 5. We have just sent for the doctor. 6. Everybody must know traffic rules. 7. She will be looking for you at 5 p.m. 8. Did you write this message some minutes ago? 9. They will have repaired my shoes by the evening. 10. The nurse looked after our children well.

Вариант 3

1. Someone must call the police. 2. We can easily correct this mis­take. 3. They may easily fool you, so be careful. 4. One can't learn a foreign language in a few weeks. 5. They have to do it right now. 6. You can see these pictures in the Russian Museum. 7. We should warn them about the danger. 8. You can hear this hit everywhere. 9. People ought to save the planet’s nature.

6.Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя страдательный залог в нужном времени.

Вариант 1

Образец: Did you type the report? (no, the secretary) — No, it was typed by the secretary.

1. Is my car ready? (No, service). 2. Have you signed the document? (No, tomorrow). 3. Do they close the shops at 7 o'clock? (No, 9 o'clock). 4. Did you collect the tests? (No, the headstudent). 5. Are my letters ready? (No, type). 6. Has he finished his book? (No, by July). 7. Is my steak ready? (No, cook). 8. Do they deliver laundry on Mondays? (No, Tues­days). 9. Must she translate the text now? (No, at home). 10. Do they turn off the central heating in April? (No, May). 11. Did you discover the truth? (No, my lawyer). 12. Do they collect rubbish on Sundays? (No, Mondays). 13. Are my shoes ready? (No, still repair). 14. Do you pay the telephone bills every quarter? (No, every month).

Вариант 2

Образец: A. Did they send for the doctor at last?

B. Don't worry, the doctor was sent for.

1. Did they speak to the Dean at last? 2. Do they look after children well in the camp? 3. Do they think well about him in his field? 4. Are they talking about our students? 5. Will they send for a doctor? 6. Did he refer to my article in his report? 7. Is she waiting for my son? 8. Do the students listen to her with interest? 9. Have many people asked for my book? 10. Did they agree upon the terms?

7.Переведите на английский язык, используя страдательный залог.

Вариант 1

1. Не волнуйтесь, работа будет выполнена в срок. 2. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым. 3. Он – серьёзный человек, на него всегда можно положиться. 4. Когда были построены эти новые здания? – Они были построены к концу прошлого года. 5. Вам могут задать вопрос по домашнему чтению на экзамене. 6. Контракт уже подписан, не так ли? 7. Когда я зашёл в аудиторию, устанавливали новое программное обеспечение. 8. Статью напечатают к тому времени, как вы уедете в Москву. 9. Выступление нашего декана слушали все очень внимательно. 10. Результаты теста уже объявили?

Вариант 2

1. Не прикасайся к стене, её только что покрасили. 2. Английский язык нельзя выучить за пару недель. 3. Когда послали за врачом? 4. Когда я пришёл в офис, принтер ещё ремонтировали. 5. Сейчас экзаменуют последнего студента, да? 6. Французский язык здесь преподают с 1990 года. 7. Стекло легко бьётся. 8. Ваши счета ещё не оплачены, а счета нужно оплачивать вовремя. 9. Когда проверят мой тест? – Ваш тест будет проверен к следующему занятию. 10. Вам придётся подождать, вашего сына сейчас осматривает врач.

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