Условные предложения (conditional sentences)

Условными в английском языке называются сложные предложения, одна часть которых (придаточное предложение) содержит какое-либо условие, а другая – его результат (главное предложение).

Придаточные предложения условия соединяются с главным предложением союзами if если, unless если…не, provided (that), providing (that), on condition (that) при условии если, при условии что, supposing (that), suppose (that) предположим (что):

If I see him tomorrow, I will ask him about it. Если я увижу его завтра, я спрошу его об этом.

Условные предложения в английском языке делятся на три типа.

1. Условные предложения первого типа выражают вполне реальные, осуществимые предположения и соответствуют в русском языке условным предложениям в изъявительном наклонении. Такие условные предложения чаще всего выражают предположения, относящиеся к будущему времени.

В условных предложениях первого типа, относящихся к будущему, глагол в придаточном предложении (условии) употребляется в настоящем простом времени, а в главном предложении (следствии) в будущем простом. В соответствующих русских условных предложениях будущее время употребляется как в главном, так и в придаточном предложении:

  If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the country. Если погода будет хорошей завтра, мы поедем в деревню.   He won’t finish his work in time unless he works hard. Он не закончит свою работу вовремя, если не будет много работать.

2. Условные предложения второго типа выражают невероятные и маловероятные предположения. Они относятся к настоящему и будущему времени и соответствуют в русском языке условным предложениям с глаголом в сослагательном наклонении (то есть с глаголом в форме прошедшего времени с частицей «бы»). В условных предложениях второго типа в придаточном предложении (условии) употребляется форма прошедшего простого времени (Past Simple), а в главном предложении (следствии) – сочетание wouldс инфинитивом (Indefinite Infinitive) без “to”:

  If my brother had time now, he would help them. Если бы у моего брата было сейчас время, он бы помог им.

Запомните выражение if I were you, которое на русский язык переводится как на твоем месте… Глагол to be в этом случае употребляется в придаточном предложении в форме сослагательного наклонения, то есть форма were употребляется со всеми лицами и числами единственного и множественного числа:

  If he were here, he would help us. Если бы он был здесь, он бы нам помог.

3. Условные предложения третьего типа выражают предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени и являющиеся поэтому невыполнимыми. Как и условные предложения второго типа, они соответствуют в русском языке условным предложениям с глаголом в сослагательном наклонении (то есть с глаголом в форме прошедшего времени с частицей «бы»).

В условных предложениях третьего типа в придаточном предложении (условии) употребляется форма прошедшего завершенного времени (Past Perfect), а в главном предложении (следствии) сочетание would с завершенным инфинитивом (Perfect Infinitive) без “to”:

  If I had seen him yesterday, I would have asked him about it. Если бы я видел его вчера, я бы спросил его об этом.

Союз if может опускаться. В этом случае в предложении имеет место инверсия, то есть обратный порядок слов.

Were I you, I would do it now. Будь я на твоём месте, я бы сделал это сейчас. (Если бы я был на твоём месте, …)   Had I known his number, I would have phoned him long ago. Если бы я знал его номер, я бы давно позвонил ему.   Could he take part in the contest, he would get a prize. Если бы он мог принять участие в конкурсе, он бы получил приз.

Проверочные задания на тему «Условные предложения»

Задание 65. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму, образуя условные предложения I, II и III типа.

If you … (to help) me, I … (to do) the work on time. If you help me, I will do the work on time. Если ты поможешь мне, я сделаю работу вовремя. If you helped me, I would do the work on time. Если бы ты помог мне, я бы сделал работу вовремя. If you had helped me yesterday, I would have done the work on time. Если бы ты помог мне вчера, я бы сделал работу вовремя.

1. If I … (to come) later, I … (to be) late for the classes.

2. If she … (to ask) him, he … (to help) her.

3. If the weather … (to be) fine, he … (to go) for a walk.

4. If I … (to know) his number, I … (to phone) him.

5. If you … (to take) a taxi, you … (not be late).

Задание 66.

A. Переведите, обращая внимание на употребление форм глагола в условных предложениях I типа.

1. If he works hard, he will get a good mark at the exam.

2. If she is free, she will make a report.

3. The students will translate difficult articles provided they have dictionaries.

B. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму в I типе условных предложений и переведите:

1. Unless it … (to be) too late, we will come there.

2. The electric current … (to flow) if there is a complete circuit.

3. If this new method of work … (to be applied), we will succeed in obtaining better results.

Задание 67.

A. Переведите, обращая внимание на употребление форм глагола в условных предложениях II типа.

1. If we asked him, he would tell us the truth.

2. If I were you, I would consider this problem again.

3. If it were not so late, we would stay a little longer.

4. If I could I would come to see you.

B. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму в II типе условных предложений и переведите.

1. The resistance in electrolytes would decrease provided their temperature … (to increase).

2. If the electromotive force were alternating, the current … (to be) alternating as well.

3. If that solid substance were heated, it … (to expand) greatly.

4. If a wire … (to be held) against an electrified body, electricity would flow along the wire to its other end.

Задание 68.

A. Переведите, обращая внимание на употребление форм глагола в условных предложениях III типа.

1. If he had known the time-table, he wouldn’t have missed the train.

2. If the weather had been fine yesterday, he would have gone to the country.

3. I could have finished my work if it had not been so late.

B. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму в III типе условных предложений и переведите.

1. These electrical devices … (to work) for a long time provided they had been made of high-quality material.

2. If they … (to use) a larger water pipe for their last experiment, more water would have passed through that pipe.

3. If thin wires had been used in this device, the wires … (to melt).

Задание 69. Определите тип условных предложений и переведите.

1. If we have any trouble with the equipment, we will take necessary measures.

2. Provided the scientists applied this complex mechanism, they would solve the problem under investigation.

3. If there had been no insulation, the current would have leaked off the conductor.

4. The current will flow around the circuit unless we break the circuit in some point.

5. They would have applied these sensitive instruments if they had had favourable conditions for that.

6. The electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark provided the potential difference becomes great enough.

7. If there were no electric circuit, free electrons would not move in a definite direction.

8. If the engineers had a new device, they would demonstrate it at the exhibition.

9. If they had guaranteed a long-term operation of the equipment, we would have placed a large order.

10. If it were possible to prohibit the atomic and hydrogen weapons, the living standards of people would be greatly improved.

Задание 70. Сделайте предложения бессоюзными, обращая внимание на инверсию, и переведите предложения.

1. If I were you, I would discuss this problem with the collegues.

2. If that liquid were heated, it would greatly expand.

3. If I had had this information before, I would have acted differently.

4. If we had known about this meeting, we would have attended it.

5. If he could go to the conference, he would discuss the details with the partners.

Задание 138. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму в зависимости от типа условных предложений.

1. If I … (to know) his address, I would write to him.

2. I … (to give) you the book provided you return it tomorrow.

3. If the Dean … (to be) at the university, I would have spoken to him.

4. It would be better if you … (to learn) to drive a car.

5. If he … (to use) this method, he will obtain better results.

6. If I had met you yesterday, I … (to tell) you about it.

7. If you … (to break) the circuit, no current will flow.

8. If I … (to be) you, I wouldn’t buy the tickets beforehand.

9. He … (to improve) this device if he had time.

10. If she had known that you needed help, she … (to help) you.




1 форма (инфинитив) Infinitive 2 форма (прош. вр.) Past Simple 3 форма (причастие 2) Past Participle Перевод
to be was/were been быть, находиться
to bear bore born нести
to become became become становиться
to begin began begun начинать(ся)
to bite bit bitten кусать
to break broke broken ломать
to bring brought brought приносить
to build built built строить
to burn burnt/burned burnt/burned сжигать, гореть
to buy bought bought покупать
to catch caught caught ловить
to choose chose chosen выбирать
to come came come приходить
to cost cost cost стоить
to cut cut cut резать
to deal dealt dealt иметь дело
to do did done делать
to drive drove driven водить
to fall fell fallen падать
to feed fed fed кормить
to feel felt felt чувствовать
to fight fought fought бороться
to find found found находить
to fly flew flown летать
to forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
to forget forgot forgotten забывать

1 форма (инфинитив) Infinitive 2 форма (прош. вр.) Past Simple 3 форма (причастие 2) Past Participle Перевод
to forgive forgave forgiven прощать
to freeze froze frozen замораживать
to get got got получать
to give gave given давать
to go went gone идти, ехать
to have had had иметь
to hear heard heard слышать
to hit hit hit ударять
to hold held held держать
to hurt hurt hurt повредить
to know knew known знать
to lay laid laid накрывать
to lead led led вести
to learn learnt/learned learnt/learned учить(ся)
to leave left left оставлять, покидать
to lend lent lent давать взаймы
to let let let позволять
to lie lay lain лежать
to light lit lit зажигать
to lose lost lost терять
to make made made делать
to meet met met встречать(ся)
to pay paid paid платить
to put put put класть, ставить
to rise rose risen подниматься
to run ran run бегать

1 форма (инфинитив) Infinitive 2 форма (прош. вр.) Past Simple 3 форма (причастие 2) Past Participle Перевод
to say said said говорить, сказать
to see saw seen видеть
to sell sold sold продавать
to send sent sent посылать
to shake shook shaken трясти
to shoot shot shot стрелять
to show showed shown показывать
to sit sat sat сидеть
to sleep slept slept спать
to speak spoke spoken говорить, разговаривать
to spend spent spent тратить, проводить
to stand stood stood стоять
to steal stole stolen красть
to stick stuck stuck прилипать
to strike struck struck бить, ударять
to take took taken взять, брать
to teach taught taught учить, обучать
to tear tore torn рвать
to tell told told сказать
to think thought thought думать
to throw threw thrown бросать
to understand understood understood понимать
to wear wore worn носить
to win won won выигрывать, побеждать
to wind wound wound наматывать, обматывать
to write wrote written писать

Тестовые задания

Тема: Глагол (залог)

1. This problem isn’t very easy … .

a) solves; b) to be solved; c) solve; d) solving

2. The monkey … climbing the tree.

a) saw; b) see; c) was seen; d) have seen

3. An order form … on page 2.

a) found; b) have found; c) can be found; d) find

4. They … the new computer system next month

a) ‘re installing; b) install; c) ‘ll be installed; d) can be installed

5. It … that the plan would fail.

a) believed; b) was believed; c) had believed; d) had been believed

6. The electric bulb … by Thomas Edison.

a) invented; b) had been invented; c) was invented; d) to be invented

7. Only five of us … in the laboratory yesterday when the explosion … .

a) was working, was occurring; b) worked, occurred; c) worked, was occurring; d) were working, occurred

8. Traffic on M11 is very slow this week as repairs … on two lanes.

a) are carrying out; b) are being carried out; c) have been carried out; d) are carried out

9. The shopping centre … .

a) is going to knock down; b) is going to be knocked down; c) is going to have been knocked down; d) is going knock down

10. Right now a student trip to planetarium … by Mrs Hunt. You can sign up for it at her office.

a) organize; b) is organizing; c) is organized; d) is being organized

11. Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some directions? – I … .

a) was lost; b) lost; c) lose; d) am lost

12. Representatives from sixty-five countries … the conference.

a) will attend; b) will be attended; c) to attend; d) to be attended

13. I … five courses this semester.

a) ‘m taking; b) take; c) ‘m taken; d) ‘ll take

14. The taxi will arrive soon. As soon as it … we … to leave for the airport.

a) arrive, can; b) arrive, will; c) arrives, ‘ll be able; d) ‘ll arrive, ‘ll be able

15. We can’t eat this fruit. It … . We’ll have to throw it out.

a) spoil; b) spoils; c) is spoilt; d) is going to be spoilt

16. I’m sorry. You … for the job. We need someone with a degree in electrical engineering.

a) don’t qualify; b) were not qualified; c) are not qualified; d) haven’t qualified

17. The chef … the sauce. It … too salty. He doesn’t like it.

a) is tasting, tastes; b) tastes, tastes; c) tastes, is tasting; d) is tasting, is tasting

18. “We should … about the dangers to our health”, a factory worker said.

a) Inform; b) be informed; c) to inform; d) have inform

19. Right now I … at Janet. She … angry. I wonder what’s the matter.

a) look, looks; b) look, is looking; c) look, is looked; d) ‘m looking, looks

20. You told me one thing, and John told me another. I don’t know what to think. I … .

a) confuse; b) confused; c) am confused; d) ‘m confusing

Тема: Фразовые глаголы

1. My English is not very good but it’s enough to … .

a) get on; b) get by; c) get ahead; d) get along

2. We’re going to set … a new system for reporting faults.

a) up; b) off; c) at; d) on

3. The fire will go … unless you put some more wood on it.

a) off; b) up; c) out; d) through

4. Listen! Doesn’t that song remind you … our holiday last summer.

a) for; b) of; c) about; d) on

5. We specialize … medium-sized generator but we’ve hoping to diversify into larger models next year.

a) at; b) on; c) in; d) about

6. What does IABS stand …?

a) for; b) at; c) in; d) after

7. Which part of the business do you work …?

a) at; b) in; c) to; d) with

8. That is the most amazing plan! I don’t know how you always … up such good ideas.

a) bring; b) turn; c) come; d) think

9. When my mother is at work, our neighbour looks … us.

a) at; b) on; c) for; d) after

10. They had to … down their German factory because cost were too high.

a) give; b) get; c) take; d) close

11. I would like to become self-employed and … up my own car repair business.

a) set; b) get; c) go; d) ask

12. I look forward … seeing you next week.

a) at; b) to; c) after; d) for

13. I think the guarantee’s just run … .

a) of; b) after; c) off; d) out

14. The safety inspector is going to look … the site.

a) around; b) into; c) after; d) into

15. Is there any way you could speed things … ?

a) of; b) at; c) about; d) up

16. Don’t forget to switch … the power before you remove the safety guard.

a) of; b) out; c) off; d) from

17. I think we need to … in an electrician.

a) run; b) help; c) call; d) name

18. I get … well with my younger sister.

a) in; b) on; c) at; d) onto

19. Our IT people … after the maintenance of our computer systems.

a) take; b) look; c) watch; d) get

20. James Watt’s work helped to … the industrial revolution in Britain.

a) bring through; b) bring about; c) bring over; d) bring out

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