Времена Perfect в страдательном залоге

Страдательный залог времён группы Perfectобразуется:

to be (в Present, Past или Future Perfect) + Participle II смыслового глагола.

He has been asked at today's seminar. – Его сегодня спросили на семинаре.

has been asked – Present Perfect Passive

The problem had been discussed when (by the time) he left the meeting. – Проблема (уже) была обсуждена, когда (к тому времени, как) он ушел с собрания.

had been discussed – Past Perfect Passive

The plan will have been worked out by the end of the week. – План будет разработан к концу недели.

will have been worked out – Future Perfect Passive

Времена Present, Past, Future Perfect в Passive Voice употребляются в тех же случаях, что и в Active Voice.


1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The jumper (is / has been) washed several times, and it (wasn't / hasn't) shrunk.

2. Nylon (has / has been) produced since 1938 and today it (is / is being) found in many things.

3. The Houses of Parliament (were / have been) built between 1840 and 1857.

4. Scientists hope that a cure for cancer will soon (be / have been) found.

5. Each Concord (was / had been) built at a cost of 55 million pounds.

6. Boss says I will (be / have been) given a pay-rise next month.

7. By next year, everybody in the company will (be / have been) given a pay-rise.

8. She will (be / have been) informed about the results of the research as soon as it (is / will be) finished.

9. Wait for a while. He (is / is being) interviewed now.

2. Ответьте на вопрос:

What do you think will have been done at our University (in our city) by 2020? Используйте глаголы: to build, to create, to change, to reconstruct, to open, to close, to enlarge и другие.

3. Поставьте глагол из скобок в правильную форму: Perfect Active или Perfect Passive.

1. Why doesn't she attend the seminars? – She (be) ill for three weeks.

2. Hurry up! The lesson (begin) by the time we come.

3. This letter (write) by you yet? – Yes, I (send) it already.

4. He told me he already (finish) translating the text.

5. By next summer the swimming pool (build) in this district.

6. Everything (do) before the guests arrived.

7. Our son (enter) the university this year.

8. The article (translate) by the end of the next week.

9. They received good results after they (work) with this type of equipment.

10. How many phone calls you (make) today? – I (make) twenty phone calls by 3 p. m.

11. Two new engineers just (introduce) to the head of the department.

12. They told me that the new student much (speak) about.

4. Переведите на английский язык, используя времена группы Perfect Active или Passive Voice.

1. Он поступил в университет в этом году.

2. Эксперимент уже завершён? – Да, он был завершён к 5 часам.

3. Он когда-нибудь был в Германии? – Да, он был там несколько раз.

4. Когда делегация прибыла, новое оборудование уже было установлено.

5. Этим прибором не пользуются с 1998 года.

6. Я переведу эту статью на английский язык к тому времени, как вы вернётесь в Мурманск.

7. Мы надеемся, что свойства этого вещества будут определены к началу следующего года.

8. Нам только что сообщили о результатах научного исследования.

9. Этот студент получил стипендию после того, как успешно сдал все экзамены.

10. Аспиранты завершили исследовательскую работу к концу семестра.

11. Вы видели новую лабораторию? – Да, её открыли к тому времени, как мы приехали.

12. Наш техник установит новую программу до того, как вы начнёте работу на компьютере.

Сводная таблица форм страдательного залога

to be (в необходимой форме) + 3-я форма глагола (Past Participle)

Время Simple Progressive Perfect
Present I He We am is are asked I He We am is are being asked I He We have has have been asked
Past I He We was was were asked I He We was was were being asked I He We had been asked
Future I   He We shall (will) will shall (will) be asked ___________ I   He We shall (will) will shall (will) have been asked
Future in the Past I He We would be asked ____________ I He We would have been asked

• Формы Perfect Progressive отсутствуют.

Страдательный залог после модальных глаголов

Действительный залог Страдательный залог
I He You She He Tom They You can do should do ought to do must do has to do is to do may do might do it. It can be done should be done ought to be done must be done has to be done is to be done may be done might be done by me. by him. by you. by her. by him. by Tom. by them. by you.

Revision: Passive Voice

1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The contract … at the board meeting now.

a) is discussed b) was discussed
c) is being discussed d) was being discussed

2. Wait a minute! The document … by the secretary at the moment.

a) is typed b) has been typed
c) was typed d) is being typed

3. The papers … by the Managing Director yet. He is on business trip.

a) weren't signed b) aren't signed
c) haven't been signed d) weren't being signed

4. She … the Head of the Information Systems Department two months ago.

a) is appointed b) is being appointed
c) was appointed d) has been appointed

5. Recently a new generation of TV sets … in Japan.

a) is being launched b) has been launched
c) was being launched d) had been launched

6. At present our company … .

a) is reorganized b) is being reorganized
c) has reorganized d) has been reorganized

7. The mail … yet.

a) isn't received b) isn't being received
c) wasn't received d) hasn't been received

8. From Monday English classes … in the Training Centre.

a) are held b) are being held
c) will be held d) have been held

9. We … to send the documents by Friday.

a) were asked b) were being asked
c) have been asked d) had been asked

10. At last a new government … after a long governmental crisis.

a) is formed b) is being formed
c) was formed d) has been formed

11. My car … at the moment. Sorry, I can't give you a lift to the station.

a) is being serviced b) is serviced
c) has been serviced d) had been serviced

12. All the teaching material … after the classes start.

a) are provided b) will be provided
c) had been provided d) will have been provided

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