Как мне быть? что мне делать?

What am I to do?

Что со мной будет?

What is to become of me?

Ex. 78. Revision: fill in the blanks with must, have toorbe toto suit the motives expressed in the following sentences:

1."It is eight o'clock. The children ... go to bed," Mr Hudson said to the nurse. 2.She ... go to bed at eight o'clock to be up in time for the first train. 3.At this boarding school the children ... go to bed at eight o'clock. 4."I've told my husband he ... (not) smoke in the drawing-room." "And I... (not) tell my husband such things; he's a born gentle­man." 5.He ... stay the night with us. I won't let him drive to the country in this rain. 6.He ... stay the night with us because he has missed the last bus. 7.He ... stay the night with us and tomorrow he sets off on his tour to Europe. 8.We ... begin as early as possible or we shan't finish it today. 9.I ... start on my new job on Monday. 10.You ... take the dog away, I won't have it here any longer. 11.They ... take the dog along with them because there is no one who could look after it. 12.She ... learn to do things for herself. I refuse to help her in the future. 13.What a pity you ... go. I know it's time for you to catch your train. 14.I ... be off. I want to go to bed. 15.You ... do your chores now, and she … do hers when she comes in. 16.My mother says that I ... (not) be out after eleven o'clock, but I ... (not) hurry home because she herself is out playing bridge. 17.My bike is under repair and I ... walk here this morning. 18.My bike was under repair and I ... collect it that afternoon. 19.My bike is under repair and I ... have collected it yesterday. 20.He told me that I ... (not) repeat what I had heard. 21.He told me that I ... (not) use words which I didn't know. 22.He told me that I ... learn by heart some twenty lines every day to know English well.



Ought to refers to present or future and in indirect speech it re­mains unchanged. It has the following meanings:

1) obligation(with the shades of advisability anddesirability)with continuous or simple infini­tive:

§ At your age youought to be earning your living.

§ Youought to feel some respect for your elders.

With Perfect Infinitive ought to shows that a desirable action was not fulfilled.

§ Youought to have chosen a more suitable time to tell me this news.

In negative ought to with Perfect Infinitive shows that an undesirable action was fulfilled.

§ I'm sorry.Ioughtn't to have said it.

§ Yououghtn't to have married her, David. It was a great mis­take.

2) supposition with strong probability (= must):

§ The new houseought to be very comfortable.

Note set phrase: You ought to be ashamed of yourself.


Shall is found with the second and third persons expressing promise, threat or warning. It is used in affirmative and negative sentences and combined with simple infinitive.

§ Youshall have my answer tomorrow.

§ Youshall stay just where you are!

§ Heshall do as I say.

In interrogative sentences shall is used with the first and third persons to ask after the will of the person addressed.

§ Shall Iget you some fresh coffee, Miss? Принести вам еще кофе?

§ Whoshall answer the telephone, Major? Кто ответит по телефону?


Should is used with reference to present or future and remains unchanged in re­ported speech. It has the following meanings:

1) obligation(with shades of advisability anddesirability):

§ It's late. Youshould go to bed.

§ Youshouldn't miss the opportunity.

§ Should I talk to him about it?

Continu­ous Infinitive may be used with reference to the present:

§ Youshouldn't be sitting in the sun.

In affirmative sentence should + Perfect Infinitive indicates that a desirable action was not carried out.

§ He looks very ill. Heshould have stayed at home.

§ Heshould have told me about it himself.

In negative sentence should + Perfect Infinitive shows that an undesirable action was carried out.

§ Oh, boy, youshouldn't have done as you did!

2) supposition implying strongprobability (= must):

§ The filmshould be very good.

Should may have a peculiar function — the emotionalshould:

a)in rhetorical questions beginning with why:

§ Whyshould I do it? С какой стати я буду делать это?

§ Whyshouldn't youinvite him? Почему бы вам его не при­гласить?

b)in object clauses beginning with why:

§ I don't know why heshould want to see George.

Я не знаю, зачем ему нужен Джордж.

§ I don't see why weshouldn't make friends.

§ I went into business with her. Whyshouldn't I have done it?

Почему бы мне было не сделать этого?

c)in attributive clauses beginning with why:

§ There is no reason why theyshouldn't get on very well to­gether.

Нет причины, почему бы им не ладить друг с другом.

§ There were fifteen good reasons why sheshould not have played bridge.

d)in constructions of the following kind,

§ The door opened and whoshould come in but Tom.

Дверь открылась, и кто бы вы думали вошел? Не кто иной, как Том.

§ As I was crossing the street, whomshould I meet but Aunt Ann.

e)in set phrase: How should I know? Почем я знаю?

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