Выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок.

1. Leizure time in America

2. Americans’ free time

3. National holidays in the US

4. There is no place like home

Ролевая игра

Students A, B, C, D, … are from different countries (Russia, Japan, Israel, India, etc).

Situation.There takes plays a conference (party) of students from different countries. The students share information about holidays in their countries.

Раздел 8.4.

8.4.1. Прочитайте данные предложения. Определите тип условных предложений. Переведите на русский язык. (Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

1. If they come they will help us. 2. If he does not ring me up I will send him a message. 3. If you are busy I will call on you later. 4. If the weather was fine we would go for a walk. 5. If he did his best he would win this competition. 6. If he went to the exhibition he would see many interesting things. 7. If she asked him about it he would not tell her the truth. 8. If the buyers had signed the contract yesterday they would have gone home. 9. If they had come yesterday she would have returned the book. 10. If the weather had been nice last Sunday they would have gone to the country.

8.4.2. Прочитайте данные предложения. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола. (Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

He will helpus if he …. (come) He will help us if he comes.

1. You will do the work well if you … my advice.(to follow)

2. He will get a degree if he … hard (to work).

3. The children will be allowed to go to the concert there if they … their work in time.(to do)

4. If she … , we will tell her the news immediately.(to come)

5. If he … control of the company, it will succeed.(to take)

6. If he … this university he will study economics.(to enter)

7. If she … to the cinema, she will enjoy the film.(to go)

8. He will get a good body if he… often (attend) the gym.(to attend)

9. He will win the competition if he … his best.(to do)

10. If they … us, we will try to solve their problem together.(to visit)

8.4.3. Прочитайте данные предложения. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола.(Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

He would help us if he … today/tomorrow.(to come) -He would help us if he came. He… us if he came today/tomorrow.(to help) -He would help us if he came.

1. You would do the work better if you … my advice. (to follow)

2. He would get a degree if he… hard.(to work)

3. They would be allowed to visit their friends there if they … the work in time.(to do)

4. If she … we would tell her the news immediately.(to come)

5. If he… control of the company it would succeed).(to take)

6. If she entered this university she … economics.(to study)

7. If she went to the cinema she… the film.(to enjoy)

8. He … a good body if he often attended the gym.(to get)

9. He … the competition if he did his best.(to win)

10. If they visited us we would … to solve this problem.(to solve)

8.4.4. Прочитайте данные предложения. Заполните пропуски словами в соответствующей форме.(Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

He would have helped us if he… yesterday.(to come) -He would have helped us if he had come. He … us if he had come yesterday.(to help) -He would have helped us if he had come.

1. You would have done this work better if you … my advice. (to follow)

2. He would have got a degree if he … hard. (to work)

3. They would have visited their friends if they … their work in time. (to do)

5. If she… we would have tried to solve her problem together. (to come)

4. If he … control of the company it would have succeeded.(to take)

5. If she had entered this university she ... economics.(to study)

6. If she had gone to the cinema she… the film. (to enjoy)

7. He … a good body if he had often attended the gym. (to get)

8. He … the competition if he had done his best.(to win)

9. If they had visited us we … to solve their problem. (to try)

8.4.5. Прочитайте данные предложения. Заполните пропуски словами в соответствующей форме.(Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

1. If they come they … us. (to help)

2. If he does not ring me up I … him a message. (to send)

3. If you are busy I … on you later. (to call)

4. If the weather was fine we… for a walk. (to go)

5. If he did his best he … this competition. (to win)

6. If he went to the exhibition he … many interesting things. (to see)

7. If she asked him about it he … her the truth. (not/to tell)

8. If the buyers had signed the contract yesterday they … home. (to go)

9. If they had come yesterday she … the book. (to return)

10. If the weather had been nice last Sunday they… to the country. (to go)

8.4.6. Прочитайте данные предложения. Заполните пропуски словами в соответствующей форме. (Используйте таблицу «The Conditionals» на странице 109.)

She… it yesterday if she had come in time. (to do) -She would have done it yesterday if she had come in time.

1. If he asks I … him everything about it. (to tell)

2. He wouldn’t do this mistake if he … it. (to know)

3. He will get up early if the lecture … at nine. (to begin)

4. Unless they … yesterday we wouldn’t have done the work in time. (to arrive)

5. If they… a very good film they would become famous. (to make)

6. The children would have seen this film yesterday if they … . (to be allowed)

7. The students will do it if they … (to be asked)

8. If we finish our task in time, we … . (to leave)

9. If he had come last Sunday we … to discuss our plan with him. (to be able)

10. If she had sent the message beforehand he … the truth. (to know)

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