About which of the games is the following stated?

The impression given by the graphics depends on the speed of your vehicle.
It will keep people who like this kind of game occupied for some time.
It is possible to personalise the location for the game.
You can only go to some locations when you have been successful at a task.
The most special thing about the game is its cross-country courses.
It is an improved version of an earlier game.
It is an easy game to learn.
You need to use skill to avoid an accident.
Some of the details of the visual effects are not very realistic.
The concept does not sound very exciting.
What you have to achieve varies depending on the options you choose.
It has recreated some real places.
You can design your own vehicles.
The supporting material is inadequate.
You can choose the angle from which you see the action.

The Latest Computer Games

Read our reviews of this week's game releases.

ALast year's Motor Racers left me feeling a little underwhelmed. After the impressive heights of their earlier Formula One game, which it replaced, the lesser-powered vehicles and disappointing graphics felt like a bit of a step back for the developers. But this year's update has added a considerable amount of extra content. You can choose to control more or less any type of car that you wish. The driving model is solid, letting the player experience what it's really like to drive round most of the world's most famous racing tracks. That includes practice laps and men at the side of the track waving flags to alert you of crashes up ahead. There are half a dozen new tracks to choose from. Noodsberg is perhaps the best addition, offering some picturesque street racing action. The graphics have generally improved but there's still something lacking. The cars throw really unnatural shadows and when I got a puncture, the car just sunk into the ground on that side, rather than the tyre being deflated.

ВMany people might imagine that rail simulators are dull. Might you even think the idea of recreating a largely event-free one-dimensional journey is absurd? Well, they've actually made a game just like that. Your first hour in Rail Game might run like this: you jump in, expecting an in-game tutorial, and utterly fail to move anything. So, after 20 minutes of turning your wipers on and off, you're forced into reading the manual. And that's the biggest disappointment. It tells you how to get moving, but when it comes to the expert controls on a steam engine, the game and the manual assume you already know quite a lot about E locomotive operation. When on earth should I 'inject water', eh? I don't drive steam trains for a living. However, I persevered and once I eventually got more or less to grips with it, I decided I actually quite liked Rail Came. I took a simple pleasure, for example, in constructing a track running around my own name. It's an inexplicably satisfying and therapeutic experience.

СRally Rider takes a different approach to the racing genre by abandoning smooth roads and sports cars in favour of heavy suspensions and cross­country courses. The game stands out because of its tracks; it offers six very different ones each with enough bumps and turns to make cars spin like they're in washing machine. These courses are unfriendly enough, but when they're being approached at speeds nearing 1 50 kph they're downright dangerous. Going too fast when hitting a hill or even just going into a bump at the wrong angle is likely to send a car flying into the air, and possibly onto its roof. It means the game has to be played with care because screaming round corners at full speed will cause a time-consuming crash. Looks-wise the game is a mixed bag. Tracks look good on the move, but as soon as the action slows down or stops and a closer inspection is taken, the surroundings start to look like you're travelling through a rather simply drawn child's picture book.

DStar Travel is set in the distant future, when humans start to explore and colonise space. Inevitably, mankind stumbles across alien races and rather than everyone trying to get to know each other in a friendly, civilised fashion, war breaks out. There are 30 pre-set campaigns to choose from, each with its own goals and problems. There are also 1 6 races which you can select. In order to succeed in any campaign, you must not only defend the star systems under your rule, but expand to the other ones as well. One of this game's best features is that you can construct ships to your own specifications, which adds an extra element to your strategy. For example, against some enemies, you'll need to concentrate on building a few highly powerful ships, instead of trying to outman them. On the whole, it's an amusing if uninspired strategy game, and if you're a fan of the genre, it should provide you with several weeks of entertainment.

E Wonder Racer succeeds in bringing the body-breaking speed of time-trial biking to the PC, but its difficulty may leave you shaking. The approach is simple and unsophisticated. There are only three controls, far fewer than in many other modern games. Players start by selecting one of sixteen riders, from a set of teams. There are ten tracks, of which three are available at the outset. Only by scoring gold in both classes on all of these can you gain access to the next three, and so on. The courses are a fictitious mix of country lanes, exotic beaches and snowy mountain passes. The 3D is excellent in its speed, smoothness, and level of detail. A selection of viewpoints, including a breakneck 'biker's eye view' are offered. This game will push your skills and patience to the limit.

Exercise 5.You are going to read an article containing descriptions of campsites in Australia. For questions 1-15,choose from the descriptions (A-F). The descriptions may be chosen more than once.

Campsites of Australia

We investigated the best campsites in Australia. This is what we found out.

1. Guests can go to bed in the open air if they wish.
2. It is possible to arrive at this camp by air.
3. The absence of technology is a bonus.
4. Guests are asked to show consideration for the ancient landscape.
5. The camp provides guests with simple means of transport free of charge.
6. Guests can find and prepare their own food here in the traditional way.
7. Guests can relax by enjoying the folklore of the region.
8. Guests have a personal washing area in a special facilities complex.
9. The camp offers guests some health and beauty activities.
10. The geography of the region is unusually varied.
11. Guests can dine in a very special location high up in a forest.
12. The people who built this camp liked something similar elsewhere.
13. Guests sleep in an elevated position from which there are wide views.
14. The colours in the area are particularly striking.
15. Guests don't have to tidy their own tents.

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