Present Simple / Present Continuous

1. Where _____ on holidays?

a) you go b) do you go
c) do you going d) are you go

2. I _____ lots of books every year.

a) will read b) am reading
c) read d) am going to read

3. We _____ to a party next Saturday.

a) go b) goes c) are going d) went

4. _____ to go out tonight?

a) do you want b) are you wanting
c) is you want d) would you want

5. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.

a) is getting up b) got up c) get up d) gets up

6. Oh, someone _____ in my seat!

a) is sitting b) sits c) will sit d) sit

7. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ dinner.

a) will cook b) am cooking c) cook d) cooked

8. In Britain people _____ on the right.

a) are driving b) drives c) drive d) drove

9. What _____ in your free time?

a) are you doing b) do you do c) you do d) are you do

10. Jack’s a policeman but he _____ a uniform.

a) doesn’t wear b) isn’t wearing c) no wear d) wears

Present Simple Tense / Past Simple Tense

A good time last night?

a) did you have b) were you having

c) will you have d) are you having

2. Where _____ on holidays?

a) you go b) do you go c) do you going d) are you go

3. We all _____ a terrible shock.

a) were getting b) gets c) getting d) got

4. I _____ lots of books every year.

a) will read b) am reading c) read d) am going to read

5. I _____ a new flat a few months ago.

a) bought b) have been buying c) have bought d) buy

6. Nurses _____ after people in hospital.

a) looks b) is looking c) will look d) look

To go out tonight?

a) do you want b) are you wanting

c) is you want d) would you want

8. He _____ some new shoes last month.

a) bought b) buying c) buy d) buys

9. I _____ four languages.

a) am speaking b) speak c) speaks d) am speak

10. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.

a) is getting up b) got up c) get up d) gets up

11. The sun _____ in the day time.

a) shine b) shone c) is shining d) shines

12. I _____ a very good program on TV last night.

a) was seeing b) see c) am seeing d) saw

13. In Britain people _____ on the right.

a) are driving b) drives c) drive d) drove

14. Jack’s a policeman but he _____ a uniform.

a) doesn’t wear b) isn’t wearing c) no wear d) wears

15. How many children _____?

a) are you having b) do you have

c) do you have got d) are you have

16. We _____ to have a cup of coffee.

a) decided b) were deciding

c) decides d) will deciding

17. How _____ your finger?

a) are you cutting b) were you cutting

c) did you cut d) you cut

18. I _____ the champion last week.

a) saw b) have seen c) see d) seen

19. The Flash’s concert _____ fantastic 3 years ago.

a) was b) has been c) have been d) are

20. A: _____ you _____ Jane last month?

B: No, I _____ .

a) * / saw / didn’t b) did / see / didn’t

c) did / saw / didn’t d) did / see / did

Future Simple

1. … you finish any educational establishment next year? – No, I … only finish school in 2 years.
a) will/will b) are/ won’t c) will not/ do d) will/ am

2. My cousins … … on us in two-three months. Let’s buy some gifts for them.
a) will be calling b) will have called c) will call d) call

3. I … give you to hold my puppy in your arms tomorrow because it’s afraid of other people, especially strangers.
a) not b) will c) won’t d) will not

4. I hope he … all the quarrels we have had for the last five years.
a) will forget b) is forgetting c) won’t forget d) will forgotten

5. Do you have a credit card? If no, we can give it to you for free – No, I … cash.
a) will be paying b) will have paid
c) am paying d) will pay

6. We expect he … soon, otherwise we’ll be frozen. Then I’m sure we … cold.
a) will come/ will catch b) would be/would catch
c) will come/would d) comes/ catch

7. Next week my parents … from a long distance voyage.
a) will be returned b) would return
c) will return d) will have returned

8. In ten days he … healthy as usual if he sticks to the doctor’s rules and recommendations.
a) won’t b) will c) will have d) will be

9. In several days she … a diploma and afterwards she … job-hunting.
a) Would get/would start b) will have got/ will start
c) will get/will start d) will be getting/starts

10. What … they … the day after tomorrow if they have no money.
a) will/bought b) will/be buying c) would/buy d) will/buy

Present Continuous Tense

1. Now I … in the club. And what about you? What are you doing?
a) am dancing b) is dancing
c) are danced d) dancing

2. Right now he … home.
a) drives b) is driving
c) are driving d) will drive

3. Listen! Somebody … to break into our house! Call the police immediately.
a) is trying b) are trying
c) tries d) tried

4. Look! All the teachers … at him. He may be expelled from school in a little while.
a) is shouting b) am shouting
c) shout d) are shouting

5. More and more animals … extinct. We need to take care of nature.
a) is becoming b) are becoming
c) become d) will become

6. She’s always … at me when she’s in a bad mood (в этом случае означает негодование).
a) nag b) nagged
c) nagging d) nags

7. At this instant we are not … down (скашивать) the grass, we … sowing (сеять).
a) mowing/ are b) mowing/is
c) mown/ are d) mowed/ is

8. Don’t talk so loudly. Our son … in his room.
a) are studying b) studying
c) is studying d) studies

9. My nephew … for another job these days. He wants to work at night.
a) are looking b) look
c) looking d) is looking

10. Just now we … the table and washing up.
a) is clearing b) are clearing
c) clear d) clears

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