Времена группы indefinite active


Упражнение 1.Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в правильной форме.

1 My sister _____ in a restaurant (work).

2 David ______ the bus to work (not/take)

3 We ______ at half past seven. (get up)

4 I _____ dinner at eight o’clock. (have)

5 John _____ lunch in his office. (have)

6 Mrs Dawson _____ to work by car. (go)

7 Susan _____ her car on Saturday morning. (wash)

8 The children _____ to school at the weekend. (not/go)

9 My mother _____ in the city (not/ live)

10 I _____ traffic jams ("пробки") (not/like)

Упражнение 2.Дополните вопросы, используя глагол в скобках. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в общем вопросе.

Doyou work every day? (work)

1 ______ Maria _______ her work? (like)

2 ______ your parents _______ DVDs? (watch)

3 ______ John _______ computer games? (invent)

4 ______ I ______ in my sleep? (talk)

5 ______ Anna _______ children? (have)

Упражнение 3.Составьте вопросы, используя данные ниже подсказки.

1 William/ leave home/ at eight o’clock?

2 When/ you/ start work?

3 Where/ your parents/ go on holiday?

4 you/ work/ in an office?

5 she/ have/ a fax machine?

6 What time / he/ get up?

7 When/ Emily/ have dinner?

8 you/ like/ nightclubs?

9 they/ go/ to the beach at the weekend?

10 where / you/ work?

Упражнение 4.Заполните пропуски в диалоге подходящим по смыслу глаголом.

1 – Hello, I _____ Kate Kern. And what _____ your name?

2 – Hi, my name _____ Ann Brown. I _____ glad to meet you.

3 – Where _____ you live, Ann?

4 – I _____ from Leeds. And where _____ you from?

5 – I _____ from London. ______ there a sports centre in Leeds?

6 – Yes, there _____ three big sports centres in my town.

7 – What _____ your favourite sport?

8 – I like swimming. And what about you? ______ you like swimming?

9 – No, I _____ . But my best friend ______ . And I like tennis.

10 – _______ you ______ any hobbies? ______ you like reading?

11 – Yes, I _____ .

12 – What ______ your favourite books?

13 – I like detective stories. Do you?

14 – No, I ______ . _____ you ______ any brothers or sisters?

15 – No, I ______ an only child.

16 – And I _____ a brother.

17 – How old ______ he?

18 – He _____ 5. He _____ go to school.

Упражнение 5.Прочтитеинтервью и заполните пропуски в диалоге подходящим по смыслу словом.

A: When 1)______ you get up?

B: At ten in the evening.

A: 2)______ you work at night?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What 3)_____ you 4)______ in the afternoon?

B: I sleep.

A: 5)______ do you have dinner?

B: I 6)________ dinner at about eleven in the morning.

A: Do 7)_______ work in an office?

B: No, I 8)_____.

A: Where 9)_______ you work?

B: I 10)________ in a hospital.

A: So, what do you do?

B: I’m a ___________.


Упражнение 1. Напишите форму глагола в Past Simpleв соответствующей колонке.

finish, stay, drive, tidy, produce, job, study, change, work, clean, wash, walk, watch, start, cook, listen, stop, stay, play, live, carry, plan, like, want, try

+ -ed + -d -y → -ied + согласный + -ed
finished stayed   produced tidied jobbed

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple.

Lisa’s Day

Lisa’s day 1)_____ (start) at 8.00 a.m. yesterday. She 2)_____ (walk) to work at 9.00 and she 3)_____ (work) from 9.30 to 4.30. Then she 4)_____ (play) tennis with a friend from 4.30 to 5.30. At home she 5)_____ (cook) dinner for her family then she 6)_____ (help) her son with his school work. In the evening she 7)______ (watch) a video and she 8)_____ (relax).

Упражнение 3. Составьте рассказ о распорядке дня Уоррена, используя данную ниже информацию.

Warren’s Day.

start 6.30a.m.

walk to bus stop 7.00

wait for bus 7.15 to 7.30

work 8.00 to 4.00

repair cars all day

cook dinner

study 7.30 to 9.30

listen to music

Упражнение 4.Перепишите предложения, используя форму Past Simple от глагола to be и слова данные в скобках.

I, he, she, it (ед.ч.) was (wasn’t)

we, you, they (мн.ч.) were (weren’t)

1 I am at university now. (yesterday at 9)

2 We are glad to see you. (at our party)

3 He is a student. (5 years ago)

4 She is ill. She is in bed. (yesterday)

5 The children are at school. (from 8 to 12)

6 It is cold today. (last week)

7 You are late. (for the meeting)

Упражнение 5.Перепишите предложения, не соответствующие действительности, в отрицательной форме и дайте правильный вариант.

1 I was in London last week.

2 We were in the canteen (столовая) five minutes ago.

3 My grandfather was the President of the country.

4 I was late for the first lesson.

5 There were 5 lectures yesterday.

6 The revolution of 1917 was in December.

7 World War II was from 1941 to 1945.

8 Pushkin and Lermontov were artists.

Упражнение 6.Расспросите своего партнера, где он/она был(а) в указанное время.

A: Where were you yesterday evening?

B: I was at home.

A: Were you in the living room?

B: No, I was in bed.

ten minutes ago

an hour ago

six hours ago

yesterday at midday

at eight o’clock last night

last Sunday afternoon

last Saturday evening

last summer

at home, at university, at the theatre, at school, at a store (магазин),

at a lecture, at a lesson

in the classroom, in the office, in the kitchen, in the park, in bed, in a store

in Perm, in Paris, in England, in France, in Turkey, in the south

Упражнение 7.Повторите формы неправильных глаголов, разделите данные ниже глаголы на правильные и неправильные и заполните таблицу формой Past Simple.

  Regular Irregular
1 be 2 try 3 invent 4 get up 5 take 6 see 7 help 8 come 9 put 10 make 11 can 12 write 13 study 14 have 15 go 16 fail 17 work 18 buy 19 do   tried   was/were

Упражнение 8.Перепишите предложения, используя форму Past Simple глагола и слова данные в скобках.

He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. (yesterday)

He got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

1 We take the bus to work every morning. (yesterday morning)

2 Many students fail in mathematics. (in the autumn term)

3 Don and Eva see their grandchildren once a week. (last Sunday)

4 Mum makes fantastic chocolate biscuits. (for the party)

5 I help my sister with her English. (yesterday)

6 Albert goes to Turkey on every holiday. (on his last holiday)

7 I can swim 500 metres in twenty minutes. (when I was a child)

8 My sister buys a lot CDs. (2 days ago)

9 We study many new subjects at university. (last year)

10 They aren’t very happy about the weather. (about the weather on holiday)

11 He usually comes in time. (for the first lesson)

12 I work in the evenings. (yesterday evening)

Упражнение 9.Составьте вопросы, используя данные ниже подсказки. Ответьте на вопросы.

you / have/ a good holiday?

Did you have a good holiday?

1. Where/ you/ go?

2. you/ stay/ in a nice place?

3. What/ you/ do?

4. you/ meet/ any friends?

5. How long/ you/ stay?

6. When/ you/ get home?

7. you/ buy your friends/ anything?

Упражнение 10.Перепишите предложения, не соответствующие действительности, в отрицательной форме и дайте правильный вариант.

Christopher Columbus invented the compass.

Christopher Columbus didn’t invent the compass. He discovered America.

I was in London last week.

I wasn’t in London last week. I was in Perm.

1 Charles Darwin was an American.

2 William Shakespeare [`∫eikspiә] wrote ‘Don Quixote’ [`kwiksәt].

3 My great-grandparents were bankers.

4 We had mobile phones in the 1970s.

5 My father studied at Oxford.

6 My brother studied Chinese at school.

7 I took ten exams in winter.

8 I failed at my last examination.

9 I did my homework yesterday morning.

10 I saw the President of our country yesterday and spoke to him.

Упражнение 11.Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму Past или Present Simple.

1 I usually _____ (to watch) TV in the evenings.

2 Yesterday evening I _____ (to watch) an interesting film.

3 He _____ (to go) to the university four days a week.

4 He _____ (to meet) his friend at the cinema two days ago.

5 _____ you _____(to read) this book when you _____ (to be) a child?

6 _____ you often _____ (to read) newspapers?

7 Where _____ (to be) you now? – I _____ (to be) at university.

8 I _____ not _____ (to do) my last homework.

9 He _____ not ______ (to know) my brother.

10 Ann _____ not (to be) in the south last summer. She _____ (to go) to Poland.


Упражнение 1.Заполните пропуски, используя shall (‘ll)илиshan’t.

1 A: This bag is very heavy!

B: Let me help. I _____ carry (нести) it for you.

2 A: Shall we talk about this tomorrow.

B: No. I _____ be here tomorrow.

3 A: I don’t have any money for the taxi.

B: It’s alright. I _____ pay for it.

4 A: Would you like some coffee?

B: No, thanks. I ______ sleep tonight if I drink it now.

5 A: How does this computer work?

B: Come here and I _____ show you.

6 A: How were your exam results?

B: I _____ know until I go back to school.

Упражнение 2.Заполните пропуски, shall/will (‘ll)илиshan’t/won’tс подходящим по смыслу глаголом:

like be pass rain get go see hurt

1 I don’t want to go to the beach. It _____ very busy today.

2 We haven’t got much money so we _____ on holiday this year.

3 I _____ the whole country in two weeks. It’s too big.

4 I think Katya _____ the tour guide job. She’s got a lot of experience.

5 Don’t worry about your driving test. I’m sure you _____ .

6 The weather doesn’t look very good. Do you think it _____ .

7 Don’t be scared of (Не бойтесь) my dog. He _____ you.

8 Do you think Anna _____ the present we bought her?

Упражнение 3. Посмотрите на прогноз погоды из английской газеты и ответьте на вопрос:

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