Present participle (after verbs of perception)

I. In each of these situations you and a friend saw, heard or smelt something. This is what you said at the time:

1. Look! There's Ann! She's waiting for a bus. 2. Look! There's Sue! She's playing tennis. 3. Look! There's Tom! He's having a meal in that restaurant. 4. Listen! That's Bill. He's playing the guitar. 5.1 can smell something! The dinner's burning! 6. Look! There's Dave! He's talking to Charles. 7. Listen! Jack is snoring. 8. Listen! The dog is barking. 9. Look! Kate is dancing.

Later you tell someone what you saw, heard or smelt. eg We saw Ann waiting for d bus.

II. Answer these questions beginning in the way shown.

eg "Does Tom ever dance?" "I've never seen him dance (or dan­cing)!" eg "How do you know I came late?" "I heard you come in late."

1. "Does Ann ever smoke?" "I've never seen..." 2. "How do

you know the man took the money?" "I saw..." 3. "Did Jack lock the door?" "Yes, I heard..." 4. "Did the bell ring?" "I'm not sure. I didn't hear..." 5. "Does Tom ever swear (= use bad language)?" "I've never heard..." 6. "How do you know Ann can play the piano?" "I've heard..." 7. "Did Bill kick the dog?" "Yes, I saw..." 8. "Did the boy fall into the water?" "I didn't see..."

III. Complete these sentences. Use one of the following verbs in the correct form.

ran explode burn slam sit open tell crawl

cry happen climb

1. Can you smell something...? 2. I saw the accident... 3. We listened to the old man... his story from beginning to end. 4. Listen! Can you hear a child...? 5. We watched the two men ... across the garden,... a window and... through it into the house. 6. Everybody heard the bomb... It was a tremendous noise. 7. Oh! I can feel something... up my leg! It must be an insect. 8.1 heard someone... the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up. 9. We couldn't find Tom at first. In the end we found him ... in the garden.

Have something done

I. In this exercise you have to answer the questions in the way shown.

eg "Did Ann make that dress herself?" "No, she had it made."

1. "Did you cut your hair yourself?" "No, I..." 2. "Did they paint the house themselves?" "No, they..." 3. "Did Jim cut down that tree himself?" "No,..." 4. "Did Sue repair the car herself?" ! "No,..." 5. "Did you tune the piano yourself?" "No,..."

III. This time you have to complete the sentences. Use the words Jfn brackets.

eg We (the house/paint) at the moment.

We are having the house painted at the moment, eg (you/your hair/cut) last week?

Did you have your hair cut last week?

1. Your hair is too long. I think you should (it/cut). 2. How often (you/your car/service)? 3. The engine in Tom's car couldn't be repaired, so he had to (a new engine/fit) 4. (you/your news­paper (deliver) or do you go to the shop to buy it? 5. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden? B: Oh, I (a swimming pool/ build.). 6. Is it true that many years ago he (his portrait/paint) by a famous artist? 7. Are you going to (these shoes/repair) or shall I throw them away? 8. I must (my glasses/ mend). They keep falling off. 9. Where do you (your hair/do)?

III. Something unpleasant happened to each of these people last week. Make sentences using "have something done ".

eg Kate (her wallet/steal) from her bag while she was out shop­ping.

Kate had her wallet stolen from her bag while she was out shopping.

1. Peter (his flat/burgle) while he was out at work. 2. Mr and Mrs Woods (the roof of their house/damage) in a storm. 3. Lynne (the radio/ steal) from her car. 4. My brother (his nose/break) in a football match. 5. Fred (his hat/blow off) in the wind.

Self check

I. Supply an appropriate form for each verb in brackets.

1. Edward stood on the beach (look) out over the ocean. 2. Why don't you let him (make) up his mind? 3. Jean sat on a park bench (watch) the ducks (swim) in the pond. 4. Sara is going to spend next year (study) at a university in Japan. 5. The sad expression on his face made me (feel) sorry for him. 6.1 didn't know how to get to Harry's house, so I had him (draw) a map for me. 7. The little boy had a lot of trouble (convince) anyone that he had seen a mermaid. 8. The teacher had the class (open) their books to page 185. 9. It was a hot day and the work was hard. I could feel sweat (trickle) down my back. 10.1 had the brakes of my car (repair) at Morgan's Garage. 11.1 got my roommate (help) me (prepare) for my final exam in physics. 12. The soldier spent an hour (polish) his boots. 13. To please my daughter, I had her old bicycle (paint) bright red. 14. Many people think Mr Peel will win the election.

He has a good chance of (elect). 15. Mr Flynn is good at (tell) the difference between diamonds and cut glass. 16. I found a penny (lie) on the sidewalk. 17.1 was tired, so I just watched them (play) volleyball instead of (join) them. 18. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him (drink). 19.1 finally told him (be) quiet for a minute and (listen) to what I had to say. 20. You shouldn't let children (play) with matches. 21. Mary Beth suggested (go) on a picnic. 22.1 was terribly disappointed (discover) that he had lied to me. 23. I admit (be) a little nervous about the job interview. I don't know what (expect). 24. We sat in his kitchen (sip) very hot, strong tea and (eat) cheese. 25. When Shelley needed a passport photo, she had her picture (take) by a professional photographer. 26. If you hear any news, I want (tell) immediately. 27. He's at an awkward age. He's old enough (have) adult problems but too young (know) how (handle) them. 28. There's a great difference between (be) a freshman and (be) a senior. 29. My English is very good, but sometimes I have trouble (understand) lectures at school. 3() Let's (have) Ron and Maureen (join) us for dinner tonight, okay? 31.1 have finally collected enough information (begin) writing my thesis.

32. I don't see how she can possibly avoid (fail) the course.

33. Emily stopped her car (let) a black cat (ran) across the street.

34. He's a terrific soccer player! Did you see him (make) that last goal? 35. We spent the entire class period (talk) about the revolution. 36. The number of apartment houses (build) for the population of our city is rapidly growing. 37. What is the number of apartment houses (build) in the past few years? 38. She smiled (remember) the joke. 39. Isabel expected (admit) to the university, but she wasn't. 40. When Franko went to the barber shop (get) his hair (cut), he had his beard (trim), too. 41. (Enter) the hall you will see a staircase (lead) to the basement. 42. I hope you will write soon, (explain) your intention. 43. My children enjoy (allow) to stay up late when there's something special on TV. 44. We are looking forward to (take) on a tour of Athens by our Greek friends. 45. (See) so little of the country, I'm afraid I cannot give exhaustive answers to all your questions. 46. (Know) how fond he is of good music, I brought him a few records. 47. (Know) him from school, I have never heard anyone (speak) badly of him. 48. John admitted (surprise) by the unexpected birthday party last night. We had a lot of fun (plan) it. 49. Now I remember your (ask) me to bring sandwiches to the picnic. Your complaints about my (forget) things seem justified.

I'm sorry. 50 I wasn't tired enough (sleep) last night. For a long time, I just lay in bed (think) about my career and my future. 51. Art smelled something (burn). When he ran into the kitchen, he saw fire (come) out of the oven and panicked. 52. After I decided (have) a garage (build) next to the house, I hired a carpenter (do) the work. 53. Jeff applied to medical school many months ago. Now he's so concerned about (accept) into medical school that he's having a difficult time (concentrate) on the courses he's taking this term. 54. My son is playing in his first piano concert this evening. I'm looking forwardto (hear) him (play), but I know he's worried about (forget) the right notes and (make) a fool of himself. I told him (relax) and (enjoy) himself. 55. There's not much point щ (waste) a lot of time and energy on that project. It's likely (fail) no matter what we do. Spend your time (do) something more worthwhile. 56. (Ask) what he thought of the innovation, the engineer said he approved of it. 57. (Arrive) at the gallery, he paid his entrance fee, picked up a catalogue and entered. 58. Our house needs (clean). The floors need (sweep). The dishes need (wash). The furniture needs (dust). However, I think I'll read a book. (Read) is a lot more interesting than (do) housework. 59. He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid (complain). He was afraid of (lose) his job. 60. Next time we go (house-hunt), remember (ask) the agent for clear directions. I wasted hours (look) for the last house. 61. Tom: Let's (go) for a swim. Ann: I'm not particularly keen on (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead? 62. After (spend) two days (argue) about where to go for their holidays, they decided (not go) anywhere. 63. He is talking about (give) up his job and (go) (live) in the country. 64. I was just about (leave) the office when the phone rang. It was my wife; she wanted me (call) at the butcher's on my way home. 65. He said, "I'm terribly sorry to (keep) you (wait) " I said, "It doesn't matter at all," but he went on (apologize) for nearly five minutes! 66. (Promise) assistance they felt more assured. 67. My father thinks I'm not capable of (earn) my own living, but I mean (show) him that he is wrong. 68. Tom: I can't get my car (start) on cold mornings. Jack: Have you tried (fill) the radiator with hot water? That sometimes helps. 69. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again (ask) someone the way. 70. When I caught them (cheat) me, I stopped (buy) petrol there and started (deal) with your garage instead. 71. The people

(wait) for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time. 72. Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at ho­me? — I'd like (go) out. I always enjoy (have) dinner in a restaurant. 73. Your hair needs (cut). You'd better (have) it done tomorrow. 74.1 tried (convince) him that I was perfectly capable of (manage) on my own, but he insisted on (help) me. 75.1 always try (come) in quietly but they always hear me (go) upstairs. It's impossible (climb) an old wooden staircase without (make) a noise. 76. (Go) down the steps she suddenly stopped as she remembered that she had left the gas (burn) 77. He knows the language better than a foreigner usually does, (live) in France for a long time. 78. If you want the milkman (leave) you milk in the morning, remember (put) a milk bottle outside your door. 79. Mr Shaw is very busy (write) his memoirs. He is far too busy (receive) callers, so you'd better just (go) away. 80. Would you like me (turn) down the radio a bit? — No, it's all right. I'm used to (work) with the radio on. 81. Would your children mind (keep) quiet fora moment? I'm trying (fill) in a form. — It's no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can't help (make) a noise. 82. Let's (go) (fish) today. There's a nice wind. What about (come) with us, Ann? — No, thanks. I'm very willing (cut) sandwiches for you but I've no intention of (waste) the afternoon (sit) in a boat (watch) you two (fish). 83. After (spend) a week in the cottage, he decided that he didn't really enjoy (live) in the country and began (think) of an excuse for (sell) the cottage and(return) to London. 84. Vegetables (grow) in hot-houses are not so rich in colour and taste as vegetables (grow) in natural surroundings. 85. She stayed (lock) in her room, (refuse) to come downstairs. 86. He had a good practical knowledge of the language, (work) as an interpreter for many years. 87. She never did a thing without (ask) somebody's advice.

II. Translate from Russian into English.

Participles as adjectives and adjectival phrases

1. Окна, которые выходили на мост, были открыты. 2. Секре­тарь отправил подписанные директором письма. 3. Я очень благодарна врачам, спасшим жизнь моего ребенка. 4. Его неожиданный ответ удивил нас. 5. Дорога, которая сейчас

ремонтируется, будет значительно шире после ремонта. 6. В этой комнате есть несколько сломанных стульев. 7. Он принес мне несколько иллюстрированных журналов. 8. Мы внима­тельно прочли присланную профессором Ивановым статью.

9. Рассказы, напечатанные в этом журнале, очень интересны.

10. Рабочие, разгружающие пароход, будут свободны через час.

11. Словари, взятые студентами из библиотеки, должны быть возвращены не позднее 6 часов. 12. Человек, сидевший у открытого окна, смотрел на детей, играющих в саду. 13. Я надеюсь, что вы не повторите ошибок, сделанных в прошлом диктанте. 14. Он показал мне список товаров, экспортируе­мых этой фирмой. 15. В его статье есть много цифр, иллю­стрирующих развитие нашей промышленности. 16. Я еще не просмотрел всех журналов, присланных нам из Лондона. 17 Я уже проверил сочинения, написанные студентами моей группы. 18. Вот список слушателей, изучающих английский язык. 19. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны придти в институт сегодня в 6 часов вечера. 20. Я прочел статью, переведенную моей сестрой с английского языка на русский. 21. Он положил спящего ребенка на диван. 22. Мы подошли к человеку, стоявшему на углу, и спросили его, как пройти к вокзалу. 23. Люди, ожидающие доктора, давно здесь сидят. 24. Люди, ожидавшие вас, только что ушли. 25. Конференция, проходящая сейчас в университете, посвя­щена проблемам ядерной физики. 26. Ученый, написавший эту статью, сделает доклад в нашем университете. 27. Я спросил у молодого человека, читавшего газету, который час.

28. Картина, висевшая в вестибюле, привлекла мое внимание.

29. Картина, висевшая здесь в прошлом году, сейчас находится в художественном музее. 30. Книги, которые лежат на столе, принадлежат моему брату. 31. Эта телеграмма пришла вместе с почтой, доставленной утром. 32. Студенты, окончившие перевод статьи, могут выйти из аудитории. 33. Я никогда не слышал об актрисе, сыгравшей главную роль в этом фильме

34. Машина, которая следовала за нами, была серого цвета.

35. Договор, заключенный между этими странами, очень важен для них. 36. Деревья, растущие перед нашим домом, были посажены моим отцом. 37. Вопросы, обсуждавшиеся на прошлом собрании, очень интересные.

Participles introducing adverbial phrases

1 Вы должны быть очень внимательны, играя в шахматы.

2 Они быстро шли, разговаривая о чем-то с большим инте­ресом. 3. Капитан стоял на палубе, давая распоряжения матросам. 4. Оставив вещи в камере хранения, мы пошли осматривать город. 5. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать веши. 6. Так как он прожил в Лондоне много лет, он знал город хорошо. 7. Он не согласился пойти с нами на концерт, сказав, что он занят. 8. Она стояла и думала, что ответить. 9. Я не позвонил ему, думая, что он занят. 10. Путешествуя по стране, мы познакомились со многими достопримечательностями. 11. По­няв, что не сможет выполнить всю работу одна, она попросила меня о помощи. 12. Зная, что у меня достаточно времени, чтобы дойти до кинотеатра, я не спешил. 13. Услышав, что ее сестра не может приехать к ней, Анна расстроилась. 14. Он смотрел на нее, улыбаясь. 15. Она провела все утро за уборкой квартиры. 16. Прибыв в город, мы отправились в гостиницу. 17. Прорабо­тав в больнице более десяти лет, он стал опытным врачом. 18. Просматривая старые журналы, я нашла интересную статью о Великобритании. 19. Ожидая трамвая, я увидел старика, который пристально смотрел на меня. 20. Прочитав письмо, он положил его в ящик стола. 21. Будучи очень усталым, я решил остаться дома. 22. Не зная грамматики, он делал очень много ошибок. 23. Он взял словарь, не спросив разрешения. 24. Не получая от нее писем, он послал ей телеграмму. 25. Не зная, как пройти к вокзалу, я обратился к полицейскому. 26. Она вышла, не взглянув на нас. 27. Будьте осторожны, переходя улицу. 28. Будучи очень рассеянным, он сделал несколько ошибок, переписывая текст. 29. Проработав над докладом весь день, он чувствовал себя очень усталым. 30. Он понял свою ошибку и перестал спорить. 31. Получив телеграмму, я немедленно выехал домой. 32. Мы хорошо провели время, купаясь и загорая на солнце.

Participle after verbs of perception

1- Я видел, как она работала в саду. 2. Я наблюдал за тем, как Механик чинил мою машину. 3. Я слышал, как она поет в соседней комнате. 4. Я чувствую, что на кухне что-то горит.

5. Мы наблюдали, как дети играют в футбол. 6. Я видел, как он прогуливается в парке. 7. Я слышал, что она играет на пианино и не хотел прерывать ее. 8. Я наблюдал за тем, как мой сын выполняет домашнее задание. 9. Я слышал, как они разго­варивают в соседней комнате. 10. Увидев, что такси подъехало к дому, он взял вещи и быстро спустился вниз. 11. Я заметил, что кто-то стоит у калитки.

•Have something done

1. Как часто вы подстригаетесь? 2. Мне необходимо срочно отремонтировать часы. 3. Нам отремонтировали дом до того, как мы уехали на юг. 4. Я хочу, чтобы этот документ напечатали как можно скорее. 5. Мне только что вырвали зуб. 6. Когда вы оклеили комнату? — Неделю назад. — Сколько вам это стои­ло? — 100 долларов. 7. Я не починил вчера часы, так как мастерские были закрыты. 8. Вам уже побелили потолок? 9. Где вы сшили себе это платье? 10. Когда вы, наконец, настроите свой рояль? 11. Когда вам построили гараж? 12. У него вчера украли бумажник. 13. Я хочу, чтобы мне погладили костюм. 14. Вам необходимо подстричься.

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