What is the Weather Like in London?

Mrs Hunt: When did you move to London, Clare?

Mrs Blake: About a year ago.

Mrs Hunt: Was it cold last winter?

Mrs Blake: Yes, it was but not as cold as in Geneva. December

and February were much colder than January. Mrs. Hunt: Did you have much snow? Mrs Blake: Yes, of course we didn't have as much snow as you

had in Geneva.

Mrs Hunt: What about the other seasons? Mrs Blake: I think autumn was the most beautiful season. The

days were clear and dry and it was sunny and warm

all the time. September and October were the nicest

months but November was terrible. We had a lot of


Mrs Hunt: What was last spring like? Mrs Blake: It wasn't very nice. May was nicer than March and

April. March was cold and April was wet.

Mrs Hunt: What's summer like? Is it always as hot as this? Mrs Blake: It wasn't last year. Mrs Hunt: Is August as hot as July? Mrs Blake: No ..., it's usually cooler and drier. Mrs Hunt. It sounds wonderful. Guy might take a job in London

and we might buy a house here. Mrs Blake: What a wonderful idea! Mrs Hunt: Well ..., we might but we might not

/. Listen to the conversation. ,

//. Read the conversation.

Ill What did Mrs Blake tell her friend about the weather in London?

IV. Compare a) the weather in January, the weather in Septem­ber, the weather in June (cold, warm, cool), b) the days in Februa­ry, the days in April, the days in June (long, short); c) the four seasons of the year (pleasant, nice, warm, cool, cold, good); d) the climate in your country and the country you visited.

The Taylors Miss Brownsville

The Taylor family lived in Brownsville for many years. And for many years Brownsville was a good place to live. The streets were clean. The parks were safe. The bus system was reliable, and the schools were good.

But Brownsville changed. Today the streets aren't as clean as they used to be. The parks aren't as safe as they used to be. The bus system isn't as reliable as it used to be and the schools aren't as good as they used to be.

Because of the changes in Brownsville the Taylor family moved to Newport last year. In Newport the streets are cleaner. The parks are safer. The bus system is more reliable, and the schools are better.

The Taylors are happy in Newport, but they were happier in Brownsville. Although Newport has cleaner streets, safer parks and a more reliable bus system and better schools, Brownsville has friendlier people. They are nicer, more polite and more hospi­table than the people in Newport.

The Taylors miss Brownsville. Even though they are now living in Newport, Brownsville will always be their real home!

/. Listen to the text and answer the questions:

What was Brownsville like some time ago' Why did the Taylor family move to Newport? What is Newport like? Why do the Taylors miss Brownsville?

//. Read and retell the text.

III. Compare the town you live in and the town (village) you lived in before.

IV. Compare three cities you know well. Use both the compa­rative and the superlative degrees, (noisy, clean, old, modern, romantic, large, beautiful, expensive, exciting)

V. Choose three different countries that you know something about and compare them (size, population, climate, natural beauty, industries)

VI. Situation: Your friend is a diplomat. He has travelled all over the world. You are asking him about the countries he visited.

Trying Harder

1. Michael's boss talked with him today. In general, he doesn't think Michael is doing very well in the job, and he should do better.

According to Michael's boss, he types too slowly. He should type faster. In addition he files too carelessly, he should file more carefully. Furthermore, he speaks over the telephone too quickly. He should speak slower.

2. Stella's director talked with her today. In general, he doesn't think Stella is doing very well in his play, and she has to do better.

According to Stella's director, she speaks too quietly, she should speak louder. In addition, she walks too slowly, she should walk faster. Furthermore, she dances too awkwardly, she should dance more gracefully.

Stella wants to do well in the play, and she knows now that she has to try a little harder.

3. Billy's teacher talked with him today. In general, she doesn't think Billy is doing very well in school, and he has to do better.

According to Billy's teacher, he arrives too late. He should arrive earlier. In addition he dresses too floppily. He should dress neater. Furthermore, he speaks too impolitely. He should speak more politely.

Bill wants to do well at school, and he knows now that he has to try a little harder.

/. Listen to the text and answer the questions:

What does Michael's boss think? What does Stella's director think? Billy's teacher is not very pleased with him, is she? Why?

//. Compare the way three people work (hard), run (fast), draw (beautifully), speak (fluently), dance (gracefully), drive a car (carelessly), play golf (well, badly).

///. Situation: You are not pleased with your son (daughter). What do you think he (she) should do?

Self check

/. Use the proper degrees of comparison:

Joe Sanders has (beautiful) garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for "(Nice) Garden Competition" each year but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is (large) than Joe's. Bill works (hard) than Joe and grows (many) flowers and vegetables but Joe's garden is (interesting). He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too and I always win a little prize for (bad) garden in the town!

//. Translate into English:

1. Вчера я встал позже, чем обычно. 2. Мой отец самый стар­ший в семье, а сестра самая младшая. 3. Наша гостиная самая светлая комната в квартире. 4. Он самый талантливый из своих друзей. 5. Мой старший брат на пять лет старше меня. 6. Мой отец самый высокий из нас. 7. Она такая же красивая, как и ее мать. 8. Это самая интересная книга в его коллекции. 9. Какой язык труднее: немецкий или английский? 10. Нынешнее лето — самое сухое. И. В нашей группе больше студентов, чем в вашей. 12. Мой костюм гораздо дороже, чем твой. 13. Вокзал дальше отсюда, чем аэропорт. 14. Московское метро лучшее в мире. 15. Этот рассказ не такой интересный, как тот. 16. Мария гораздо красивее своей сестры. 17. У меня меньше книг, чем у вас. 18. Ваш диктант самый плохой. 19. 22 декабря самый короткий день в году. 20. Это упражнение гораздо труднее, чем то. 21. Этот фильм менее интересный, чем тот. 22. Она такая же общитель­ная, как ее сестра.



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