Артикли с именами собственными

Названия The Без артикля
Части света, континенты, страны, области, города The Middle East, the Russian Federation, the USA Europe, Central Asia, England, Ivanovo
Океаны, моря, реки, озёра The Pacific Ocean, the Caspian Sea, the Nile, the Baikal Lake Baikal
Горные цепи, острова/группы островов The Alps, the Isle of Man, the Canary Islands Everest, Madagascar
Улицы, площади, районы, парки, мосты, аэропорты The Tower Bridge Rabfakovskaya street, Pushkin Square, Manhattan, Hyde Park, Heathrow Airport
Университеты, театры, гостиницы, музеи The Bolshoy Theatre, the Hilton, the British Museum Cambridge University

Проверочное задание на тему «Артикль»

Задание 14.Заполните пропуски, употребляя артикли “a/an”, “the”, “-“:

  This is … good report.   This is agood report.  

1. She is … teacher. She is … our teacher of … English.

2. This is … Nick. He works as … engineer. He is … good engineer.

3. This is … very illustrative example.

4. He asked me … question. It was … difficult question.

5. He has … long name and I can never remember it.

6. Could you show me … way to …station?

7. … students of this group study well.

8. … papers you need are on the table.

9. There is … hotel not far from our house. … hotel is very comfortable.

10. There are … mistakes in your test. Correct … mistakes.

11. Did you write … plan? Give me your … plan, please.

12. He was with … young girl. … girl was a student of … Ivanovo State Power University.

13. He is interested in … history of the French Revolution.

14. It is … lake. … lake is deep. It’s one of … deepest lakes in … world.

15. Yury Gagarin was … first cosmonaut of the world.

16. …Black Sea is in … South of … Russia.

17. In … summer … sky is blue and … sun shines brightly.

18. … Petrovs are going on holiday to … Egypt.

19. Do you think … British are fond of their weather?

20. They sell … bicycles here.

21. Which is cheaper … fuel or … gas?

22. …last week I met … my old friend.

23. This is … Ann’s book.

24. … winter begins in … December.

25. … History and … Computer Science were … my favourite subjects at … school.

26. Usually I get up at … 7 o’clock in … morning.

27. … Warsaw is … capital of … Poland.

28. I wanted to see my friends, but they were not at … home.

29. On … Saturday I usually go to … fitness center.

30. He lives in … Gorky street.



Именем прилагательным называется часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос какой?

Имена прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по падежам: a young man.

Имена прилагательные бывают простые и производные. К простым именам прилагательным относятся прилагательные, не имеющие в своем составе ни префиксов, ни суффиксов: big, black, red.

К производным именам прилагательным относятся прилагательные, имеющие в своем составе суффиксы или префиксы, или одновременно и те и другие: natural, incorrect.

К наиболее характерным суффиксам прилагательных относятся:

-ful useful, doubtful
-less helpless, useless
-ous famous, dangerous
-al formal, central
able, ible eatable, accessible

К наиболее распространенным префиксам прилагательных относятся:

un- unhappy, unequal
in- incomplete, indifferent

Проверочные задания на тему «Прилагательное»

Задание 15.Образуйте прилагательные от данных слов, используя суффиксы -ful, -ous, -al, -able, -ible, -ent, -ant, -ic, -ive:

to differ, reason, importance, nature, distance, power, possibility, resistance, atom, invention, vision, effect, to vary, to help, to consider, danger, science, to care, to attract, to produce.

-ful -ous -al -able -ible -ent -ant -ic -ive

Задание 16.Прочитайте предложения. Используя данные суффиксы, образуйте прилагательные от выделенных слов и заполните пропуски:

-ful, -y, -al, -able, -ous  
  With their mobile phones the newspaper editors can reach the … office from anywhere in the world.     With their mobile phones the newspaper editors can reach the editorial office from anywhere in the world.  

1. This inventor found fame late in his life. Now he is one of the most … scientists in the world.

2. Her first musical was a success. She has been a very … actress since then.

3. Mr. Pratt has been working in this profession for 20 years. His … experience is invaluable for the company.

4. Thirty heads of state attended the Queen’s birthday to do her honour. Queen Elizabeth II is the most … person in the UK.

5. Good luck! I’m sure you’ll be … and get the job.

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