Именительный падеж с инфинитивом (Nominative with the Infinitive)

1. Premier Nkrumah of Ghana is expectedto visit India in December. ("DW")

2. French car production this year is expectedto hit the million mark. Exports are expectedto top last year's 250,000. ("DW")

3. In talks with General de Gaulle in Paris yesterday, Mr.Dulles is believed to have urgedhis closer co-operation with the Western Powers. The installation of missile bases on French soil was reported to bethe main issue under discussion. ("'DW")

4. Five British vessels were reported trappedby ice yesterday on the St.Lawrence River. ("DW")

5. Poland and the U.S. are understood to have agreedin principle to re open consular offices. ("DW")

6. The Brussels exhibition is knownto have been visited by 41 million people. ("DW")

7. The Benelux countries are understood to have puttheir compromise proposals to their Common Market partners, West Germany and Italy, after extending them to Britain and other OEEC member States. ("DW")

8. The Ghana Government also announced the removal from office of Mr. S.I.Iddrisu, M.P., who as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information is allegedto have written a letter to the company approving the concession. He was in no way authorized to write any such letters, the Government said. ("DW")

Абсолютный причастный оборот (the Nominative Absolute)

1. When the powers of the House of Lords were reduced in 1911, the maximum duration of Parliament was reduced to five years, because it was thoughtthat, the effective powers of the House of Commons having beenincreased, the majority ought to secure a renewal of its mandate more often. (J.Jennings)

2. To the bulk of these people Britain is a strange land, and there are some who do not speak its language. Many are Maltese of origin, but strangers in Malta, having spenttheir whole live in Egypt. ("The Times")

3. With the North Atlantic Treaty Organization rent with dissension over Suez, now is the time to get ridof all military pacts and blocs. ("DW")

4. In many ways it might have been preferableif, the split having

occurred,the party had immediately rallied round Mr. Todd and confirmed under his leadership. ("The Times")

5. During the Festival several halls in the Moscow State University will be taken over for dancing each evening, orchestras of different nations playing in each. ("DW")

6. Some 3,000 will leave the Electric and Musical Industries works in September, some of the workers having had40 years service with the firm. ("DW")


Именительный падеж с инфинитивом (Nominative with the Infinitive) - student2.ru

Given (в начале предложения) означает учитывая, в случае...

1. These target figures are not wildly extravagant, giventhe rate of development which Russia has already achieved. (" The Times")

2. Giventhe present industrial climate, the arrangement which grants the personnel no voice in determining the modes of payment or in the management of the enterprise seems to have proven insufficient to bring about the improvement of labour-management relations necessary for greater productivity. ("Economic Issues")

3. Givengood weather the campaign should greatly help the supply of fodder. ("The Times")

Пассивная конструкция

1. Such trifles should be put up with.

2. The drowning man was throwna rope.

3. This poor old blind man is never read to.

4. The ship was lost sight of.

5. Are we really meantto learn this by heart?

6. The room could be enteredthrough a massive oak door.

7. This case of mental illness should be dealt withseparately.

8. Edgar Рое is felt to beof insane mind in his later poems.

9. Such results are not to be wondered at.

10. His presence was taken no notice of.

11. This boy isnot spoken to.

12. I don't understand why I am askedsuch a question.

13. John is not to berelied upon.

14. The bed was not slept in.

15. The house wasnot lived in.

Модальные глаголы

Pay attention to patterns modal verb + Past Participle.

Именительный падеж с инфинитивом (Nominative with the Infinitive) - student2.ru

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