The difference between so and such

Наречие so переводится “так”, “такой” . Оно употребляется только с прилагательным или другим наречием (без существительного).
Например: This film is so interesting. He speaks so slowly.
Часто so употребляется с конструкцией “so … that”: The book is so interesting that I can’t stop reading.

So употребляется также в so many / so much (так много); so few / so little (так мало).

Прилагательное such переводится “такой, -ая, -ое, -ие). Such употреб­ляется в словосочетании “such + прилагательное + (артикль) + существительное”: It is sucha beautiful dress! Также such может употреб­ляться только с существительным: Such people are always boring.

Exercise 7. Translate into English:

1. Я никогда не говорю таких слов. 2. Это не так интересно. 3. Мы так устали. 4. Я никогда не видел такого красивого дома. 5. Он такой забавный. 6. Книга мне не понравилась. Это была такая глупая (stupid) история. 7. Книга мне не понравилась. Рассказ (история) был таким глупым (silly). 8. У него так мало друзей. 9. У него не так много друзей.
10. У нас так мало денег. 11. Это так дорого! 12. Она так хорошо выглядит, что я её не узнал.


Part 3

Let’s go to the Moon, shall we? Let’s go to the Moon!

And as we fly so high above the trees

We’ll see if the Moon is really made of cheese.

So let’s go to the Moon, shall we? Let’s go to the Moon!

Helen: They are flying on and on. Do you think they’ll land on the Moon? We’ll see later. But first let’s have a look at some pictures from our story. Here’s the rocket. It’s remote controlled. Come and speak with me: remote controlled. It does everything automatically. Jill was a bit afraid. But Jack said, “We’ll be quite safe.” There is an automatic snack bar on board. Jack said, “We won’t get hungry or thirsty.” And here’s the green light. Jack said, “We’re ready for take-off.” When Jack was counting down Jill asked another question. Jack gotangry and said, “Don’t interrupt me. I’m counting.” And I won’t interrupt you while you watch our story again.

Let’s go to the Moon, shall we? Let’s go to the Moon!

And if a little moonman we should see

We’ll knock at his door and ask him home for tea.

So let’s go to the Moon, shall we? Let’s go to the Moon!

Jack: The engine has stopped.

Jill: Are we on the Moon?

Jack: Yes, we are. Look, what a fantastic sight! Let’s get off the rocket.

Jill: There are footprints.

Jack: Somebody must have been here before us.

Jill: Welcome to the Moon. You’re 240.000 miles from the Earth.

Jack:Fancy, Jill, we’re walking on the Moon.

Helen: Once upon a time there were two children called Jack and Jill. They were up to (готовы к) all sorts of mischief while they lived on Earth. One day a rocket landed in their garden. They climbed into that rocket and wentoff (от­пра­вились) together to explore the Moon leaving all their friends back on Earth. Let’s hope nothing ever happened to them.

I’m sorry but I must say goodbye to all our Playtime friends.

It’s been a wonderful time with you. Bye, children, and thank you for watching Playtime. Best wishes for you and good luck to everyone of you.


they are flying on and on– они летят и летят; get hungry – проголодать­ся; get angry –рассердиться; what a fantastic sight! – какой фантастиче­ский вид!; get off the car (/bus)– выйти из машины (/автобуса); once upon a time there were – жили-были однажды; together – вместе; explore – исследовать; I wish you good luck – желаю (вам) удачи.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. Is the Moon far away from the Earth? 2. How long did it take Jack and Jill to fly from the Earth to the Moon? Can you guess it? 3. Could Jack fly the spaceship? Was it necessary [‘nesəs(ə)rɪ] (необходимо)? 4. Did Jack and Jill get hungry and thirsty on their way to the Moon? 5. Were the children not afraid to leave the Earth and go to the Moon? 6. Did Jack and Jill arrive safely on the Moon? 7. Did they like the landscape (пейзаж) they saw there? 8. Did they take the moon car to explore the Moon? 9. Whose footprints did they see on the Moon? 10. What else did Jack and Jill find there? 11. Did they meet a moon­man there? Did they ask him home for tea? 12. Would you like to go to the Moon some day? Tell me why or why not?

Exercise 9. Translate into Russian:

1. Who else was there? 2. What else do you need? 3. I have nothing else to do (/to say}. 4. You can't change it anyway. 5. I'll never ever do that again. I promise it. 6. Sometimes we don't learn from our mistakes. 7. It’s not so easy, you know, to get there. 8. Tell me, is it really true? 9. Is it really that simple? 10. It’s quite possible. 12. Be quiet! 13. And that was that.

Pronouns and adjectives

Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Object forms of the personal pronouns:me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.
Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

Exercise 10. Use the correct pronoun:
1. Who is this girl? I don’t know … (him, his, her, hers, himself, herself).
2. These are not your books, they are … (mine, yours, me, yourself, myself). 3. No, he didn’t say anything to … (they, them, their, themselves).
4. Mary cut … when she was cooking the dinner (her, hers, herself).
5. Did you look at … in the mirror? (yourselves, you, your, yours, yourself).
6. Don’t interrupt … (my, mine, me, myself).

East or West, home is best.


1. Conjugation of the verb "to be" (быть):

I am (I'm) we are (we're [wɪə])

you are (you're [jɔ:]) you are (you're [jɔ:])

he is (he's)

she is (she's) they are (they're [ðeə])

it is (it's)

2. Список глаголов, которые не употребляются в продлённых временных формах:

be быть need нуждаться

believe верить, полагать remember помнить

forget забывать have (если в значении

hate ненавидеть 'владеть')

hear слышать see видеть

know знать seem казаться

like нравиться, любить think думать,

love любить полагать

mean иметь в виду understand понимать

want хотеть

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