I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

[aɪ 'wɪʃ ju: ə 'merɪ 'krɪsməs | ənd ə 'hæpɪ 'nju: 'jɪə||].

May Santa Claus ['sæntə 'klɔ:z] be extra good (/nice/kind) to you!


Exercise 9. So am IorSo do I?

1. We are ready. – So … 2. He likes skating. – So … 3. They want to play tag. – So … 4. She is very angry. – So … 5. I'm cold. – So … 6. He is going to the museum. – So … 7. We are tired. – So … 8. She wants to ride on a sledge. – So … 9. Jack likes playing cards. – So … 10. They are very hungry. – So … 11. He knows everything. – So …

Exercise 10. Use the correct object forms of the personal pronouns:

1. This is her brother. I think you don't know (he). Would you like to meet (he)? 2. This is my new smartphone. Do you like (it)? 3. The children are making a snowman. Would you like to help (they)? 4. We are playing tag. Would you like to play with (we)? – Yes, I would like to play with (you). 5. What did you tell (she)? 6. Leave (I) alone! Let (I) go! 7. This is for (she), this is for (he) and this is for (I).

Exercise 11. Translate into Russian:

1. What's that? 2. What book are you reading? 3. There are three pens. Which one would you like to have? 4. Who did that? 5. Whom did you see there?
6. Whom (who разговорное) did he help? 7. Whose car is this? – It's mine.
8. Where is Jack? 9. Where are you going? 10. When can we go to the museum? 11. Why is she crying? 12. How can I help you? 13. How long must I wait for you? 14. How many books have you got? 15. How much money (/time) have you got? 16. How often do you go to the theatre? 17. Who knows what could happen.

Exercise 12. Translate into English:

1. Сколько стоит эта книга? 2. Сколько у тебя молока? 3. Сколько у тебя английских книг? 4. Как часто ты ходишь в кино? 5. Как ты это знаешь (откуда …)? 6. Сколько времени (Как долго …) я должен делать (do) сегодня домашнее задание? – Не долго. 7. Почему они ссорятся? 8. Когда мы сможем играть на улице (outside)? 9. Где мой футбол? 10. Куда вы поедете этим летом (this summer)? 11. Чья это куртка? – Это её. 12. Кто рассказал (told) тебе об этом? 13. С кем (with whom) Джек был в музее?
14. Кто там? 15. Какая тетрадь твоя? 16. Какие игры тебе больше всего (best) нравятся? 17. Что это (that) такое? 18. Сколько у тебя денег?


What, what book …, which, who, who(m), with whom, whose, where, when, why, how, how long, how many, how much, how often.


Exercise 13. Irregular verbs (Неправильные глаголы)

Infinitive – неопределённая форма Past Simple – простое про­шедшее время Past Participle – причастие прош. времени Перевод
bend bent bent (bended) согнуть
break broke broken сломать(ся)
leave left left оставлять
lose lost lost терять
put* put put класть
throw threw thrown бросать
wear wore worn носить (одежду)

*put – класть, ставить, *put on – одевать.

Exercise 14. Write the summary using the Past Simple:


On a winter morning Jack and Jill (play) outside. First Jack (try) to skate on the pond, but he (fall) on the ice. Then they (go) to the hill and (learn) to ski with their ski teacher. They (put) their skis on and (go) down the hill. Jack (do) everything very well. Jill (can) not ski very well. She (fall) in the snow and (break) a ski. The teacher (help) her. Jack (take) his skis off. Jack and Jill (come) home. They (see) a snowman in front of their house. But it (be) not a snowman. It (be) Pooh!

first – сначала

try – пытаться, пробовать

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. - student2.ru pond – пруд

then – потом

put on – одеть, надеть. Put your skates on! (Put on your skates!)

take off – снять. Take your skis off! (Take off your skis!)

Proverb: First think, then speak.



Helen: Hello, children. Welcome to Playtime. What's the time?

Parrot: It's Playtime. It's Playtime.

Helen: Be quiet! Ah, it's quarter past one. Jack and Jill are late. I wonder what's happened.

Ah, there they are.

Jill: Leave me alone! Ugh, a toy spider. I hate spiders…

Helen: Ugh, here's another spider! How nasty! I hate spiders too.

Jack: Hey, look!

Come and listen to Old MacDonald's band.

Jill: An animal band?

Helen: Old MacDonald's band. How funny!

Old MacDonald is a farmer. He lives on a farm and he's got a lot of animals. But his animals are very, very clever.

Jack: Hurry up, Jill! I want to go to the farm and listen to the band.

Jill: So do I. Are you coming with us, Tom?

Tom: No, I can't. I'm sorry. I've got to go home. It's my mother's birthday today. But tell me all about the band tomorrow.

Jack: OK. See you tomorrow.

Jill: Bye, Tom!

Helen: Come on everybody. Let's go and see Mister MacDonald and his band. I'm sure you will have lots of fun.


band – оркестр, группа; quiet – тихий, спокойный; quarter – четверть; past – после; wonder ['wʌndə] – удивление, чудо; wonder – удивляться, хотеть знать, интересно, I wonder where they are – мне интересно, где они; spider – паук; hate –ненавидеть; another – другой; nasty['nɑ:stɪ]–противный, гадкий; a lot of animals - уйма животных; farm – ферма; farmer – фермер; clever – ловкий, умный; I've got to go home – мне надо идти домой; tomorrow – завтра; I'm (not) sure – я (не) уверен, Are you sure of it? – Ты в этом уверен?

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