About 80% of British people live in houses. Detached houses are usually in expensive suburbs, quite far from the town centre, near to the countryside. Semi-detached houses are often nearer to the town centre. Terraced houses and blocks of flats are much cheaper and can be found in town centres. Most British houses have a garden. Most gardens, even small ones have flowers and a lawn. This is the back of a country cottage. Many British houses have frontgardens too.


Owing your own home is a part of the American Dream. Most of Americans save for years, then make a down payment and take a mortgage or loan for the rest of the money. But some people never own a house and rent an apartment in a building called condominium somewhere close to the centre. Out in the suburbs and in the country, home is more likely to be a one- or two-family house. Traditional American houses are two stories highland made of wood or stone.


A typical Russian residence is an apartment. Inability to purchase real estate due to lack of income and unfavorable lending terms results in parents sharing their quarters with children for quite some time. In many instances, you will see two and three generations living together in one apartment.

The room count in a typical Russian apartment is not conducted by counting bedrooms, but rather by counting all rooms with the exception of the kitchen. That means if you were told an apartment has 2 rooms, it literally has TWO rooms, plus the kitchen. A lot of Russians inherit their property from their parents, grandparents, or have received it from the government or their employer many decades ago.

Exercise 5. Read the following text and get ready to answer the questions.

a country mansion a block of flats to disquiet an adjacent dining-room a lounge closets (storerooms) to cast a glance the coatrack a chest of drawers for shoes kitchen utensils a freezer a dish drainer a gas cooker a cooker hood tea sets dinner sets to keep all cutlery and crockery in   a spacious living-room a coffee table the wall unit stuff with china crystal houseplants a dressing-table a sink hot and cold taps a flush-toilet to paper to tile parquet floors patterned curtains plain curtains to cram up with furniture a refuse-chute storey загородный особняк жилой дом беспокоить; тревожить смежная столовая гостиная шкафы (кладовые) бросить взгляд настенная вешалка комод для обуви кухонная посуда морозильник сушилка для посуды газовая плита вытяжка чайные сервизы сервизы сохранить все столовые приборы и посуду в просторная гостиная журнальный столик мебельная стенка заполнять фарфоровая посуда хрустальная посуда комнатные растения туалетный столик раковина горячие и холодные краны унитаз оклеивать обоями облицовывать (кафелем) паркет украшенные узором шторы простые шторы втиснуть мебель мусоропровод этаж

Home, sweet home.

It does not matter what your home is like — acountry mansion, a more modestdetachedorsemi-detached house,aflatina block of flats or even aroomin acommunal flat. Anyway, it is the place where you oncemove in and start tofurnish anddecorate it to your own taste. It becomes your second "ego".

Your second "ego" is very big and disquieting if you have a house. There isenough space for everything: ahall,akitchen with an adjacent dining-room,a living-roomora lounge, a couple ofbedrooms andclosets (storerooms), a toilet and abathroom. You can walk slowlyaround the house thinking what else you can do torenovate it. In the hall you cast a glance at thecoatrack and achest of drawers for shoes. Probably, nothing needs to be changed here.

You come to the kitchen: kitchen furniture, kitchenutensils,arefridgerator (fridge) with afreezer,adishdrainer,anelectricorgas cooker with anoven. Maybe, it needs acooker hood?

The dining-room is lovely. A bigdining table withchairs in the centre, acupboard withtea sets anddinner sets. There is enough place tokeep all cutlery and crockery in. Youknow pretty wellwhere things go.

The spacious living-room is the heart of the house. It is the place where you can have a chance to see the rest of your family. They come in the evening to sit around the coffee table in soft armchairs and on the sofa. You look at the wall units, stuffed with china, crystal and books. Some place is left for a stereo system and a TV set. A fireplace and houseplants make the living-room really cosy.

Your bedroom is your private area though most bedrooms are alike: asingleor adouble bed, awardrobe, one or twobedside tablesand adressing-table.

You look inside the bathroom: asink, hot andcold taps and a bath. There is nothing to see in the toilet except aflush-toilet.

You are quite satisfied with what you have seen, but still doubt disturbs you: 'Is there anything to change?' Yes! The walls of the rooms should bepapered, and in the bathroom and toilet —tiled!Instead oflinoleum there should beparquet floors. Instead ofpatterned curtains it is better to put darkerplain ones, so that they might notshow the dirt. You do it all, but doubt does not leave you. Then you startmoving the furniturearound in the bedroom, because the dressing-tableblocks out the light. You are ready to give a sigh of relief, but... suddenly find out that the lounge is toocrammed up with furniture.

Those who live inone-room or two-room flats may feel pity for those who live in houses. They do not have such problems. At the same time they have a lot of privileges:central heating, running water, a refuse-chute and... niceneighbours who like to play music at midnight.Owners of small flats are happy to have small problems and they love theirhomes no less than those who live inthree-storeyed palaces. Home, sweet home.


1. What category of owners does your family belong to?

2. How many rooms are in your flat (house)?

3 What kind of flooring do you have in your flat?

4. How are the walls of your flat finished? Are they whitewashed, tiled or wallpapered? Do you like to adorn the walls?

5. Do you have your own room? Is your room crammed with things?

6. What makes your flat look cosy?

7. Would you like to live in a flat or in a house?

8. Do you like to invite guests and friends?

9. Do you do your home up when you are expecting guests?

10. What do you think of those hosts who put more of an emphasis on the looks of their house than on the comfort of their guests?

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences:

1. В прошлом месяце мой брат купил новую квартиру.

2. В его квартире есть прихожая, гостиная, спальня, рабочий кабинет, кухня, ванная и туалет.

3. В квартире Лейлы есть все удобства: холодная и горячая вода, электрический свет, газ.

4. Какого цвета занавески в Вашей спальне? – Они розовые.

5. Что находится слева в Вашей прихожей? – Там стоит шкаф для одежды.

6. Ваша квартира на каком этаже? – На пятом.

7. Елене нравятся светлые цвета, поэтому в ее квартире преобладают белый, голубой и розовый цвета.

8. В правом углу в нашем кабинете стоит сейф, в нем хранятся все документы.

9. Я живу в десятиэтажном доме.

10. В каком районе расположена Ваша квартира?

11. Какие удобства есть в Вашей квартире?

12. Ваш дом далеко от остановки?

13. Какие комнаты есть в квартире Риммы?

14. В Вашей кухне стол круглый или прямоугольный?

Exercise 7. Translate the following quotations and write a composition expressing own opinion.

1) 'A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.' George Moore

2) 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.' John Howard Payne (Даже если мы испытываем удовольствие во время странствий, нет места лучше, чем дом, каким бы скромным (простым, незаурядным) он ни был.)

3) Men make houses, women make homes.

Exercise 8. Read the dialogues and find the logical order of the following dialogue parts:


  A Certainly, I will, - with pleasure.
  B Is there any new district in that area?
  C Why, surely. We've got a new four-room flat not far from the railway station.
  D Yes, come and see how we've settled. - Will you?
  E I hear you are moving into a new flat, aren't you?


  A At the Furniture Exhibition last Thursday. And the price isn't high. Well, but what do you think about the colour?
  B Do you like this sofa, Kate?
  C Oh, it's king-sized and looks very comfortable. Where did you manage to buy it?
  D You are lucky, Mary. It matches the curtains and the carpet on the floor. Your living-room is extremely cosy now.


  A Of course, my dear. And I'm tidying up the kitchen. Come on.
  B Take the vacuum cleaner and clean all the carpets at first. Then wipe the dust off every surface in the rooms. Don't forget to wet the duster.
  C There you are at last. The flat is in a mess and nobody is going to help me. - Oh , I'm very sorry, Mum. What can I start with?
  D Well, what about the furniture? Shall I polish it?


  A But I don't like much furniture in my room. The more furniture, the less space.
  B Let me see. Oh, yes, you are right. A large woolen carpet will really be good here.
  C Then put a carpet on the floor to make it cosy.
  D Your room seems bare. Why not put more furniture in it?

Exercise 9. Match the Russian equivalents in one column with the English phrases in another column:


1) Я ищу квартиру. 2) Я видел в газете Ваше объявление. 3) Я пришёл (звоню) по Вашему объявлению в газете. 4) Мне сказали, что у Вас, вероятно, есть свободная квартира? 5) Я хочу снять квартиру. 6) Какова оплата? 7) Я хотел бы на неё взглянуть. В пятницу подойдет? 8) Какой адрес? 9) Каковы Ваши условия? Отопление включено в оплату? 10) Когда я могу въехать? 11) Можно пользоваться телефоном? 12) Можно завести домашнее животное? 13) Я хочу остаться ещё на месяц. 14) Окно сломано. 15) Я этого не делал. 16) Это уже было сломано, когда я приехал. 17) Квартира слишком шумная, холодная, дорогая. 18) Вы можете снизить плату? a) Are pets allowed? b) Can I use the phone? c) Could you lower the rent? d) How much is the rent? e) I came (phone) in answer to you advertisement. f) I didn’t do it. g) I want to stay for another month. h) I’d like to have a look at it. i) I’d like to rent a flat. j) I’m looking for a flat (или accommodation). k) I’ve been told you might have a vacant flat? l) I’ve seen your ad in the paper. m) Is the heating included in the rent? n) It was damaged when I arrived. o) The flat is too noisy, cold and expensive. p) The window is broken. q) What are your terms? r) What is your address? s) When can I move in? t) Will Friday do? Would Friday be convenient?


1. …per week 2. All modern conveniences 3. Bedrooms with private showers 4. Central heating throughout 5. Close to Underground 6. Fully furnished 7. Limited parking space 8. No central heating 9. One month deposit 10. Reasonable Rent 11. With parking place a) В каждой спальне – отдельный душ b) в неделю c) Все современные удобства d) Задаток за 1 месяц e) Место для парковки ограничено f) Нет центрального отопления g) Отопление во всех комнатах h) Полностью меблировано i) разумная арендная плата j) Рядом с метро k) С местом для парковки

Exercise 10. Read and translate the dialogue:

Renting a house

John Brown was lucky enough to get a new job in one of the big colleges in Sheffield. The whole family is going to pack up their things and move to Sheffield. John wants to rent a house there. He read a number of advertisements in Sheffield papers the other days. He rings up in answer to one of them.

John: Good afternoon. Is that Mrs Hopkinson?

Mrs. Hopkinson: Yes, it’s me. What can I do for you?

J.: I am ringing up about the house you advertised to let.

H.: Yes.

J.: We are a large family and your house sounds the sort of place we need. Does it face a quiet street?

H.: Yes, it does. The street is really very quiet. But how many are you in the family?

J.: Four. We have two children, of the age of fourteen and eight.

H.: That’s wonderful. There is a big park two blocks away from the house with playgrounds for children and sport facilities.

J.: Are there any schools in the neighborhood?

H.: Yes, there is a private school and two comprehensive schools within fifteen minutes’ walk from the house. There is a supermarket just round the corner.

J.: I’d like to see your house, but we are still in Glasgow. We are coming to Sheffield one of these days.

H.: Don’t bother about anything. The rooms are furnished. There is a good garage for your car behind the house; and the transportation is excellent. The house air conditioned, there are lots of chests of drawers everywhere.

J.: What about the kitchen?

H.: It has all modern conveniences. There are three built-in cupboards; the fridge and microwave are built in too.

J.: Is the house very old?

H.: I am afraid it’s rather old, but it has just been redecorated. Do you know how much the rent is?

J.: I think so. It was in your ad. I am going to sign a lease for four years.

H.: You will have to pay a half-year deposit.

J.: I’d like to see the house first. Is it on Church Street?

H.: Yes. It’s Church Street, 86.

J.: Fine. We’ll call on you as soon as we come to Sheffield.

H.: I’ll expect you.

Exercise 11. Prepare your own dialogue, using the information from the advertisement:

2-rooms apartment "Deep Forest"

Bedrooms: 2

Apartment is located in one of the best district of the city - we call it "Small center": on the one hand - you are close to the historical center of St. Petersburg , on the other hand - cozy, green area spared from the city noise and dust.

The apartment is fully equipped:

- 1 real bed and 1 double sofa (in different rooms);

- kitchen has everything for cooking;

- bathroom with shower cabin;

There’s a balcony in the apartment.


- 5 minutes by walk from metro Novocherkasskaya;

- 5 minutes to the trolley-bus and bus direct to the Nevsky Prospekt ;

- 1 stop by subway to the Ladozhskiy railway station;

- 2 stops with 1 change to the Moscow Railway Station;

- 15 minutes by car from the ring road;

- 2 min. by walk to several food stores, ATM, currency exchangers, pharmacies and so on;

- 15 min walk or 1 stop on land transport to supermarket Okay;

- 2 minutes walk to the theater BUFF;

- 15 minutes by walk to the Neva River (Alexander Nevsky Bridge).


Exercise №1. Express your request:


For example: Ask (tell) John to shut the door.

John, shut the door, please.

1) Ask Bob to give you a call after five. 2) Tell Nelly to take the book from the library. 3) Ask Peter to buy some bread on his way home.

4) Tell Olga to lay the table for three. 5) Ask Helen to type these papers today.


For example: Ask (tell) John not to shut the door.

John, don’t shut the door, please.

1) Ask Nick not to speak so loudly. 2) Tell Ann not to read at lunch. 3) Ask Janet not to waste money on sweets. 4) Tell Susie not to come home so late. 5) Tell Kate not to send him a telegram.

Exercise №2. Translate the sentences using the verb Let:

1) Let us go to the theatre.

2) Let them do it.

3) Let the man listen to what I say.

4) Don’t let us take part in this competition.

5) Don’t let him go in there.

Exercise №3. Use the correct form of the verb to be:

1. ... taking five courses this semester. 2. Bill ... trying to improve his English. 3. John and Mary ... talking on the phone. 4. I need an umbrella because it ... raining. 5. We ... walking down the street when it began to rain. 6. I couldn’t get you on the phone last night, who ... you talking to so long? 7. What ... you doing now? 8. She ... listening to her favourite music at 8 o’clock tomorrow. 9. What ... you … doing when I come?

Exercise №4. Use Present Continuous (NOW):

1. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 2. Mr. Jones (to clean) his yard. 3. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen. 4. Our neighbours (to wash) their car. 5. I (to wash) my hair. 6. Who (to fix) your sink? 7. What she (to do) now? – She (to dance).

8. The children (to brush) their teeth. 9. What he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his bicycle. 10. They (to have) a big dinner together. 11. The boys (to run) about the garden. 12. I (to do) my homework. 13. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 14. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 15. A young man (to stand) at the window. He ( not to smoke) a cigarette. 16. The old man (to walk) about the room. 17. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 18. You (to have) break? 19. What language you (to study)? 20 Who (to lie) on the sofa? 21. What they (to talk) about? 22. It still (to rain). 23. I (to open) an umbrella. 24. John (not to play) computer games.

Exercise №5. Use Present Continuous or Present Indefinite:

1. We (to go) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen ! Somebody (to knock) on the door. 3. How often you (to wash) your dog ? 4. She can’t come to the phone. She (to wash) her hair . 5. Where (to be) Kate ? She usually (to sit) in the front row. I (not to know) why she (to sit) here now. 6. Please, be quiet ! The baby (to sleep). 7. What you (to laugh) at ? 8. The country-side (to be) wonderful especially when it (to snow). 9. Why you (to smoke) here ? - And where people usually (to smoke) in this building ?

Exercise №6. Use Past Continuous or Past Simple:

1. She (wash) the floor in our flat the whole morning.

2. He (not/play) football from 6 till 7 last week.

3. When I (go) out into the garden, the sun (shine) and the birds (sing).

4. You (see) my friends yesterday, when they (cross) the street?

5. We (cook) the whole morning, so we weren’t ready for the party.

6. We (ski) the whole day yesterday.

Exercise №7. Change the sentences, using Past Continuous:

1.The man is standing near the door.

2.Tom told the story.

3.The children swam in the river.

4.Is Mary wearing a white dress?

5.She went to the cinema.

6.They did not work in the garden.

7.The workers built a bridge.

Exercise №8. Ask a question to the selected word:

1. Shewas standing before the fire.

2.I was listening to their conversation.

3.They were doing the homework at six.

4.You were crossing the street at the wrong place.

Exercise №9. Change the verb into the correct form Future Continuous:

1. He (wait) for quite some time. 2. Tomorrow at this time I (dance) at a party. 3. Next week at this time I (sunbathe) at the beach. 4. At 5 o'clock you (help) you brother. 5. This evening at 8 o'clock, she (watch) a movie with her friends. 6. Nicole (have) a hard time. 7. We (smile), and they (cry). 8. Rebecca (clean) the house and John (wash) the dishes. 9. Tonight they (talk), (dance) and (have) a good time. 10. It (rain) tonight. 11. Tomorrow we (rest) and (have) fun. 12. Tonight at 10 o'clock she (come) home. 13. After tomorrow he (move) his apartment. 14. At this time tomorrow, I (sleep) deeply. 15. You (work) very hard to get that deal.

Exercise №10. Make interrogative sentences:

1. He will be coming soon.

2. We shall be flying tо London at this time tomorrow.

3. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow.

4. They will be translating the text at 5 tomorrow.

Exercise №11. Use to be going to instead of will + Infinitive:

1. He’ll finish his article in two days. 2. Prof. B. will complete his research this year. 3. They’ll report the observations at the coming symposium. 4. The conference will start its work at 10 in the morning. 5. Your co-worker will be busy with his experiment the whole day tomorrow. 6. The laboratory of our University will take up the study of this phenomenon in the near future. 7. They will have the discussion at the end of the meeting. 8. The study of such complex problems will be difficult. 9. The authors of this discovery will publish the results of their work. 10. We’ll be through with the experiment in about two hours.

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