Exercise №13. Write it in English.

1). 245; 533; 816.

2). 3,562; 7,324.

3). Сто книг; сотня страниц; сотни людей.

4). Тысяча машин; тысячи людей; миллион книг.

5). 2+3=5; 7-4=3; 3х5=15; 10:2=5.

6). 1 Января; 8 Марта.

7). Глава 5; автобус 6.

8). 3.45; 8.09.

9). 2/3; 4/5.

Exercise №14. Translate into Russian:


Второй, двадцатый, тридцать первый, тринадцатый, пятьдесят третий,

сто второй, тридцатый, семьдесят шестой, двести сорок пятый, третий, сорок седьмой, сто восемьдесят первый, шестнадцатый, тридцать третий.


1. It was Jane`s second impression.

2. Jack saw thousands of blubbers.

3. Sixty citizens voted for him.

4. Jack earned six hundred dollars a month.

5. That happened three hundred years ago.

6. This company employed fifty-nine workers.


1. Джейн выполнила восьмое упражнение.

2. Любимое число Роберта – семнадцать.

3. Мама Джейн купила двадцать восемь апельсинов.

4. У моей кузины только одна квартира.

5. Существуют три пути его дому.

6. Первое и третье тестовое задание были легкими.

7. Их первый выбор был лучшим.

8. Барбаре необходимо шесть ингредиентов для ее торта.



Grammar in practice: 1. Числительные (время) 2. Предлоги (времени, места) 3. Модальные глаголы


Answer the following questions:

1. What takes up most of your time?

2. What things do you dislike about your daily routine?

3. Is your daily routine always the same?

4. Are you happy? Why?

5. Would you like to change anything in your daily routine?

Exercise 1. Read, translate and discuss:

I'm in the first year at the university, where I'm studying English. My elder sister, Betty, is studying history at the same university. Betty canorganize her time wisely, whereas I do not know what order I should do things in. I find it hard toget up on time, and usually I do notget enough sleep. I have towind twoalarm-clocks to make sure I do notoversleep.

My sister, anearly riser, is awake by 7 o'clock,refreshed andfull of energy. While I'm wandering round the kitchen, fighting the urge to go back to bed, my sister manages tohave a quick shower, make her bed, put on makeup, do her hair, eat a full breakfast andset off to the university. It takes me an hour and a half to get ready. Ihave a hasty bite andrush out of the house. Even if Icatch a bus at once I stillarrive at the university 15 minutes late, which always makes me feel guilty.

My studieskeep me busy all day long. Ihave 14 hours of Englisha week. I alsohave lectures andseminars. At lunchtime I meet up with my sister and wehave a snack at the university cafe. After classes I make myself go to the library where I spend about six hours a weekreading for my seminars.

My sister and I come home tired. I always find excuses toput my homework off. Unlike me, my sister manages todo the houseworkandget down to homework. I like the ideaof going to bed early, but quite often I have tosit up late, brushing up on my grammar and vocabulary, though Ifeel sleepy. My sister says thatkeeping late hoursruins one's health. Of course, I agree.

As my sister and I do not get anytime off during the week, we try torelax on the weekends. One of my greatest pleasures is tolie in bed and read my favourite books. My sister is asporty person. To keep herself fit, Bettygoes for a run in the park; from time to time sheworks out in the gym.

I hatestaying in, and sometimes on Saturday night my sister takes me out to a concert or a play. Sometimes wego to a party or to a disco. But more often than not I end upcatching up on my studies and my sistergoes out. I wonder how I manage to spoil myleisure time.

Every Monday when Iawaken I think I shouldstart a new life. I honestly think that I must becomewell-organized and correct my daily routine. I make plans togo to keep-fit classes, todo shoppingwith my sister, todo the cleaning and to do a hundred other good things. But then I remember that I have tocall on my school friend in the evening, and I put off my plans till next Monday. It is always better to start a new lifein a week.

a) find the English equivalents for the following phrases in the text:

Организовать время мудро; встать вовремя; высыпаться; заводить будильник; проспать; ранняя пташка; отправиться (куда-то); впопыхах (поспешно) завтракать; cесть на автобус; прибыть в университет; заставлять кого-л. напряжённо трудиться; откладывать свою домашнюю работу; приняться за домашнее задание; сидеть допоздна; освежить свою грамматику; держать себя в форме; пойти на пробежку; упражняться в тренажёрном зале; ненавидеть оставаться дома; свободное время.

b) get ready to answer the questions:

1. When do you usually get up?

2. Who (what) wakes you up?

3. Do you do your morning exercises?

4. Do you feel sleepy in the morning or at night?

5. What are you by nature, a lark or an owl? Do you like to keep late hours?

6. Do you wash your face and neck with cold or hot water?

7. What do you usually have for breakfast?

8. What time do you usually leave home?

9. How long does it take you to get to the University?

10. How do you get there: by bus, by tram or on foot?

11. When and where do you have dinner?

12. How many lessons do you have a day? When is the last lesson over?

13. You often go to the library, don’t you?

14. What do you do in the evening?

15. Do you have supper alone?

16. When do you go to bed?

Exercise 2. Replace the underlined words with the following:

to be fond of, to prepare, to switch on, to go on foot, to brush, morning exercises.

1. I get up and turn on the radio. 2. In the morning I do my gymnastics. 3. As I live near the University I walk there. 4. He likes music and often goes to the opera. 5. I clean my teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth paste. 6. He usually does his homework at home.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

1. I wash and clean my teeth…. 2. As I live far from the University…. 3. During the break we may have…. 4. It takes me 20 minutes…. 5. When I need some books…. 6. In the evening when I have time…. 7. Our classes last…. 8. As a rule my brother takes a cup of tea and some…. 9. I was tired but….

Exercise 4. Read the list of English idioms and find their Russian equivalents in the second list.

A.To be back on track; a whole good hour; from time to time; year in, year out; on the run; in the dead of night; day in, day out; to play the fool; to twiddle one's thumbs.

B.Время от времени; валять дурака; изо дня в день; из года в год; глубокой ночью; на бегу; битый час; войти в колею; бить баклуши.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps using the words from the table:

take a shower leave for go to read go to bed get home get dressed work eat dinner
get get off get to sleep take play leave eat breakfast get up

Every day, Harold _____________ until 6 a.m. He _____________ when his alarm rings at six. He _____________ after he gets up. Then he _____________ He _____________ at 7 o’clock. After breakfast, Harold usually _____________ the newspaper. Every day, Harols _____________ work by 8 o’clock. He _____________ a bus to work at 8.15. He _____________ the bus past the University Avenue. When he _____________ the bus, he usually waves the bus driver. Harold usually _____________ work by 8.30. He _____________ all day at his desk. Harold _____________ work every day at 5 o’clock. After work, he _____________ the park. At the park, Harold _____________ with his friends. He finally _____________ at 6. a.m. Harold always _____________ by 10o’clock.

Exercise 6. a) Make up as many sentences as you can. Use the table:

  me an hour to do the homework
It takes you an hour and half to learn the new words
  him half an hour to clean the flat
It took her a quarter of an hour to cook dinner
  us 10 minutes to wash up
It will take them two hours to get to the University
  my friend   to water flowers
  my mother   to write a letter
  etc.   to go shopping
      to have breakfast
      to make a report

b) Make up questions. Let your fellow-students answer them:

    me to make your bed?
  does it take you to take a bath?
How long   him to brush teeth?
  did it take her to have dinner?
    us to brush hair?
How much time will it take them to shave?
    your friend to put the room in order?
    your mother to do morning exercises?
    your father to get to the University?
    etc. to translate a one-page text? etc.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences:

1. Обычно я встаю в 7 ч. А Вы во сколько встаете?

2. Иногда я делаю зарядку. А Вы делаете?

3. Утром я всегда пью кофе.

4. В 7.15 я умываюсь. Обычно я умываюсь 15 минут.

5. В 7.30 я завтракаю. Я ем кашу с хлебом и пью чай с конфетами.

6. Я утром не ем. Только чай пью.

7. Вы пьете черный или зеленый чай?

8. Вы утром смотрите телевизор? – Конечно.

9. Утром я всегда смотрю “Новости”.

10. Вы чем больше интересуетесь?

11. Я интересуюсь искусством и здоровьем.

12. Анна интересуется модой, Саша – спортом.

13. Кто встает в 6 ч. утра? Почему?

14. Потому что я живу далеко.

15. Мы учимся в университете.

16. Во сколько Вы одеваетесь?

17. Я одеваюсь в 7.50.

18. Сколько минут одеваетесь?

19. Обычно 10-15 минут.

20. Во сколько Вы идете на работу? – В 8 ч.

21. Я работаю с 9 ч. утра до 18 ч. вечера.

22. Во сколько Ваш обеденный перерыв?

23. Во сколько Вы обычно возвращаетесь домой?

24. Я обычно возвращаюсь в 19 ч.

25. Вы часто ходите в театр?

26. Что Вы делаете вечером?

27. Иногда я смотрю телевизор, иногда читаю книги.

28. Какие книги Вы любите читать?

29. Обычно я вечером готовлю или общаюсь с друзьями.

30. В выходные я обычно хожу в парк.

31. Во сколько Вы обычно ложитесь спать?

32. Иногда я ложусь рано, иногда – поздно.

Exercise 8. Read the following text:

Daily Routineby Vivien

My daily routine is a bit different now that I’m working freelance, but when I was working regularly at the newspaper, I would start the day by getting up at about half past seven, have a shower, brush my teeth, put in my contact lenses and try to listen to the radio at eight o’clock, because they have fifteen minutes of news in English which was useful for my work. If there were any news stories I was interested in, I would quickly jot down the information and then follow it up at work. Then I would go to work, and maybe get a cake or something on the way, if I hadn’t had time for breakfast, or buy some fruit from a little stall on the street. Quite often I walked to work, which only took about twenty minutes. It was a good way to wake up, and I’d buy a newspaper on the way so I could read about what was happening in this country, as it used to be my task to write about the political comings and goings.

When I got to work, I was usually one of the first people there, which was quite nice because it meant I could make a cup of tea - being English, of course, I drink tea all the time. Next I’d read the paper, and then I’d start working on certain tasks that I’d have to do every week for the newspaper, like writing some short news briefs or going through the papers to find any interesting, juicy stories. The things they liked were murders, bank robberies and things like that.

Then I usually had a few interviews to do, and afterwards I’d write them up on the computer, and at some point I’d go out for lunch. I liked to just go out to the market and get some vegetables. I used to be a vegetarian in England, but it’s not quite so easy here. Well, it’s not only that it’s not easy, I actually quite liked meat, in Hungary I had an excuse, to try all of the different types of meat produce. Still, I don’t eat meat every day and I very rarely cook it, so I like to buy lots of vegetables. So, I would buy peppers and tomatoes and some bread rolls and things, and then have a cold lunch. In the afternoon, it would be more of the same, writing up, or maybe working on some longer story or interview.

Now that I work freelance, I tend to work at home a lot, or to go out and do interviews and then come home and type them up. If I want to use a computer, I go to a friend’s house. She doesn’t live very far away and I have a key to her flat, so I can use her computer and her fax machine, which is really useful as I can send off articles to newspapers. It’s difficult calling newspapers in England, ‘cause you have to call them in the mornings, and so it’s very expensive. Also, I find it quite difficult dealing with people on the phone. If they don’t know who you are, they just hear a name and a voice on the other end of the line and you have to be really pushy to sell your story to them. So the business side of journalism is quite difficult, and it’s not something that I particularly enjoy.

I used to come home at about seven. I stayed quite late at work, and then did some shopping on the way back to get some food for the evening, and when I got back I’d start cooking. My flatmate would cook maybe once a week, but I actually enjoy cooking. I find it really relaxing. After thinking all day, it’s nice to just chop up vegetables and think of something really mindless, and not have to concentrate too hard. I make a lot of Indian food, I suppose. My parents used to cook lot of Indian meals with spices, so I bought lots of spices in London. Some of them are quite dif-ficult to get here. My flatmate likes pasta and Italian food, so I cook that sometimes. I also cook a lot of vegetable dishes.

After dinner, I usually watch television. I usually watch the news in English and Hungarian. Quite often on weekdays I’m too tired to go out, but, if I do, maybe I go to the cinema with my flatmate or friends, or I go out to dine at other people’s houses. Where I go also depends on how much money I have. Sometimes I go out to a restaurant or go for a pizza.

Now we’ve got all these channels on the ТУ it’s quite tempting to just stay in and watch something on TV I brought a guitar with me from England and sometimes I play that, which is quite a good way of relaxing. I don’t read as many books as I used to, say, when I was at university. This is probably because I have to read all day, reading newspapers, and I get a bit fed up with reading. So, unfortunately, I don’t read that much. I’ve bought lots of Hungarian literature though, and I keep telling myself that one day I’m going to read it all. However, when I come home from work I’m usually so exhausted that I just sit there, stare at the television and drink cups of tea all evening and go to bed maybe about midnight.

Find out whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Vivien used to get up at 6.30 when she worked in the newspaper.

2) She used to have breakfast at home.

3) She never drinks tea during the day.

4) Vivien was responsible for writing news, doing interviews and other tasks.

5) Vivien used to be a vegetarian when she lived in England.

6) When working as a freelancer, Vivien never goes out of her flat as she works from home.

7) It is really easy to sell your stories to the newspapers in England and you don’t have to be pushy.

8) Vivien likes to cook because it helps switch off from work.

9) She often cooks pasta and Italian dishes and never cooks Indian food.

10) Vivien sometimes plays guitar during her free time.

Exercise 9.Write a composition or an essay on one of the following topics.

1. The Day Everything Went Wrong.

2. How I Organize My Time.

3. The Day Before You Came. (ABBA)

4. 'Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow.' (O. Wilde)

5. The Day of a Person Is a Picture of This Person.

Exercise 10. Read the dialogues and find the logical order of the following dialogue parts:


  A Excuse my curiosity, what do you usually do at your office?
  B Sure. At 1 p.m. we’ve got a break for lunch which lasts for an hour.
  C As soon as I come to my office I have to answer telephone calls, sign documents, participate in the talks, send letters and telegrams and do many other things.
  D When do you start work in your office?
  E We start at 9.00 a.m. We have two 15-minute coffee breaks.
  F I see. I suppose, you’ve got a break for lunch.


  A Do you try to listen to the native English speakers?
  B Are you still learning English?
  C So have I. I can read English well now but it's difficult for me to speak English. And I can't always understand people when they speak English to me.
  D Yes, but I don't always get enough time for it. I have so many other problems to solve.
  E Of course, I do. It helps me to understand English. But I want to speak English too.
  F You are quite right. Thank you, I'll follow your advice.
  G Then you must speak English with your friends all the time. It's the best way to master the language.

Exercise 11. Translate the dialogue into English and reproduce it:

Рабочий день

Mary: Итак, каков твой обычный день? Ты всегда кажешься таким занятым.

Tom: Ну, обычно я встаю около 5-ти часов утра и работаю за компьютером до 6-ти.

Mary: Почему ты встаешь так рано?

Tom: Мне надо выходить из дома без двадцати семь (6:40 утра), чтобы успеть на автобус в 7 часов. Дорога от моего дома до остановки занимает у меня примерно двадцать минут.

Mary: Во сколько ты приезжаешь на работу?

Tom: На автобусе это примерно один час, чтобы добраться туда, но он останавливается прямо перед моим офисом.

Mary: Замечательно. Во сколько ты заканчиваешь работу?

Tom: Примерно в пять часов. Затем мы ужинаем примерно в 6:30 читаем и играем с детьми до восьми и что-то около этого.

Mary: Когда ты работаешь над своим вебсайтом? Ты как-то рассказал, что создаешь его дома.

Tom: Ну, мы с женой часто смотрим телевизор или разговариваем до 10 часов. Она потом часто читает, пока я работаю над сайтом. Я иногда не ложусь спать до самого утра, но стараюсь все-таки закончить все к часу-двум.

Mary: И потом вы встаешь в пять утра?

Tom: Ну да, однако важно жить сбалансированной жизнью. Мне нравится то, что я делаю, но еще надо выделять время для семьи и самого себя.

Mary: Согласна.

Tom: Но я думаю, что у моей жены самая трудная работа. Она тратит весь день, заботясь о нашей семье… отвозя детей в школу, работая в саду, покупая продукты, отправляя детей на уроки игры на пианино… [Уау!] Это работа на целый день, но ей нравится то, что она делает.

Mary: Звучит так, как будто ты занятой, но очень счастливый человек.

Tom: Я тоже так думаю.



Exercise №1. Translate the sentences into English using the given examples:


Сколько времени? – What time is it now?

1. Exercise №13. Write it in English. - student2.ru 2. Exercise №13. Write it in English. - student2.ru

It is five o’clock. It is a quarter past seven.

Пять часов. Пятнадцать минут после семи.

3. Exercise №13. Write it in English. - student2.ru 4. Exercise №13. Write it in English. - student2.ru

It is half past seven. It is twenty minutes to eight.

Половина после семи. Двадцать минут до восьми.

Без двадцати восемь.

1) Сколько времени? – Половина пятого.

2) Без двадцати пяти восемь.

3) Двадцать минут двенадцатого.

4) Спектакль начинается в половине седьмого.

5) Во сколько заканчивается фильм? – В 19.40.

6) Во сколько ты обычно уходишь в университет? – В 8ч. утра.

Exercise №2. Translate the given phrases in English:

a) on the 1st of May; on January 18th, 1967; on November 7th, 1947; at the end of 1789; 1903; at the beginning of 1999;

b) 9 мая 1945 года; 23 февраля 1917 года; 12 февраля 1962 года; к 31 января 1971; в ноябре 1957; к 27 ноября 1947; 9 января 1905; в 1812; 1941; в 2004 году.

Exercise №3. Translate the given phrases in English:

В четыре часа, в половине шестого, без четверти три, на закате, в четверть пятого, в полночь, в пять минут шестого, без десяти два, полдень, на восходе солнца, в двадцать пять третьего.

Exercise №4. Put the correct prepositions into the following sentences:

1. There are very many German books … their library. 2. Our friends have seen nobody … the beach. 3. Your son dropped his ball … the river. 4. There are no tomatoes and no cucumbers … Jane`s plate. 5. John must put his pens … his pencil-box. 6. What did your teacher write … the blackboard? 7. Our children will see many interesting animals … the Zoo. 8. Do you have anything … your pockets? 9. Mary doesn`t want to sit … this chair. 10. Our granny is not … the house. She is … the garden. 11. Jane puts newspapers and magazines … the box. 12. My husband likes to sleep … this sofa.

Exercise №5. Translate the given phrases in English:

Прыгнуть в холодное озеро, купаться в реке, играть на траве, играть в шахматы, хранить под креслом, ходить в музыкальную школу, учиться в техническом университете, поступить в университет, прийти к друзьям его брата, продавать в магазине, поехать в южные страны, поставить у кухонного окна, спать на полу, находиться в пенале, жарить на большой сковороде, варить (= кипятить) в кастрюле, смешивать в стакане, положить на полку, загорать на пляжах, нырять в море, работать в городском парке, сидеть на новой скамейке, ложиться в постель, ехать на трамвае, сесть в машину, сидеть за круглым столом, путешествовать на автобусе, отдыхать на побережье.

Exercise №6. Put the correct prepositions into the following sentences:

1. Jennifer is going to come here … the eighth of December. 2. Our pupils had the last test … Wednesday. 3. Jane`s elder brother was born … January, 1999. 4. My relatives will fly to Tunisia … five days. 5. Our children stay in the swimming-pool … two hours. 6. George got up … 04.40 a.m. a day before yesterday. 7. Renate was going to the library … classes. 8. Their boss will be busy … 16.00 … 19.00. 9. Your parents will stay there … the performance. 10. Jack wants to go to Africa … the long cold winter. 11. You will get your invitation … noon. 12. My cousin has been working in this famous company … 2005. 13. Sarah will not be able to read that report … such a short break. 14. They came back to their hotel … seven o`clock p.m. 15. Gloria helped them … 06.00 a.m. that morning. 16. He has driven … five hours. 17. That person went to Germany … seven weeks.

Exercise №7. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the predicate:

a) with a modal verb.

1. We must use new methods in our research work. 2. You may use this device in your laboratory. 3. This job cannot be done in time. 4. They ought to help their colleagues to solve this important problem. 5. He could not complete his research in time as he worked very slowly. 6. You should turn off the light before you leave the room.

b) with an equivalent of the modal verb.

1. The students were unable to do the work without their teacher’s help. He had to help them. 2. You needn’t take these documents with you. 3. You were to consult the dictionary. 4. He had to work much before he was able to complete his research. 5. You will have to show your research work to your scientific adviser. 6. Nobody was able to understand this mysterious phenomenon. 7. As the student was late he was not allowed to enter the classroom.

Exercise №8. Substitute the equivalents for modal verbs. Translate the sentences:

1. Electronic machines can add, subtract, multiply and divide much quicker than man. 2. The conference on economic problems in Russia must take place next month. 3. You may use these new devices for your research. 4. With the help of this new design the scientist could develop new methods of solving the problem. 5. The student may not leave the lab if his experiment is not over. 6. Most people must work in order to earn their living.

Exercise №9. Put a predicate of the following sentences in Past and Future Simple, change the adverbial modifier of time where it is necessary. Translate the sentences:

1. We must study the fundamentals of economics. 2. These students may work at the computer class from 9 to 12 today. 3. She can use different methods in her research work. 4. The students must explain how the economic system works. 5. Economists must study our everyday life.

Exercise №10. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the functions of the verbs to be, to have:

1. Studying economics is of great importance for future specialists. 2. Every student is to study economics for some years. 3. The quality of these goods is very high. 4. You will have to do it in time. 5. He was to come there yesterday. 6. The students are not at the auditorium. They are to be at the conference. 7. He had much work to do. He had to work hard to complete it in time. 8. Scientists have developed new methods to solve this problem. They will have to make some reports on it. 9. You want to have a new house. You will have to work hard.

Exercise №11. Make the sentences a) interrogative; b) negative:

1. Students have to know some facts of the economy in which we live. 2. He had to sit up late with this work. 3. You will have to get up very early tomorrow. 4. He had to come to the office at 5 sharp. 5. She will have to do it once over again. 6. These documents have to be filled in. 7. They had to cover the whole distance on foot. 8. We shall have to speak to him about his participation in the conference.

Exercise №12. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the different ways of expressing obligation:

1. We must explain the work of this system. 2. One should study hard to be a good specialist. 3. This problem is very complex. You have to think it over properly. 4. We ought to say that this phenomenon is worth investigating. 5. We should be prepared for scientific study of management in industry. 6. Laws must serve people. 7. The lecture is to begin at 6 o’clock. We ought to come in time. 8. You were to come to my place yesterday. Why didn’t you do that? 9. He will have to improve his knowledge of English.

Exercise №13. Translate the sentences using the equivalents to be, to have:

1. Мне пришлось сделать эту работу самой. 2. Надеюсь, ему не придётся напоминать вам об этом ещё раз. 3. Тебе приходится давать заказы каждый день? 4. Вы знаете, когда должен прийти директор? 5. Я опаздывала, поэтому мне пришлось взять такси. 6. Тебе не стоит беспокоиться, всё будет хорошо. 7. Вам придётся повторить слова, вы их плохо помните. 8. Мы должны подготовить эти документы сегодня. 9. Она сказала, что он должен придти вечером. 10. Мне никогда не приходилось делать такую сложную работу.

Exercise №14. Translate the sentences using modal verbs and the equivalents:

1.Ты можешь найти наши места? 2. Отсюда ты можешь видеть всё. 3. Можно мне взять твою ручку? Конечно, можно. 4. Она не должна вспоминать об этом. 5. Должен ли он уходить так скоро? 6. Мне следует рассказать ей об этом. 7. Надо ли им тоже приходить? 8. Им не разрешают приходить поздно. 9. Ты сможешь встретить их послезавтра? 10. Я должен остаться здесь на некоторое время. 11. Вам следует научиться расслабляться. 12. Мы вынуждены работать, чтобы зарабатывать на жизнь. 13. Должен он носить униформу? 14. Почему я вынужден повторять это? 15.Это не может быть правдой. 16. Мне нужно помыть посуду сейчас? Я очень спешу.



Grammar in practice: 1. Повелительное наклонение 2. Видо-временные формы Continuous (Active Voice)


Discuss the following questions:

1) What are your associations with the word HOME?

2) Have you got any favourite places?

3) Do you like to come back home? Why?

4) What/who do you usually miss when you are far away from home?



There are some definitions of terms “home” and “house”. The explanatory dictionary by Hornby helps us to differentiate these terms. “Home” is the house or flat that you live in, especially with your family, or it is the town, district, country that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to. The term “house” means a building for people to live in, usually for one family. So, we should remember these words and use them in a right way.

Exercise 1. Read the following text and get ready to answer the questions.

Types of houses

We can hardly say that today there exist the problem of choosing a type of housing. Everyone can find something he or she likes. For instance, some people prefer to live somewhere in the country in a small, but cosy cottage or a large farmhouse. To my mind those people, who prefer this type of dwelling really adore nature. One of advantages living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn’t a problem for you. That’s why I think over the possibility to live in a cottage when I retire.

There are also those who like semi-detached houses. I believe that such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalowsfor example and you have only one neighbour as opposed to block of flats.

Below I’ve mentioned such a type of housing as a block of flats. I consider that it’s the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats can be of different sizes: one-roomed, two-roomed, three-roomed, so one can choose a flat he/she likes. If you are going to live alone, you can prefer a studio to a large apartment. Besides among advantages of living in a block of flats some people name the fact that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But as any type of housing a flat has its disadvantages: your neighbours can make a lot of noise.

And the last type of dwelling I want to mention is a detached house. It has a lot of advantages: first of all your neighbours can never disturb you. But at the same time if you want to ask your neighbours for something or just to have a talk you can visit them.

So, there are many types of housing and all the people have the right to choose.



Anapartment in American English or flatin British English is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building. Such a building may be called an apartment building, apartment house (in American English), block of flats, tower block, high-rise or, occasionally mansion block (in British English), especially if it consists of many apartments for rent.


1) Are you a city person? Or do you prefer the country?

2) What types of housing are popular in Russia? Why?

3) Where would you like to live in future?

Exercise 2.

a) Complete the word combinations and translate them:

HOME to miss … a holiday … to make some country a … come from a happy … a broken … a dogs’ … a children’s … the tiger’s … the … of jazz … HOUSE a two-bedroom … to wake the whole … an opera … a dog… a publishing … a coffee … the … of Commons to play to a full … the Windsor ...

b) Fill in: “house” or “home”

1) How many rooms are there in your … ?

2) What’s your … town? – Bugulma.

3) What kind of a … have you got?

4) I’ll be … all day Tuesday.

5) I live in the beautiful three-bedroom … .

6) There is no place like … .

7) On the way … from school, I met Sue.

Exercise 3. Find the definitions:

1) cottage 2) caravan 3) bungalow 4) block of flats 5) castle 6) detached house 7) houseboat 8) mansion 9) palace 10) tent 11) semi-detached house 12) lighthouse 13) terraced house   a) The official home of a king. b) A tall building with many apartments. c) Not joined to another house. d) A large impressive house. e) A vehicle to live and sleep in. f) Built in one level without stairs. g) A small country house. h) A boat that people can live in. i) A house in a row of joint houses. j) A shelter used for camping. k) Built in the past for protection by kings. l) Has a shared wall with another house. m) Warns and guides the ships

Exercise 4. Read the information and compare an English home to an American or a Russian one. Are there any common features?

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