Часть А – Грамматика – Grammar

I Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. There … many rivers in Britain.

a) is b) are c) was

2. He … school 2 years ago.

a) finishes b) has finished c) finished

3. Maxwell … a professor of natural philosophy.

a) become b) becomes c) became

4. The Chicago flag … of four red stars two blue stripes.

a) consists b) consist c) consisted

5. The sun … a surface temperature of about 6,000oC.

a) has b) have c) had

6. How many regions … in Scotland?

a) there are b) are there c) be there

7. When … Maxwell organize his laboratory?

a) do b) does c) did

8. At present all universities … the departments.

a) have b) has c) had

9. … these companies use advertising in their programs?

a) do b) does c) did

10. The rooms for students … cozy.

a) be b) are c) is

II Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению.

11. They went to the concert two days ago.

a) Do they go to the concert two days ago?

b) Did they go to the concert two days ago?

c) Did they went to the concert two days ago?

12. He leaves home at 9 a.m. every day.

a) When does he leaves home every day?

b) When do he leaves home every day?

c) When does he leave home every day?

13. He will return in two hours.

a) When will he return?

b) When he will return?

c) When return will he?

14. The children are glad to have many toys.

a) Why do the children glad to have many toys?

b) Why are the children glad to have many toys?

c) Why the children are glad to have many toys?

15. There are two new buildings in the street.

a) How many new buildings are in the street?

b) How many new buildings are there in the street?

c) How many new buildings is there in the street?

Часть В – Лексика – Vocabulary

I Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словам.

subject a несколько
need b обязательный
a few c предмет
compulsory d широкий
broad e нуждаться

II Соотнесите английские и русские фразы.

сдать экзамен a under the tutor’s direction
под руководством b to be based on
по телевизору c to get a degree
получить степень d to pass exams
основываться на e on TV

III Закончите предложения из текста и переведите их.

11. Bachelor’s degree is given to ….

12. The open University is for the people ….

13. If a person gets a degree ….

14. Lectures are not always ….

Часть С – Понимание прочитанного текста – Reading Comprehension

I Прочитайте текст.

Christmas is a great religious holiday. As most Americans are Christians so it is widely celebrated in America. On this day many go to Church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many Christmas traditions which are very popular, for example to give presents to the children with the help of Santa Claus, who is said to live at the North Pole, where he makes toys for children during the whole year. Grown-ups also exchange presents and Christmas greeting cards. Americans decorate their homes for Christmas. They have a Christmas tree, which they decorate with toys and small lights. The tree may be a real fir tree from the forest or an artificial one. Gifts are given not only to children, members of the family and close friends. They are given to people who do a lot of work for other people, for example, the postman, milkman. Many firms give their workers gifts for extra money for good work. Christmas is also a time when Americans do a lot of charity work. They help the poor people, organize Christmas dinners for the homeless people. Much help is given to sick people, invalids, people of old age. During Christmas you can meet a lot of people in the streets who collect money for those who are in need.

Пояснения к тексту.

grown-up - взрослый

greeting card - поздравительная открытка

artificial - искусственный

charity - благотворительность

homeless - бездомный

II Выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок к тексту.

a) Christmas in America

b) Christmas is a holiday for all the people

c) Christmas and children

III Закончите предложение, в соответствии с содержанием текста.

On Christmas presents are given … .

a) to all the people

b) only to children

c) to the members of the family

IV Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста.

a) On Christmas people do a lot of charity work.

b) People decorate a Christmas tree.

c) Grown-ups do not exchange presents.

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