"Do you speak English?" - this question is most frequently heard when people from different countries gather. Although there are almost three thou­sand languages, English is the most universal. It is the official language in over forty countries and the most used language in international business, science and medicine. Some people believe that English should be the international lan­guage, they think things would run more smoothly if everyone spoke the same language.

It is important to learn English to feel confident. English is everywhere. It is in signs, clothing, soft drinks and household products around the world. The names of pop groups, computer software and magazines are often presented in English. English words are also used as an element of magic to be included on T-shirts, sweat shirts, caps etc. Some think English is chic, English is stylish, even when English on these designed items makes no sense. Sometimes we use English words for effect rather than as a language, for example adding "O.K!" or "No problem" to the end of our talk. I don't think whether it is good or not. It's our reality, and we live in it.

Learning English is important for you if you want to know what is going on in the world. With recent advances in technology, the world is changing rap­idly in many fields, such as business, arts and medicine. These changes will af­fect you soon and it is important for you to read and keep up with these changes. In fact, learning English is the answer to a lot of things that you need and want.

I. Read the text again. Identify the key-words and write them out.

II. Find the key sentence in each paragraph of the text “English Around the

III. Suggest a headline to each paragraph.

IV. Make up the plan of the text ‘English Around the world’. Retell the text ac­-
cording to your plan.

V. Make up a story about the English language. Use the following scheme:

the English language

English as a mother tongue   English as the national language English as one of the official languages
English as the language of international communication English as a foreigh language In Russia

Text C. How to boost your memory

Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can’t recall facts and figures or words and structures in a foreign language. Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need for your study that day? Or do you forget what Mum wanted you to get at the corner shop? Relax! Help is close at hand. There’s a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory.

Your memory is like a brilliant. In fact the memory’s capacity is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime.

Nevertheless only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that only a tiny proportion is loaded into long term memory. Most of the images and ideas that pass through our minds during a day are held for only 25 to 30 seconds. This is just long enough for us to be able to keep the words of a sentence in our head as we read it so we understand its meaning.

Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all learn to relax if you’re trying to memorize something. You may miss important items if your mind is on something else or if you weren’t paying attention because of anxiety – you retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If you’re having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size the brain uses 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords, Scrabble and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape.

You can also train your memory in certain ways. The ancient Greeks invented memory systems called mnemonics, and they still work today. Most systems involve associating the things you want to remember with something you already have safely stored in your head, and the most effective systems make use of visual imagery, smell, touch and sound. If you want to remember someone’s name, try to find something distinctive about their hair, nose or eyes to associate with the name, e.g. Jane’s wearing jewelry, Tim’s tall or Bill’s got a beard. If you want to remember numbers try to make associations between numbers in sequence – think of people’s ages, special dates, whether they’re odd or even.


boost, v повышать, увеличивать
recall, v вспоминать
tremendous, adj capacity, n огромный, гигантский способность
nevertheless, adv тем не менее
experience, n опыт
improve, v anxiety, n retain, v alert, adj increase, v requirement, n workout, n mnemonics, n   улучшать беспокойство, тревога удерживать, сохранять, помнить внимательный увеличивать потребность тренировка мнемотехника (Умственнные параллели для запоминания вещей)
involve, v imagery, n distinctive, adj sequence, n включать (в себя) изображение особенный, отличительный последовательность, очередность

I. Translate the text ‘How to boost your memory’ using a dictionary.

II. Choose a heading from the list below for each paragraph. There are some extra headings which you do not need to use.

A. A very powerful mechanism.

B. Two ways of remembering.

C. Why we forget our earliest memories.

D. Short term and long term memory.

E. Healthy body; healthy mind.

F. An old approach but a good one.

G. Are you forgetful?

III. Find in the textthe English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

вспоминать слова; огромный спектр методов; увеличить объем памяти; способности памяти; повседневный опыт; долговременная память; проходить через разум; улучшить память; научиться расслабляться; пытаться запомнить; пропустить важные пункты; уделять внимание; сохранять информацию; насыщенная кислородом кровь; тренировать мозг; умственные тренировки; визуальные образы; числа в последовательности.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. Your memory is like _____________.

2. The memory’s capacity is theoretically ______________.

3. The brain can record more than ___________________.

4. Our memories can probably hold __________________.

5. Only about 20 per cent of our daily experience _______________.

6. Healthy people can improve their memories _________________.

7. You may miss important items if __________________________.

8. If you’re having trouble concentrating, _____________________.

9. Despite its small size the brain ____________________________.

10. Try to combine study with _______________________________.

11. The ancient Greeks invented memory systems called ___________.

12. Most systems involve associating the _______________________.

13. The most effective systems make use _______________________.

Text B. ENGLISH AROUND THE WORLD - student2.ru C O N V E R S A T I O N

About myself and my family


Relations: (by birth )   РОДСТВЕННЫЕ ОТНОшения: ( по крови )
grandparents дедушка с бабушкой
grandmother бабушка
grandfather дедушка
parents родители
mother мать
father отец
son сын
daughter дочь
brother брат
sister сестра
twins близнецы
grandson внук
granddaughter внучка
uncle дядя
aunt тетя
nephew племянник
niece племянница
cousin двоюродный брат / сестра
  ( by marriage )     ( по супружеству )
husband муж
wife жена
father-in-law свекор, тесть
mother-in-law свекровь, теща
son-in-law зять
daughter-in-law невестка, сноха
sister-in-law золовка, невестка, свояченица
brother-in-law шурин, деверь
stepmother мачеха
stepfather отчим
stepson пасынок
stepdaughter падчерица
stepsister / brother сводная сестра / брат
adult, grown-up взрослый
teenager подросток
youngster юноша
baby младенец
old старый
aged, elderly пожилой
middle-aged средних лет
young молодой
elder brother / son / sister, etc. старший брат / сын / сестра и т.д.
at the age of 30 в возрасте 30
to be over 20 за 20
English ( England ) англичанин
American (America ) американец
Canadian ( Canada ) канадец
Australian ( Australia ) австралиец
French ( France ) француз
Italian ( Italy ) итальянец
Spanish ( Spain ) испанец
Norwegian ( Norway ) норвежец
Swedish ( Sweden ) швед
Dutch ( Holland or the Netherlands ) голландец
Dane ( Denmark ) датчанин
German (Germany) немец
  Jobs     ПРОФЕССИИ
journalist журналист
architect архитектор
doctor / physician врач / терапевт
nurse медсестра
surgeon хирург
dentist стоматолог
secretary секретарь
teacher учитель
waiter / waitress официант / официантка
cook повар
engineer инженер
driver водитель
worker рабочий
shop-assistant продавец
actor / actress актер / актриса
librarian библиотекарь
clerk служащий
geologist геолог
mathematician математик
musician музыкант
psycologist психолог
lawyer юрист, адвокат
accountant / book-keeper бухгалтер
office workers служащие
office контора, учреждение
hospital больница
school школа
restaurant ресторан
factory / plant / works завод
department store универмаг
theatre театр
library библиотека
bank банк

About Myself and My Family

My name is Oleg Ivanov. I was born in Alexin. It’s a nice old town, I like it very much as it’s the place of my childhood. At the age of 7 I began to attend school. I studied very well and usually received only top marks. I finished school at the age of 17. The same year I went to Tula and entered Tula State University. I want to become a good specialist in the field of electronics.

I was born in the family of professional workers. My father is an engineer, he works at a big plant. Now he is 50. He graduated from Tula Polytechnical Institute. My mother is 45, she’s a doctor and works at a hospital. I’m proud of my parents.

I have a brother and a sister. They live in Alexin. My brother is 22. He has a family of his own, they are three in all - my brother, his wife and their little son. My sister is not married, she is 17 and she is a student of Pedagogical College. She is going to be a teacher of English. She works hard and she is a good student.

We have a granny, she is a pensioner. She is well past 60, but looks young for her age. She is very kind to all of us. We also have many close and distant relatives and we are always glad to see each other.

I. Read the text ‘About Myself and My Family’ and answer the questions.

1. Where was Oleg Ivanov born?

When and where were you born?

What is the place of your mother’s birth?

2. How did Oleg study at school?

What subjects were you good at school?

What subjects did you dislike?

3. What are Oleg’s parents?

What are your parents?

4. Where does his father (mother) work?

Where do your parents work?

5. How old is Oleg’s mother?

How old is your mother?

How old are you?

6. Does Oleg have a brother or a sister?

Do you have a brother or a sister?

Are you an only child?

7. Oleg’s brother is very young, isn’t he?

Are you very young?

8. Is Oleg’s sister married?

Are you married?

9. What college does Oleg’s sister study at?

What University do you study at?

10. Why did Oleg enter the University?

Why did you enter the University?

11. How old is Oleg’s granny?

How old are your grandparents?

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