Упражнения на To Be Going To

Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1II am going to have some practice at the laboratory. 2.I am going to clean the flat. 3. John is going to shave. 4. They are going to have a rest in the country. 5. Ann is going to turn off the gas. 6. The boy is going to brush his clothes, isn't he? 7.I am going to turn on the light. 8. His family are going to listen to the seven o'clock news, aren't they? 9. Who is going to have a bite? 10. What are you' going to do? 11. They are going to stay out of town for a fortnight. 12. I'm going to look through his article.

Make up as many sentences as you can according to the following models.

M o d e l 1 : I am (not) going to turn on the light. I am (not) turning on the light. I have (already, just) turned on the light. (I have not turned on the light yet.)

M o d e l 2 : Are you going to turn on the light? Are you turning on the light? Have you turned on the light (yet) ?

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.Are you going to have your English this evening? 2. When are you going to have your English? 3. What are you going to do in the evening? 4. When are you going to do your exercises? 5. When are you going to read this book? 6. When are you going to speak to your friend? 7. When's your friend coming to Moscow?8. When are you going to take your examination?

4. Complete the following sentences and let your fellow-student respond to them:

1. I am (not) going to ... . 2. Are you going to ...? 3. It has taken me ... . 4. Something has gone wrong with .... 5. David is sure to ... . 6. Are you sure to ...? 7. Look here, Mary ... . 8. I'm afraid ... . 9. I should like to ... . 10. It is so nice to ... . 11. What about ...? 12. It doesn't take me long to ... . 13. Has it taken you long to ...? 14. How long does it take ...? 15. It's a pity to ... . 16. It's a pity you haven't ... .17. It's a pity he can't ... . 18. How clever of you to .... 19. I look forward to .... 20. He can't manage to ... .

5. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

1.Я собираюсь изучать французский язык. 2. Когда вы поговорите с вашим преподавателем? 3. Что вы будете делать вечером? 4. Я сделаю эти грамматические упражнения на до урока. 5. Мы не будем писать диктант, мы будем читать новый текст.

7. Read the recipe and guess what we are going to have for dinner today:

Pour water into a sauce-pan, put some meat into it. While it boils peel and cut beetroot, carrots, parsley and onions. Heat 2 spoonfuls of butter in the frying pan. Fry vegetables in it, add sliced tomato or tomato puree and cover the lid on. Stir the vegetables, add some water if necessary, let them simmer. Remove them into the sauce-pan. After 15-20 minutes add some cut cabbage, salt, vinegar and sugar to your taste. Put potatoes either whole or cut up. Boil it until it's quite ready. Serve with sour cream. Ingredients:

500 gr. meat

300 gr. beetroot

200 gr. fresh cabbage100 gr. onions

100 gr. freash tomatoes or 1 spoonful of tomato pureevinegar



Обзорные упражнения.

1. a) Comment on the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous:

1. He was tired — he was so very tired. It seemed to him that he had been tired for a very long time. 2. Grant went to the drawing-room, where Alison was sitting with a book. 3. She listened, but could not follow what was being said. 4. When it was time to go I asked if I could see the rooms I had lived in for five years. 5. Nobody knew he was going to London on Sunday. 6. All the stories in this book were written before the first World War.

b) Use the required past tense instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. It (to be) the poorest room Hilary ever (to see). 2. No sooner she (to arrive) at the station than a fast London train (to come in). 3. It (to be decided) to say nothing to Sidney until the answer (to be received). 4. Arthur (to go) up to his room. Nothing in it (to be changed) since his arrest. 5. No wonder he (to be) very tired. He (to work) too hard for the last three months, 6. I (to tremble) tike a leaf. 7. Mr. Dennant, accustomed to laugh at other people, (to suspect) that he (to be laughed) at. 8. She (to say) it in a voice he never (to hear) before. 9.1 (to look) into the kitchen. Mary-Ann (to put) the supper on a tray to take it into the dining-room. 10.1 (to be) fifteen and just (to come) back from school for the summer holiday. 11. It (to rain) heavily since the morning and she (not to allow) the children to go out. 12. Soon I (to get) a letter from her to the effect that she (to return) from the South of France; she (to want) me to meet her. 13. Trafalgar Square (to be laid) about a hundred years ago. 14.1 (to finish) my work for the day and (to rest) quietly in my arm-chair, flunking of the days that (to go) by. 15. George, who (to laugh) loudly, suddenly (to break off). 16. When Bambys mother (to stand) up her head (to be hidden) among the branches. 17. She (to read) the book ever since she (to come) from school and couldn't tear herself away from it. 18. She (to know) Jim for more than ten years, ever since her husband, who (to teach) at that time in a Grammar school in London, first had made his acquaintance through the Labour Party. 19. He (to say) he (to wait) for more than an hour. 20. I (to be) sure they (to talk) about me, because they (to break off) as soon as I (to enter). 21. He (to say) he (to get) two letters from Alice. 22. The rain that (to fall) since the morning (to cease) by the afternoon, but a strong wind still (to blow) and the sky (to be covered) with dark clouds.

2. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to the use of tenses:

1. Я слышал, что он недавно вернулся с Дальнего Востока. 2. Послушай, Том, я все хочу поговорить с тобой. 3. Мы не ожидали, что он придет, но он пришел. 4. Он был болен уже два дня, когда послали за доктором. 5. Интересно знать, что он обо всем этом думает. 6. У тебя покраснели глаза. Ты плакала? 7. История, которую он вам сейчас рассказывал, — чистейшая выдумка. 8. Он тяжело дышал и не мог вымолвить ни слова. 9. Я никогда его не встречала и не знаю, как он выглядит. 10. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала, и подошла к окну. 11. А теперь мне надо укладываться, мы уезжаем рано утром. 12. Зачем ты открыла окно? На улице очень шумно. 13. Вы нашли журнал, который потеряли вчера? — Да. — А где вы его нашли? — На письменном столе отца. Он взял его почитать перед сном. 14. С минуту она смотрела на отца, затем повернулась и вышла из комнаты. 15. Она всегда задает вопросы. 16. У тебя такой расстроенный вид. О чем они с тобой говорили?

3. Use the reguired tense instead of the infinitives in brackets:

"Shall I call again tomorrow?" (to ask) the doctor, before taking leave of the old man.

"Oh, no, we (to send) for you if she (not to be) so well," he (to reply). "She (to have) hardly any temperature today; her cough is easier; and the pain quite (to disappear). I can't think, though, how she (to catch) this germ. She hardly (to be) out of the house for the last three weeks, owing to the intense-ness of the cold, and nobody else (to have) influenza, or even a cold."

"She (to be) certainly very subject to infection. She ever (to try) a course of injections to strengthen her system against these germs? Three injections at intervals of a week, at the beginning of the winter, will often work marvels."

"It (to be) difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," (to sigh) the father, "but when she (to be) better I certainly (to suggest) it to her."

4. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the required tense, paying attention to the sequence of tenses:

Many years ago I (to be thrown) by accident among a certain society of Englishmen, who, when they (to be) all together, never (to talk) about anything worth talking about. Their general conversations (to be) absolutely empty and dull, and I (to conclude), as young men so easily (to conclude), that those twenty or thirty gentlemen (to have) not half a dozen ideas among them. A little reflection (to remind) me, however, that my own talk (to be) no better than theirs, and consequently that there (may) be others in the company who also (to know) more and (to think) more than they (to express). I (to find) out by accident, after a while, that some Of these men (to have) more than common culture in various directions: one or two (to travel) far, and (to bring) home the results of much observation; one or two (to read) largely, and with profit; more than one (to study) a science; five or six (to see) a great deal of the world. It (to be) a youthful mistake to conclude the men (to be) dull because their general conversation (to be) very dull. The general conversations of English society (to be) dull; it (to be) a national characteristic.

5. Use the required teases instead of the infinitives in brackets:

I (to notice) that when someone (to ask) for you on the telephone and, finding you out, (to leave) a message begging you to call him up the moment you come in, the matter (to be) more important to him than to you. When it (to come) to making you a present or doing you a favour most people (to be) able to hold their impatience. So when I (to be) told by Miss Fellows, my landlady, that Mr. Alroy Kear (to wish) me to ring him up at once, I (to feel) that I (can) safely ignore his request.

I (not to see) Roy for three months and then only for a few minutes at a party. "London (to be) awful," he (to say). "One never (to have) time to see any of the people one (to want) to. Let's lunch together one day, shall we?"

As I (to smoke) a pipe before going to bed I (to turn) over in my mind the possible reasons for which Roy (may) want me to lunch with him.

(After S. Maugham)

6. Comment on the use of tenses in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. She looked at me wonderingly as if asking, "What has been happening to me?" 2. Her soft voice made him tremble. "I feel you've been here for years," she said'. 3. And now, Daddy, I think I'd better go back, in case Mummy's wondering where I am. 4. Then she woke up and said, "Have I been asleep?" 5.1 hope I haven't disturbed you. You weren't asleep, were you? 6. "You've grown!" said Randall. It was true. She had changed. 7. Goodness gracious! What's that? It's the clock striking! So late, and I have been keeping you awake. Good night, Ellen. 8. "Steve loved birds," said Miranda. "He always used to feed them. He would ring a bell every morning and the birds would come." 9. The wind had dropped a little and from somewhere behind the house a cuckoo was calling. 10. You speak to me, as you always do, with the voice of reality. And what you've been saying is quite right. 11. Emma removed her glasses and set her knitting aside. She caressed her closed eyes for a moment with long fingers. 12. She said, rousing herself, "Sorry, Lucy, what did you say?" 13. When Francis and Foy left, Katherine asked Lewis what they had been telling him about young Luke. 14. Do you know when the results will be out? 15. He looked at his watch. It was time to go in now. Mildred would be waiting for him.

7. Use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets:

The landlady (to bring) the tea. I (not to want) anything, but Ted (to make) me eat some ham. Then I (to sit) at the window. I (not to look) round when the landlady (to come up) to clear away, I (not to want) anyone to speak to me. Ted (to read) a book; at least he (to pretend) to, but he (not to turn) the page, and I (to see) the tears dropping on it. I (to keep on) looking out of the window. It (to be) the end of June, and the days (to be) long. I (to look) at the people going in and out of the public-house and the trams going up and down. I (to think) the day never (to come) to an end; then all of a sudden I (to notice) that it (to be) night. All the lamps (to be lit).

"Why you (not to light) the gas?" I (to say) to Ted. "It's no good sitting in the dark."

He (to light) the gas. I don't know what (to come) over me. I (to feel) that if I (to go on) sitting in that room I (to go) mad. I (to want) to go somewhere where there (to be) lights and people.

8. Use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian:

I. Let's have dinner up here. If we (to go) down to the restaurant we (to be interrupted), and the music (to be) so loud there. We (not to be) able to hear each other speak. 2. You really never (to be) to a ball before, Leila? 3. My wife (to be) in Europe for the last ten months on a visit to our eldest girl, who (to be married) last year. 4. Hello, John! You (to wait) long? 5. She (to tell) him that she (to ring) him, but she (not to do) so. 6. He (to look) up with surprise, "India? You (to go) to India?" 7.1 never (to know) anyone I (to like) as much as I (to like) you. I never (to feel) so happy with anyone. But I (to be) sure it (not to be) what people and what books (to mean) when they (to talk) about love. 8. It was now over a year. He (not to hear) from her since she (to leave), except for a postcard. 9. The green door (to open) and (to shut) again and all (to be) silence. He (to wait) a minute or two. What they (to say) to each other now? 10. She (to be) disappointed if you (not to come). Randall (to hesitate). "No," he (to say). "I (not to come) in. You can go alone." 11. Good heavens, my old doll! You (to find) it in Ann's room? I (to forget) all about it by now. 12. My mother (to come) to stay with us next weekend. 13. The garden (to look) quite different now when the leaves (to fall). 14.1 (to be) sure you (to finish) your work by six o'clock. 15. She (to say) she (to do) the washing tomorrow. 16. Jago told Eliot that Nightingale and he just (to discuss) the future of the college.

9. . Use the required tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets and comment on their use:

1.1 only want to ask when the decision (to take); we'd like to know the date, that's all 2. "Hallo, you two," he (to cry) gaily. "Where you (to hide)?" 3. I'm afraid I must be off now. My parents (to come) to see me unexpectedly. Thank you, Mrs, Welch. I (to enjoy) myself very much. Good-bye. 4. Margaret Peel (to tell) me that Bertrand (to come) down at the weekend. 5. He was alarmed by the thought that he (to have) to talk to the girl all the way back. 6. In the dining-saloon he (to notice) that the dark man who (to sit) alone (to be) now at a table with Mrs. Cockson and Mrs. Benson. 7. Mr. Pinfold (not to sleep) for very long. He (to awake) as usual very early. 8.1 don't see what you (to drive) at. 9. I know very little of him, though we (to live) so near all these years. 10.1 (to want) us to have a little talk for quite some time, old boy. Ever since that summer Ball, in fact. 11. As they (to stroll) up College Road, Beesley began talking about the examination results in his Department 12.1 want to send a telegram. I (not to feel) very well. I (to wonder) if you (can) write it for me? 13. Dixon was a bit disappointed, he (to feel) none of the pleasurable excitement he (to expect). 14. We (to come) for you when we (to want) you. Better lock the door. 15.1 (to have) my eye on him ever since we (to start). You (to notice) anything odd about him? 16. He was not a cruel man by nature, and (to be) secretly a little ashamed of the part he (to play) during the last month.

10. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you bought this book? 2. When did you buy it? 3. Have you seen this play? 4. When did you see it? 5. Have you made this dress yourself? 6. When did you make it? 7. What were you doing at 7 last night? 8. Were you knitting at that moment? 9. What were you reading when I entered? 10. What were you singing when he came? 11. Why were you laughing when you saw him? 12. Why was the baby crying? 13. What were you doing when we rang you up? 14. What were they writing when the teacher entered? 15. What was he listening to when you called him? 16. What were you reading when the door-bell rang? 17. Where were you going to when I stopped you? 18. Where was the boy running when you saw him?

11. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense-form:

1. They (to go) to the Maly Theatre last week. 2. They (to be) to the theatre twice this week. 3. He (to come) home, (to have) a short rest, (to read) an article from the latest magazine and (to begin) to prepare his lessons. 4.When (to return) your friend from the South? -- She (to return) yesterday. -- You (to go) to the station to meet her? - - No, I (can) not. I (to be) too busy. 5. With whom (to discuss) you this question yesterday? 6. I (to see) this film this week and I like it very much. 7. When I (to enter) the kitchen, I (to see) that my mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage. She (to cook) dinner. 8. As soon as I (to hear) a cry I (to run) out of the room and (to see) that the child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). "What (to happen)? (To hurt) you yourself?" 9. I (to want) to get tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre. - You (to want) to hear the new opera? (Not to hear) you it yet? 10. What (to go) you to do? -- Now I (to go) to have a bite. I (to have) not any dinner today. 11. As soon as I (to see) him, I (to understand) that he (to work) hard. He (to think) of something very important for him and (not to notice) anything. 12. Your brother (to return) from the North? -Yes, he (to come) two days ago. 13. (To be) you to the Crimea? When (to be) you there? - I (to stay) there for two months in 1979. I (to remember) I (to like) everything there, and most of all I (to like) the sea.

12. Respond to the following sentences:

1. Will you come to our party? 2 Is it late to go downstairs to the laboratory? 3. Have some more coffee, will you? 4. I am so thankful to you, you have helped me a lot. 5. It's so cold today. 6. Let's go to the museum together. 7. You don't know our new secretary, do you? 8. I've already invited their parents to our party. 9. I should like to join our English choir. 10. She is very good at swimming. 11. I find it rather difficult to study a foreign language. 12. Will you go to the Caucasus in summer? 13. We are going to have a test in oral practice this week. 14. He has passed his exam in Chemistry and got an excellent mark. 15. The girl has failed at her exam, you know. 16. Would you like to go to the skating-rink tonight? 17. He is very good at skating. 18. Will you put my fountain-pen right? 19. Will you turn off the tap? The bath is full of water. 20. Shall I turn on the radio? I should like to listen to the news. 21. I'm so sorry. I can't get this book. 22. It's so stuffy here. You should air the room. 23. How could you say such a thing?

13. a) Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. It is as chilly today as it was yesterday. 2. The frost will be as hard tomorrow as it is today. 3. She is as fond of frosty weather as her brother is. 4. It has stopped raining. 5. She will be working when you come. 6.Pressure will remain high.

14. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the Wilsons arrive in Moscow? 2. Where did they come from? 3. They came to Moscow on a visit, didn't they? 4. What do people usually do when they come to a town for the first time? 5. What did they want to see in Moscow? They wanted to see as much as possible, didn't they? 6. Who took them sightseeing about the city? 7. What places of interest did the guide show them? 8. Did they do much sightseeing? 9. Did the Wilsons like the centre of out city? 10. What did they admire most of all? 11. Where is Moscow University situated? 12. What did the tourists see from the Vorobyev Hills? 13. Where else can one enjoy a most beautiful view of the whole city from? 14. Can you describe the centre of Moscow? 15. In which street do you live? 16. How long does it take you to get to the University from your place? 17. Does your friend live in the suburbs of Moscow? 18. Can you tell me the way from here to Petrovka Street? 19. How does your father usually get home from his office? 20. Is it easy to get a taxi during rush hours ? 21. If one of your friends came here for sightseeing what would you advise him to see if he had: one day; two days; a week or a fortnight?

15. a) Write all possible questions to which the following sentences are answers. b) Each sentence describes a

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