Speciality of economy and management

1 World economy ; Economist

2 Economy and management at the enterprise; Economist-manager

3 Management of organization; Manager

Machine-building specialities

1 Machines and technology of foundry manufacture ; Engineer

2 Machines and technology of metals processing by pressure ; Engineer

3 Equipment and technology of welding manufacture ; Engineer

4 Machines and technology of highly effective metal processing ; Engineer

5 Control and informatics in technical systems ; Engineer

6 Mechatronics ; Engineer

7 Robots and robotic systems ; Engineer

8 Agricultural machines and equipment ; Engineer

9 Technical service and maintenance of technological machines and equipment (motor transport); Engineer

10 Device-building ; Engineer

11 Metrology and metrological maintenance ; Engineer

12 Standardization and certification ; Engineer

13 Engineering business in medical and biological practice ; Engineer

14 Machines and devices of food manufactures ; Engineer

15 Technology of art processing of materials ; Engineer -technologist

16 Hydraulic machines, hydro-drives and hydro-automatics ; Engineer

17Technology of machine-building ; Engineer

18 Technology of air craft building ; Engineer

19 Metal-cutting machines and tools ; Engineer

20 Dynamics and durability of machines ; Engineer

21 Quality control ; Engineer-manager

22 Automation of technological process and manufactures (in machine-building); Engineer

Read and translate the text.

My Future Profession

When a person leaves a high school, he understands that the time to choose his future profession has come. It is very important to make a careful choice of future profession and a job at once. Leaving school is the beginning of independent life, the start of a more serious examination of a man’s abilities and character. As a rule, it is difficult for many school leavers to give a definite and right answer straight away.

As for me, I’m a “would be” engineer – a great piece of luck! This year I have managed to cope with and passed entrance competitive exams and now I’m a “freshman” (a first year student) of Rostov State Technical University. It aims to give the students the top level education and to enable them to carry on scientific research. After completing a course of five years our Department graduates can continue their studies and research and defend their thesis to get a scientific degree.

I have always been interested in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. That is why I consider engineering as a career. To my mind it is a very challenging, intellectual,vital, rewarding, stimulating and responsible work. Of course, you really need a sense of responsibility to cope with this job. Sometimes it is tedious, stressful and unsecure and it can be a real challenge to your character, but if you are devoted to it and ready to take the responsibility, you will definitely enjoy gratitude and respect if you go in for engineering.

Of course, it is for the future to decide whether it would be a factory or plant, business employment or any other institute, but anyway I’m sure this job is my cup of tea.

Language work

1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

To make/ take a careful choice, to have no choice, to be interested in, to consider … as a career, to take up a career/ a job, go in for …, to be in/ out of one’s line, to be one’s cup of tea, rewarding/ stimulating work, to be devoted to smth., to be responsible for smth., to take/ accept responsibility, to have/ need a sense of responsibility, to cope with smth., to earn/ enjoy gratitude and respect, the most vital job, a rewarding job, a challenge to your character, the same routine, stimulating work, career, challenge, choice, job, profession, reliable, responsibility, responsible, vital, vocation.

3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

Быть преданным своей работе, интересоваться чем-то, справляться с чем-то, делать тщательный выбор, работать (не) по профессии, заслужить благодарность и уважение, жизненно необходимая работа, не иметь выбора, подумывать о профессии …, быть чьим-то призванием, вызов характеру, надежный, ответственность, однообразие/ рутина, надежный, брать на себя ответственность, благодарная/ стимулирующая работа, быть ответственным за что-либо, иметь/ нуждаться в чувстве ответственности, карьера, призвание, работа, ответственный.

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