XII. Проанализируйте перевод фрагмента сказки С.А.Пушкина.

  Три девицы под окном Пряли поздно вечерком. «Кабы я была царица, — Говорит одна девица, — То на весь крещеный мир Приготовила б я пир». «Кабы я была царица, — Говорит ее сестрица, — То на весь бы мир одна Наткала я полотна». «Кабы я была царица, — Третья молвила сестрица, — Я б для батюшки-царя Родила богатыря».       Three fair maidens, late one night, Sat and spun by candlelight. “Were our tsar to marry me,” Said the eldest of the three, “I would cook and I would bake — Oh, what royal feasts I’d make.” Said the second of the three: “Were our tsar to marry me, I would weave a cloth of gold Fair and wondrous to behold.” But the youngest of the three Murmured: “If he married me — I would give our tsar an heir Handsome, brave, beyond compare.’’    

(A.Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Tr. by Louis Zellikoff)

XIII. Переведите стихотворение на русский язык.


To Electra

I dare not ask — a kiss,

I dare not beg a smile,

Lest having that, or this,

I might grow proud the while.

No, no the utmost share
Of my desire shall be
Only to kiss the air

That lately kissed thee.


Переведите текст популярной песни.


You Are My Destiny

You are my destiny

You share my reverie

You are my happiness

That’s what you are.

You have my sweet caress

You share my loneliness

You are my dream come true

That’s what you are.

Heaven and heaven alone

Can take your love from me

‘Cause I’d be a fool

To ever leave you dear

And a fool I’d never be.

You are my destiny

You share my reverie

You’re more than life to me

That’s what you are.

You are my destiny

You share my reverie

You are my happiness

That’s what you are.

Переведите текст вашей любимой английской/американской песни.

  XII. Проанализируйте перевод фрагмента сказки С.А.Пушкина. - student2.ru


  XII. Проанализируйте перевод фрагмента сказки С.А.Пушкина. - student2.ru

Переведите следующие тексты, учитывая их

Функциональный стиль и жанровую специфику.

I. From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as usual, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-colored blossoms of the laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flame-like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid jade-faced painters who, in an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the black-crocketed spires of the early June hollyhocks, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive, and the dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.

(O.Wilde. The picture of Dorian Gray)


а) Репка.

Позвала кошка мышку.

Мышка за кошку,

Кошка за Жучку,

Жучка за внучку,

Внучка за Бабку,

Бабка за Дедку,

Дедка за репку,

Тянут-потянут и вытянули репку.

б) Колобок

Я колобок - колобок,

Я по коробу скребен,

По сусеку метен,

На сметане мешон,

Да в масле пряжон,

На окошке стужон.

Я от дедушки ушел,

Я от бабушки ушел,

Я от зайца ушел,

Я от волка ушел,

От медведя ушел,

От тебя, лиса, нехитро уйти!



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