I. Запомните американо-британские лексические эквиваленты и подготовьтесь к письменному тесту.

Британский вариант 1. to go to the pictures 2. Surname   3. Lift 4. Flat 5. Toilet   6. to ring up   7. trunk call 8. telephone is engaged 9. to fill in (the papers) 10. to queue up 11. post code 12. to hire 13. petrol 14. filling station 15. subway (tunnel) – подземный переход, туннель 16. underground (tube, metro) 17. lorry 18. pavement 19. railway 20. single ticket 21.return ticket 22. timetable 23. coach 24. town center 25. luggage 26. carriage (of a train) 27. foyer 28. reception 29. ground floor 30. cooker   Американский вариант to go to the movies (to a movie) Last name Family name Elevator Apartment Bathroom Restroom to call to give a call long-distance call telephone is busy to fill out (the papers) to line up zip code to rent gas gas station underpass   subway truck sidewalk railroad one-way ticket round trip ticket schedule bus down town baggage car lobby front desk first floor stove  

VII. Прочитайте текст на английском языке и подберите русский эквивалент пословиц[54] из предложенного синонимического ряда или предложите свой вариант.

1) After that we went downstairs and were met by Mr. Franklin and Mr. Godfrey. The two gentlemen were asked several questions. Released from examination Mr. Franklin whispered to me: “That man will be of no use to us. Superintendent Seegrave is an ass” In his turn, Mr. Godfrey whispered to me: “Evidently a most competent person, Betteredge, I have the greatest faith in him!” Many men, many opinions, as one of the ancients said.


Var.: So many men, so many minds. So many heads, so many minds. So many men, so many opinions. Many men, many minds. Everybody to his own opinion. Every man to his taste. So many countries, so many customs. So many wells, so many buckets.

а) Сколько людей, столько умов.

б) Сколько голов, столько умов.

в) У всякой пташки свои замашки.

2) “There are a number of possibilities open to you. You can relax in private, or do a bit of writing for the papers, or go into industry with our friend Kohlenberg’s assistance, or write memoranda for government departments, or become a military consultant, or even return to the active list again – the choice is unlimited.” Ianz nodded curtly, “My motto has always been deeds rather than words, as you know.”


Var.: Deeds rather than words. Few words, many deeds. Actions speak louder than words. Easier said than done. Better to do well than to say well. Actions not words.

а) Дела, а не слова.

б) Больше дела, меньше слов.

в) От слова до дела далеко.

г) Не спеши языком, торопись делом.

3) “Do you really mean that she will get well?” “Oh, I quite hope so”, answered the doctor, smiling; “I should have told you so before this, only it was better not to shout until we were out of the wood.”


Var.: Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood. Don’t whistle till you are out of the wood. Do not boast until you see the enemy is dead. Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them. First catch your hare, then cook him.

а) Не говори гоп, пока не перепрыгнешь.

б) Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.

в) Хвали ясное утро ясным вечером.

I. Запомните американо-британские лексические эквиваленты и подготовьтесь к письменному тесту. - student2.ru ВАРИАНТ ЗАДАНИЙ №2

I. Выявите параметры, по которым различаются данные синонимы:

a) happen, occur, chance, come about, befall, betide

b) injure, harm, hurt, damage, impair

c) climb, ascend, mount

d) decline, refuse, reject

e) leave, abandon, forsake, desert

f) pursue, chase, follow

  I. Запомните американо-британские лексические эквиваленты и подготовьтесь к письменному тесту. - student2.ru

II. Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на

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